974 resultados para Dissolved solids


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[EN]The meccano method is a novel and promising mesh generation method for simultaneously creating adaptive tetrahedral meshes and volume parametrizations of a complex solid. We highlight the fact that the method requires minimum user intervention and has a low computational cost. The method builds a 3-D triangulation of the solid as a deformation of an appropriate tetrahedral mesh of the meccano. The new mesh generator combines an automatic parametrization of surface triangulations, a local refinement algorithm for 3-D nested triangulations and a simultaneous untangling and smoothing procedure. At present, the procedure is fully automatic for a genus-zero solid. In this case, the meccano can be a single cube. The efficiency of the proposed technique is shown with several applications...


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[EN]In this paper we review the novel meccano method. We summarize the main stages (subdivision, mapping, optimization) of this automatic tetrahedral mesh generation technique and we concentrate the study to complex genus-zero solids. In this case, our procedure only requires a surface triangulation of the solid. A crucial consequence of our method is the volume parametrization of the solid to a cube. We construct volume T-meshes for isogeometric analysis by using this result. The efficiency of the proposed technique is shown with several examples. A comparison between the meccano method and standard mesh generation techniques is introduced.-1…


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Deutsch:In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten neue Methoden zur Synthese anorganischer Materialien mit neuartiger Architektur im Mikrometer und Nanometer Maßstab beschrieben werden. Die zentrale Rolle der Formgebung basiert dabei auf der templatinduzierten Abscheidung der anorganischen Materialien auf selbstorganisierten Monoschichten. Als Substrate eignen sich goldbedampfte Glasträger und Goldkolloide, die eine Mittelstellung in der Welt der Atome bzw. Moleküle und der makroskopischen Welt der ausgedehnten Festkörper einnehmen. Auf diesen Substraten lassen sich Thiole zu einer monomolekularen Schicht adsorbieren und damit die Oberflächeneigenschaften des Substrates ändern. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt bei dieser Arbeit stellt die Synthese speziell auf die Bedürfnisse der jeweiligen Anwendung ausgerichteten Thiole dar.Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden goldbedampfte Glasoberflächen als Template verwendet. Die Abscheidung von Calciumcarbonat wurde in Abhängigkeit der Schichtdicke der adsorbierten Monolage untersucht. Aragonit, eine der drei Hauptphasen des Calciumcarbonat Systems, wurde auf polyaromatischen Amid - Oberflächen mit Schichtdicken von 5 - 400 nm Dicke unter milden Bedingung abgeschieden. Die einstellbaren Parameter waren dabei die Kettenlänge des Polymers, der w-Substituent, die Bindung an die Goldoberfläche über Verwendung verschiedener Aminothiole und die Kristallisationstemperatur. Die Schichtdickeneinstellung der Polymerfilme erfolgte hierbei über einen automatisierten Synthesezyklus.Titanoxid Filme konnten auf Oberflächen strukturiert werden. Dabei kam ein speziell synthetisiertes Thiol zum Einsatz, das die Funktionalität einer Styroleinheit an der Oberflächen Grenze als auch eine Möglichkeit zur späteren Entfernung von der Oberfläche in sich vereinte. Die PDMS Stempeltechnik erzeugte dabei Mikrostrukturen auf der Goldoberfläche im Bereich von 5 bis 10 µm, die ihrerseits über die Polymerisation und Abscheidung des Polymers in den Titanoxid Film überführt werden konnten. Drei dimensionale Strukturen wurden über Goldkolloid Template erhalten. Tetraethylenglykol konnte mit einer Thiolgruppe im Austausch zu einer Hydroxylgruppe monofunktionalisiert werden. Das erhaltene Molekül wurde auf kolloidalem Gold selbstorganisiert; es entstand dabei ein wasserlösliches Goldkolloid. Die Darstellung erfolgte dabei in einer Einphasenreaktion. Die so erhaltenen Goldkolloide wurden als Krstallisationstemplate für die drei dimensionale Abscheidung von Calciumcarbonat verwendet. Es zeigte sich, dass Glykol die Kristallisation bzw. den Habitus des krsitalls bei niedrigem pH Wert modifiziert. Bei erhöhtem pH Wert (pH = 12) jedoch agieren die Glykol belegten Goldkolloide als Template und führen zu sphärisch Aggregaten. Werden Goldkolloide langkettigen Dithiolen ausgesetzt, so führt dies zu einer Aggregation und Ausfällung der Kolloide aufgrund der Vernetzung mehrer Goldkolloide mit den Thiolgruppen der Alkyldithiole. Zur Vermeidung konnte in dieser Arbeit ein halbseitig geschütztes Dithiol synthetisiert werden, mit dessen Hilfe die Aggregation unterbunden werden konnte. Das nachfolgende Entschützten der Thiolfunktion führte zu Goldkolloiden, deren Oberfläche Thiol funktionalisiert werden konnte. Die thiolaktiven Goldkolloide fungierten als template für die Abscheidung von Bleisulfid aus organisch/wässriger Lösung. Die Funktionsweise der Schutzgruppe und die Entschützung konnte mittels Plasmonenresonanz Spektroskopie verdeutlicht werden. Titanoxid / Gold / Polystyrol Komposite in Röhrenform konnten synthetisiert werden. Dazu wurde ein menschliches Haar als biologisches Templat für die Formgebung gewählt.. Durch Bedampfung des Haares mit Gold, Assemblierung eines Stryrolmonomers, welches zusätzlich eine Thiolfunktionalität trug, Polymerisation auf der Oberfläche, Abscheidung des Titanoxid Films und anschließendem Auflösen des biologischen Templates konnte eine Röhrenstruktur im Mikrometer Bereich dargestellt werden. Goldkolloide fungierten in dieser Arbeit nicht nur als Kristallisationstemplate und Formgeber, auch sie selbst wurden dahingehend modifiziert, dass sie drahtförmige Agglormerate im Nanometerbereich ausbilden. Dazu wurden Template aus Siliziumdioxid benutzt. Zum einen konnten Nanoröhren aus amorphen SiO2 in einer Sol Gel Methode dargestellt werden, zum anderen bediente sich diese Arbeit biologischer Siliziumoxid Hohlnadeln aus marinen Schwämmen isoliert. Goldkolloide wurden in die Hohlstrukturen eingebettet und die Struktur durch Ausbildung von Kolloid - Thiol Netzwerken mittels Dithiol Zugabe gefestigt. Die Gold-Nanodrähte im Bereich von 100 bis 500 nm wurden durch Auflösen des SiO2 - Templates freigelegt.


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Die wichtigste Klasse zeotyper Verbindungen sind die Thio- und Selenophosphate der Übergangsmetalle. Ziel dieser Dissertation war die Darstellung und Charakterisierung neuer Uranthiophosphate. Die dargestellten Verbindungen enthalten vierwertige Urankationen, die von acht Schwefelatomen koordiniert sind. Da die enthaltenen Thiophosphatanionen in den meisten Fällen als zweizähnige Liganden fungieren, entstehen dreidimensionale Netzwerke mit pseudotetraedrisch koordinierten Metallzentren. In der Verbindung U(P2S6)2 durchdringen sich drei identische diamantartige Netzwerke, wodurch optimale Raumerfüllung erreicht wird. Die Einführung von Alkalimetallkationen in das System führt zu einer Vielzahl neuer Verbindungen, deren Eigenschaften durch die Stöchiometrie der Edukte und durch die Kationenradien bestimmt werden. Beispielsweise enthält die Kristallstruktur von Na2U(PS4)2 zweidimensionale anionische [U(PS4)2]n-Schichten, während die analoge Verbindung CsLiU(PS4)2 eine poröse dreidimensionale Netzwerkstruktur besitzt. Der Vergleich der untersuchten quaternären und quinären Verbindungen zeigt, dass eine Korrelation zwischen dem Kationenradius und dem Durchmesser der Poren besteht. Dies lässt auf eine Templatfunktion der Alkalimetallkationen beim Aufbau der anionischen Teilstruktur schließen. Die neuen Verbindungen wurden aus reaktiven Polysulfidschmelzflüssen oder durch Auflösen amorpher Vorläufer in Alkalimetallchloridschmelzen synthetisiert. Die Kristallstrukturen wurden durch Einkristall-Röntgenmethoden bestimmt. Ein Vergleich der magnetischen Eigenschaften der Verbindungen beweist, dass in allen untersuchten Fällen U(IV) vorliegt. Die Substanzen zeigen paramagnetisches Verhalten, in UP2S7 und CsLiU(PS4)2 sind außerdem antiferromagnetische Wechselwirkungen zwischen benachbarten Uranatomen nachweisbar.


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From a physical-chemical point of view, it is challenging to form complexes with polyelectrolytes, consisting of only molecule of the largest component, i.e. the component with the highest number of charges. In this study, complexes are formed with DNA because of its potential applications as an artificial vector for gene delivery. The aim of this work is to prepare complexes in aqueous solutions as well as in organic solvents containing only one DNA molecule. For this purpose, the topology, equilibrium and conformation of complexes between a supercoiled DNA pUC19 (2686 base pairs) and spermine containing hydrophilic and/or hydrophobic moieties or a polylysine with a hydrophilic block are determined by means of dynamic (DLS) and static light scattering (SLS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. It is demonstrated that all of these complexes consisted of only one molecule of the polyanion. Only the polylysine-b-polyethylene glycol copolymer satisfied the conditions: 1) 100% neutralization of DNA charges and with a small excess of the cation (lower than 30%) and 2) form stable complexes at every charge ratio. rnDNA complex formation is also investigated in organic solvents. Precipitation is induced by neutralizing the charge of the supercoiled DNA pUC19 with the surfactants dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) and tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (TTAB). After isolation and drying of the solids, the complexes are dissolved in organic solvents. DNA-TTA complexes are only soluble in methanol and DNA-DTA in DMF. The complexes again consisted of only one DNA molecule. The final topology of the complexes is different in methanol than in DMF. In the former case, DNA seems to be compacted whereas in the latter case, the DNA-DTA complexes seem to have an expanded conformation. Upon complex formation with polycations in organic solvents (with polyvilylpyridine brush (b-PVP) in methanol and with a protected polylysine in DMF), DNA aggregates and precipitates. rnDNA is linearized with an enzyme (SmaI) to investigate the influence of the initial topology of the polyanion on the final conformation of the complexes in organic solvents. Two main differences are evidenced: 1. Complexes in organic solvents formed with linear DNA have in general a more expanded conformation and a higher tendency to aggregate. 2. If a polycation, i.e. the b-PVP, is added to the linear DNA-TTA complexes in methanol, complexes with the polycation are formed at a higher charge ratio. In DMF, the addition of the same b-PVP and of b-PLL did not lead to the formation of complexes.rn


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Bacteria are rapidly killed on copper surfaces. However, the mechanism of this process remains unclear. Using Enterococcus hirae, the effect of inactivation of copper homeostatic genes and of medium compositions on survival and copper dissolution was tested. The results support a role for dissolved copper ions in killing.


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Anaerobic digestion of food scraps has the potential to accomplish waste minimization, energy production, and compost or humus production. At Bucknell University, removal of food scraps from the waste stream could reduce municipal solid waste transportation costs and landfill tipping fees, and provide methane and humus for use on campus. To determine the suitability of food waste produced at Bucknell for high-solids anaerobic digestion (HSAD), a year-long characterization study was conducted. Physical and chemical properties, waste biodegradability, and annual production of biodegradable waste were assessed. Bucknell University food and landscape waste was digested at pilot-scale for over a year to test performance at low and high loading rates, ease of operation at 20% solids, benefits of codigestion of food and landscape waste, and toprovide digestate for studies to assess the curing needs of HSAD digestate. A laboratory-scale curing study was conducted to assess the curing duration required to reduce microbial activity, phytotoxicity, and odors to acceptable levels for subsequent use ofhumus. The characteristics of Bucknell University food and landscape waste were tested approximately weekly for one year, to determine chemical oxygen demand (COD), total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), and biodegradability (from batch digestion studies). Fats, oil, and grease and total Kjeldahl nitrogen were also tested for some food waste samples. Based on the characterization and biodegradability studies, Bucknell University dining hall food waste is a good candidate for HSAD. During batch digestion studies Bucknell University food waste produced a mean of 288 mL CH4/g COD with a 95%confidence interval of 0.06 mL CH4/g COD. The addition of landscape waste for digestion increased methane production from both food and landscape waste; however, because the landscape waste biodegradability was extremely low the increase was small.Based on an informal waste audit, Bucknell could collect up to 100 tons of food waste from dining facilities each year. The pilot-scale high-solids anaerobic digestion study confirmed that digestion ofBucknell University food waste combined with landscape waste at a low organic loading rate (OLR) of 2 g COD/L reactor volume-day is feasible. During low OLR operation, stable reactor performance was demonstrated through monitoring of biogas production and composition, reactor total and volatile solids, total and soluble chemical oxygendemand, volatile fatty acid content, pH, and bicarbonate alkalinity. Low OLR HSAD of Bucknell University food waste and landscape waste combined produced 232 L CH4/kg COD and 229 L CH4/kg VS. When OLR was increased to high loading (15 g COD/L reactor volume-day) to assess maximum loading conditions, reactor performance became unstable due to ammonia accumulation and subsequent inhibition. The methaneproduction per unit COD also decreased (to 211 L CH4/kg COD fed), although methane production per unit VS increased (to 272 L CH4/kg VS fed). The degree of ammonia inhibition was investigated through respirometry in which reactor digestate was diluted and exposed to varying concentrations of ammonia. Treatments with low ammoniaconcentrations recovered quickly from ammonia inhibition within the reactor. The post-digestion curing process was studied at laboratory-scale, to provide a preliminary assessment of curing duration. Digestate was mixed with woodchips and incubated in an insulated container at 35 °C to simulate full-scale curing self-heatingconditions. Degree of digestate stabilization was determined through oxygen uptake rates, percent O2, temperature, volatile solids, and Solvita Maturity Index. Phytotoxicity was determined through observation of volatile fatty acid and ammonia concentrations.Stabilization of organics and elimination of phytotoxic compounds (after 10–15 days of curing) preceded significant reductions of volatile sulfur compounds (hydrogen sulfide, methanethiol, and dimethyl sulfide) after 15–20 days of curing. Bucknell University food waste has high biodegradability and is suitable for high-solids anaerobic digestion; however, it has a low C:N ratio which can result in ammonia accumulation under some operating conditions. The low biodegradability of Bucknell University landscape waste limits the amount of bioavailable carbon that it can contribute, making it unsuitable for use as a cosubstrate to increase the C:N ratio of food waste. Additional research is indicated to determine other cosubstrates with higher biodegradabilities that may allow successful HSAD of Bucknell University food waste at high OLRs. Some cosubstrates to investigate are office paper, field residues, or grease trap waste. A brief curing period of less than 3 weeks was sufficient to produce viable humus from digestate produced by low OLR HSAD of food and landscape waste.


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Treatment plants that operate either thermophilic or mesophilic anaerobic digesters with centrifugal dewatering processes have consistently observed densities of fecal coliform and Escherichia coli, both indicator bacteria, that decrease during digestion but then increase after dewatering and storage. The increases have been characterized as two separate phenomena to explain this observation: 1) “Sudden Increase,” or SI, which is defined as the increase that occurs immediately after dewatering and 2) “regrowth,” which is defined as an increase during storage of cake samples over a period of hours or days. The SI observation appears to be more prevalent with biosolids that are generated with thermophilic processes and dewatered by centrifugation. Both thermophilic and mesophilic digesters with centrifuge dewatering processes have observed the regrowth phenomena. This research hypothesizes that the SI phenomenon is due to the presence of viable nonculturable (VNC) bacteria that are reactivated during dewatering. In other words, the bacteria were always present but were not enumerated by standard culturing methods (SCM). Analysis of the E. coli density in thermally treated solids by SCMs and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) indicated that E. coli densities are often underestimated by SCM. When analyzed with qPCR, the E. coli density after digestion can be 4-5 orders of magnitude greater than the non-detect levels identified by SCMs, which supports the non-culturable hypothesis. The VNC state describes a condition where bacteria are alive but unable to sustain the metabolic process needed for cellular division. Supplements added to culturing media were investigated to determine if the resuscitation of VNC bacteria could be enhanced. The autoinducer molecules Nhexanoyl- L-Homoserine lactone (C6-HSL), 3-oxo-N-octanoyl-L-Homoserine lactone (3-oxo- C8-HSL), and norepinephrine were unable to induce the resuscitation of VNC E. coli. Additional sampling was performed to determine if autoinducer molecules, peroxides, or other as of yet unknown inhibitory agents and toxins could be removed from biosolids during SCM. Culture media supplemented with the peroxide degrading compounds catalase, α-ketoglutaric acid, and sodium pyruvate was unable to resuscitate non-culturable E. coli. The additions of bentonite and exponential growth phase E. coli cell-free supernatant to culturing media were also unable to increase the culturability of E. coli. To remove inhibitory agents and toxins, a cell washing technique was employed prior to performing SCM; however, this cell washing technique may have increased cellular stresses that inhibited resuscitation since cell densities decreased. A novel laboratory-scale dewatering process was also investigated to determine if the SI and regrowth phenomena observed in full-scale centrifugal dewatering could be mimicked in the laboratory using a lab shearing device. Fecal coliform and E. coli densities in laboratory prepared cake samples were observed to be an order of magnitude higher than full-scale dewatered cakes. Additionally, the laboratory-scale dewatering process was able to resuscitate fecal coliforms and E. coli in stored sludge such that the density increased by 4-5 orders of magnitude from nondetect values. Lastly, the addition of aluminum sulfate during centrifuge dewatering at a full-scale utility produced an increased regrowth of fecal coliforms and E. coli that was sustained for 5 days.


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Human development causes degradation of stream ecosystems due to impacts on channel morphology, hydrology, and water quality. Urbanization, the second leading cause of stream impairment, increases the amount of impervious surface cover, thus reducing infiltration and increasing surface runoff of precipitation, which ultimately affects stream hydrologic process and aquatic biodiversity. The main objective of this study was to assess the overall health of Miller Run, a small tributary of the Bull Run and Susquehanna River watersheds, through an integrative hydrologic and water quality approach in order to determine the degree of Bucknell University’s impact on the stream. Hydrologic conditions, including stage and discharge, and water quality conditions, including total suspended solids, ion, nutrient, and dissolved metal concentrations, specific conductivity, pH, and temperature, were measured and evaluated at two sampling sites (upstream and downstream of Bucknell’s main campus) during various rain events from September 2007 to March 2008. The primary focus of the stream analysis was based on one main rain event on 26 February 2008. The results provided evidence that Miller Run is impacted by Bucknell’s campus. From a hydrologic perspective, the stream’s hydrograph showed the exact opposite pattern of what would be expected from a ‘normal’ stream. Miller run had a flashier downstream hydrograph and a broader upstream hydrograph, which was more than likely due to the increased amount of impervious surface cover throughout the downstream half of the watershed. From a water quality perspective, sediment loads increased at a faster rate and were significantly higher downstream compared to upstream. These elevated sediment concentrations were probably the combined result of sediment runoff from upstream and downstream construction sites that were being developed over the course of the study. Sodium, chloride, and potassium concentrations, in addition to specific conductivity, also significantly increased downstream of Bucknell’s campus due to the runoff of road salts. Calcium and magnesium concentrations did not appear to be impacted by urbanization, although they did demonstrate a significant dilution effect downstream. The downstream site was not directly affected by elevated nitrate concentrations; however, soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations tended to increase downstream and ammonium concentrations significantly peaked partway through the rain event downstream. These patterns suggest that Miller Run may be impacted by nutrient runoff from the golf course, athletic fields, and/or fertilizers applications on the main campus. Dissolved manganese and iron concentrations also appeared to slightly increase downstream, demonstrating the affect of urban runoff from roads and parking lots. pH and temperature both decreased farther downstream, but neither showed a significant impact of urbanization. More studies are necessary to determine how Miller Run responds to changes in season, climate, precipitation intensity, and land-use. This study represents the base-line analysis of Miller Run’s current hydrologic and water quality conditions; based on these initial findings, Bucknell should strongly consider modifications to improve storm water management practices and to reduce the campus’s overall impact on the stream in order to enhance and preserve the integrity of its natural water resources.


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A pilot-scale study was completed to determine the feasibility of high-solids anaerobic digestion (HSAD) of a mixture of food and landscape wastes at a university in central Pennsylvania (USA). HSAD was stable at low loadings (2g COD/L-day), but developed inhibitory ammonia concentrations at high loadings (15g COD/L-day). At low loadings, methane yields were 232L CH4/kg COD fed and 229L CH4/kg VS fed, and at high loadings yields were 211L CH4/kg COD fed and 272L CH4/kg VS fed. Based on characterization and biodegradability studies, food waste appears to be a good candidate for HSAD at low organic loading rates; however, the development of ammonia inhibition at high loading rates suggests that the C:N ratio is too low for use as a single substrate. The relatively low biodegradability of landscape waste as reported herein made it an unsuitable substrate to increase the C:N ratio. Codigestion of food waste with a substrate high in bioavailable carbon is recommended to increase the C:N ratio sufficiently to allow HSAD at loading rates of 15g COD/L-day. Copyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.