1000 resultados para Discurso Político


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este artigo traz uma análise preliminar de um processo-crime de motivação política estabelecido no contexto do embate pela “Revolução” em Londrina em 1964, o qual resultou em um rico corpus documental sobre os modos de compreensão daquela sociedade, em que, de parte a parte, representantes das instituições jurídico-policiais e indivíduos organizados em entidades tidas por subversivas confrontaram-se pela produção de um discurso que persuadisse sobre a verdade dos acontecimentos na defesa de uma sociedade democrática. A partir do momento em que foram recuperados como fontes, os conflitos pelo estabelecimento de uma “verdade” dos fatos nos processos-crime dizem respeito também ao processo de consolidação de uma memória histórica hegemônica sobre o regime militar. É nesse sentido que buscamos trazer novos elementos para uma discussão candente uma vez mais para a sociedade brasileira.


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The Policy Pedagogical Project can be understand like a guide element of education actions, that links itself to a history social project, bringing an specific way to understand the school and its function in society. The actual brazilian legislation is based on inclusive educational policy defended since 1990 by Ministry of Education. Faced this situation the present research intends verify if the schools are organized to act into this new paradigm, using analisis of the Policy Pedagogical Projects. That's why were analized the projects of 6 public schools of basic study that attend impaired students in regular classes. Those projects were analized based on a inclusive school indicators purposed by the Ministry of Education, that is based on a specific theorical reference and on determined actions that favor the impaired student learning. The data pointed that the majority of schools shows in theorical camp assumptions vinculated to Inclusive Education Policy. However, the presented actions are still shy and limited, so there is no differentiated purpose that attend the educational needs of impaired students. It concludes that the speech about inclusive education have already been assimilated by the school, however the actions are still begginers. The Pedagogical Project colectively built, could constitute an effective instrument to think about an make a quality school, an emancipatory school for all.


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This paper analyses how innovations and educational reforms affect curricular construction at public schools. It aims at reflecting if the Curricular Proposal for the state of São Paulo preserves the autonomy and identity of schools, if it respects their pedagogical political project, without attempting to homogenize them; how it changes every‐day school life, teacher’s practices, interpersonal relationships and power relations. We depart from the presupposition that this proposal adopts principles of the educational reforms started in the middle of the 90s, such as: adoption of national guidelines; introduction of market mechanisms, generating the fragility of teachers’ representation and their de‐ professionalization; relativity of the State’s role; stimuli to partnerships between public and private institutions in the fields of administration, allocation of financial resources for teaching    and implementation of external evaluating systems. At the same time, official discourse highlights decentralization, democratic administration, community participation. Some of these principles are recurrent in curriculum reforms: emphasis on the knowledge society, pedagogy of competencies and of learning to learn. In this way, we understand that the proposal aims at homogenizing school knowledge and curriculum practices, representing the notion of curriculum as product. We consider that the novelty and relevance of implemented measures demand further research, and that will be implemented by the author in 2010.


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This research is aimed at discussing the ways in which social agents influence global warming, analyzing the discourse of social actors involved in the debate on climate change, since there is a wide divergence in the scientific community about how man is able to modify the climate on a global scale. In fact the debate that permeates the issues beyond the limits of science and enter into a political-economic framework that takes extraordinary proportions. This emphasis can be very unscientific in the fundamental design concepts, or even creating a trivialization of the media. The main way to convey these concepts is to disclose them in the media, but the media has enormous power to transform the concepts and often manipulate the news by creating a common sense goes against the interests of the scientific community. Thus was conducted extensive research in major newspapers and magazines that move in the country. We surveyed the first two papers which were: “Folha de S. Paulo” and “O Estado de S. Paulo”, during the period from January 2000 to December 2008, totaling 3285 units for the newspaper Folha and 2555 for the newspaper Estadão. Subsequently a survey was made of data published in two journals that move at the national level, and these are the magazines VEJA and ÉPOCA for the same period. By performing these steps, it was concluded that several factors involving the media and climate change, such as topic relevance, types of approaches, perspectives of analysis, the staff development, supplies, among other factors of utmost importance for building news. As a result we can say that the media in fulfilling its role of mediator scientific, disclosing only a vision that permeates the scientific debate. The newspaper media, especially newspapers, has an informative and instantaneous. Often this preoccupation...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below)


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The aim of this paper is to present some considerations on discursive positions that challenge the textual production of a student from Cycle II Elementary School. We intend to show how a biased reading of the student’s text might not observe significant textual features and disregard the student’s level of literacy, thus ignoring the insertion of this writing in a socio-historical context. Such an approach, while defined by ideology, is determined by the pedagogical discourse that focuses on formal patterns of language, which prevents the teacher from identifying rich and interesting linguistic and textual procedures in the text in question, indicative of the student's literacy and his/her potential for authorship. This reading mostly denies the efforts that have been made to reverse the exclusion of public schools students, weakening the idealist discourse that claims for a “school for everybody”.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this paper is to present a historical review of the implementation process of the political pedagogical project (PPP) of Londrina (PR). The study used interviews with some agents who participated in the construction of the PPP (teachers, school, supervisors and employees of the Regional Education Center) and investigated the absorption of proposals from the base (school) for the offices of political power. The results showed that although the democratic discourse has always been present in official documents the construction of the PPP had discrete popular participation and projects, as a rule, incorporated the bureaucratic forms issued by official powers.


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Programa de doctorado [de] Lengua Española y Lingüística General.


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Resumen: El tema de este trabajo nos pone en el camino, estudio y reflexión sobre la construcción del concepto de “bárbaro” como oponente, contrario o antagonista de “heleno”. Esta construcción requirió de los autores de la época la necesidad de darle forma sustantiva al concepto de “heleno”, que no solo fue una figura retórica, sino un “signo identitario” importante. La afirmación de la identidad de los triunfadores de las Guerras Médicas los puso en la necesidad ideológica y política de reforzar el concepto de “heleno” desde el discurso, tal como lo habían hecho en su momento por las armas. Heródoto mismo nos indica que helenos y bárbaros son, en principio, diferentes, incluso representan regiones o espacios diferentes dentro de la ecúmene. La diferencia de lenguaje en el siglo V a. C, evolucionó hacia una forma de espacio. Aquellos que no hablaban griego fueron considerados atrasados, rudos, rebeldes e intelectualmente inferiores.


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El artículo consiste en la comparación de dos textos dramáticos y su análisis desde el enfoque de la interrelación del Análisis Automático del Discurso (Escuela Francesa) y conceptos provenientes del encuentro entre el marxismo y el psicoanálisis, a partir de la incorporación de conceptos de este último a la problematización general de las significaciones propias del mundo social que sugiere Louis Althusser en los años '60. En tanto que las obras de Teatro x la Identidad hacen referencia a la construcción de una memoria social, resulta imprescindible dar cuenta del concepto de memoria en tanto "la memoria se refiere a las maneras en que la gente construye un sentido del pasado, y cómo relacionan ese pasado con el presente en el acto de rememorar o recordar" (Jelin, 2002: 248). Es decir que se trata de observar qué sentidos configuran estas obras del pasado dictatorial que buscan representar.


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A partir de una breve exposición de la ética del discurso en sus versiones apelianas y habermasianas, nos interesa discutir en esta ponencia cómo Habermas abandona el principio moral en favor de una teoría del discurso que justifica un modelo de democracia basado en el procedimiento donde las normas generadas racionalmente por medio del discurso tienen preeminencia ante una excesiva instrumentalización de lo moral. Veremos que para Habermas, el principio democrático tiene que asumir una posición de independencia en relación al principio moral, en razón de la necesidad de proporcionar al derecho una justificación neutra ante las diferentes visiones de mundo y también en virtud del entrelazamiento del derecho con el poder político


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El siguiente trabajo se encuentra inscripto en la línea: cuerpo, educación y enseñanza, perteneciente al Grupo de Políticas Educativas y de Investigación (GPEPI). El nacimiento de la Educación Física en la escuela moderna tiene lugar en un marco discursivo de carácter civilizatorio que comenzó a mostrar sus primeros rastros en el último cuarto del SXIX. La Educación Física, en tanto contenido que se pone en funcionamiento con la finalidad de ?educar el cuerpo?, a partir de la Reforma Vareliana, se encuentra inscripta en un régimen de verdad predominado por un conjunto de disciplinas que se ponen en ejercicio para (re)orientar el discurso escolar. En este proceso la tensión entre lo civilizado y lo no civilizado toma centralidad, generando efectos en las prácticas corporales de la época. Así, el trabajo intenta analizar las consecuencias de esta tensión en dichas prácticas, poniendo en juego algunos elementos teóricos que nos permitan interrogar la posibilidad de nacimiento de ciertas prácticas corporales al discurso escolar. ¿Qué lugar tuvo el deporte en el Programa Escolar de fines del SXIX?, ¿cuál es el contexto histórico, político, social y cultural que permitió su inclusión?, ¿qué consecuencias tuvo?, ¿cuáles fueron las prácticas corporales incluidas?, ¿a qué orden de saberes pertenecen? Son algunas de las preguntas que intentaré abordar