808 resultados para Empirical Predictions
We study the effects of the adoption of new agricultural technologies on structural transformation. To guide empirical work, we present a simple model where the effect of agriculturalproductivity on industrial development depends on the factor bias of technical change. We testthe predictions of the model by studying the introduction of genetically engineered soybeanseeds in Brazil, which had heterogeneous effects on agricultural productivity across areas withdifferent soil and weather characteristics. We find that technical change in soy production wasstrongly labor saving and lead to industrial growth, as predicted by the model.
Gram-positive infections including those due to methicillin-resistant staphylococci occur frequently in febrile neutropaenic patients. Although few data support the empirical addition of a glycopeptide antibiotic to the standard broad-spectrum antibiotic regimen, these agents are often used in many cancer centres. The emergence of infections due to vancomycin- resistant enterococci and glycopeptide-intermediate staphylococci has led to recommendations for a restricted use of glycopeptide antibiotics. The objective of the present work was to formulate evidence-based guidelines for the empirical use of anti- Gram-positive antibiotics in neutropaenic patients with acute leukaemia.
In this work we explore the multivariate empirical mode decomposition combined with a Neural Network classifier as technique for face recognition tasks. Images are simultaneously decomposed by means of EMD and then the distance between the modes of the image and the modes of the representative image of each class is calculated using three different distance measures. Then, a neural network is trained using 10- fold cross validation in order to derive a classifier. Preliminary results (over 98 % of classification rate) are satisfactory and will justify a deep investigation on how to apply mEMD for face recognition.
Artifacts are present in most of the electroencephalography (EEG) recordings, making it difficult to interpret or analyze the data. In this paper a cleaning procedure based on a multivariate extension of empirical mode decomposition is used to improve the quality of the data. This is achieved by applying the cleaning method to raw EEG data. Then, a synchrony measure is applied on the raw and the clean data in order to compare the improvement of the classification rate. Two classifiers are used, linear discriminant analysis and neural networks. For both cases, the classification rate is improved about 20%.
BACKGROUND: Intravenously administered antimicrobial agents have been the standard choice for the empirical management of fever in patients with cancer and granulocytopenia. If orally administered empirical therapy is as effective as intravenous therapy, it would offer advantages such as improved quality of life and lower cost. METHODS: In a prospective, open-label, multicenter trial, we randomly assigned febrile patients with cancer who had granulocytopenia that was expected to resolve within 10 days to receive empirical therapy with either oral ciprofloxacin (750 mg twice daily) plus amoxicillin-clavulanate (625 mg three times daily) or standard daily doses of intravenous ceftriaxone plus amikacin. All patients were hospitalized until their fever resolved. The primary objective of the study was to determine whether there was equivalence between the regimens, defined as an absolute difference in the rates of success of 10 percent or less. RESULTS: Equivalence was demonstrated at the second interim analysis, and the trial was terminated after the enrollment of 353 patients. In the analysis of the 312 patients who were treated according to the protocol and who could be evaluated, treatment was successful in 86 percent of the patients in the oral-therapy group (95 percent confidence interval, 80 to 91 percent) and 84 percent of those in the intravenous-therapy group (95 percent confidence interval, 78 to 90 percent; P=0.02). The results were similar in the intention-to-treat analysis (80 percent and 77 percent, respectively; P=0.03), as were the duration of fever, the time to a change in the regimen, the reasons for such a change, the duration of therapy, and survival. The types of adverse events differed slightly between the groups but were similar in frequency. CONCLUSIONS: In low-risk patients with cancer who have fever and granulocytopenia, oral therapy with ciprofloxacin plus amoxicillin-clavulanate is as effective as intravenous therapy.
BACKGROUND: Estimating current cancer mortality figures is important for defining priorities for prevention and treatment.Materials and methods:Using logarithmic Poisson count data joinpoint models on mortality and population data from the World Health Organization database, we estimated numbers of deaths and age-standardized rates in 2012 from all cancers and selected cancer sites for the whole European Union (EU) and its six more populated countries. RESULTS: Cancer deaths in the EU in 2012 are estimated to be 1 283 101 (717 398 men and 565 703 women) corresponding to standardized overall cancer death rates of 139/100 000 men and 85/100 000 women. The fall from 2007 was 10% in men and 7% in women. In men, declines are predicted for stomach (-20%), leukemias (-11%), lung and prostate (-10%) and colorectal (-7%) cancers, and for stomach (-23%), leukemias (-12%), uterus and colorectum (-11%) and breast (-9%) in women. Almost stable rates are expected for pancreatic cancer (+2-3%) and increases for female lung cancer (+7%). Younger women show the greatest falls in breast cancer mortality rates in the EU (-17%), and declines are expected in all individual countries, except Poland. CONCLUSION: Apart for lung cancer in women and pancreatic cancer, continuing falls are expected in mortality from major cancers in the EU.
Efforts are being made by clinicians and researchers to accurately delineate phenotypic traits of individuals at enhanced risk of schizophrenia. This issue is important for a better understanding of the etiopathogenic mechanisms of the disease and for the building up of programs of primary prevention. We suggest that disturbances of subjective experience, although difficult to operationalize, are an important-but until now neglected-core component of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. We advocate the development of valid and reliable instruments in order to allow the assessment of basic symptoms and disturbances of Self-experience. Delineation of vulnerability to schizophrenia cannot rely solely on neuropsychological and neurophysiological data, as prevention programs will be performed mainly by clinicians.
The current 1993 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Pavement Design Guide is based on the empirical interpretation of the results of the 1960 AASHTO Road Test. With the release of the new Mechanistic-Empirical (M-E) Pavement Design Guide, pavement design has taken a "quantum" leap forward. In order to effectively and efficiently transition to the M-E Pavement Design Guide, state DOTs need a detailed implementation and training strategy. This document is a plan for the M-E Pavement Design Guide to be implemented in Iowa.
The discrepancies between the designed and measured camber of precast pretensioned concrete beams (PPCBs) observed by the Iowa DOT have created challenges in the field during bridge construction, causing construction delays and additional costs. This study was undertaken to systematically identify the potential sources of discrepancies between the designed and measured camber from release to time of erection and improve the accuracy of camber estimations in order to minimize the associated problems in the field. To successfully accomplish the project objectives, engineering properties, including creep and shrinkage, of three normal concrete and four high-performance concrete mix designs were characterized. In parallel, another task focused on identifying the instantaneous camber and the variables affecting the instantaneous camber and evaluated the corresponding impact of this factor using more than 100 PPCBs. Using a combination of finite element analyses and the time-step method, the long-term camber was estimated for 66 PPCBs, with due consideration given to creep and shrinkage of concrete, changes in support location and prestress force, and the thermal effects. Utilizing the outcomes of the project, suitable long-term camber multipliers were developed that account for the time-dependent behavior, including the thermal effects. It is shown that by using the recommended practice for the camber measurements together with the proposed multipliers, the accuracy of camber prediction will be greatly improved. Consequently, it is expected that future bridge projects in Iowa can minimize construction challenges resulting from large discrepancies between the designed and actual camber of PPCBs during construction.
Using a game-theoretical approach, we investigate the dispersal patterns expected if inbreeding avoidance were the only reason for dispersal. The evolutionary outcome is always complete philopatry by one sex. The rate of dispersal by the other sex depends on patch size and mating system, as well as inbreeding and dispersal costs. If such costs are sex independent, then two stable equilibria coexist (male or female philopatry), with symmetric domains of attraction. Which sex disperses is determined entirely by history, genetic drift, and gene flow. An asymmetry in costs makes one domain of attraction extend at the expense of the other. In such a case, the dispersing sex might also be, paradoxically, the one that incurs the higher dispersal costs. As asymmetry increases, one equilibrium eventually disappears, which may result in a sudden evolutionary shift in the identity of the dispersing sex. Our results underline the necessity to control for phylogenetic relationships (e.g., through the use of independent-comparisons methods) when investigating empirical trends in dispersal. Our model also makes quantitative predictions on the rate of dispersal by the dispersing sex and suggests that inbreeding avoidance may only rarely be the sole reason for dispersal.
Aquest estudi va analitzar la interacció del canvi organitzatiu, els valors culturals i el canvi tecnològic en el sistema sanitari català. L'estudi se subdivideix en cinc parts diferents. La primera és una anàlisi de contingut de webs relacionats amb la salut a Catalunya. La segona és un estudi dels usos d'Internet en qüestions relacionades amb la salut entre la població en general, les associacions de pacients i els professionals de la salut, i es basa en un sondeig per Internet adaptat a cada un d'aquests grups. La tercera part és un estudi de treball de camp dels programes experimentals duts a terme pel Govern català en diverses àrees i hospitals locals per a integrar electrònicament la història clínica dels pacients. La quarta és un estudi de les implicacions organitzatives de la introducció de sistemes d'informació en la gestió d'hospitals i centres d'assistència primària a l'Institut Català de Salut, el principal proveïdor de salut pública a Catalunya, i es basa en un sondeig per Internet i entrevistes en profunditat. La cinquena part és un estudi de cas dels efectes organitzatius i socials de la introducció de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació en un dels principals hospitals de Catalunya, l'Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. L'estudi es va dur a terme entre el maig del 2005 i el juliol del 2007.