952 resultados para Electric power system protection


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This paper proposes a novel operation and control strategy for a renewable hybrid power system for a standalone operation. The proposed hybrid system consists of a wind turbine, a fuel cell, an electrolyzer, a battery storage unit, and a set of loads. The overall control strategy is based on a two-level structure. The top level is the energy management and power regulation system. Depending on wind and load conditions, this system generates reference dynamic operating points to low level individual subsystems. The energy management and power regulation system also controls the load scheduling operation during unfavorable wind conditions under inadequate energy storage in order to avoid a system blackout. Based on the reference dynamic operating points of the individual subsystems, the local controllers control the wind turbine, fuel cell, electrolyzer, and battery storage units. The proposed control system is implemented in MATLAB Simpower software and tested for various wind and load conditions. Results are presented and discussed.


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Advanced substation applications, such as synchrophasors and IEC 61850-9-2 sampled value process buses, depend upon highly accurate synchronizing signals for correct operation. The IEEE 1588 Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) is the recommended means of providing precise timing for future substations. This paper presents a quantitative assessment of PTP reliability using Fault Tree Analysis. Two network topologies are proposed that use grandmaster clocks with dual network connections and take advantage of the Best Master Clock Algorithm (BMCA) from IEEE 1588. The cross-connected grandmaster topology doubles reliability, and the addition of a shared third grandmaster gives a nine-fold improvement over duplicated grandmasters. The performance of BMCA mediated handover of the grandmaster role during contingencies in the timing system was evaluated experimentally. The 1 µs performance requirement of sampled values and synchrophasors are met, even during network or GPS antenna outages. Slave clocks are shown to synchronize to the backup grandmaster in response to degraded performance or loss of the main grandmaster. Slave disturbances are less than 350 ns provided the grandmaster reference clocks are not offset from one another. A clear understanding of PTP reliability and the factors that affect availability will encourage the adoption of PTP for substation time synchronization.


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High-voltage circuit breakers are among the most important equipments for ensuring the efficient and safe operation of an electric power system. On occasion, circuit breaker operators may wish to check whether equipment is performing satisfactorily and whether controlled switching systems are producing reliable and repeatable stress control. Monitoring of voltage and current waveforms during switching using established methods will provide information about the magnitude and frequency of voltage transients as a result of re-ignitions and restrikes. However, high frequency waveform measurement requires shutdown of circuit breaker and use of specialized equipment. Two utilities, Hydro-Québec in Canada and Powerlink Queensland in Australia, have been working on the development and application of a non-intrusive, cost-effective and flexible diagnostic system for monitoring high-voltage circuit breakers for reactive switching. The proposed diagnostic approach relies on the non-intrusive assessment of key parameters such as operating times, prestrike characteristics, re-ignition and restrike detection. Transient electromagnetic emissions have been identified as a promising means to evaluate the abovementioned parameters non-intrusively. This paper describes two complimentary methods developed concurrently by Powerlink and Hydro-Québec. Also, return of experiences on the application to capacitor bank and shunt reactor switching is presented.


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This paper deals with the optimal load flow problem in a fixed-head hydrothermal electric power system. Equality constraints on the volume of water available for active power generation at the hydro plants as well as inequality constraints on the reactive power generation at the voltage controlled buses are imposed. Conditions for optimal load flow are derived and a successive approximation algorithm for solving the optimal generation schedule is developed. Computer implementation of the algorithm is discussed, and the results obtained from the computer solution of test systems are presented.


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This letter presents the development of simplified algorithms based on Haar functions for signal extraction in relaying signals. These algorithms, being computationally simple, are better suited for microprocessor-based power system protection relaying. They provide accurate estimates of the signal amplitude and phase.


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Nos últimos anos, o consumo de energia vem crescendo mundialmente nos grandes centros urbanos, e esforços na área de eficiência energética estão sendo implantados, a fim de reduzir o consumo no horário da ponta e interrupções da rede. O aproveitamento das fontes renováveis, como o fotovoltaico em uma edificação se torna um atrativo a mais para a matriz energética num momento em que o país prima pela universalização dos serviços de energia e a classificação de edifícios comerciais, de serviço e públicos, além dos residenciais quanto à eficiência energética através do Procel Edifica (RTQ-C e RTQ-R). Os sistemas fotovoltaicos podem configurar perfis de uso nas edificações de modo a gerar energia para consumo próprio ou ligado à rede e ainda ter influência na arquitetura do prédio com revestimento: os perfis podem está em telhados, fachadas ou janelas, amenizando em alguns casos a carga térmica no prédio com sombreamento arquitetônico. Hoje, com o avanço da tecnologia no setor de armazenagem é possível, o atendimento com segurança e eficiência a uma edificação ou direcionar esta armazenagem a uma demanda específica como o atendimento à demanda de ciclo profundo, tais como, iluminação externa e recarga de veículos elétricos. Partindo da premissa de sistemas interruptos de energia, UPS, uso de fonte secundária como FV, baterias e Flywheel é apresentado uma forma de melhor gerenciar a energia armazenada, podendo estender a vida útil da bateria e conseqüentemente de todo o sistema fotovoltaico na edificação. Esta forma de armazenar energia proporciona um serviço de uso contínuo sem percepção das interrupções da rede com garantia de 20 anos, tal qual o módulo fotovoltaico, com esta proposta as perdas de energia elétrica na edificação serão atenuadas, pois a eletricidade será utilizada de forma eficiente e inteligente. O ponto de partida do estudo de caso no prédio do IBAM são os sistemas fotovoltaicos com geração distribuída (mini-redes) conectados à rede que são instalados para fornecer energia ao consumidor, complementando a quantidade de energia demandada, caso haja algum aumento do consumo de energia na edificação, ou ainda utilizar o sistema fotovoltaico na hora da ponta e interrupções do sistema da rede no período fora da ponta. A estocagem inercial por meio do Flywheel tem um papel fundamental nesta mini-rede (Flywheel, bateria VRLA, UPS, inversor e STS), pois a sua utilização pode ser apontada como uma inovação tecnológica quanto à regulação de tensão no sistema de energia elétrica, além de preparar a edificação para o smart-grid. Esta configuração de acumulação de energia permitiu a analise do deslocamento desta energia armazenada para o consumo no horário de ponta, mudando o conceito de sistemas fotovoltaicos autônomos no meio urbano e rural no país. Este conceito de armazenagem se confirma então como um aporte na eficiência de energia na edificação, podendo carrear economia de energia substancial, além de proporcionar uma confiabilidade no serviço de energia, com um baixo retorno do investimento e com uma garantia de funcionamento com pequena ou nenhuma manutenção durante o período de vida de 20 anos.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é conhecer e compreender melhor os imprevistos no fornecimento de energia elétrica, quando ocorrem as variações de tensão de curta duração (VTCD). O banco de dados necessário para os diagnósticos das faltas foi obtido através de simulações de um modelo de alimentador radial através do software PSCAD/EMTDC. Este trabalho utiliza um Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) com o intuito de detectar VTCDs e realizar a estimativa automática da frequência, do ângulo de fase e da amplitude das tensões e correntes da rede elétrica. Nesta pesquisa, desenvolveram-se duas redes neurais artificiais: uma para identificar e outra para localizar as VTCDs ocorridas no sistema de distribuição de energia elétrica. A técnica aqui proposta aplica-se a alimentadores trifásicos com cargas desequilibradas, que podem possuir ramais laterais trifásicos, bifásicos e monofásicos. No desenvolvimento da mesma, considera-se que há disponibilidade de medições de tensões e correntes no nó inicial do alimentador e também em alguns pontos esparsos ao longo do alimentador de distribuição. Os desempenhos das arquiteturas das redes neurais foram satisfatórios e demonstram a viabilidade das RNAs na obtenção das generalizações que habilitam o sistema para realizar a classificação de curtos-circuitos.


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Superconducting Fault Current Limiters (SFCLs) are able to reduce fault currents to an acceptable value, reducing potential mechanical and thermal damage and allowing more flexibility in an electric power system's design. Due to limitations in current YBCO thin film manufacturing techniques, it is necessary to connect a number of thin films in different series and parallel configurations in order to realise a practical SFCL for electric power system applications. The amount of resistance generated (i.e. the degree of current limitation), the characteristics of the S-N transition, and the time at which they operate is different depending on their comparative characteristics. However, it is desirable for series-connected thin films to have an operating time difference as small as possible to avoid placing an excess burden on certain thin films. The role of a parallel resistance, along with the influence of thin film characteristics, such as critical current (Ic), are discussed in regards to the design of SFCLs using YBCO thin films. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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his paper proposes an optimisation-based method to calculate the critical slip (speed) of dynamic stability and critical clearing time (CCT) of a self-excited induction generator (SEIG). A simple case study using the Matlab/Simulink environment has been included to exemplify the optimisation method. Relationships between terminal voltage, critical slip and reactance of transmission line, CCT and inertial constant have been determined, based on which analysis of impact on relaying setting has been further conducted for another simulation case.


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A reduction in the time required to locate and restore faults on a utility's distribution network improves the customer minutes lost (CML) measurement and hence brings direct cost savings to the operating company. The traditional approach to fault location involves fault impedance determination from high volume waveform files dispatched across a communications channel to a central location for processing and analysis. This paper examines an alternative scheme where data processing is undertaken locally within a recording instrument thus reducing the volume of data to be transmitted. Processed event fault reports may be emailed to relevant operational staff for the timely repair and restoration of the line.


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This paper considers the enhancement of loss-of-mains detection by use of a differential rate-of-change-of-frequency relay to reduce nuisance tripping and improve sensitivity to small excursions in frequency. The telecommunications media which might carry the differential ROCOF signal are reviewed with a focus on channel latency, bandwidth and security.


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This paper discusses methods of using the Internet as a communications media between distributed generator sites to provide new forms of loss-of-mains protection. An analysis of the quality of the communications channels between several nodes on the network was carried out experimentally. It is shown that Internet connections in urban environments are already capable of providing real-time power system protection, whilst rural Internet connections are borderline suitable but could not yet be recommended as a primary method of protection. Two strategies of providing loss-of-mains across Internet protocol are considered, broadcast of a reference frequency or phasor representing the utility and an Internet based inter-tripping scheme.


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A PSS/E 32 model of a real section of the Northern Ireland electrical grid was dynamically controlled with Python 2.5. In this manner data from a proposed wide area monitoring system was simulated. The area is of interest as it is a weakly coupled distribution grid with significant distributed generation. The data was used to create an optimization and protection metric that reflected reactive power flow, voltage profile, thermal overload and voltage excursions. Step changes in the metric were introduced upon the operation of special protection systems and voltage excursions. A wide variety of grid conditions were simulated while tap changer positions and switched capacitor banks were iterated through; with the most desirable state returning the lowest optimization and protection metric. The optimized metric was compared against the metric generated from the standard system state returned by PSS/E. Various grid scenarios were explored involving an intact network and compromised networks (line loss) under summer maximum, summer minimum and winter maximum conditions. In each instance the output from the installed distributed generation is varied between 0 MW and 80 MW (120% of installed capacity). It is shown that in grid models the triggering of special protection systems is delayed by between 1 MW and 6 MW (1.5% to 9% of capacity), with 3.5 MW being the average. The optimization and protection metric gives a quantitative value for system health and demonstrates the potential efficacy of wide area monitoring for protection and control.


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Currently, there are several power converter topologies applied to wind power generation. The converters allow the use of wind turbines operating at variable speed, enabling better use of wind forces. The high performance of the converters is being increasingly demanded, mainly because of the increase in the power generation capacity by wind turbines, which gave rise to various converter topologies, such as parallel or multilevel converters. The use of converters allow effective control of the power injected into the grid, either partially, for the case using partial converter, or total control for the case of using full converter. The back-to-back converter is one of the most used topologies in the market today, due to its simple structure, with few components, contributing to robust and reliable performance. In this work, is presented the implementation of a wind cogeneration system using a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) associated with a back-to-back power converter is proposed, in order to inject active power in an electric power system. The control strategy of the active power delivered to the grid by cogeneration is based on the philosophy of indirect control