905 resultados para Education, Medical, Undergraduate, Methods
OBJECTIVE: To assess and compare the training needs in adolescent medicine of doctors within 6 specialties as a basis for the development of pre/postgraduate and continuing medical education (CME) training curricula. DESIGN: Cross-sectional postal survey. SETTING: Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: National, representative, random sample of 1857 practising doctors in 6 disciplines (general practitioners, paediatricians, gynaecologists, internists, psychiatrists, child psychiatrists) registered with the Swiss Medical Association. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Perceived importance of and training interest in 35 topics related to adolescent medicine listed in a self-administered, anonymous questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 1367 questionnaires were returned, representing a response rate of 73.9%. Clear interest in adolescent medicine was reported by 62.1% of respondents. Topics perceived to be the most important in everyday practice were functional symptoms (71.4%), acne (67.1%), obesity (64.6%), depression-anxiety (68.1%) and communication with adolescents (61.7%). Differences between disciplines were especially marked for gynaecologists, who expressed interest almost exclusively in medical topics specific to their field. In contrast, other disciplines commonly reported a keen interest in psychosocial problems. Accordingly, interest in further training was expressed mostly for functional symptoms (62.4%), eating disorders (56.3%), depression-anxiety (53.7%) and obesity (52.6%). Issues related to injury prevention, chronic disease and confidentiality were rated as low priorities. CONCLUSIONS: Regardless of discipline, Swiss primary care doctors expressed a strong interest in adolescent medicine. Continuing medical education courses should include both interdisciplinary courses and discipline-specific sessions. Further training should address epidemiological and legal/ethical issues (e.g. injury prevention, confidentiality, impact of chronic conditions).
Improvement of mathematical education and motivation of students in the mathematics" area is needed. What can be done? We introduce some ideas to generate the student"s interest for mathematics, because they often present difficulties in appreciating the relevance of mathematics and its role in the health sciences. We consider that a cornerstone in the strategy to attract the students" interest is linking the mathematics with real biomedical situations. We proceed in the following manner: We first present a real biomedical situation to produce interest and to generate curiosity. Second, we ask thought-provoking questions to students as: Which is the biomedical problem presented? Which is my knowledge on this situation? What could I do to solve this biomedical situation? Do I need some new mathematical concepts and procedures? Thereupon, the teacher explains the mathematical concepts necessary to solve the case presented, providing definitions, properties and tools for graphical display and/or mathematical calculations. In this learning methodology, ICTs were cornerstones for reaching the proposed competences. Furthermore, ICTs can also be used in the evaluative task in its two possible aspects: formative and for obtaining a qualification. Comments from students about this new mathematics teaching method indicate that the use of real biomedical case studies kept the lessons in mathematics interesting.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a rare genetic disease. Today we are able to propose an adapted and efficient management to the patients with this rare disorder (and their families) thanks to a strong collaboration of clinicians and researchers. Recent knowledge regarding the genetics of OI permits an accurate diagnosis of the specific type of OI and its own molecular mechanism, a genetic counseling for family planning and prenatal diagnosis, and in addition more targeted therapeutic options. A specific support with re-education for patients with OI is necessary and efficient. To optimize patient care, a multidisciplinary consultation is proposed at the CHUV, moreover a web site is available for patients, families and therapists: www.infomaladiesrares.ch
sabel Ruíz Pujadas regala al lector una imagen con trampa y cartón. A primera vista, casi podría haberse extraído de aquellas épocas en las que dibujantes intrépidos ponían su maña al servicio de la ciencia, del apoderamiento de los territorios inexplorados y de la fantasía europea. De estar en lo cierto, su regalo respira vendetta: llegó un momento en que el acta notarial de la realidad comenzó a sellarse con cristales de plata; hasta que alguien cayó en la cuenta de que la fotografía llevaba lentes y se acabó la discusión. Tal vez la imagen sea un homenaje a aquellos álbumes de plantas y bichos hechos con mucho esmero y no menos ojo. Pero, Isabel Ruíz la acompaña de un título, Mirada de gallina Leghorn, y el asunto se complica. Porque el título le da la vuelta al dibujo, desplaza su sentido y lo trae a la actualidad. Es una muestra de esas interferencias lingüísticas que apuntalan en no pocas ocasiones el efecto estético contemporáneo. Ni el rótulo ni la imagen; es su simbiosis lo que esclarece una intención hasta traerla al coto artístico.
Desenvolupar un sistema de seguimentindividualitzat i grupal de les activitatsdocents dels estudiants en assignatures d’alta densitat de matricula per tal de fer efectius els pressupostos d’una veritable avaluació continuada en aquestes condicions.
La semipresencialidad en la educación superior es entendida como una estrategia educativa que complementa los cursos presenciales con entornos virtuales o siste-mas de gestión del aprendizaje que incluyen prototipos tecnológicos que facilitan recursos, actividades e interacción a través de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación.
Es presenta l’experiència de la pràctica en l’assignatura de Cirurgia Podològica II que s’imparteix en el grau de Podologia. Aquesta assignatura presenta la seva major part lectiva en la presentació de tècniques quirúrgiques les quals després d’ésser explicades, es reforcen mitjançant imatges (D), i vídeos (V). Per una millor visualització de les translacions o transposicions resultants de les tècniques realitzades es duen a terme pràctiques de tècniques amb models ossis. Això millora l’assimilació tridimensional que repercuteix en les pràctiques clíniques dutes a termini en els quiròfans de l’Hospital Podològic, ja que en a l’alumne el fa entendre més bé la tècnica quirúrgica osteoarticular.
La implementació de l’assignatura en elGrau de Farmàcia ha suposat pensar en una nova estratègia per tal de desenvolupar algunes competències transversals de laUniversitat de Barcelona i afavorir en els alumnes la integració dels coneixements.Els professors, de les unitats i grups d’innovació docent de Farmacologia i de Toxicologia, vam estimar quins continguts eren imprescindibles, constatant que alguns d’ells s’impartien ja en altres assignatures, i vam adoptar la següent estratègia: 1) re-elaborar els continguts ja impartits i emmarcar-los en l’entorn de la indústria farmacèutica; 2) presentar nous continguts; iprincipalment, 3) elaborar una bateria d’activitats centrades en el procés de R+D+i d’un fàrmac concret, el dabigatran. El disseny i el desenvolupament de les activitats s’han elaborat en base alEuropean Public Assessment Report (EPAR) per el dabigatran i l’NDA (New Drug Application) a la FDA per la seva autorització.
La implementació de l’assignatura en elGrau de Farmàcia ha suposat pensar en una nova estratègia per tal de desenvolupar algunes competències transversals de laUniversitat de Barcelona i afavorir en els alumnes la integració dels coneixements.Els professors, de les unitats i grups d’innovació docent de Farmacologia i de Toxicologia, vam estimar quins continguts eren imprescindibles, constatant que alguns d’ells s’impartien ja en altres assignatures, i vam adoptar la següent estratègia: 1) re-elaborar els continguts ja impartits i emmarcar-los en l’entorn de la indústria farmacèutica; 2) presentar nous continguts; iprincipalment, 3) elaborar una bateria d’activitats centrades en el procés de R+D+i d’un fàrmac concret, el dabigatran. El disseny i el desenvolupament de les activitats s’han elaborat en base alEuropean Public Assessment Report (EPAR) per el dabigatran i l’NDA (New Drug Application) a la FDA per la seva autorització.
The literature on the challenges of teacher education in undergraduate chemistry teaching is limited. In the present study, the application of didactic proposals elaborated by two authors of this paper, graduate students and teaching assistants of the teaching improvement program at University of São Paulo, was investigated in terms of their contribution to the teaching assistants' education and undergraduate students' receptivity toward them. Such proposals were based on the jigsaw cooperative learning strategy and applied in two undergraduate courses. The results indicate students' good receptivity and suggest their importance to teaching assistants' education.
The authors present a method of teaching of suture techniques being used instrumental surgical and bovine tongue used in the evaluation of the graduation students' learning. The evaluation of the technique, used since January 2000, considering students' motivation, learning curve, practical applicability, quality of the biological material used and similarity to the human tegument. The acceptance for the students was very good and the bovine tongue was shown material of easy acquisition and extremely useful in the teaching of suture techniques. The presented method is simple, easily reproductible and interesting. The bovine tongue is similar to the skin and the subcutaneous tissue, providing more enlightening and stimulants practical lessons.
The authors present a especially constructed, lightweight, collapsible, portable and low cost model device for skills training in laparoscopic.