738 resultados para Emergency cardiovascular care
INTRODUCCION La hipotensión arterial por anestesia raquídea en embarazadas llevadas a cesárea es frecuente y deletérea para la madre y el feto, sin que a la fecha exista una herramienta clínicamente útil para predecirla. La variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca es una medida que estima la actividad del sistema nervioso autónomo y algunos estudio iniciales indican una posible utilidad como herramienta predictiva de hipotensión arterial en esta población. METODOLOGIA Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo para examinar el comportamiento de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca, medida como razón de Baja frecuencia/Alta frecuencia, con un punto de corte de 2.5 tomada con un reloj POLAR RS800CX, en una población de pacientes con embarazo a término llevadas a cesárea, en un hospital de tercer nivel en Bogotá- Colombia entre Febrero y Abril del 2015. RESULTADOS El estudio incluyó 82 pacientes. Se determinó que la razón Baja frecuencia/Alta frecuencia mayor a 2,5 era poco frecuente en nuestra población (15.85%), y su asociación no fue significativa. DISCUSION El presente estudio demostró que la asociación entre la presencia de hipotensión y un índice Baja frecuencia/Alta frecuencia con punto de corte de 2.5 no es significativo para nuestra población de mujeres con embarazo a término llevadas a cesárea con anestesia espinal. Según los resultados se sugieres un punto de corte de 1.6 como punto de partida para la realización de nuevos estudios que permitan validar este valor.
El objetivo fue evaluar la intervención de las alertas en la prescripción de diclofenaco. Estudio observacional, comparativo, post intervención, de un antes después, en pacientes con prescripción de diclofenaco. Se evaluó la intervención de las alertas restrictivas antes y después de su implementación en los pacientes prescritos con diclofenaco y que tenían asociado un diagnóstico de riesgo cardiovascular según CIE 10 o eran mayores de 65 años. Un total de 315.135 transacciones con prescripción de diclofenaco, en 49.355 pacientes promedio mes. El 94,8% (298.674) de las transacciones fueron prescritas por médicos generales.
Introducción. En Colombia, el 80% de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis tienen fístula arteriovenosa periférica (FAV) que asegura el flujo de sangre durante la hemodiálisis (1), la variabilidad en el flujo de sangre en el brazo de la FAV hacia la parte distal, puede afectar la lectura de la oximetría de pulso (SpO2) (2), llevando a la toma de decisiones equivocadas por el personal de salud. El objetivo de este estudio es aclarar si existe diferencia entre la SpO2 del brazo de la FAV y el brazo contralateral. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio de correlación entre los valores de SpO2 del brazo con FAV contra el brazo sin FAV, de 40 pacientes que asistieron a hemodiálisis. La recolección de los datos se llevó a cabo, con un formato que incluyó el resultado de la pulsioximetria y variables asociadas, antes, durante y después de la hemodiálisis. Se comparó la mediana de los deltas de las diferencias con pruebas estadísticas T Student – Mann Whitney, aceptando un valor significativo de p < 0,05. Resultados. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas de la SpO2 entre el brazo con FAV y el brazo sin FAV, antes, durante y después de la diálisis, sin embargo si se apreció una correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa. Conclusiones. Se encontró correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa, donde no hubo diferencias en el resultado la pulsioximetría entre el brazo con FAV y brazo sin FAV, por lo tanto es válido tomar la pulsioximetría en cualquiera de los brazos.
El Trauma Craneoencefálico (TCE) infantil constituye un motivo frecuente de consulta en Urgencias y supone la primera causa de muerte en niños, llegando a ser hasta del 50% en trauma severo. En Colombia se conocen cifras de TCE por algunos estudios descriptivos, pero no existen reportes en Bogotá ni específicamente en TCE severo. Objetivo: Caracterizar el trauma craneoencefálico severo pediátrico en la Unidad de Cuidado intensivo del Hospital de la Misericordia entre los años 2010 y 2013. Materiales y métodos: Un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo fue realizado en el Hospital de la Misericordia mediante revisión de las historias clínicas de los pacientes que ingresaron a la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo pediátrico con diagnóstico de trauma craneoencefálico severo entre el año 2010 al 2013. Resultados: Se incluyeron 63 pacientes (71,4% hombres) con una edad mediana de 4 años (RIQ 2-8). La mayoría de los traumas fueron originados por caída o accidente de tránsito (79,4%). La principal lesión fue fractura de cráneo (79%). Casi la mitad de los pacientes sufrieron algún tipo de secuela neurológica al egreso (47,1%). La mayoría de los pacientes que murieron (19%) sufrieron choque hipovolémico (83,3%) y presentaron trauma asociado (66,7%). Conclusión: Las características y epidemiología del trauma craneoencefálico en nuestra población muestran claras similitudes con lo reportados en otras series de la literatura mundial y de Colombia, excepto por la mortalidad, que se esperaba más alta al estudiar solo pacientes con TCE severo.
Background A significant proportion of women who are vulnerable to postnatal depression refuse to engage in treatment programmes. Little is known about them, other than some general demographic characteristics. In particular, their access to health care and their own and their infants' health outcomes are uncharted. Methods We conducted a nested cohort case-control study, using data from computerized health systems, and general practitioner (GP) and maternity records, to identify the characteristics, health service contacts, and maternal and infant health outcomes for primiparous antenatal clinic attenders at high risk for postnatal depression who either refused (self-exclusion group) or else agreed (take-up group) to receive additional Health Visiting support in pregnancy and the first 2 months postpartum. Results Women excluding themselves from Health Visitor support were younger and less highly educated than women willing to take up the support. They were less likely to attend midwifery, GP and routine Health Visitor appointments, but were more likely to book in late and to attend accident and emergency department (A&E). Their infants had poorer outcome in terms of gestation, birthweight and breastfeeding. Differences between the groups still obtained when age and education were taken into account for midwifery contacts, A&E attendance and gestation;the difference in the initiation of breast feeding was attenuated, but not wholly explained, by age and education. Conclusion A subgroup of psychologically vulnerable childbearing women are at particular risk for poor access to health care and adverse infant outcome. Barriers to take-up of services need to be understood in order better to deliver care.
Background: The government has proposed a 48-hour target for GP availability. Although many practices are moving towards delivering that goal, recent national patient surveys have reported a deterioration in patients' reports of doctor availability. What practice factors contribute to patients' perceptions of doctor availability? Method: A cross sectional patient survey (11 000 patients from 54 inner London practices, 7247 (66%) respondents) using the General Practice Assessment Survey. We asked patients how soon they could be seen in their practice following non-urgent consultation requests and related their aggregated responses to the characteristics of their practice. Results: Three factors relating to practice administration and appointments systems operation independently predicted patients' reports of doctor availability. These were the proportion of patients asked to attend the surgery and wait to be seen, the proportion of patients seen using an emergency surgery arrangement, and the extent of practice computerization. Conclusion: Some practices may have difficulty in meeting the target for GP availability. Meeting the target will involve careful review of practice administrative procedures.
Regenerative cardiovascular medicine is the frontline of 21st-century health care. Cell therapy trials using bone marrow progenitor cells documented that the approach is feasible, safe and potentially beneficial in patients with ischemic disease. However, cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation strategies should aim to conserve the pristine healing capacity of a healthy organism as well as reactivate it under disease conditions. This requires an increased understanding of stem cell microenvironment and trafficking mechanisms. Engagement and disengagement of stem cells of the osteoblastic niche is a dynamic process, finely tuned to allow low amounts of cells move out of the bone marrow and into the circulation on a regular basis. The balance is altered under stress situations, like tissue injury or ischemia, leading to remarkably increased cell egression. Individual populations of circulating progenitor cells could give rise to mature tissue cells (e.g. endothelial cells or cardiomyocytes), while the majority may differentiate to leukocytes, affecting the environment of homing sites in a paracrine way, e.g. promoting endothelial survival, proliferation and function, as well as attenuating or enhancing inflammation. This review focuses on the dynamics of the stem cell niche in healthy and disease conditions and on therapeutic means to direct stem cell/progenitor cell mobilization and recruitment into improved tissue repair.
Background: British government policy for older people focuses on a vision of active ageing and independent living. In the face of diminishing personal capacities, the use of appropriate home-based technology (HBT) devices could potentially meet a wide range of needs and consequently improve many aspects of older people's quality of life such as physical health, psychosocial well-being, social relationships, and their physical or living environment. This study aimed to examine the use of HBT devices and the correlation between use of such devices and quality of life among older people living in extra-care housing (ECH). Methods: A structured questionnaire was administered for this study. Using purposive sampling 160 older people living in extra-care housing schemes were selected from 23 schemes in England. A face-to-face interview was conducted in each participant's living unit. In order to measure quality of life, the SEIQoL-Adapted and CASP-19 were used. Results: Although most basic appliances and emergency call systems were used in the living units, communally provided facilities such as personal computers, washing machines, and assisted bathing equipment in the schemes were not well utilised. Multiple regression analysis adjusted for confounders including age, sex, marital status, living arrangement and mobility use indicated a coefficient of 1.17 with 95% CI (0.05, 2.29) and p = 0.04 [SEIQoL-Adapted] and 2.83 with 95% CI (1.17, 4.50) and p = 0.001 [CASP-19]. Conclusions: The findings of the present study will be value to those who are developing new form of specialised housing for older people with functional limitations and, in particular, guiding investments in technological aids. The results of the present study also indicate that the home is an essential site for developing residential technologies.
A systematic review of triage-related interventions to improve patient flow in emergency departments
Background Overcrowding in emergency departments is a worldwide problem. A systematic literature review was undertaken to scientifically explore which interventions improve patient flow in emergency departments. Methods A systematic literature search for flow processes in emergency departments was followed by assessment of relevance and methodological quality of each individual study fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Studies were excluded if they did not present data on waiting time, length of stay, patients leaving the emergency department without being seen or other flow parameters based on a nonselected material of patients. Only studies with a control group, either in a randomized controlled trial or in an observational study with historical controls, were included. For each intervention, the level of scientific evidence was rated according to the GRADE system, launched by a WHO-supported working group. Results The interventions were grouped into streaming, fast track, team triage, point-of-care testing (performing laboratory analysis in the emergency department), and nurse-requested x-ray. Thirty-three studies, including over 800,000 patients in total, were included. Scientific evidence on the effect of fast track on waiting time, length of stay, and left without being seen was moderately strong. The effect of team triage on left without being seen was relatively strong, but the evidence for all other interventions was limited or insufficient. Conclusions Introducing fast track for patients with less severe symptoms results in shorter waiting time, shorter length of stay, and fewer patients leaving without being seen. Team triage, with a physician in the team, will probably result in shorter waiting time and shorter length of stay and most likely in fewer patients leaving without being seen. There is only limited scientific evidence that streaming of patients into different tracks, performing laboratory analysis in the emergency department or having nurses to request certain x-rays results in shorter waiting time and length of stay.
During the latest decade Somali-born women with experiences of long-lasting war followed by migration have increasingly encountered Swedish maternity care, where antenatal care midwives are assigned to ask questions about exposure to violence. The overall aim in this thesis was to gain deeper understanding of Somali-born women’s wellbeing and needs during the parallel transitions of migration to Sweden and childbearing, focusing on maternity healthcare encounters and violence. Data were obtained from medical records (paper I), qualitative interviews with Somali-born women (II, III) and Swedish antenatal care midwives (IV). Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used. Compared to pregnancies of Swedish-born women, Somali-born women’s pregnancies demonstrated later booking and less visits to antenatal care, more maternal morbidity but less psychiatric treatment, less medical pain relief during delivery and more emergency caesarean sections and small-for-gestational-age infants (I). Political violence with broken societal structures before migration contributed to up-rootedness, limited healthcare and absent state-based support to women subjected to violence, which reinforced reliance on social networks, own endurance and faith in Somalia (II). After migration, sources of wellbeing were a pragmatic “moving-on” approach including faith and motherhood, combined with social coherence. Lawful rights for women were appreciated but could concurrently risk creating power tensions in partner relationships. Generally, the Somali-born women associated the midwife more with providing medical care than with overall wellbeing or concerns about violence, but new societal resources were parallel incorporated with known resources (III). Midwives strived for woman-centered approaches beyond ethnicity and culture in care encounters, with language, social gaps and divergent views on violence as potential barriers in violence inquiry. Somali-born women’s strength and contentment were highlighted, and ongoing violence seldom encountered according to the midwives experiences (IV). Pragmatism including “moving on” combined with support from family and social networks, indicate capability to cope with violence and migration-related stress. However, this must be balanced against potential unspoken needs at individual level in care encounters.With trustful relationships, optimized interaction and networking with local Somali communities and across professions, the antenatal midwife can have a “bridging-function” in balancing between dual societies and contribute to healthy transitions in the new society.
The metabolic syndrome (MetS) involves a group of risk factors and is associated with a significantly higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and type 2 diabetes. Recent studies have shown the importance of preventing CVD through early diagnosis and treatment of patients with MetS. The objective of our study was to determine the prevalence of MetS by different diagnostic criteria in postmenopausal women and analyze the influence of socioeconomic factors on cardiovascular risk in this sample of the population. A cross-sectional study involving 127 postmenopausal women (45 to 64 years) from Natal and Mossoró, Brazil. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The experimental protocol consisted of applying structured interview, clinical examination and implementation of dosages blood. The diagnosis of MetS was based on NCEP-ATP III (National Cholesterol Education Program-Adult Treatment Panel III) and IDF (International Diabetes Federation) criteria. The research was accomplished with the participation of an interdisciplinary team in their several phases. The result of the sample studied had mean age of 53.9 ± 4.6 years and per capita income of 54.5 dollars. The prevalence of MetS, according to NCEP-ATP III and IDF criteria, was 52.8% and 61.4$, respectively. The agreement rate between NCEP-ATP III and IDF criteria was 81.9%, with a kappa value of 0.63 (CI 95%, 0.49-0.76), indicating good agreement between the two definitions. The most prevalent cardiovascular risk factor was HDL < 50 mg/dl, observed in 96.1% of the women analyzed, followed by increased waist circumference (≥ 80 cm) in 78.0%, elevated blood pressure in 51.2%, triglycerides ≥ 150 mg/dl in 40.9% and glycemia ≥ 100 mg/dl in 37.0% of the women. The occurrence of MetS was significantly associated with schooling and body mass index (BMI). High blood pressure was significantly associated with low family income, low schooling and weight gain. There was no significant association between the intensity of climacteric symptomatology and the occurrence of MetS. The conclusions of the research were that MetS and its individual components show a high prevalence in postmenopausal Brazilian women, and significant associations with weight gain and low socioeconomic indicators. The data point to the need for an interdisciplinary approach at the basic health care level, directed toward the early identification of risk factors and the promotion of cardiovascular health of climacteric women.
The aim of the present study was to analyze cardiovascular risk of women with a history of preeclampsia, as well as its follow-upin the National Health System.This is a cross-sectional quantitative research conducted at the Januário Cicco Maternity School. The study population was composed of 573 women selected from a databank belonging to the Women s Health Research Group of the Gynecology Department at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, with a history of preeclampsia, and normotensives who gave birth at this institution five years before. The final sample consisted of 147 women, 64 in the group with a history of PE and 83 normotensives. Data were collected on a questionnaire containing the following: sociodemographic aspects, anthropometric measures, life habits, personal and family history of pregnancy-induced hypertension, family history of cardiovascular diseases and frequency of measuring current blood pressure levels. In relation to the association between cardiovascular risk and altered blood pressure (≥130x85 mmHg), the likelihood of exhibiting the latter condition was significantly higher in women with a history of preeclampsia (CI 95% 4.12-38.92), the overweight and obese (CI 95% 1.70-20.75), and in those with a family historyof CVD and personal history of PIH (CI 95% 0.78-47.07 and CI 95% 3.20-25.39) respectively. Likewise, the probability of having altered blood pressure was higher in women with fasting glycemia ≥100mg/dL (CI 95% 2.09-24.73), as well as in those with triglycerides ≥150mg/dl (CI 95% 1.72-9.66). After fitting the logistic model, diagnosis previous preeclampsia and altered triglycerides remained as explanatory variables.The women with a history of preeclampsia five years before exhibited altered blood pressure levels, clinical and laboratory manifestations suggestive of elevated risk for cardiovascular disease, as well as family and personal history of hypertension. There is no differential treatment or adequate outpatient follow-up for this population in basic health care units
Immediate replantation into the socket is the ideal procedure in cases of accidental avulsion of permanent teeth. In Brazil, firefighters with special paramedic training are in charge of providing first-aid care to victims of road accidents and might have to deal with tooth avulsions. This study assessed the knowledge of firefighters regarding the emergency management of avulsed teeth. Information was collected from a questionnaire submitted to 110 volunteer firefighters in seven cities in the São Paulo State (Brazil). The results revealed that 70.9% of the respondents did not know what tooth avulsion was; 53.6% did not know what tooth replantation was or defined it incorrectly; 60% would not act properly in tooth avulsion cases; 20.9% did not consider replantation of the avulsed tooth into the socket as a treatment option; the ideal time interval for tooth replantation was unknown to 40% of the interviewees; 90% of the participants answered that they would not be able to perform tooth replantation. Among those who considered themselves unable to perform tooth replantation, 47.3% chose saline as the best storage medium for an avulsed tooth, 21.8% chose milk, 3.6% chose the patient's mouth and 20% reported not knowing where to store the tooth; 81.8% of the firefighters reported not to have ever received any specific directions on tooth replantation and 100% of them considered this knowledge a requirement for first-aid care to accident victims. In conclusion, the knowledge of the surveyed firefighters regarding emergency management after tooth avulsion was unsatisfactory in several aspects that are important for the success of replantation procedures. Firefighters with special paramedic training should be educated on how to proceed in cases of dentoalveolar traumas and tooth avulsions in order to improve treatment prognosis and increase the survival rate of replanted teeth.
Stings caused by jellyfish and jellyfish-like colonies are common all around the world, with serious manifestations and occasional deaths reported in some countries. Between December 2006 and 2007, epidemiological, clinical and treatment aspects of stings caused by the Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis) in 59 patients consulting the ambulatory emergency in Adicora, Falcon State, Venezuela, were studied. Most of the stings occurred in males (59%) preschool and school-aged children (49%), visitors from other areas of the country (92%) during holidays when bathing or diving at the beach (97%). Injuries presented linear erythematous plaques at the point of contact with the animal, located in several anatomical sites. Most clinical manifestations observed were: intense burning pain, urticaria, erythema and inflammation (100%), as well dyspnea with laryngeal edema and fever (19%). Patients were treated with topical drugs, including antihistamine and antipyretic drugs, but also with systemic hydrocortisone. P. physalis stings in Adicora appeared to have a seasonal pattern, with systemic complications potentially life-threatening. Thus, epidemiological surveillance program is recommended, particularly in travelers. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Fondaparinux is considered an agent with a well-established safety and efficacy profile in the treatment of non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes, but when used alone, is associated to a higher incidence of thrombotic complications during invasive coronary procedures, requiring the supplementation of an anti-IIa agent. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes previously treated with fondaparinux. Methods: Prospective, controlled registry enrolling 127 consecutive patients submitted to an early invasive stratification during treatment with fondaparinux, with supplementation of intravenous unfractionated heparin at a dose of 85 U/kg at the time of PCI. Results: The rate of the composite primary endpoint including death, acute myocardial infarction, stroke, stent thrombosis or emergency myocardial revascularization was 3.2%. The cumulative incidence of major bleeding and vascular complications was 3.2%. There were no cases of guidecatheter thrombosis or abrupt vessel closure. Conclusions: PCI in patients with acute coronary syndromes receiving fondaparinux is associated with a low rate of major adverse cardiovascular ischemic events and severe hemorrhagic complications. Supplementation of unfractionated heparin during the invasive procedures eliminates the risk of catheter-related thrombosis.