809 resultados para Fragmentary Writing


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We try to relate this research with other logic, to discover a path of practical approach to approach a creation composed of fragments and a search of parameters for the aesthetics of appropriation. Accordingly, we find relationship with the theater composed of fragments, where different styles are appropriate theatrical and representational styles are merged with each other. Discusses in the first chapter on the theater composed of fragments, and stroll through lanes of the strategies of some directors in the ways of the contemporary scene. In the second chapter we seek procedures and concepts of atmosphere Mikhail Tchekhov (TCHEKHOV, 1996), and the transition from point-to-point by Scott McCloud (2005). In the third part we describe the observation of the experiment conducted by the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Regional Theatre at the University of Cariri in Juazeiro, Ceará, in 2010. Using the methodology of "pesquisa-ação", observing that the scenic writing end of the experiment, called "Toque Me", and the presentation in the cities of Crato and Barbalha, in August 2010, contained elements of the strategies from theater fragmentary scenes and conceptual contents of contemporary theater


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This study is connected to the research line Poéticas da Modernidade e Pós -Modernidade, of the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Linguagem, in the subarea: Comparative Literature - CCHLA/UFRN. Its main goal is to see fragmentation of writing as an aesthetic resource highlighted in the work of Tutaméia by Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967), and in Livro sobre nada by Manoel de Barros (1916). We undertake as a starting point the view that these works are allegorical expressions. We have as a basis the German philosopher Walter Benjamin (1984) conception about baroque allegory, that uses amorphous fragment and constitutes a dialectical expression, in which each person, each thing, each relation, may mean any other one (1984, p. 196). We see the stylistic features as used by Guimarães Rosa and by Manoel de Barros in the construction of poetics capable of breaking the boundaries between artistic genres, literary and discursive, adding oral, musical and plastic elements to writing. We also analyze the development of fragmentary poetics, in which the voice of the narrator/lyrical I, the characters, space, plot and time exhibit the fragment as a factor that contributes to the great ambiguity of the two works and to create a new language, performative and vibrant, rich in alluring images, allegories


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Este trabalho pensa o romance Marajó de Dalcídio Jurandir como um bem de cultura numa perspectiva pós-colonial, na qual se questiona e se rearticula os discursos hegemônicos e homogeneizadores da modernidade. Proponho, desse modo, defender a idéia de que, à semelhança do arquipélago do Marajó, o romance homônimo de Dalcídio Jurandir pode nos dizer que sob a aparente homogeneidade da região está o ambivalente e o heterogêneo, e que essa narrativa redefine, portanto, o processo simbólico e o imaginário social sobre a Amazônia que, tradicionalmente, têm constituído a imagem dessa região.Para tanto, demonstro como se forja um novo signo cultural a partir da representação de um espaço que oscila entre o documento e ficção, bem como da representação de um sujeito em condição fronteiriça e ambivalente e de uma escrita que se faz dupla e fragmentária. A fundamentação teórica desse estudo consiste, sobretudo, nos pressupostos a respeito da construção de narrativas que representam uma nação e criam uma identidade cultural estabelecidas, principalmente, por Timothi Brennan, Homi Bhabha e Stuart Hall, bem como, na idéia de dissimulação e suplemento depreendidas dos estudos de Barthes e Jacques Derrida; nas contribuições de Deleuze e Guatarri, Donaldo Schuller, Finazzi-Agro,Garcia Canclini, Costa Lima, Angel Rama, dentre outros, para se pensar a condição do sujeito e a construção do espaço na narrativa dalcidiana, e, ainda, nas contribuições analíticas de pesquisadores da obra dalcidiana como Assmar, Vicente Salles, Marli Tereza Furtado, Castilo,dentre muitos outros.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este ensaio aborda a poética de Harryette Mullen, poetisa afro-americana cuja obra questiona os limites que moldam as expectativas pela inteligibilidade acessível na literatura afro-americana. Os poemas de Mullen exploram as bordas da inteligibilidade, avançando para além das expectativas por uma forma visível/ Rev. Let., São Paulo, v.52, n.1, p.101-120, jan./jun. 2012. 119 inteligível de linguagem que abarcaria a experiência da negritude. Argumenta-se que a escrita na poesia de Mullen funciona como um processo de miscigenação ao jogar com a ilegibilidade da negritude, para além de uma linha visível de distinção entre o que é ou que deveria ser considerado como parte apropriada da negritude, o que possibilita novas formas de reflexão sobre a poesia como um instrumento politicamente significativo para se repensar o papel da poetisa e do poeta negros no espaço da diáspora negra.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Front of the possibility of acting with the teachers who teach in schools of Early Childhood Education for children aged six years, about the re-siginification of the understanding of writing language and of the importance of the child in this age group establish a positive relationship with this mode of language, was developed in 2011, a project linked to the Teaching of UNESP titled “Depathologization learning of the writing and inclusive education: reflections and actions of the teacher of Early Childhood Education”. This project aims to identification of the actions, in the classroom, of the patologization and subsequent implementation of actions depathologization writing by teachers’ actions, considering the increasingly early systematization of formal education of this kind of language in kindergarten. To this end, procedures that characterize the collaborative methodology are adopted. Throughout the methodological course, the engagement of the teachers, of the coordination and of the direction was valued, which seemed to favor both the formation, as the maintenance of the group, were very important aspects to ensure the interaction between its members and the common interest in the reflection about the topic in question. This paper focuses attention on whether thematic axes highlight during the initial survey of the expectations of teachers subsequently addressed in theoretical and reflective meetings leading up to identification of actions the patologization and/or of the proposition of the actions despatologizadoras of the learning of the writing, and in what refers to the way they are addressed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This essay addresses the poetics of Harryette Mullen, an awarded African-American female poet whose work questions the boundaries that shape the expectations for accessible intelligibility in African-American literature. Mullen’s poems skirt the edges of intelligibility by going beyond the expectations for a visible/intelligible form of language that would embrace the experience of blackness. I argue that writing in Mullen’s poetry works as process of miscegenation by playing on the illegibility of blackness, beyond a visible line of distinction between what is or should be considered part of blackness itself, which engages new forms of reflection on poetry as a politically meaningful tool for rethinking the role of the black (female) poet within the black diaspora.


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This edited collection grew out of a symposium held at Utah State University in Logan in 2002. According to the editors, the symposium's purpose was to "publicly explore the particular ways environmental writing educates the public through a fusion of science and literary expression." The Search for a Common Language achieves that purpose by including short prose pieces-ranging from memoirs, essays on specific locations, and scientific papers - as well as poetry on natural themes. The range of topics and genres and the inclusion of poetry provide a variety of ways to talk about the environment and reach out to different audiences to educate them about the natural world.


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In this action research study, where the subjects were my 6th grade mathematics students, I investigated the impact of direct vocabulary instruction on their communication and achievement. I strategically implemented the addition of vocabulary study into each lesson over a four-month time period. The students practiced using vocabulary in verbal discussions, review activities, and in mathematical problem explanations. I discovered that a majority of students improved their overall understanding of mathematical concepts based on an analysis of the data I collected. I also found that in general, students felt that knowing the definition of mathematical words was important and that it increased their achievement when they understood the words. In addition, students were more exact in their communication after receiving vocabulary instruction. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to implement vocabulary into daily lessons and keep vocabulary and communication as a focus of my 6th grade mathematics class.