999 resultados para Electrical parameter


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The variation of resistivity in an amorphous As30Te70-xSix system of glasses with high pressure has been studied for pressures up to 8 GPa. It is found that the electrical resistivity and the conduction activation energy decrease continuously with increase in pressure, and samples become metallic in the pressure range 1.0-2.0 GPa. Temperature variation studies carried out at a pressure of 0.92 GPa show that the activation energies lie in the range 0.16-0.18eV. Studies on the composition/average co-ordination number (r) dependence of normalized electrical resistivity at different pressures indicate that rigidity percolation is extended, the onset of the intermediate phase is around (r) = 2.44, and completion at (r) = 2.56, respectively, while the chemical threshold is at (r) = 2.67. These results compare favorably with those obtained from electrical switching and differential scanning calorimetric studies.


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A Finite Element Method based forward solver is developed for solving the forward problem of a 2D-Electrical Impedance Tomography. The Method of Weighted Residual technique with a Galerkin approach is used for the FEM formulation of EIT forward problem. The algorithm is written in MatLAB7.0 and the forward problem is studied with a practical biological phantom developed. EIT governing equation is numerically solved to calculate the surface potentials at the phantom boundary for a uniform conductivity. An EIT-phantom is developed with an array of 16 electrodes placed on the inner surface of the phantom tank filled with KCl solution. A sinusoidal current is injected through the current electrodes and the differential potentials across the voltage electrodes are measured. Measured data is compared with the differential potential calculated for known current and solution conductivity. Comparing measured voltage with the calculated data it is attempted to find the sources of errors to improve data quality for better image reconstruction.


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Electrical switching and differential scanning calorimetric studies are undertaken on bulk As20Te80-xGax glasses, to elucidate the network topological thresholds. It is found that these glasses exhibit a single glass transition (T-g) and two crystallization reactions (T-cl & T-c2) upon heating. It is also found that there is only a marginal change in T-g with the addition of up to about 10% of Ga; around this composition an increase is seen in 7, which culminates in a local maximum around x = 15. The decrease exhibited in T, beyond this composition, leads to a local minimum at x = 17.5. Further, the As20Te80-xGax glasses are found to exhibit memory type electrical switching. The switching voltages (VT) increase with the increase in gallium content and a local maximum is seen in V-tau around x = 15. VT is found to decrease with x thereafter, exhibiting a local minimum around x = 17.5. The composition dependence of T-cl is found to be very similar to that of V-T of As20Te80-xGax glasses. Based on the present results, it is proposed that the composition x = 15 and x = 17.5 correspond to the rigidity percolation and chemical thresholds, respectively, of As20Te80-xGax glasses. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Studies on the electrical switching behavior of melt quenched bulk Si15Te85-xSbx glasses have been undertaken in the composition range (1 <= x <= 10), in order to understand the effect of Sb addition on the electrical switching behavior of Si15Te85-x base glass. It has been observed that all the Si15Te85-xSbx glasses studied exhibit a smooth memory type switching. Further, the switching voltages are found to decrease almost linearly with Sb content, which indicates that the metallicity of the dopant plays a dominant role in this system compared to network connectivity/rigidity. The thickness dependence of switching voltage (V-th) indicates a clear thermal origin for the switching mechanism. The temperature variation of switching voltages reveals that the Si15Te85-xSbx glasses studied have a moderate thermal stability. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Carbon nanofibers of 50–500 nm diameter and several micrometer length were synthesized by high-temperature pyrolysis of dihydro-2,5-furandione (C4H4O3) in the temperature range of 600–980 °C. The formation of both graphitic and non-graphitic structured carbon fibers was observed in high-resolution transmission electron microscope. The Raman spectra of the samples showed the presence of both the D and G bands of varying intensity and sharpness. The low-temperature electrical transport studies on the samples have shown interesting metal–insulator transitions. The films showed variable range hopping conduction in the insulating regime and power law behavior in the critical regime at low temperatures.


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Agricultural pests are responsible for millions of dollars in crop losses and management costs every year. In order to implement optimal site-specific treatments and reduce control costs, new methods to accurately monitor and assess pest damage need to be investigated. In this paper we explore the combination of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), remote sensing and machine learning techniques as a promising technology to address this challenge. The deployment of UAVs as a sensor platform is a rapidly growing field of study for biosecurity and precision agriculture applications. In this experiment, a data collection campaign is performed over a sorghum crop severely damaged by white grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). The larvae of these scarab beetles feed on the roots of plants, which in turn impairs root exploration of the soil profile. In the field, crop health status could be classified according to three levels: bare soil where plants were decimated, transition zones of reduced plant density and healthy canopy areas. In this study, we describe the UAV platform deployed to collect high-resolution RGB imagery as well as the image processing pipeline implemented to create an orthoimage. An unsupervised machine learning approach is formulated in order to create a meaningful partition of the image into each of the crop levels. The aim of the approach is to simplify the image analysis step by minimizing user input requirements and avoiding the manual data labeling necessary in supervised learning approaches. The implemented algorithm is based on the K-means clustering algorithm. In order to control high-frequency components present in the feature space, a neighbourhood-oriented parameter is introduced by applying Gaussian convolution kernels prior to K-means. The outcome of this approach is a soft K-means algorithm similar to the EM algorithm for Gaussian mixture models. The results show the algorithm delivers decision boundaries that consistently classify the field into three clusters, one for each crop health level. The methodology presented in this paper represents a venue for further research towards automated crop damage assessments and biosecurity surveillance.


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Multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were decorated with crystalline zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) by wet chemical route to form MWCNT/ZnO NPs hybrid. The hybrid sample was characterized by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Electrical conductivity of the hybrid can be tuned by varying the ZnO NPs content in the hybrid. In order to investigate the effect of nanoparticles loading on the conduction of MWCNTs network, electrical conductivity studies have been carried out in the wide temperature range 1.5-300K. The electrical conductivity of the hybrid below 100K is explained with the combination of variable range hopping conduction and thermal fluctuation induced tunnelling model. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Increased emphasis on rotorcraft performance and perational capabilities has resulted in accurate computation of aerodynamic stability and control parameters. System identification is one such tool in which the model structure and parameters such as aerodynamic stability and control derivatives are derived. In the present work, the rotorcraft aerodynamic parameters are computed using radial basis function neural networks (RBFN) in the presence of both state and measurement noise. The effect of presence of outliers in the data is also considered. RBFN is found to give superior results compared to finite difference derivatives for noisy data. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Relay selection for cooperative communications promises significant performance improvements, and is, therefore, attracting considerable attention. While several criteria have been proposed for selecting one or more relays, distributed mechanisms that perform the selection have received relatively less attention. In this paper, we develop a novel, yet simple, asymptotic analysis of a splitting-based multiple access selection algorithm to find the single best relay. The analysis leads to simpler and alternate expressions for the average number of slots required to find the best user. By introducing a new contention load' parameter, the analysis shows that the parameter settings used in the existing literature can be improved upon. New and simple bounds are also derived. Furthermore, we propose a new algorithm that addresses the general problem of selecting the best Q >= 1 relays, and analyze and optimize it. Even for a large number of relays, the scalable algorithm selects the best two relays within 4.406 slots and the best three within 6.491 slots, on average. We also propose a new and simple scheme for the practically relevant case of discrete metrics. Altogether, our results develop a unifying perspective about the general problem of distributed selection in cooperative systems and several other multi-node systems.


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A simple analog instrumentation for Electrical Impedance Tomography is developed and calibrated using the practical phantoms. A constant current injector consisting of a modified Howland voltage controlled current source fed by a voltage controlled oscillator is developed to inject a constant current to the phantom boundary. An instrumentation amplifier, 50 Hz notch filter and a narrow band pass filter are developed and used for signal conditioning. Practical biological phantoms are developed and the forward problem is studied to calibrate the EIT-instrumentation. An array of sixteen stainless steel electrodes is developed and placed inside the phantom tank filled with KCl solution. 1 mA, 50 kHz sinusoidal current is injected at the phantom boundary using adjacent current injection protocol. The differential potentials developed at the voltage electrodes are measured for sixteen current injections. Differential voltage signal is passed through an instrumentation amplifier and a filtering block and measured by a digital multimeter. A forward solver is developed using Finite Element Method in MATLAB7.0 for solving the EIT governing equation. Differential potentials are numerically calculated using the forward solver with a simulated current and bathing solution conductivity. Measured potential data is compared with the differential potentials calculated for calibrating the instrumentation to acquire the voltage data suitable for better image reconstruction.


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Thin films of antimony-doped tin oxide (SnO2:Sb) were prepared by spray pyrolysis using stannous chloride (SnCl2) and antimony trichloride (SbCl3) as precursors. The antimony doping was varied from 0 to 4 wt%. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the surface morphology to be very smooth, yet grainy in nature. X-ray diffraction (XRD) shows films to have preferred orientation, which varies with the extent of antimony doping: undoped films prefer the (2 1 1) orientation, while the (3 0 1) orientation is preferred for doping levels of 0.5 and 1.0 wt%. For higher doping levels, the (2 0 0) orientation is preferred. This difference in preferred orientations is reflected in the SEM of the films. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) reveals that film roughness is not affected by antimony doping. The minimum sheet resistance (2.17 ohm/square) achieved in the present study is lower than values reported to date in SnO2:Sb films prepared from SnCl2 precursor. The Hall mobility of undoped SnO2 films was found to be 109.52 cm(2)/V s, which reduces to 2.55 cm(2)/ Vs for the films doped with 4 wt% of Sb. On the other hand, the carrier concentration, which is 1.23 x 10(19) cm(-3) in undoped films, increases to 2.89 x 10(21) cm(-3) for the films doped with 4 wt% of Sb. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The problem of admission control of packets in communication networks is studied in the continuous time queueing framework under different classes of service and delayed information feedback. We develop and use a variant of a simulation based two timescale simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) algorithm for finding an optimal feedback policy within the class of threshold type policies. Even though SPSA has originally been designed for continuous parameter optimization, its variant for the discrete parameter case is seen to work well. We give a proof of the hypothesis needed to show convergence of the algorithm on our setting along with a sketch of the convergence analysis. Extensive numerical experiments with the algorithm are illustrated for different parameter specifications. In particular, we study the effect of feedback delays on the system performance.


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16-electrode phantoms are developed and studied with a simple instrumentation developed for Electrical Impedance Tomography. An analog instrumentation is developed with a sinusoidal current generator and signal conditioner circuit. Current generator is developed withmodified Howland constant current source fed by a voltage controlled oscillator and the signal conditioner circuit consisting of an instrumentation amplifier and a narrow band pass filter. Electronic hardware is connected to the electrodes through a DIP switch based multiplexer module. Phantoms with different electrode size and position are developed and the EIT forward problem is studied using the forward solver. A low frequency low magnitude sinusoidal current is injected to the surface electrodes surrounding the phantom boundary and the differential potential is measured by a digital multimeter. Comparing measured potential with the simulated data it is intended to reduce the measurement error and an optimum phantom geometry is suggested. Result shows that the common mode electrode reduces the common mode error of the EIT electronics and reduces the error potential in the measured data. Differential potential is reduced up to 67 mV at the voltage electrode pair opposite to the current electrodes. Offset potential is measured and subtracted from the measured data for further correction. It is noticed that the potential data pattern depends on the electrode width and the optimum electrode width is suggested. It is also observed that measured potential becomes acceptable with a 20 mm solution column above and below the electrode array level.


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The addition reaction of alcohols to substituted phenylisothiocyanates is found to be a second-order reaction. The reaction is catalysed by triethylamine. First-order rate constants of the addition reaction have been determined in excess of ethanol, for a number of substituted phenylisothiocyanates and the rate data give a satisfactory linear correlation with Hammett σ constants of groups. While the energies of activation vary randomly with substitution, the entropies of activation bear a linear relationship to the energies of activation. Infra-red spectra indicate that the thiourethanes which are the products of the addition reaction exist in the thioamide form. The most prominent resonance form which can satisfactorily explain both the kinetic and infrared data, has been suggested.