747 resultados para Ensino da língua materna: França
O artigo analisa o problema da exclusão da didática silábica na alfabetização por força de aplicações equivocadas da psicogênese da língua escrita de Emília Ferreiro, e mostra que a análise da palavra em sílabas e a síntese das sílabas em novas palavras é critério básico para o entendimento de que a palavra escrita representa a palavra falada, e que a silabação, contextualizada por um tema gerador, integra seu caráter mecanicista no processo e torna-se significativa.
O propósito deste trabalho é apresentar um estudo do início daaquisição do português como segunda língua por três crianças de umacomunidade de nipo-brasileiros do Brasil. Até a idade escolar, fase em quecomeça a aquisição do português, estas crianças falam unicamente o japonêscomo língua materna. Com base no modelo de princípios e parâmetrosda teoria da gramática gerativa (Chomsky, 1981), foi tomado comoobjeto de estudo um fenômeno sintático que diferencia o japonês do português:o parâmetro da linearidade (isto é, ordem das palavras), o qual estabelecepara o japonês o núcleo sintagmático em posição final (head-last) epara o português, em posição inicial (head-first). Valendo-me dos estudossobre language transfer (Odlin, 1989), mostro que, nesta fase da aquisição,as crianças, na produção de sintagmas nominais (NP -> N + complemento),transferem o parâmetro head-last do japonês para o português. As evidênciasmostradas neste trabalho contrariam alguns estudos que negam aexistência de transfer (Dulay & Burt, 1974; Dulay et al., 1982), sobretudono nível sintático (Felix, 1978; Genesee et al., 1995; Paradis & Genesee,1996).
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo principal a análise da interculturalidade em uma coleção de livros didáticos de ensino da língua espanhola selecionados pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), este voltado à distribuição dos livros em escolas de ensino público. Apresenta-se, inicialmente, um breve histórico da inserção do ensino de língua estrangeira no Brasil, que progride na tentativa de que os alunos compreendam a magnitude de aprender uma língua de caráter estrangeiro, uma nova língua. Além disso, elucidou-se sobre o ensino do espanhol na sala de aula, a fim de salientar a importância do ensino da língua estrangeira, apresentando em seguida a história e implicações do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático. Logo, foi aclarada a questão da interculturalidade no ensino, ou seja, os aspectos culturais de diversos países aplicados na educação do estudante com o intuito de demonstrar a magnificência de discernimento e aprendizagem das perspectivas culturais ao redor do mundo, e desse modo, possibilitando a compreensão da análise proposta neste trabalho. Foi utilizado como objeto de estudo e análise o livro didático El arte de leer español, de Deise Cristina de Lima Picanço e Terumi Koto Bonnet Villalba, que possui três volumes voltados ao ensino médio. A análise foi realizada a partir da presença da interculturalidade em textos e exercícios do referido livro didático
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aims to investigate the Idioms (IEs) or combinations related to the Italian lexical units testa and capo, in comparison to the Portuguese lexical unit cabeça. Since they have come from two completely different etyma, they are not perfect synonyms; on the contrary, they gave rise to several expressions that are common to just one lexical units. Corpus selection was made in monolingual Italian general dictionaries and then the data was classified according to each typology: idioms that are common only with the unit capo; idioms just with head; idioms that are synonyms with both; IEs whose translations refer to other parts of the body. As a result, we found that most of the IEs with capo or testa have common semes, but most of them also are specific to one or other lexical unit exclusively, confirming the difference in semantic features between them as well as non-univocity between languages.
In the current context of lexicographical studies, there have been increasing discussions concerning the issue of the relationship between theoretical knowledge of the lexicon and pedagogical practices involved in its teaching. However, in this context, the special lexicon of Portuguese such as neologisms, foreign words, slang and idioms has received little attention from researchers. There are many theoretical studies on each one of these phenomena, but few studies aim at an organization and inclusion of special units in the teaching of Portuguese. For this reason, this article presents a reflection on the teaching of idioms, and, despite the widely held belief that dictionaries are only needed for the teaching of foreign languages, the article suggests the implementation of special dictionaries for the teaching of Portuguese Language in elementary education.
The ideas of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) still stimulate keen interest among language scholars today, be it complementary or contradictory. Saussurean thought has become widespread, in a more or less explicit manner, in undergraduate and graduate education in the humanities. Since the mid-1950s, Saussure’s ideas have been introduced and debated as part of the training of first-language and foreign-language teachers, communicators, anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists. In the majority of undergraduate and graduate disciplines in the areas of Linguistics and Communication, from the moment academics begin to address the nature of human signification and communication, it is impossible to ignore Saussure’s reflections on language and parole. The aim of this study is to reflect on the transmission of the general lines of Saussurean thought in Brazil. For this purpose, an inventory and analysis are carried out of Linguistics manuals originally published in Brazil since the 1970s, with the aim of reflecting on their construction in terms of programming and persuasion, categories of analysis of didactic speech proposed by A. J. Greimas.
The study of Latin is essentially focused on the receptive writing skills acquisition. For this reason, the teaching of this ancient language should have the readers’ training as its main objective. ! e e" ective understanding of ancient texts depends on a learning process that is based on three competence levels: the language level, the textual level and the intertextual level. As part of this teaching methodology, which seeks to narrow the cultural gap between the ancient and the contemporary world, avoiding anachronistic interpretation of Latin texts, this paper presents strategies that allow students to learn grammar from authentic texts.
Thinking about the correlations between linguistic variation and education is both necessary and urgent if we wish to make language teaching more appropriate, fairer and more meaningful. I take, on one hand, already well-established concepts derived from research on language: the variable nature of language (in space, time, situations) and the intrinsic relationship between this variation and social structure, the communicative needs of speakers, the needs and desires that speakers have to build their social identity. On the other hand, we found out that the teaching of Portuguese language has usually been based on a vision that assumes the language as a static reality. I propose to contrast the two components of this issue, to reveal where, and if, any relationship has been established, and where it is to be built. In the first instance, I seek to evaluate the bond – how one speaks about change when this issue comes to be focused; in the second, I seek the reasons for absence - ignorance or indifference?
Bajo la perspectiva discursiva, específicamente francesa y según estudios realizados por Hall (2002), Souza Santos (2005) entre otros, que están analizando el concepto de identidad, como los estudios de Celada (2002, 2009, 2010), Serrani (1997, 2003, 2005) y Zoppi-Fontana (2009), con relación al proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de Lengua Extranjera, verificamos que la construcción de la identidad se da en proceso de constante reconfiguración, visto que aprender otra lengua implica entrar en contacto con otros modos de ver y de nombrar el mundo, y de este modo es necesario “desplazarse” de sí mismo y reconfigurarse con relación a otro(s) hablante(s) de esta nueva lengua a ser aprendida. En nuestro caso se trata de aprender y enseñar lenguas próximas: portugués y español, con rasgos lingüístico-discursivos de aproximaciones y de distanciamientos. Para tanto, este estudio preliminar tiene como objetivos: verificar como acontece actualmente la constitución de la(s) identidad(es) en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de Español Lengua Extranjera (ELE) en Brasil y de Portugués Lengua Extranjera (PLE) en Argentina, en especial en la formación del profesor de estas lenguas; observar contextos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, los que posibilitan la inserción del profesor de Portugués (PLE) en Argentina y del profesor de Español (ELE) en las regiones enfocadas, considerando las Leyes brasileña y argentina que determinan la oferta de la enseñanza de las referidas lenguas: Ley 26.468, de enero de 2009, que determina la oferta obligatoria del Portugués en Argentina y la Ley no. 11.161, de agosto de 2005, sobre la enseñanza de la Lengua Española en Brasil. La metodología, de tipo interpretativista, presupone como instrumentos la realización de análisis de las Leyes que promueven la enseñanza de ELE en Brasil y de PLE en Argentina, así como de entrevistas, preguntas e análisis de los datos levantados.
The reflex of social and cultural changes in discursive practices can indicate that language has a fundamental role in transforming the society and attempts of defining the directions of changes must include new forms of language practices. One of these forms concerns to computer media in teaching-learning process, showing how technology and culture interact in a significant way to interfere in language uses. In this context, it has been developed in UNESP/Assis linked to the Center for Language and Teacher Development the project Teletandem Brasil: Foreign Languages for All as a new practice of language teachinglearning through technological resources. The present paper aims to present a description of the teletandem sessions as a discursive gender according to the Bakhtin’s gender theory. The data was collected during the second semester of 2010, in sessions of interaction with an American university. The considerations are directed by the following questions: (a) how are the statements of a session discursively organized; (b) what kind of relationship the partners have with their mother language when they teach it as a foreign language, in this context. The analysis allowed us to conclude that: (a) the sessions can characterize a hybrid and secondary gender in this specific area of human activity, even the partners still find difficulties in this gender domain; (b) the teletandem sessions constitute an important instrument for the critical language awareness between the partners.
Considering the fundamental importance of grammar in any modern language teaching proposal, the aim of this paper is to discuss how the different approaches to the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL) have considered the role of grammar and the consequences to its teaching.
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR