918 resultados para Elecció social -- Models matemàtics
Natural disasters are events that cause general and widespread destruction of the built environment and are becoming increasingly recurrent. They are a product of vulnerability and community exposure to natural hazards, generating a multitude of social, economic and cultural issues of which the loss of housing and the subsequent need for shelter is one of its major consequences. Nowadays, numerous factors contribute to increased vulnerability and exposure to natural disasters such as climate change with its impacts felt across the globe and which is currently seen as a worldwide threat to the built environment. The abandonment of disaster-affected areas can also push populations to regions where natural hazards are felt more severely. Although several actors in the post-disaster scenario provide for shelter needs and recovery programs, housing is often inadequate and unable to resist the effects of future natural hazards. Resilient housing is commonly not addressed due to the urgency in sheltering affected populations. However, by neglecting risks of exposure in construction, houses become vulnerable and are likely to be damaged or destroyed in future natural hazard events. That being said it becomes fundamental to include resilience criteria, when it comes to housing, which in turn will allow new houses to better withstand the passage of time and natural disasters, in the safest way possible. This master thesis is intended to provide guiding principles to take towards housing recovery after natural disasters, particularly in the form of flood resilient construction, considering floods are responsible for the largest number of natural disasters. To this purpose, the main structures that house affected populations were identified and analyzed in depth. After assessing the risks and damages that flood events can cause in housing, a methodology was proposed for flood resilient housing models, in which there were identified key criteria that housing should meet. The same methodology is based in the US Federal Emergency Management Agency requirements and recommendations in accordance to specific flood zones. Finally, a case study in Maldives – one of the most vulnerable countries to sea level rise resulting from climate change – has been analyzed in light of housing recovery in a post-disaster induced scenario. This analysis was carried out by using the proposed methodology with the intent of assessing the resilience of the newly built housing to floods in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.
Este trabalho de investigação visa estudar e compreender a responsabilidade social de três bibliotecas públicas da margem sul do Tejo, analisando de que forma estas contribuem para o desenvolvimento de cidadãos civicamente mais ativos. Neste sentido, determina-se que modelo de responsabilidade social aplicam, que meios utilizam para incentivar o envolvimento cívico e que parcerias estabelecem. O método de recolha de dados utilizado foi a entrevista, tendo esta sido realizada aos responsáveis de cada bibliotecas em análise. Os resultados evidenciam que não existe uma política formal de responsabilidade social, mas sim ações que se assemelham a modelos práticos de RS que se classificam nas Teorias Integrativas. Relativamente às iniciativas desenvolvidas pelas bibliotecas públicas para a promoção da cidadania, estas vão de encontro ao Manifesto da IFLA/UNESCO para as Bibliotecas Públicas, podendo dizer-se que as suas ações se encontram confinadas à responsabilidade legal da organização. As bibliotecas identificam os seus stakeholders, mas é necessário que estes possuam um papel mais ativo no desenvolvimento de iniciativas que respondam às suas expetativas e necessidades. Efetuam-se cinco recomendações para melhorar o desempenho das bibliotecas públicas no domínio da responsabilidade social e da cidadania: implementar políticas de responsabilidade social; respeitar os interesses dos stakeholders; apostar na formação em responsabilidade social; investir na aprendizagem ao longo da vida; e inovar, no sentido de desenvolver atividades que vão além do cumprimento do Manifesto da IFLA/UNESCO para as Bibliotecas Públicas.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura
O estudo das condições que potenciam o ensino-aprendizagem em educação física precisa de considerar mais consistentemente e explicitamente as evidências do mesossistema estabelecido entre as ecologias do trabalho colaborativo do grupo disciplinar e as das suas aulas. Especificamente, incita-se à compreensão como a negociação integradora do sistema social dos alunos pode ser potenciada pelo grupo disciplinar. Para alcançar essa compreensão articularam-se os modelos das comunidades de aprendizagem profissional e da ecologia da aula, através da bioecologia do desenvolvimento humano. Conduziu-se um desenho de estudo de caso longitudinal integrado, triangulando métodos, fontes e dados de um grupo disciplinar de educação física com qualidade colaborativa. Simultaneamente, observaram-se duas ecologias de aulas de educação física, diferenciadas pelas disposições de negociação dos respetivos professores, detalhando paralelamente os perfis de agenda social dos alunos para essas ecologias. Os resultados permitem salientar a interação das propriedades Pessoa-Contexto-Processo-Tempo como condições mesossistémicas favorecedoras da integração do sistema social dos alunos, nomeadamente: as caraterísticas do grupo como comunidade de aprendizagem profissional focada na integração; a interação macrossistémica e a alternância intencional cíclica grupo-aula; e a articulação entre o desenvolvimento curricular colaborativo e a partilha e produção de conhecimento em espirais curriculares plurianuais e anuais. Estas condições refletiram-se nas ecologias das aulas como semelhanças tendencialmente integradoras do sistema social na instrução e na organização. Todavia, também emergiram particularidades em cada ecologia traduzidas numa congruência mais consistente entre os perfis de agenda social encontrados para o envolvimento integrador, por associação às diferenças de alinhamento instrucional na negociação pelos professores. Este estudo lança implicações para a investigação relacionadas com a verificação e aprofundamento das condições mesossistémicas identificadas. Paralelamente, a prática profissional de professores e de formadores de professores encontra implicações sobre a melhoria da qualidade colaborativa profissional para promover continuamente melhores experiências de ensino-aprendizagem da educação física nos microssistemas aqui analisados.
El proceso cultural en las Sierras de Córdoba fue habitualmente concebido como marginal con respecto al Noroeste Argentino. Tras el establecimiento del esquema básico de la secuencia prehispánica, a mediados del siglo pasado, se definió una etapa agroalfarera de cronología tardía, que continuaba a una extensa etapa precerámica cuyos límites se aproximaban a la transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno. Se hacía referencia, de este modo, al advenimiento de un modo de vida agrícola y aldeano, que reemplazaba a otro basado en la caza y recolección. Dicha transformación, alternativamente atribuida a la población cazadora local o a una migración de grupos agricultores desde regiones vecinas, se habría consumado hacia 1500 AP, fijando uno de los límites de la dispersión de la agricultura andina. Es necesario destacar la extremada escasez y el carácter indirecto de las evidencias arqueológicas utilizadas para sustentar la ocurrencia de tal proceso. Asimismo, la vigencia de supuestos que han comenzado a mostrar inconsistencias con los resultados de las recientes investigaciones. Entre ellos, principalmente, el que asume que la introducción de la agricultura dio paso a una transformación radical de las sociedades prehispánicas, constituyendo un hito fundamental en su devenir histórico, el comienzo de una nueva etapa. Nuestros últimos estudios en el sector central de las Sierras de Córdoba apuntaron, entre otros objetivos, a reconocer indicadores arqueológicos directos de producción agrícola, así como de la manipulación y consumo de plantas cultivadas. Los primeros resultados nos permiten vislumbrar un escenario complejo que desafía los modelos vigentes. El consumo de maíz, por ejemplo, parece haber antecedido por muchos siglos a la adopción de prácticas agrícolas. El acceso a este cultígeno, sumado a otros elementos, indicaría cambios entre los cazadores-recolectores serranos, promovidos por su integración en redes macrorregionales que los vincularon con sociedades agricultoras de la vertiente oriental andina y quizás del Chaco Santiagueño, por lo menos desde 2500 AP. En definitiva, la agricultura no parece haber sido adoptada rápidamente ni provocado transformaciones profundas e inmediatas en la organización de los grupos prehispánicos. Se ha observado, por el contrario, la incorporación gradual de distintas innovaciones que incluso permiten relacionar la manipulación y más tarde el cultivo de plantas domesticadas, con procesos de intensificación productiva de mayor escala temporal. Uno de nuestros objetivos en este proyecto consiste, básicamente, en profundizar las investigaciones en curso a fin de ampliar el cuerpo de datos con el cual analizar y discutir el problema de la dispersión agrícola en la región. Ello implica el tratamiento de diferentes líneas de evidencia, en particular: 1) la distribución regional de sitios arqueológicos y las modalidades de ocupación de las tierras cultivables; 2) la búsqueda de superficies de cultivo en sitios estratificados; y 3) estudios arqueobotánicos, polínicos y de isótopos estables. Se entiende que no le corresponde a la arqueología asumir apriorísticamente el significado histórico de la introducción de la agricultura, sino establecerlo en cada caso puntual a través de la investigación concreta. Nuestro segundo objetivo consiste, por lo tanto, en delinear los cambios (económicos, tecnológicos, políticos, sociales) que acompañaron al proceso de dispersión agrícola. Ello implica el tratamiento de diferentes problemas, entre otros: 1) las prácticas de apropiación de los recursos silvestres; 2) la continuidad y cambio tecnológico; 3) la movilidad y la articulación microambiental; y 4) los aspectos políticos y sociales ligados a prácticas como la molienda grupal y la producción del arte rupestre. The radical chage of societies from hunter-gatherers to farmers in 1500 BP was considered a milestone whitin the cultural process of pre-hispanic societies in Cordoba Hill. But there is a shortage of archaeological remains to support this change and there are weak hypotheses of absolute transformations. During the last years, our studies carried out on the central area of Cordoba Hill have tried to recognize direct archaeological signs of agriculture production as well as the handling and consumption of crops. The first results show a complex set that challenges the current theoretical models. For example, the corn was probably eatten prior to its adoption for farm practices. Our first main consists in increasing a corpus of data about the spread of agriculture in Cordoba region that we have been researching for the last years. These researches involve different lines of evidence: 1-regional location of archaeological sites and kinds of occupation on cultivable lands; 2-the search for plots at archaeological sites; 3-archaeobotanical, pollen and stable isotopes studies. Our second main consists in outlining changes within the spread of agriculture. It implies to considering different problems: 1-the practices to gatherer wild resources; 2-the continuity and changes of technologies; 3-the mobility and the articulation on the micro-environment; 4-political and social aspects in connection with activities such as groupal grinding and rock art productions.
The main purpose of this paper is building a research model to integrate the socioeconomic concept of social capital within intentional models of new firm creation. Nevertheless, some researchers have found cultural differences between countries and regions to have an effect on economic development. Therefore, a second objective of this study is exploring whether those cultural differences affect entrepreneurial cognitions. Research design and methodology: Two samples of last year university students from Spain and Taiwan are studied through an Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire (EIQ). Structural equation models (Partial Least Squares) are used to test the hypotheses. The possible existence of differences between both sub-samples is also empirically explored through a multigroup analysis. Main outcomes and results: The proposed model explains 54.5% of the variance in entrepreneurial intention. Besides, there are some significant differences between both subsamples that could be attributed to cultural diversity. Conclusions: This paper has shown the relevance of cognitive social capital in shaping individuals’ entrepreneurial intentions across different countries. Furthermore, it suggests that national culture could be shaping entrepreneurial perceptions, but not cognitive social capital. Therefore, both cognitive social capital and culture (made up essentially of values and beliefs), may act together to reinforce the entrepreneurial intention.
Aquest projecte es va iniciar amb la finalitat d’extendre i consolidar l’aplicació del Model de Pràcticum Integrador (MPI) a la majoria dels pràcticums de les titulacions de pedagogia, psicopedagogia i educació social de la Facultat de Ciències de l’Educació de la nostra universitat. Aquest Model s’havia iniciat en els darrers anys i ja s’havia comprovat la seva l’eficiència. L’MPI es fonamenta en el convenciment que l’assoliment de les competències professionals és bàsic i que aquestes es poden desenvolupar durant el pràcticum. En aquest nou model de pràctiques, els estudiants treballen en equips interdisciplinars per projectes, els tutors/es de la facultat conformen un equip de treball amb els tutors/es dels centres, dissenyen els plans d’acollida i de seguiment, i es fan les tutories de seguiment i treball en el centre entre totes les parts implicades. Els objectius plantejats en els dos anys de durada de l’MQD2006 eren: 1)Eliminar les dificultats tecnicoadministratives de la facultat que dificulten l’ampliació i consolidació del model MPI. 2)Comunicar i prestigiar el model MPI i la xarxa de centres d’excel·lència entre els estudiants, el professorat de la facultat i els propis centres. 3)Promoure la col·laboració, l’intercanvi de coneixement i els projectes d’innovació i recerca facultat-centres posant en contacte els grups de treball de la facultat i els centres, i mostrant els seus potencials. 4)Estructurar el nou model segons el model ECTs. 5)Analitzar i aprofundir en l’aplicació del treball per competències del nou model.
In economic literature, information deficiencies and computational complexities have traditionally been solved through the aggregation of agents and institutions. In inputoutput modelling, researchers have been interested in the aggregation problem since the beginning of 1950s. Extending the conventional input-output aggregation approach to the social accounting matrix (SAM) models may help to identify the effects caused by the information problems and data deficiencies that usually appear in the SAM framework. This paper develops the theory of aggregation and applies it to the social accounting matrix model of multipliers. First, we define the concept of linear aggregation in a SAM database context. Second, we define the aggregated partitioned matrices of multipliers which are characteristic of the SAM approach. Third, we extend the analysis to other related concepts, such as aggregation bias and consistency in aggregation. Finally, we provide an illustrative example that shows the effects of aggregating a social accounting matrix model.
Introduction. There is some cross-sectional evidence that theory of mind ability is associated with social functioning in those with psychosis but the direction of this relationship is unknown. This study investigates the longitudinal association between both theory of mind and psychotic symptoms and social functioning outcome in first-episode psychosis. Methods. Fifty-four people with first-episode psychosis were followed up at 6 and 12 months. Random effects regression models were used to estimate the stability of theory of mind over time and the association between baseline theory of mind and psychotic symptoms and social functioning outcome. Results. Neither baseline theory of mind ability (regression coefficients: Hinting test 1.07 95% CI 0.74, 2.88; Visual Cartoon test 2.91 95% CI 7.32, 1.51) nor baseline symptoms (regression coefficients: positive symptoms 0.04 95% CI 1.24, 1.16; selected negative symptoms 0.15 95% CI 2.63, 2.32) were associated with social functioning outcome. There was evidence that theory of mind ability was stable over time, (regression coefficients: Hinting test 5.92 95% CI 6.66, 8.92; Visual Cartoon test score 0.13 95% CI 0.17, 0.44). Conclusions. Neither baseline theory of mind ability nor psychotic symptoms are associated with social functioning outcome. Further longitudinal work is needed to understand the origin of social functioning deficits in psychosis.
The authors examined the associations of social support with socioeconomic status (SES) and with mortality, as well as how SES differences in social support might account for SES differences in mortality. Analyses were based on 9,333 participants from the British Whitehall II Study cohort, a longitudinal cohort established in 1985 among London-based civil servants who were 35-55 years of age at baseline. SES was assessed using participant's employment grades at baseline. Social support was assessed 3 times in the 24.4-year period during which participants were monitored for death. In men, marital status, and to a lesser extent network score (but not low perceived support or high negative aspects of close relationships), predicted both all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. Measures of social support were not associated with cancer mortality. Men in the lowest SES category had an increased risk of death compared with those in the highest category (for all-cause mortality, hazard ratio = 1.59, 95% confidence interval: 1.21, 2.08; for cardiovascular mortality, hazard ratio = 2.48, 95% confidence interval: 1.55, 3.92). Network score and marital status combined explained 27% (95% confidence interval: 14, 43) and 29% (95% confidence interval: 17, 52) of the associations between SES and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, respectively. In women, there was no consistent association between social support indicators and mortality. The present study suggests that in men, social isolation is not only an important risk factor for mortality but is also likely to contribute to differences in mortality by SES.
Summary : Division of labour is one of the most fascinating aspects of social insects. The efficient allocation of individuals to a multitude of different tasks requires a dynamic adjustment in response to the demands of a changing environment. A considerable number of theoretical models have focussed on identifying the mechanisms allowing colonies to perform efficient task allocation. The large majority of these models are built on the observation that individuals in a colony vary in their propensity (response threshold) to perform different tasks. Since individuals with a low threshold for a given task stimulus are more likely to perform that task than individuals with a high threshold, infra-colony variation in individual thresholds results in colony division of labour. These theoretical models suggest that variation in individual thresholds is affected by the within-colony genetic diversity. However, the models have not considered the genetic architecture underlying the individual response thresholds. This is important because a better understanding of division of labour requires determining how genotypic variation relates to differences in infra-colony response threshold distributions. In this thesis, we investigated the combined influence on task allocation efficiency of both, the within-colony genetic variability (stemming from variation in the number of matings by queens) and the number of genes underlying the response thresholds. We used an agent-based simulator to model a situation where workers in a colony had to perform either a regulatory task (where the amount of a given food item in the colony had to be maintained within predefined bounds) or a foraging task (where the quantity of a second type of food item collected had to be the highest possible). The performance of colonies was a function of workers being able to perform both tasks efficiently. To study the effect of within-colony genetic diversity, we compared the performance of colonies with queens mated with varying number of males. On the other hand, the influence of genetic architecture was investigated by varying the number of loci underlying the response threshold of the foraging and regulatory tasks. Artificial evolution was used to evolve the allelic values underlying the tasks thresholds. The results revealed that multiple matings always translated into higher colony performance, whatever the number of loci encoding the thresholds of the regulatory and foraging tasks. However, the beneficial effect of additional matings was particularly important when the genetic architecture of queens comprised one or few genes for the foraging task's threshold. By contrast, higher number of genes encoding the foraging task reduced colony performance with the detrimental effect being stronger when queens had mated with several males. Finally, the number of genes determining the threshold for the regulatory task only had a minor but incremental effect on colony performance. Overall, our numerical experiments indicate the importance of considering the effects of queen mating frequency, genetic architecture underlying task thresholds and the type of task performed when investigating the factors regulating the efficiency of division of labour in social insects. In this thesis we also investigate the task allocation efficiency of response threshold models and compare them with neural networks. While response threshold models are widely used amongst theoretical biologists interested in division of labour in social insects, our simulation reveals that they perform poorly compared to a neural network model. A major shortcoming of response thresholds is that they fail at one of the most crucial requirement of division of labour, the ability of individuals in a colony to efficiently switch between tasks under varying environmental conditions. Moreover, the intrinsic properties of the threshold models are that they lead to a large proportion of idle workers. Our results highlight these limitations of the response threshold models and provide an adequate substitute. Altogether, the experiments presented in this thesis provide novel contributions to the understanding of how division of labour in social insects is influenced by queen mating frequency and genetic architecture underlying worker task thresholds. Moreover, the thesis also provides a novel model of the mechanisms underlying worker task allocation that maybe more generally applicable than the widely used response threshold models. Resumé : La répartition du travail est l'un des aspects les plus fascinants des insectes vivant en société. Une allocation efficace de la multitude de différentes tâches entre individus demande un ajustement dynamique afin de répondre aux exigences d'un environnement en constant changement. Un nombre considérable de modèles théoriques se sont attachés à identifier les mécanismes permettant aux colonies d'effectuer une allocation efficace des tâches. La grande majorité des ces modèles sont basés sur le constat que les individus d'une même colonie diffèrent dans leur propension (inclination à répondre) à effectuer différentes tâches. Etant donné que les individus possédant un faible seuil de réponse à un stimulus associé à une tâche donnée sont plus disposés à effectuer cette dernière que les individus possédant un seuil élevé, les différences de seuils parmi les individus vivant au sein d'une même colonie mènent à une certaine répartition du travail. Ces modèles théoriques suggèrent que la variation des seuils des individus est affectée par la diversité génétique propre à la colonie. Cependant, ces modèles ne considèrent pas la structure génétique qui est à la base des seuils de réponse individuels. Ceci est très important car une meilleure compréhension de la répartition du travail requière de déterminer de quelle manière les variations génotypiques sont associées aux différentes distributions de seuils de réponse à l'intérieur d'une même colonie. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous étudions l'influence combinée de la variabilité génétique d'une colonie (qui prend son origine dans la variation du nombre d'accouplements des reines) avec le nombre de gènes supportant les seuils de réponse, vis-à-vis de la performance de l'allocation des tâches. Nous avons utilisé un simulateur basé sur des agents pour modéliser une situation où les travailleurs d'une colonie devaient accomplir une tâche de régulation (1a quantité d'une nourriture donnée doit être maintenue à l'intérieur d'un certain intervalle) ou une tâche de recherche de nourriture (la quantité d'une certaine nourriture doit être accumulée autant que possible). Dans ce contexte, 'efficacité des colonies tient en partie des travailleurs qui sont capable d'effectuer les deux tâches de manière efficace. Pour étudier l'effet de la diversité génétique d'une colonie, nous comparons l'efficacité des colonies possédant des reines qui s'accouplent avec un nombre variant de mâles. D'autre part, l'influence de la structure génétique a été étudiée en variant le nombre de loci à la base du seuil de réponse des deux tâches de régulation et de recherche de nourriture. Une évolution artificielle a été réalisée pour évoluer les valeurs alléliques qui sont à l'origine de ces seuils de réponse. Les résultats ont révélé que de nombreux accouplements se traduisaient toujours en une plus grande performance de la colonie, quelque soit le nombre de loci encodant les seuils des tâches de régulation et de recherche de nourriture. Cependant, les effets bénéfiques d'accouplements additionnels ont été particulièrement important lorsque la structure génétique des reines comprenait un ou quelques gènes pour le seuil de réponse pour la tâche de recherche de nourriture. D'autre part, un nombre plus élevé de gènes encodant la tâche de recherche de nourriture a diminué la performance de la colonie avec un effet nuisible d'autant plus fort lorsque les reines s'accouplent avec plusieurs mâles. Finalement, le nombre de gènes déterminant le seuil pour la tâche de régulation eu seulement un effet mineur mais incrémental sur la performance de la colonie. Pour conclure, nos expériences numériques révèlent l'importance de considérer les effets associés à la fréquence d'accouplement des reines, à la structure génétique qui est à l'origine des seuils de réponse pour les tâches ainsi qu'au type de tâche effectué au moment d'étudier les facteurs qui régulent l'efficacité de la répartition du travail chez les insectes vivant en communauté. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions l'efficacité de l'allocation des tâches des modèles prenant en compte des seuils de réponses, et les comparons à des réseaux de neurones. Alors que les modèles basés sur des seuils de réponse sont couramment utilisés parmi les biologistes intéressés par la répartition des tâches chez les insectes vivant en société, notre simulation montre qu'ils se révèlent peu efficace comparé à un modèle faisant usage de réseaux de neurones. Un point faible majeur des seuils de réponse est qu'ils échouent sur un point crucial nécessaire à la répartition des tâches, la capacité des individus d'une colonie à commuter efficacement entre des tâches soumises à des conditions environnementales changeantes. De plus, les propriétés intrinsèques des modèles basés sur l'utilisation de seuils conduisent à de larges populations de travailleurs inactifs. Nos résultats mettent en évidence les limites de ces modèles basés sur l'utilisation de seuils et fournissent un substitut adéquat. Ensemble, les expériences présentées dans cette thèse fournissent de nouvelles contributions pour comprendre comment la répartition du travail chez les insectes vivant en société est influencée par la fréquence d'accouplements des reines ainsi que par la structure génétique qui est à l'origine, pour un travailleur, du seuil de réponse pour une tâche. De plus, cette thèse fournit également un nouveau modèle décrivant les mécanismes qui sont à l'origine de l'allocation des tâches entre travailleurs, mécanismes qui peuvent être appliqué de manière plus générale que ceux couramment utilisés et basés sur des seuils de réponse.
Division of labour is one of the most prominent features of social insects. The efficient allocation of individuals to different tasks requires dynamic adjustment in response to environmental perturbations. Theoretical models suggest that the colony-level flexibility in responding to external changes and internal perturbation may depend on the within-colony genetic diversity, which is affected by the number of breeding individuals. However, these models have not considered the genetic architecture underlying the propensity of workers to perform the various tasks. Here, we investigated how both within-colony genetic variability (stemming from variation in the number of matings by queens) and the number of genes influencing the stimulus (threshold) for a given task at which workers begin to perform that task jointly influence task allocation efficiency. We used a numerical agent-based model to investigate the situation where workers had to perform either a regulatory task or a foraging task. One hundred generations of artificial selection in populations consisting of 500 colonies revealed that an increased number of matings always improved colony performance, whatever the number of loci encoding the thresholds of the regulatory and foraging tasks. However, the beneficial effect of additional matings was particularly important when the genetic architecture of queens comprised one or a few genes for the foraging task's threshold. By contrast, a higher number of genes encoding the foraging task reduced colony performance with the detrimental effect being stronger when queens had mated with several males. Finally, the number of genes encoding the threshold for the regulatory task only had a minor effect on colony performance. Overall, our numerical experiments support the importance of mating frequency on efficiency of division of labour and also reveal complex interactions between the number of matings and genetic architecture.
The impact of social relationships on the maintenance of independence over periods of 12-18 months in a group of 306 octogenarians is assessed in this study. The study is based on the results of the Swilsoo (Swiss Interdisciplinary Longitudinal Study on the Oldest Old). Participants (80-84 years old at baseline) were interviewed five times between 1994 and 1999. Independence was defined as the capacity to perform without assistance eight activities of daily living. We distinguished in our analyses kinship and friendship networks and evaluated social relationships with the help of a series of variables serving as indicators of network composition and contact frequency. Logistic regression models were used to identify the short-term effects of social relationships on independence, after controlling for sociodemographic and health-related variables; independence at a given wave of interviews was interpreted in the light of social factors measured at the previous wave. Our analyses indicate that the existence of a close friend has a significant impact on the maintenance of independence (OR=1.58, p<0.05), which is not the case with the other variables concerning network composition. Kinship contacts were also observed to have a positive impact on independence (OR=1.12, p<0.01).
Aquest vol ser un treball que, emmarcat dins l'esfera del lleure, centri la seva atenció en la interrelació dels vèrtexs d'un triangle que formen els següents components: un grup d'infants i d'adolescents, un grup de monitors i unes activitats de lleure. Els objectius van dirigits als nens i als monitors, perquè aquesta empresa la construeixen entre tots els que hi prenen part. La intervenció psicopedagògica vol aconseguir que la interacció d'aquests elements, en aquest context, possibiliti que tots els nens assoleixin uns objectius educatius i socials determinats. No es tracta d'un plantejament descriptiu dels tipus d'aprenentatge que tenen lloc a la colònia, alguns tan evidents com l'aprenentatge per imitació de models o l'aprenentatge vicari per a l'aprenentatge social d'actituds i de comportaments, sinó d'assessorar els monitors sobre com han d'intervenir en les relacions que s'estableixen en el si de la colònia per tal d'arribar a aconseguir els canvis en els comportaments i en les actituds.
Our purpose in this article is to define a network structure which is based on two egos instead of the egocentered (one ego) or the complete network (n egos). We describe the characteristics and properties for this kind of network which we call “nosduocentered network”, comparing it with complete and egocentered networks. The key point for this kind of network is that relations exist between the two main egos and all alters, but relations among others are not observed. After that, we use new social network measures adapted to the nosduocentered network, some of which are based on measures for complete networks such as degree, betweenness, closeness centrality or density, while some others are tailormade for nosduocentered networks. We specify three regression models to predict research performance of PhD students based on these social network measures for different networks such as advice, collaboration, emotional support and trust. Data used are from Slovenian PhD students and their s