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International Institute of Social Research: Research-Project on Anti-Semitism" (1939-42) (veröffentlicht in Studies in Philosophy and Social Science Bd. IX, 1941, S. 124-143): 8. American Jewish Committee, Library: 1 Brief mit Unterschrift an Institute of Social Research, New York, 01.05.1941, 1 Brief mit Unterschrift von Institute of Social Research, New York, 3.5.1941, 2 Blatt; "Re: Anti-Semitism Project of the Institute of Social Research" (1941), Typoskript, 2 Blatt; "Remarks to the new form of the Project on Anti-Semitism" (27.10.1942), Typoskript, 10 Blatt; "Memorandum on a Research-Project on Anti-Semitism" (30.10.1942), a) Typoskript, 14 Blatt, b) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Bemerkungen, 14 Blatt; Robert S. Lynd: Kommentar zu einer Beschreibung des Antisemitismus-Projekts vom 06.12.1942, Typoskript, englisch, mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; "Outline of a Research Project on Anti-Semitism, prepared for the American Jewish Committee" (15.12.1942), a) Typoskript, 17 Blatt, b) Typoskript, 18 Blatt, c) Teilstück, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Bemerkungen, 10 Blatt; "Memorandum on the Project on Antisemitism" (30.12.1942), a) Typoskript, 17 Blatt, b) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen, 16 Blatt; "Some Methodological Errors in the Study of Antisemitism" (Januar 1943), Typoskript, 6 Blatt; "Intermediate Joint Meeting of the Institute of Social Research and the American Jewish Committee", Sitzungsprotokolle 01.03. - 27.07. 1943, Typoskripte mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 100 Blatt;
Max Horkheimer (?): "Why Research on Antisemitism?" (12.11.1943), a) Typoskript, 8 Blatt, b) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen und handschriftlichen Ergänzungen, 7 Blatt, c) Teilstück, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; Isaque Graeber: "Modern Antisemitism in Western Society. A Comperative Study of 'Critical Situations'" (1943), Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 118 Blatt; Institute of Social Research: "Report on Isaque Graebers Study on Modern Antisemitism in Western Society. A Comperative Study of 'Critical Situations'" (24.11.1943), Typoskript, 73 Blatt; Institute of Social Research: "The Project of Political Antisemitism" (30.11.1943) a) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen, 29 Blatt, b) Kurzfassung, Typoskript, 6 Blatt; "Memorandum to John Doe. Subject: Research Project on Antisemitism" (30.11.1943), Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen, 2 Blatt; Institute of Social Research: "Project on Antisemitism. Studies Completed or in Preparation" (Dezember 1943), Entwurf, Typoskript, 2 Blatt;
"German Economy, Politics and Culture, 1900-1933. A Research Project of the International Institute of Social Research" (1940):; 1. Umriß des Forschungsprojekts: e)-g) Fassung vom 25.5.1940: e) Typoskript, 63 Blatt, f) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 61 Blatt, g) Typoskript, 61 Blatt, h)-k) "Introduction": h) Typoskript, 21 Blatt, i) Typoskript, 15 Blatt, k) D.V. Glass: Entwurf, Manuskript, 17 Blatt; 2. Kostenschätzung zum Forschungsprojekt. 1 Blatt; "The Collapse of German Democracy and the Expansion of National Socialism" (1940):; 1. Darstellung des Forschungsprojekts (15.9.1940), a) als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 70 Blatt;
The role of physical activity in the promotion of individual and population health has been well documented in research and policy publications. Significant research activities have produced compelling evidence for the support of the positive association between physical activity and improved health. Despite the knowledge about these public health benefits of physical activity, over half of US adults do not engage in physical activity at levels consistent with public health recommendations. Just as physical inactivity is of significant public health concern in the US, the prevalence of obesity (and its attendant co-morbidities) is also increasing among US adults.^ Research suggests racial and ethnic disparities relevant to physical inactivity and obesity in the US. Various studies have shown more favorable outcomes among non-Hispanic whites when compared to other minority groups as far as physical activity and obesity are concerned. The health disparity issue is especially important because Mexican-Americans who are the fastest growing segment of the US population are disproportionately affected by physical inactivity and obesity by a significant margin (when compared to non-Hispanic whites), so addressing the physical inactivity and obesity issues in this group is of significant public health concern. ^ Although the evidence for health benefits of physical activity is substantial, various research questions remain on the potential motivators for engaging in physical activity. One area of emerging interest is the potential role that the built environment may play in facilitating or inhibiting physical activity.^ In this study, based on an ongoing research project of the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, we examined the built environment, measured objectively through the use of geographical information systems (GIS), and its association with physical activity and obesity among a cohort of Mexican- Americans living in Harris County, Texas. The overall study hypothesis was that residing in dense and highly connected neighborhoods with mixed land-use is associated with residents’ increased participation in physical activity and lowered prevalence of obesity. We completed the following specific aims: (1) to generate a land-use profile of the study area and create a “walkability index” measure for each block group within the study area; (2) to compare the level of engagement in physical activity between study participants that reside in high walkability index block groups and those from low walkability block groups; (3) to compare the prevalence of obesity between study participants that reside in high walkability index block groups and those from low walkability block groups. ^ We successfully created the walkability index as a form of objective measure of the built environment for portions of Harris County, Texas. We used a variety of spatial and non-spatial dataset to generate the so called walkability index. We are not aware of previous scholastic work of this kind (construction of walkability index) in the Houston area. Our findings from the assessment of relationships among walkability index, physical activity and obesity suggest the following, that: (1) that attempts to convert people to being walkers through health promotion activities may be much easier in high-walkability neighborhoods, and very hard in low-walkability neighborhoods. Therefore, health promotion activities to get people to be active may require supportive environment, walkable in this case, and may not succeed otherwise; and (2) Overall, among individuals with less education, those in the high walkability index areas may be less obese (extreme) than those in the low walkability area. To the extent that this association can be substantiated, we – public health practitioners, urban designers, and policy experts – we may need to start thinking about ways to “retrofit” existing urban forms to conform to more walkable neighborhoods. Also, in this population especially, there may be the need to focus special attention on those with lower educational attainment.^
El presente artículo pretende contribuir en el abordaje del análisis cualitativo, de la información que fue recolectada durante el proceso de investigación, con un grupo poblacional de estudiantes Sordos usuarios de Lengua de Señas colombiana en proceso de transición entre la educación media y vida laboral y/o educación superior. Para tal cometido, se llevaron a cabo procesos de indagación previos, tanto a nivel teórico como práctico, con respecto a la temática de orientación vocacional y proyecto de vida, diseñando así un trabajo de campo, que finalmente concluyó en una propuesta pedagógico-formativa que pretende fortalecer el proyecto de vida de los jóvenes Sordos usuarios de la lengua de Señas colombiana en la educación media.
CO2 leakage from subsurface storage sites is one of the main concerns connected with the CCS technology. As CO2 leakages into near surface formations appear to be very unlikely within pilot CCS projects, the aim of this work is to emulate a leakage by injecting CO2 into a near surface aquifer. The two main questions pursued by the injection test are (1) to investigate the impact of CO2 on the hydrogeochemistry of the groundwater as a base for groundwater risk assessment and (2) to develop and apply monitoring methods and monitoring concepts for detecting CO2 leakages in shallow aquifers. The presented injection test is planned within the second half of 2010, as a joint project of the University of Kiel (Germany), the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (Leipzig, Germany) and the Engineering Company GICON (Dresden, Germany). The test site has been investigated in detail using geophysical methods as well as direct-push soundings, groundwater well installation and soil and groundwater analyses. The present paper presents briefly the geological and hydrogeological conditions at the test site as well as the planned injection test design and monitoring concept.
Results of studies during Project of an international expedition onboard R/V Vladimir Parshin in September-October 2005 are presented. Intensive development of Bacillariophyceae and Dynophyceae was recorded in coastal waters of Bulgaria, Turkey, and in the Danube River delta during period of investigations. Increase in algae population was accompanied by rising of chlorophyll a concentration up to 2.0-5.5 µg/l. In the deep water region it did not exceed 0.5 µg/l. Phytoplankton growth rate in the surface water layer varied from 0.1 to 1.0 1/day. This parameter and NO2+NO3 concentration, as well as the silicon concentration were correlative, as was described by the Michaelis-Menten equation. Phytoplankton growth was affected by basic nutrients. Zooplankton grazing varied from 0.10 to 0.69 1/day and average values in different regions varied by 1.5 times. Microalgae size range is one of major factors of grazing regulation. Rate of phytoplankton consumption was decreasing with increasing the largest diatom Pseudosolenia calcar-avis impact on total biomass of nano- and microphytoplankton.
In this paper we present a support strategy of guidance for the young people from vulnerable population, both urban and rural, who have completed high school and are involved in an extension program so called Equity and guidance: the challenge of a proposal in state educational institutions from the La Plata, Berisso and Ensenada districts. This program gives them a reflection space to analyze their personal, social and community situation as a self-managed process towards a project of life. For some time we have supported young people with the purpose of helping them to make a life project. When doing so, we've always noticed the need of finding strategies to provide reasons to carry on the project of completing high school, to search new knowledge, request scholarships, to think of alternatives according to their circumstances, etc. In this sense, the Project: ?Equity and Guidance: the challenge of following up young graduates? is a revealing experience since it shows the urgent need to provide real means to enable communities we work with to make the most of opportunities. For the young people who belong to a vulnerable community, a project of life doesn't mean just thinking of the choice of careers, trainings or jobs. It also means to find how to make it possible in their daily life. Everything we make, think and manage in this project has the same purpose: help them so they can make a life project according to their subjectivity
El artículo busca analizar el lugar de Víctor Mercante en la producción de un discurso científico sobre la educación, sobre todo con las asociaciones discursivas entre ciencia y pedagogía y entre pedagogía científica y reforma educativa. Partiendo de una revisión de las lecturas historiográficas sobre su obra, el texto se detiene en el proyecto epistémico-político de la Paidología como ciencia de la infancia escolarizada y del Laboratorio en la Universidad de La Plata como institución de producción y diseminación de saberes. Mercante se estableció firmemente en redes internacionales de conocimiento y sostuvo la idea de la ciencia como empresa cosmopolita de saber, ciencia que debía ser escrita con números, cuadros y citas a pie de página como criterio de legitimidad de sus enunciados. Finalmente, se destaca su importancia en el privilegio de la infancia y la adolescencia como sujetos pedagógicos, todavía apegados a categorías epistémico-políticas del siglo XIX pero enunciados con instrumentos, lenguajes y redes de saberes del siglo XX
El artículo busca analizar el lugar de Víctor Mercante en la producción de un discurso científico sobre la educación, sobre todo con las asociaciones discursivas entre ciencia y pedagogía y entre pedagogía científica y reforma educativa. Partiendo de una revisión de las lecturas historiográficas sobre su obra, el texto se detiene en el proyecto epistémico-político de la Paidología como ciencia de la infancia escolarizada y del Laboratorio en la Universidad de La Plata como institución de producción y diseminación de saberes. Mercante se estableció firmemente en redes internacionales de conocimiento y sostuvo la idea de la ciencia como empresa cosmopolita de saber, ciencia que debía ser escrita con números, cuadros y citas a pie de página como criterio de legitimidad de sus enunciados. Finalmente, se destaca su importancia en el privilegio de la infancia y la adolescencia como sujetos pedagógicos, todavía apegados a categorías epistémico-políticas del siglo XIX pero enunciados con instrumentos, lenguajes y redes de saberes del siglo XX
In this paper we present a support strategy of guidance for the young people from vulnerable population, both urban and rural, who have completed high school and are involved in an extension program so called Equity and guidance: the challenge of a proposal in state educational institutions from the La Plata, Berisso and Ensenada districts. This program gives them a reflection space to analyze their personal, social and community situation as a self-managed process towards a project of life. For some time we have supported young people with the purpose of helping them to make a life project. When doing so, we've always noticed the need of finding strategies to provide reasons to carry on the project of completing high school, to search new knowledge, request scholarships, to think of alternatives according to their circumstances, etc. In this sense, the Project: ?Equity and Guidance: the challenge of following up young graduates? is a revealing experience since it shows the urgent need to provide real means to enable communities we work with to make the most of opportunities. For the young people who belong to a vulnerable community, a project of life doesn't mean just thinking of the choice of careers, trainings or jobs. It also means to find how to make it possible in their daily life. Everything we make, think and manage in this project has the same purpose: help them so they can make a life project according to their subjectivity
El artículo busca analizar el lugar de Víctor Mercante en la producción de un discurso científico sobre la educación, sobre todo con las asociaciones discursivas entre ciencia y pedagogía y entre pedagogía científica y reforma educativa. Partiendo de una revisión de las lecturas historiográficas sobre su obra, el texto se detiene en el proyecto epistémico-político de la Paidología como ciencia de la infancia escolarizada y del Laboratorio en la Universidad de La Plata como institución de producción y diseminación de saberes. Mercante se estableció firmemente en redes internacionales de conocimiento y sostuvo la idea de la ciencia como empresa cosmopolita de saber, ciencia que debía ser escrita con números, cuadros y citas a pie de página como criterio de legitimidad de sus enunciados. Finalmente, se destaca su importancia en el privilegio de la infancia y la adolescencia como sujetos pedagógicos, todavía apegados a categorías epistémico-políticas del siglo XIX pero enunciados con instrumentos, lenguajes y redes de saberes del siglo XX
In this paper we present a support strategy of guidance for the young people from vulnerable population, both urban and rural, who have completed high school and are involved in an extension program so called Equity and guidance: the challenge of a proposal in state educational institutions from the La Plata, Berisso and Ensenada districts. This program gives them a reflection space to analyze their personal, social and community situation as a self-managed process towards a project of life. For some time we have supported young people with the purpose of helping them to make a life project. When doing so, we've always noticed the need of finding strategies to provide reasons to carry on the project of completing high school, to search new knowledge, request scholarships, to think of alternatives according to their circumstances, etc. In this sense, the Project: ?Equity and Guidance: the challenge of following up young graduates? is a revealing experience since it shows the urgent need to provide real means to enable communities we work with to make the most of opportunities. For the young people who belong to a vulnerable community, a project of life doesn't mean just thinking of the choice of careers, trainings or jobs. It also means to find how to make it possible in their daily life. Everything we make, think and manage in this project has the same purpose: help them so they can make a life project according to their subjectivity
El artículo busca analizar el lugar de Víctor Mercante en la producción de un discurso científico sobre la educación, sobre todo con las asociaciones discursivas entre ciencia y pedagogía y entre pedagogía científica y reforma educativa. Partiendo de una revisión de las lecturas historiográficas sobre su obra, el texto se detiene en el proyecto epistémico-político de la Paidología como ciencia de la infancia escolarizada y del Laboratorio en la Universidad de La Plata como institución de producción y diseminación de saberes. Mercante se estableció firmemente en redes internacionales de conocimiento y sostuvo la idea de la ciencia como empresa cosmopolita de saber, ciencia que debía ser escrita con números, cuadros y citas a pie de página como criterio de legitimidad de sus enunciados. Finalmente, se destaca su importancia en el privilegio de la infancia y la adolescencia como sujetos pedagógicos, todavía apegados a categorías epistémico-políticas del siglo XIX pero enunciados con instrumentos, lenguajes y redes de saberes del siglo XX
The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) Version 1.0 is a new digital bathymetric model (DBM) portraying the seafloor of the circum-Antarctic waters south of 60° S. IBCSO is a regional mapping project of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO). IBCSO Version 1.0 DBM has been compiled from all available bathymetric data collectively gathered by more than 30 institutions from 15 countries. These data include multibeam and single beam echo soundings, digitized depths from nautical charts, regional bathymetric gridded compilations, and predicted bathymetry. Specific gridding techniques were applied to compile the DBM from the bathymetric data of different origin, spatial distribution, resolution, and quality. The IBCSO Version 1.0 DBM has a resolution of 500 x 500 m, based on a polar stereographic projection, and is publicly available together with a digital chart for printing from the project website (http://www.ibcso.org) and from the two data sets shown at the bottom of this page.