452 resultados para Discount Fares


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Today P2P faces two important challenges: design of mechanisms to encourage users’ collaboration in multimedia live streaming services; design of reliable algorithms with QoS provision, to encourage multimedia providers employ the P2P topology in commercial streaming services. We believe that these two challenges are tightly-related and there is much to be done with respect. This paper proposes a novel monetary incentive for P2P multimedia streaming. The incentive model classifies the users in groups according to the perceived video quality. We apply the model to a streaming system’s billing model in order to evaluate its feasibility and visualize its quantitative effect on the users’ motivation and the provider’s profit. We conclude that monetary incentive can boost up users’ cooperation, loyalty and enhance the overall system integrity and performance. Moreover the model defines the constraints for the provider’s cost and profit when the system is leveraged on the cloud. Considering those constraints, a multimedia content provider can adapt the billing model of his streaming service and achieve desirable discount-profit trade-off. This will moreover contribute to better promotion of the service, across the users on the Internet.


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Assessing social benefits in transport policy implementation has been studied by many researchers using theoretical or empirical measures. However, few of them measure social benefit using different discount rates including the inter-temporal preferences rate of users, the private investment discount rate and the inter-temporal preferences rate of the government. In general, the social discount rate used is the same for all social actors. Therefore, this paper aims to assess a new method by integrating different types of discount rate belonging to different social actors in order to measure the real benefits of each actor in the short, medium and long term. A dynamic simulation is provided by a strategic Land-Use and Transport Interaction (LUTI) model. The method is tested by optimizing a cordon toll scheme in Madrid considering socio- economic efficiency and environmental criteria. Based on the modified social welfare function (WF), the effects on the measure of social benefits are estimated and compared with the classical WF results as well. The results of this research could be a key issue to understanding the relationship between transport system policies and social actors' benefits distribution in a metropolitan context. The results show that the use of more suitable discount rates for each social actor had an effect on the selection and definition of optimal strategy of congestion pricing. The usefulness of the measure of congestion toll declines more quickly overtime.


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Many researchers have used theoretical or empirical measures to assess social benefits in transport policy implementation. However, few have measured social benefits by using discount rates, including the intertemporal preference rate of users, the private investment discount rate, and the intertemporal preference rate of the government. In general, the social discount rate used is the same for all social actors. This paper aims to assess a new method by integrating different types of discount rates belonging to different social actors to measure the real benefits of each actor in the short term, medium term, and long term. A dynamic simulation is provided by a strategic land use and transport interaction model. The method was tested by optimizing a cordon toll scheme in Madrid, Spain. Socioeconomic efficiency and environmental criteria were considered. On the basis of the modified social welfare function, the effects on the measure of social benefits were estimated and compared with the classical welfare function measures. The results show that the use of more suitable discount rates for each social actor had an effect on the selection and definition of optimal strategy of congestion pricing. The usefulness of the measure of congestion toll declines more quickly over time. This result could be the key to understanding the relationship between transport system policies and the distribution of social actors? benefits in a metropolitan context.


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*************************************************************************************** EL WCTR es un Congreso de reconocido prestigio internacional en el ámbito de la investigación del transporte que hasta el 2010 publicaba sus libros de abstracts con ISBN. Por ello consideramos que debería seguir teníendose en cuenta para los indicadores de calidad ******************************************************************************************* Investment projects in the field of transportation infrastructures have a high degree of uncertainty and require an important amount of resources. In highway concessions in particular, the calculation of the Net Present Value (NPV) of the project by means of the discount of cash flows, may lead to erroneous results when the project incorporates certain flexibility. In these cases, the theory of real options is an alternative tool for the valuation of concessions. When the variable that generates uncertainty (in our case, the traffic) follows a random walk (or Geometric Brownian Motion), we can calculate the value of the options embedded in the contract starting directly from the process followed by that variable. This procedure notably simplifies the calculation method. In order to test the hypothesis of the evolution of traffic as a Geometric Brownian Motion, we have used the available series of traffic in Spanish highways, and we have applied the Augmented Dickey-Fuller approach, which is the most widely used test for this kind of study. The main result of the analysis is that we cannot reject the hypothesis that traffic follows a Geometric Brownian Motion in the majority of both toll highways and free highways in Spain.


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This paper develops a model to analyze the upside potential of profitability of the SAREB (“Asset Management Company for Assets Arising from Bank Restructuring”), the Spanish “Bad Bank”. The model is based in the Real Options methodology, that is especially adequate due to the convergence of two elements, (i) depreciated assets with a high upside potential, and (ii) a highly volatile market as it has shown to be the real estate Spanish market. Our results suggest that the SAREB has a higher than expected profitability potentialthat would be dedicated to increase the return to its shareholders, mainly private banks. Consequently we also show that after the financial crisis are emerging two types of banks in Spain, in one hand the losers who are transferring their real estate assets at a deep discount, and in the other hand the winners, capturing the upside potential of those assets as shareholders of SAREB, and consequently consolidating their strength in the Spanish Real Estate Industry. It is worth to mention that Governments should make an effort in properly redistribute the wealth generated by the real Estate industry.


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There exist different ways for defining a welfare function. Traditionally, welfare economic theory foundation is based on the Net Present Value (NPV) calculation where the time dependent preferences of considered agents are taken into account. However, the time preferences, remains a controversial subject. Currently, the traditional approach employs a unique discount rate for various agents. Nevertheless, this way of discounting appears inconsistent with sustainable development. New research work suggests that the discount rate may not be a homogeneous value. The discount rates may change following the individual’s preferences. A significant body of evidence suggests that people do not behave following a constant discount rate. In fact, UK Government has quickly recognized the power of the arguments for time-varying rates, as it has done in its official guidance to Ministries on the appraisal of investments and policies. Other authors deal with not just time preference but with uncertainty about future income (precautionary saving). In a situation in which economic growth rates are similar across time periods, the rationale for declining social optimal discount rates is driven by the preferences of the individuals in the economy, rather than expectations of growth. However, these approaches have been mainly focused on long-term policies where intergenerational risks may appear. The traditional cost-benefit analysis (CBA) uses a unique discount rate derived from market interest rates or investment rates of return for discounting the costs and benefits of all social agents included in the CBA. However, recent literature showed that a more adequate measure of social benefit is possible by using different discount rates including inter-temporal preferences rate of users, private investment discount rate and intertemporal preferences rate of government. Actually, the costs of opportunity may differ amongst individuals, firms, governments, or society in general, as do the returns on savings. In general, the firms or operators require an investment rate linked to the current return on savings, while the discount rate of consumers-users depends on their time preferences with respect of the current and the future consumption, as well as society can take into account the intergenerational well-being, adopting a lower discount rate for today’s generation. Time discount rate of social actors (users, operators, government and society) places a lower value in a future gain, but the uncertainty about future income strongly determines the individual preferences. These time and uncertainty depends on preferences and should be integrated into a transport policy formulation that may have significant social impacts. The discount rate of a user cannot be the same than the operator’s discount rate. The preferences of both are different. In addition, another school of thought suggests that people, such as a social group, may have different attitudes towards future costs and benefits. Particularly, the users have different discount rates related to their income. Some research work tried to modify user discount rates using a compensating weight which represents the inverse of household income level. The inter-temporal preferences are a proxy of the willingness to pay during the time. Its consideration is important in order to make acceptable or not a policy or investment


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Article New Forests November 2015, Volume 46, Issue 5, pp 869-883 First online: 17 June 2015 Establishing Quercus ilex under Mediterranean dry conditions: sowing recalcitrant acorns versus planting seedlings at different depths and tube shelter light transmissionsJuan A. OlietAffiliated withDepartamento de Sistemas y Recursos Naturales, E.T.S. Ingenieros de Montes, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Email author View author's OrcID profile , Alberto Vázquez de CastroAffiliated withDepartamento de Sistemas y Recursos Naturales, E.T.S. Ingenieros de Montes, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Jaime PuértolasAffiliated withLancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University $39.95 / €34.95 / £29.95 * Rent the article at a discount Rent now * Final gross prices may vary according to local VAT. Get Access AbstractSuccess of Mediterranean dry areas restoration with oaks is a challenging goal. Testing eco-techniques that mimic beneficial effects of natural structures and ameliorate stress contributes to positive solutions to overcoming establishment barriers. We ran a factorial experiment in a dry area, testing two levels of solid wall transmission of tube shelters (60 and 80 %) plus a control mesh, and two depths (shallow and 15 cm depth) of placing either planted seedlings or acorns of Quercus ilex. Microclimate of the planting or sowing spots was characterized by measuring photosynthetically active radiation, temperature and relative humidity. Plant response was evaluated in terms of survival, phenology, acorn emergence and photochemical efficiency (measured through chlorophyll fluorescence). We hypothesize that tube shelters and deep planting improve Q. ilex post-planting and sowing performance because of the combined effects of reducing excessive radiation and improving access to moist soil horizons. Results show that temperature and PAR was reduced, and relative humidity increased, in deep spots. Midsummer photochemical efficiency indicates highest level of stress for oaks in 80 % light transmission shelter. Optimum acorn emergence in spring was registered within solid wall tree shelters, and maximum summer survival of germinants and of planted seedlings occurred when acorns or seedlings were placed at 15 cm depth irrespectively of light transmission of shelter. Survival of germinants was similar to that of planted seedlings. The importance of techniques to keep high levels of viability after sowing recalcitrant seeds in the field is emphasized in the study


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a influência dos processos empresariais, mais propriamente, dos processos empresariais de negócios, também chamados de comerciais, na formação de equipes de alto desempenho. Igualmente, têm-se como provedoras de dados as equipes de vendas ligadas a uma empresa administradora de cartões de crédito e de desconto. Visto que os processos empresariais são parte integrante da cultura organizacional da empresa, o tema cultura organizacional é abordado e revisto. Revisa-se também o conceito de equipe, notadamente seus elementos constituintes, que as caracterizam e as distinguem entre os tipos clássicos. Do mesmo modo, trabalha-se o conceito de processos empresariais e seus constituintes de maior importância para a presente dissertação. Da intersecção entre os conceitos de cultura organizacional, ou mais propriamente dos processos empresariais do comércio, do conceito de alto desempenho em equipes e de estratégias organizacionais, procurou-se prover um melhor entendimento sobre a influência que tais processos empresariais poderiam exercer na formação e na existência de equipes de alto desempenho. A importância deste estudo é expressa por intermédio da premente necessidade da utilização, cada vez mais racional, dos recursos humanos nas empresas, principalmente no que tange a organização dos trabalhadores em equipes. A metodologia utilizada foi a da observação e análise, onde o pesquisador através do estudo de cada processo de trabalho e do comportamento das equipes em relação a esses processos, dos resultados almejados para cada um deles, dos efetivamente conseguidos e do efeito dos processos nas equipes, colheu as informações ora apresentadas.(AU)


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a influência dos processos empresariais, mais propriamente, dos processos empresariais de negócios, também chamados de comerciais, na formação de equipes de alto desempenho. Igualmente, têm-se como provedoras de dados as equipes de vendas ligadas a uma empresa administradora de cartões de crédito e de desconto. Visto que os processos empresariais são parte integrante da cultura organizacional da empresa, o tema cultura organizacional é abordado e revisto. Revisa-se também o conceito de equipe, notadamente seus elementos constituintes, que as caracterizam e as distinguem entre os tipos clássicos. Do mesmo modo, trabalha-se o conceito de processos empresariais e seus constituintes de maior importância para a presente dissertação. Da intersecção entre os conceitos de cultura organizacional, ou mais propriamente dos processos empresariais do comércio, do conceito de alto desempenho em equipes e de estratégias organizacionais, procurou-se prover um melhor entendimento sobre a influência que tais processos empresariais poderiam exercer na formação e na existência de equipes de alto desempenho. A importância deste estudo é expressa por intermédio da premente necessidade da utilização, cada vez mais racional, dos recursos humanos nas empresas, principalmente no que tange a organização dos trabalhadores em equipes. A metodologia utilizada foi a da observação e análise, onde o pesquisador através do estudo de cada processo de trabalho e do comportamento das equipes em relação a esses processos, dos resultados almejados para cada um deles, dos efetivamente conseguidos e do efeito dos processos nas equipes, colheu as informações ora apresentadas.(AU)


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo, analisar sobre as dificuldades enfrentadas tanto pelas Empresas em cumprir a Legislação de Cotas, como também da Pessoa Portadora de Deficiência (PPDs) em ser inserida no mercado de trabalho, devido a falta de qualificação dos candidatos. Através da pesquisa literária ficou claro que nossa Legislação demonstra de forma evidente que o legislador pretendeu assegurar aos PPDs, as condições mínimas de participação influente na vida ativa da sociedade brasileira e num avanço sem precedentes, criaram-se as linhas básicas do processo de integração do deficiente à sociedade e ao mercado produtivo nacional. Verificou-se também que as empresas estão em busca de profissionais dentre o universo dos PPDs, já qualificados, o que normalmente não encontram. As Organizações do Direito Privado também já desenvolveram alguns projetos para a qualificação desses PPDs. A Lei 6.297/75 que garantia às empresas o desconto em dobro no IR dos gastos com treinamento, foi extinta em 12 de Dezembro de 1990. As empresas precisam de um incentivo financeiro para que possam tratar da qualificação desses profissionais, não mais como um peso, mas sim como um projeto social. Caso as empresas fossem beneficiadas por incentivos fiscais, assim como eram na vigência dessa Lei, teriam as empresas uma visão diferenciada por ocasião da contratação dos PPDs? A metodologia de pesquisa prevê um levantamento bibliográfico e uma pesquisa exploratória que será feita em empresas privadas, instituições que visam ajudar na inserção dos PPDs e nas Organizações do Direito Privado tais como Senai, Sesi, Força Sindical, Fiesp. Verificou-se, mediante a pesquisa, que há uma preocupação por parte de todos os envolvidos, em encontrar meios eficazes para garantir a inserção dos PPDs no mercado de trabalho, embora a falta de qualificação ainda seja o maior problema. A criação de Leis similares à Lei 6.297/75 foi apontada como uma grande ajuda às empresas, já que a elas foi imposta essa responsabilidade.(AU)


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo, analisar sobre as dificuldades enfrentadas tanto pelas Empresas em cumprir a Legislação de Cotas, como também da Pessoa Portadora de Deficiência (PPDs) em ser inserida no mercado de trabalho, devido a falta de qualificação dos candidatos. Através da pesquisa literária ficou claro que nossa Legislação demonstra de forma evidente que o legislador pretendeu assegurar aos PPDs, as condições mínimas de participação influente na vida ativa da sociedade brasileira e num avanço sem precedentes, criaram-se as linhas básicas do processo de integração do deficiente à sociedade e ao mercado produtivo nacional. Verificou-se também que as empresas estão em busca de profissionais dentre o universo dos PPDs, já qualificados, o que normalmente não encontram. As Organizações do Direito Privado também já desenvolveram alguns projetos para a qualificação desses PPDs. A Lei 6.297/75 que garantia às empresas o desconto em dobro no IR dos gastos com treinamento, foi extinta em 12 de Dezembro de 1990. As empresas precisam de um incentivo financeiro para que possam tratar da qualificação desses profissionais, não mais como um peso, mas sim como um projeto social. Caso as empresas fossem beneficiadas por incentivos fiscais, assim como eram na vigência dessa Lei, teriam as empresas uma visão diferenciada por ocasião da contratação dos PPDs? A metodologia de pesquisa prevê um levantamento bibliográfico e uma pesquisa exploratória que será feita em empresas privadas, instituições que visam ajudar na inserção dos PPDs e nas Organizações do Direito Privado tais como Senai, Sesi, Força Sindical, Fiesp. Verificou-se, mediante a pesquisa, que há uma preocupação por parte de todos os envolvidos, em encontrar meios eficazes para garantir a inserção dos PPDs no mercado de trabalho, embora a falta de qualificação ainda seja o maior problema. A criação de Leis similares à Lei 6.297/75 foi apontada como uma grande ajuda às empresas, já que a elas foi imposta essa responsabilidade.(AU)


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The 1,852,442-bp sequence of an M1 strain of Streptococcus pyogenes, a Gram-positive pathogen, has been determined and contains 1,752 predicted protein-encoding genes. Approximately one-third of these genes have no identifiable function, with the remainder falling into previously characterized categories of known microbial function. Consistent with the observation that S. pyogenes is responsible for a wider variety of human disease than any other bacterial species, more than 40 putative virulence-associated genes have been identified. Additional genes have been identified that encode proteins likely associated with microbial “molecular mimicry” of host characteristics and involved in rheumatic fever or acute glomerulonephritis. The complete or partial sequence of four different bacteriophage genomes is also present, with each containing genes for one or more previously undiscovered superantigen-like proteins. These prophage-associated genes encode at least six potential virulence factors, emphasizing the importance of bacteriophages in horizontal gene transfer and a possible mechanism for generating new strains with increased pathogenic potential.


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We first review what is known about patterns of codon usage bias in Drosophila and make the following points: (i) Drosophila genes are as biased or more biased than those in microorganisms. (ii) The level of bias of genes and even the particular pattern of codon bias can remain phylogenetically invariant for very long periods of evolution. (iii) However, some genes, even very tightly linked genes, can change very greatly in codon bias across species. (iv) Generally G and especially C are favored at synonymous sites in biased genes. (v) With the exception of aspartic acid, all amino acids contribute significantly and about equally to the codon usage bias of a gene. (vi) While most individual amino acids that can use G or C at synonymous sites display a preference for C, there are exceptions: valine and leucine, which prefer G. (vii) Finally, smaller genes tend to be more biased than longer genes. We then examine possible causes of these patterns and discount mutation bias on three bases: there is little evidence of regional mutation bias in Drosophila, mutation bias is likely toward A+T (the opposite of codon usage bias), and not all amino acids display the preference for the same nucleotide in the wobble position. Two lines of evidence support a selection hypothesis based on tRNA pools: highly biased genes tend to be highly and/or rapidly expressed, and the preferred codons in highly biased genes optimally bind the most abundant isoaccepting tRNAs. Finally, we examine the effect of bias on DNA evolution and confirm that genes with high codon usage bias have lower rates of synonymous substitution between species than do genes with low codon usage bias. Surprisingly, we find that genes with higher codon usage bias display higher levels of intraspecific synonymous polymorphism. This may be due to opposing effects of recombination.


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El maltrato infantil es uno de los problemas de salud pública más graves en el mundo, que afecta a millones de niños y adolescentes de todas las sociedades y culturas. Existen varias modalidades que incluyen el maltrato físico, psicológico, el abuso sexual, la negligencia y la violencia doméstica. Las víctimas generalmente son vulnerables al maltrato en su propio hogar y los maltratadores son familiares directos. El maltrato crónico provoca una activación frecuente y prolongada de los sistemas de respuesta al estrés que sobrepasan la capacidad del niño de afrontarlo; esto genera una cascada de efectos neurobiológicos, fisiológicos y neuroendocrinos, que impiden una adaptación adecuada del niño al medio desde el punto de vista cognitivo, emocional y conductual. El tratamiento de los niños maltratados se dirige a los aspectos emocionales, físicos, legales y sociales, pero no existe aún una intervención que garantice el adecuado desarrollo neuropsicológico de esta población. En este estudio se da a conocer el efecto del maltrato en el rendimiento neuropsicológico del niño y su predisposición a la conducta agresiva. En un segundo momento, se aplica un programa de rehabilitación neuropsicológica especialmente diseñado para un grupo de niños maltratados, con el fin de medir sus efectos y aportar al tratamiento de esta población...


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This study seeks to analyse the price determination of low cost airlines in Europe and the effect that Internet has on this strategy. The outcomes obtained reveal that both users and companies benefit from the use of ICTs in the purchase and sale of airline tickets: the Internet allows consumers to increase their bargaining power comparing different airlines and choosing the most competitive flight, while companies can easily check the behaviour of users to adapt their pricing strategies using internal information. More than 2500 flights of the largest European low cost airlines have been used to carry out the study. The study revealed that the most significant variables for understanding pricing strategies were the number of rivals, the behaviour of the demand and the associated costs. The results indicated that consumers should buy their tickets before 25 days prior to departure.