416 resultados para Collimated transmittance


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High flux and high CRI may be achieved by combining different chips and/or phosphors. This, however, results in inhomogeneous sources that, when combined with collimating optics, typically produce patterns with undesired artifacts. These may be a combination of spatial, angular or color non-uniformities. In order to avoid these effects, there is a need to mix the light source, both spatially and angularly. Diffusers can achieve this effect, but they also increase the etendue (and reduce the brightness) of the resulting source, leading to optical systems of increased size and wider emission angles. The shell mixer is an optic comprised of many lenses on a shell covering the source. These lenses perform Kohler integration to mix the emitted light, both spatially and angularly. Placing it on top of a multi-chip Lambertian light source, the result is a highly homogeneous virtual source (i.e, spatially and angularly mixed), also Lambertian, which is located in the same position with essentially the same size (so the average brightness is not increased). This virtual light source can then be collimated using another optic, resulting in a homogeneous pattern without color separation. Experimental measurements have shown optical efficiency of the shell of 94%, and highly homogeneous angular intensity distribution of collimated beams, in good agreement with the ray-tracing simulations.


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ZnTe doped with high concentrations of oxygen has been proposed in previous works as intermediate band (IB) material for photovoltaic applications. The existence of extra optical transitions related to the presence of an IB has already been demonstrated in this material and it has been possible to measure the absorption coefficient of the transitions from the valence band (VB) to the IB. In this work we present the first measurement of the absorption coefficient associated to transitions from the IB to the conduction band (CB) in ZnTe:O. The samples used are 4 ?m thick ZnTe layers with or without O in a concentration ~ 1019 cm-3, which have been grown on semi-insulating GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The IB-CB absorption coefficient peaks for photon energies ~ 0.4 eV. It is extracted from reflectance and transmittance spectra measured using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Under typical FTIR measurement conditions (low light intensity, broadband spectrum) the absorption coefficient in IB-to-CB transitions reaches 700 cm-1. This is much weaker than the one observed for VB-IB absorption. This result is consistent with the fact that the IB is expected to be nearly empty of electrons under equilibrium conditions in ZnTe(:O). The absorption for VB to IB transitions is also observed in the same samples through reflectance measurements performed in the visible range using a monochromator. These measurements are compared with the quantum efficiency (QE) from solar cells fabricated under similar conditions.


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A novel concept for active space debris removal known as Ion Beam Shepherd (IBS) which has been recently presented by our group is investigated. The concept makes use of a highly collimated ion beam to exert the necessary force on a generic debris to modify its orbit and/or attitude from a safe distance in a controlled manner, without the need of docking. After describing the main characteristics of the IBS system, some of the key aspects of thruster plasma and its interaction with the debris are studied, namely, (1) the modeling of the expansion of an plasma beam, based on the quasi-selfsimilarity exhibited by hypersonic plumes, (2) the characterization of the force and torque exerted upon the target debris, and (3) a preliminary evaluation of other plasma-body interactions.


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Existe un creciente interés internacional por el ahorro energético y la sostenibilidad en la edificación con importantes repercusiones en la Arquitectura. La inercia térmica es un parámetro fundamental para poder valorar energéticamente un edificio en condiciones reales. Para ello es necesario cambiar el enfoque tradicional de transmisión de calor en régimen estacionario por otro en régimen dinámico en el que se analizan las ondas térmicas y el flujo de calor oscilante que atraviesan los cerramientos. Los parámetros que definen la inercia térmica son: el espesor, la difusividad y el ciclo térmico. A su vez la difusividad está determinada por la conductividad térmica, la densidad y el calor específico del material. De estos parámetros la conductividad es el más complejo, variable y difícil de medir, especialmente en los cerramientos de tierra debido a su heterogeneidad y complejidad higrotérmica. En general, los métodos de medida de la conductividad o transmitancias en los paramentos presentan inconvenientes a la hora de medir un edificio construido con tierra: dificultades de implementación, el elevado coste o la fiabilidad de los resultados, principalmente. El Método de la Aguja Térmica (MAT) se basa en el principio de la evolución en el tiempo del calor emitido por una fuente lineal al insertarse en el seno de un material. Se ha escogido este método porque resulta práctico, de bajo coste y de fácil aplicación a gran escala pero tiene serios problemas de fiabilidad y exactitud. En esta tesis se desarrolla un método de medida de la conductividad térmica para Piezas de Albañilería de Tierra Cruda en laboratorio basado en el MAT, se mejora su fiabilidad, se analiza su incertidumbre, se compara con otros métodos de referencia y se aplica en adobes, Bloques de Tierra Comprimida y probetas de tierra estabilizada con distintas proporciones de paja. Este método servirá de base a una posterior aplicación in situ. Finalmente se proponen modelos matemáticos para mejorar la exactitud del dispositivo utilizado y para la estimación de la conductividad de cerramientos de tierra en función de su densidad. Con los resultados obtenidos se analizan las posibilidades de amortiguación y retardo de las ondas térmicas y capacidad de almacenaje de energía de los cerramientos en función de su densidad y humedad. There is growing international interest in energy saving and sustainability in buildings with significant impact on Architecture. Thermal inertia is a key parameter to assess energy in buildings in real conditions. This requires changing the traditional approach to heat transfer in steady state by another in dynamic regime which analyzes the thermal waves and oscillating heat flux passing through the external walls. The parameters defining the thermal inertia are: the thickness, the diffusivity and the thermal cycle. In turn, the diffusivity is determined by the thermal conductivity, density and specific heat of the material. Of these parameters, thermal conductivity is the most complex, variable and difficult to measure, especially in earth walls due to their heterogeneity and hygrothermal complexity. In general, the methods of measurement of conductivity and transmittance in walls have drawbacks when measuring a building with earth: implementation difficulties, high cost, or reliability of the results, mainly. The Thermal Needle Procedure (TNP) is based on the principle of evolution in time of heat from a line source when inserted within a material. This method was chosen because it is a practical, low cost and easy to implement on a large scale but has serious problems of reliability and accuracy. This thesis develops a laboratory method for measuring the thermal conductivity of Masonry Units Unfire Earth-based based on TNP, its uncertainty is analyzed, compared to other reference methods and applies in adobes, Compressed Earth Blocks and stabilized soil specimens with different proportions of straw. This method will form the basis of a subsequent application in situ. Finally, mathematical models are proposed to improve the accuracy of the device used, and to estimate the conductivity of earth enclosures depending on its density. With the results obtained earth enclosures are analyzed to estimate their possibilities of delay and buffer of termal waves and energy storage capacity according to their density and moisture.


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The possibility of capturing a small Near Earth Asteroid (NEA) and deliver it to the vicinity of the Earth has been recently explored by different authors. The key advantage would be to allow a cheap and quick access to the NEA for science, resource utilization and other purposes. Among the different challenges related to this operation stands the difficulty of robotically capturing the object, whose composition and dynamical state could be problematic. In order to simplify the capture operation we propose the use of a collimated ion beam ejected from a hovering spacecraft in order to maneuver the object without direct physical contact. The feasibility of a possible asteroid retrieval mission is evaluated.


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Tiny increases in the transmittance of optical materials within a CPV module can have an important impact on the economy of a plant. This is certainly true in systems comprising multi-junction solar cells, whose high performance, based on a balanced photocurrent generation among the series-connected junctions, is very sensitive to spectrum variations. Every efficiency point gained causes not only an increase in the kilowatts hour produced, but a higher benefit on it, since the difference between electricity tariff and Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) rises. This work studies the impact on the LCOE of a plant based on modules comprising PMMA lenses of two different types, standard UV blocking grade which is normally used for outdoor applications at high DNI climate and a specialty stabilized UV-enhanced transmittance acrylic (see Figure 1). Energy production will be compared for these two systems throughout the year at different sites to analyze when (season, time of the day) and where the usage of the enhanced PMMA is justified.


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Several dielectric fluids that might be used for immersing optics are analyzed in this paper. Their transmittances, both before and after an accelerated exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation equivalent to several years under real sun, are presented. In addition, the photocurrent losses caused by the decrease in transmittance experienced by each fluid are estimated for current III?V multijunction (MJ) solar cells. The most stable fluids were found to be paraffin and silicone oils whose transmittances remained practically unaltered after a UV dosage equivalent to 3 years of AM1.5D radiation.


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A system dedicated to the optical transmittance characterization of Fresnel lenses has been developed at NREL, in collaboration with the UPM. The system quantifies the optical efficiency of the lens by generating a performance map. The shape of the focused spot may also be analyzed to understand change in the lens performance. The primary instrument components (lasers and CCD detector) have been characterized to confirm their capability for performing optical transmittance measurements. Measurements performed on SoG and PMMA lenses subject to a variety of indoor conditions (e.g., UV and damp heat) identified differences in the optical efficiency of the evaluated lenses, demonstrating the ability of the Scanning Lens Instrument (SLI) to distinguish between the aged lenses.


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A novel slow push asteroid deflection strategy has been recently proposed in which an Earth threatening asteroid can be deflected by exploiting the momentum transmitted by a collimated beam of quasi-neutral plasma impinging against the asteroid surface. The beam can be generated with state-of-the art ion engines from a hovering spacecraft with no need for physical attachment or gravitational interaction with the celestial body. The spacecraft, placed at a distance of a few asteroid diameters, would need an ion thruster pointed at the asteroid surface as well as a second propulsion system to compensate for the ion engine reaction and keep the distance between the asteroid and the shepherd satellite constant throughout the deflection phase. A comparison in terms of required spacecraft mass per total imparted deflection impulse shows that the method outperforms the gravity tractor concept by more than one order of magnitude for asteroids up to about 200 m diameter. The two methods would yield comparable performance for asteroids larger than about 2 km


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Actualmente, la gestión de sistemas de Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP) en cultivos hortícolas tiene por objetivo priorizar los métodos de control no químicos en detrimento del consumo de plaguicidas, según recoge la directiva europea 2009/128/CE ‘Uso Sostenible de Plaguicidas’ (OJEC, 2009). El uso de agentes de biocontrol como alternativa a la aplicación de insecticidas es un elemento clave de los sistemas MIP por sus innegables ventajas ambientales que se utiliza ampliamente en nuestro país (Jacas y Urbaneja, 2008). En la región de Almería, donde se concentra el 65% de cultivo en invernadero de nuestro país (47.367 ha), MIP es la principal estrategia en pimiento (MAGRAMA, 2014), y comienza a serlo en otros cultivos como tomate o pepino. El cultivo de pepino, con 8.902 ha (MAGRAMA, 2013), tiene un protocolo semejante al pimiento (Robledo et al., 2009), donde la única especie de pulgón importante es Aphis gossypii Glover. Sin embargo, pese al continuo incremento de la superficie de cultivo agrícola bajo sistemas MIP, los daños originados por virosis siguen siendo notables. Algunos de los insectos presentes en los cultivos de hortícolas son importantes vectores de virus, como los pulgones, las moscas blancas o los trips, cuyo control resulta problemático debido a su elevada capacidad para transmitir virus vegetales incluso a una baja densidad de plaga (Holt et al., 2008; Jacas y Urbaneja, 2008). Las relaciones que se establecen entre los distintos agentes de un ecosistema son complejas y muy específicas. Se ha comprobado que, pese a que los enemigos naturales reducen de manera beneficiosa los niveles de plaga, su incorporación en los sistemas planta-insecto-virus puede desencadenar complicadas interacciones con efectos no deseables (Dicke y van Loon, 2000; Jeger et al., 2011). Así, los agentes de biocontrol también pueden inducir a que los insectos vectores modifiquen su comportamiento como respuesta al ataque y, con ello, el grado de dispersión y los patrones de distribución de las virosis que transmiten (Bailey et al., 1995; Weber et al., 1996; Hodge y Powell, 2008a; Hodge et al., 2011). Además, en ocasiones el control biológico por sí solo no es suficiente para controlar determinadas plagas (Medina et al., 2008). Entre los métodos que se pueden aplicar bajo sistemas MIP están las barreras físicas que limitan la entrada de plagas al interior de los invernaderos o interfieren con su movimiento, como pueden ser las mallas anti-insecto (Álvarez et al., 2014), las mallas fotoselectivas (Raviv y Antignus, 2004; Weintraub y Berlinger, 2004; Díaz y Fereres, 2007) y las mallas impregnadas en insecticida (Licciardi et al., 2008; Martin et al., 2014). Las mallas fotoselectivas reducen o bloquean casi por completo la transmisión de radiación UV, lo que interfiere con la visión de los insectos y dificulta o impide la localización del cultivo y su establecimiento en el mismo (Raviv y Antignus, 2004; Weintraub, 2009). Se ha comprobado cómo su uso puede controlar los pulgones y las virosis en cultivo de lechuga (Díaz et al., 2006; Legarrea et al., 2012a), así como la mosca blanca, los trips y los ácaros, y los virus que estos transmiten en otros cultivos (Costa y Robb, 1999; Antignus et al., 2001; Kumar y Poehling, 2006; Doukas y Payne, 2007a; Legarrea et al., 2010). Sin embargo, no se conoce perfectamente el modo de acción de estas barreras, puesto que existe un efecto directo sobre la plaga y otro indirecto mediado por la planta, cuya fisiología cambia al desarrollarse en ambientes con falta de radiación UV, y que podría afectar al ciclo biológico de los insectos fitófagos (Vänninen et al., 2010; Johansen et al., 2011). Del mismo modo, es necesario estudiar la compatibilidad de esta estrategia con los enemigos naturales de las plagas. Hasta la fecha, los estudios han evidenciado que los agentes de biocontrol pueden realizar su actividad bajo ambientes pobres en radiación UV (Chyzik et al., 2003; Chiel et al., 2006; Doukas y Payne, 2007b; Legarrea et al., 2012c). Otro método basado en barreras físicas son las mallas impregnadas con insecticidas, que se han usado tradicionalmente en la prevención de enfermedades humanas transmitidas por mosquitos (Martin et al., 2006). Su aplicación se ha ensayado en agricultura en ciertos cultivos al aire libre (Martin et al., 2010; Díaz et al., 2004), pero su utilidad en cultivos protegidos para prevenir la entrada de insectos vectores en invernadero todavía no ha sido investigada. Los aditivos se incorporan al tejido durante el proceso de extrusión de la fibra y se liberan lentamente actuando por contacto en el momento en que el insecto aterriza sobre la malla, con lo cual el riesgo medioambiental y para la salud humana es muy limitado. Los plaguicidas que se emplean habitualmente suelen ser piretroides (deltametrina o bifentrín), aunque también se ha ensayado dicofol (Martin et al., 2010) y alfa-cipermetrina (Martin et al., 2014). Un factor que resulta de vital importancia en este tipo de mallas es el tamaño del poro para facilitar una buena ventilación del cultivo, al tiempo que se evita la entrada de insectos de pequeño tamaño como las moscas blancas (Bethke y Paine, 1991; Muñoz et al., 1999). Asimismo, se plantea la necesidad de estudiar la compatibilidad de estas mallas con los enemigos naturales. Es por ello que en esta Tesis Doctoral se plantea la necesidad de evaluar nuevas mallas impregnadas que impidan el paso de insectos de pequeño tamaño al interior de los invernaderos, pero que a su vez mantengan un buen intercambio y circulación de aire a través del poro de la malla. Así, en la presente Tesis Doctoral, se han planteado los siguientes objetivos generales a desarrollar: 1. Estudiar el impacto de la presencia de parasitoides sobre el grado de dispersión y los patrones de distribución de pulgones y las virosis que éstos transmiten. 2. Conocer el efecto directo de ambientes pobres en radiación UV sobre el comportamiento de vuelo de plagas clave de hortícolas y sus enemigos naturales. 3. Evaluar el efecto directo de la radiación UV-A sobre el crecimiento poblacional de pulgones y mosca blanca, y sobre la fisiología de sus plantas hospederas, así como el efecto indirecto de la radiación UV-A en ambas plagas mediado por el crecimiento de dichas planta hospederas. 4. Caracterización de diversas mallas impregnadas en deltametrina y bifentrín con diferentes propiedades y selección de las óptimas para el control de pulgones, mosca blanca y sus virosis asociadas en condiciones de campo. Estudio de su compatibilidad con parasitoides. ABSTRACT Insect vectors of plant viruses are the main agents causing major economic losses in vegetable crops grown under protected environments. This Thesis focuses on the implementation of new alternatives to chemical control of insect vectors under Integrated Pest Management programs. In Spain, biological control is the main pest control strategy used in a large part of greenhouses where horticultural crops are grown. The first study aimed to increase our knowledge on how the presence of natural enemies such as Aphidius colemani Viereck may alter the dispersal of the aphid vector Aphis gossypii Glover (Chapter 4). In addition, it was investigated if the presence of this parasitoid affected the spread of aphid-transmitted viruses Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, Cucumovirus) and Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV, Polerovirus) infecting cucumber (Cucumis sativus L). SADIE methodology was used to study the distribution patterns of both the virus and its vector, and their degree of association. Results suggested that parasitoids promoted aphid dispersal in the short term, which enhanced CMV spread, though consequences of parasitism suggested potential benefits for disease control in the long term. Furthermore, A. colemani significantly limited the spread and incidence of the persistent virus CABYV in the long term. The flight activity of pests Myzus persicae (Sulzer), Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), and natural enemies A. colemani and Sphaerophoria rueppellii (Weidemann) under UV-deficient environments was studied under field conditions (Chapter 5). One-chamber tunnels were covered with cladding materials with different UV transmittance properties. Inside each tunnel, insects were released from tubes placed in a platform suspended from the ceiling. Specific targets were located at different distances from the platform. The ability of aphids and whiteflies to reach their targets was diminished under UV-absorbing barriers, suggesting a reduction of vector activity under this type of nets. Fewer aphids reached distant traps under UV-absorbing nets, and significantly more aphids could fly to the end of the tunnels covered with non-UV blocking materials. Unlike aphids, differences in B. tabaci captures were mainly found in the closest targets. The oviposition of lepidopteran T. absoluta was also negatively affected by a UV-absorbing cover. The photoselective barriers were compatible with parasitism and oviposition of biocontrol agents. Apart from the direct response of insects to UV radiation, plant-mediated effects influencing insect performance were investigated (Chapter 6). The impact of UV-A radiation on the performance of aphid M. persicae and whitefly B. tabaci, and growth and leaf physiology of host plants pepper and eggplant was studied under glasshouse conditions. Plants were grown inside cages covered by transparent and UV-A-opaque plastic films. Plant growth and insect fitness were monitored. Leaves were harvested for chemical analysis. Pepper plants responded directly to UV-A by producing shorter stems whilst UV-A did not affect the leaf area of either species. UV-A-treated peppers had higher content of secondary metabolites, soluble carbohydrates, free amino acids and proteins. Such changes in tissue chemistry indirectly promoted aphid performance. For eggplants, chlorophyll and carotenoid levels decreased with supplemental UVA but phenolics were not affected. Exposure to supplemental UV-A had a detrimental effect on whitefly development, fecundity and fertility presumably not mediated by plant cues, as compounds implied in pest nutrition were unaltered. Lastly, the efficacy of a wide range of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLITNs) was studied under laboratory and field conditions. This strategy aimed to prevent aphids and whiteflies to enter the greenhouse by determining the optimum mesh size (Chapter 7). This new approach is based on slow release deltamethrin- and bifenthrin-treated nets with large hole sizes that allow improved ventilation of greenhouses. All LLITNs produced high mortality of M. persicae and A. gossypii although their efficacy decreased over time with sun exposure. It was necessary a net with hole size of 0.29 mm2 to exclude B. tabaci under laboratory conditions. The feasibility of two selected nets was studied in the field under a high insect infestation pressure in the presence of CMV- and CABYV-infected cucumber plants. Besides, the compatibility of parasitoid A. colemani with bifenthrin-treated nets was studied in parallel field experiments. Both nets effectively blocked the invasion of aphids and reduced the incidence of both viruses, however they failed to exclude whiteflies. We found that our LLITNs were compatible with parasitoid A. colemani. As shown, the role of natural enemies has to be taken into account regarding the dispersal of insect vectors and subsequent spread of plant viruses. The additional benefits of novel physicochemical barriers, such as photoselective and insecticide-impregnated nets, need to be considered in Integrated Pest Management programs of vegetable crops grown under protected environments.


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A complete characterisation of PV modules for building integration is needed in order to know their influence on the building’s global energy balance. Specifically, certain characteristic parameters should be obtained for each different PV module suitable for building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), some by direct or indirect measurements at the laboratory, and others by monitoring the element performance mounted in real operating conditions. In the case of transparent building envelopes it is particularly important to perform an optical and thermal characterization of the PV modules that would be integrated in them. This paper addresses the optical characterization of some commercial thin-film PV modules having different degrees of transparency, suitable for building integration in façades. The approach is based on the measurement of the spectral UV/Vis/NIR reflectance and transmittance of the different considered samples, both at normal incidence and as a function of the angle of incidence. With the obtained results, the total and zoned UV, visible and NIR transmission and reflection values are calculated, enabling the correct characterization of the PV modules integrated in façades and the subsequent evaluation of their impact over the electrical, thermal and lighting performance in a building.


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ZnTe doped with high concentrations of oxygen has been proposed in previous works as an intermediate band (IB) material for photovoltaic applications. The existence of extra optical transitions related to the presence of an IB has already been demonstrated in this material and it has been possible to measure the absorption coefficient of the transitions from the valence band (VB) to the IB. In this study, we present the first measurement of the absorption coefficient associated with transitions from the IB to the conduction band (CB) in ZnTeO. The samples used are 4-mum-thick ZnTe layers with or without O in a concentration ~10 19 cm -3, which have been grown on semiinsulating GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The IB-CB absorption coefficient peaks for photon energies ~0.4 eV. It is extracted from reflectance and transmittance spectra measured using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Under typical FTIR measurement conditions (low light intensity, broadband spectrum), the absorption coefficient in IB-to-CB transitions reaches 700 cm -1. This is much weaker than the one observed for VB-IB absorption. This result is consistent with the fact that the IB is expected to be nearly empty of electrons under equilibrium conditions in ZnTe(O).


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The Monge–Ampère (MA) equation arising in illumination design is highly nonlinear so that the convergence of the MA method is strongly determined by the initial design. We address the initial design of the MA method in this paper with the L2 Monge-Kantorovich (LMK) theory, and introduce an efficient approach for finding the optimal mapping of the LMK problem. Three examples, including the beam shaping of collimated beam and point light source, are given to illustrate the potential benefits of the LMK theory in the initial design. The results show the MA method converges more stably and faster with the application of the LMK theory in the initial design.


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This paper presents the impact of non-homogeneous deposits of dust on the performance of a PV array. The observations have been made in a 2-MW PV park in the southeast region of Spain. The results are that inhomogeneous dust leads to more significant consequences than the mere short-circuit current reduction resulting from transmittance losses. In particular, when the affected PV modules are part of a string together with other cleaned (or less dusty) ones, operation voltage losses arise. These voltage losses can be several times larger than the short-circuit ones, leading to power losses that can be much larger than what measurements suggest when the PV modules are considered separately. Significant hot-spot phenomena can also arise leading to cells exhibiting temperature differences of more than 20 degrees and thus representing a threat to the PV modules' lifetime.


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Según Heidegger, la esencia de la arquitectura, de la construcción, descansa en un no espacio: en la materia con que se construyen las fronteras que otorgan espacios, irradiando sobre ellos aquello que los caracteriza. Si hay alguna materia, de las utilizadas por la arquitectura a lo largo de su historia para construir fronteras, que haya mantenido una especial relación con la luz y la visión, dando un carácter inconfundible a los espacios aviados por ellas, esta es el vidrio; algunas de las etimologías de su nombre: zakû (ser claro), hyalos (diáfano) o vitrum (ver), así lo evidencian. Posiblemente, sea la pregnancia de este modo fascinante de relacionarse con la luz, la que ha hecho del vidrio, a lo largo del tiempo que lleva siendo usado en arquitectura, y aún antes, el material que ha provocado en el imaginario humano la ilusión de ser aquel en que, en último término, podrían llegar a sublimarse todos los demás, dando lugar con ello a lo que en la tesis hemos denominado el sueño de la arquitectura de cristal. Siendo la luz, siempre, energía, consideraremos en la tesis luz-energía, a aquella que ilumina y calienta; es una luz científica y mesurable. Cuando la luz se “hace visible”, desvelando un mensaje “contenido” en el vidrio, hablaremos de luz-información. Esta luz, no puede medirse científicamente. La luz-energía y la luz-información, se manifiestan al conjuro de la arquitectura de vidrio. Es la segunda la que ha conformado las fronteras de vidrio enmascarado, y la que se estudia con más detenimiento en la tesis. Los distintos modos de usar en arquitectura la infinita combinatoria de las propiedades de absortancia, reflectancia, transmitancia y translucencia del vidrio, ha condicionado al hombre en su manera de “ver” el mundo. Unas veces, “inmerso” en él, puesto que solo lo separa del mismo, una frontera transparente, y “deseadamente” invisible: ese modo de usar el vidrio, ha sido el sueño imposible de una parte importante de la arquitectura del siglo XX. Otras veces, para “aislarse” de él, el hombre ha manipulado la luz y el vidrio para construir mundos diferentes. Las fronteras de vidrio enmascarado de color, mosaicos, vidrieras, pantallas y lo que hemos llamado vidrios complejos (con un cometido similar al que Schiller atribuía al coro en la tragedia griega, aislar a esta del “mundo real”, para mantener su libertad poética), son las fronteras que han construido el sueño posible de la arquitectura de cristal. Ambas actitudes, en distintos momentos de la historia de la arquitectura, han sido dos formas de querer materializar un mismo sueño. La capacidad del vidrio para adaptarse a tantos modos de presentarse ante nosotros, y a poder ser interpretado de tantas formas diferentes, es la que ha servido para dar título a la tesis, pues hasta en su faceta más transparente, el vidrio, de una forma o de otra, se ha mostrado siempre como un material enmascarado en el más amplio sentido de la palabra: se enmascara, incluso cuando apela a la transparencia o se convierte en espejo, para hacernos caer en la ilusión de que no está presente. Cuando el hombre construyó fronteras de vidrio e incluso antes, cuando soñó que con él podría llegar a construirlas, condensó en ellas toda la mítica, la mística y la epistemología en torno a la luz y la visión, dando lugar a una serie de arquetipos arquitectónicos. En la iglesia bizantina, la luz sobre, o la luz desde, los mosaicos, construyó una frontera titilante; y en la catedral gótica, la luz a través de las vidrieras construyó una frontera radiante; en ambos casos con el fin de alcanzar anagógicamente lo Inteligible. En el siglo XIX, con el descubrimiento de la electricidad y su incorporación a la arquitectura, las fronteras se vuelven fulgurantes, aviando, en este caso, el espacio urbano. Poco antes, en este mismo siglo, el espíritu del gótico tiene un efímero resurgir del que se nutrirá, a comienzos del siglo XX, el expresionismo cristalino, en el que la luz anagógica se hace laica. El espacio urbano fulgurante prefigurado por este movimiento y presente en las ciudades desde principios del siglo XX, fue potenciado a mediados de ese siglo con la aparición de las pantallas, extendiéndose desde entonces, imparable, por todo el planeta. La reciente emergencia de los vidrios complejos, ha abierto la posibilidad de construir fronteras a la carta (de vidrios de propiedades múltiples, seleccionadas de forma voluntaria y variable en cada momento). En principio, se pensó que, el uso de estos vidrios como cerramiento, podría llegar a constituirse como la panacea de los problemas del material relacionados con la luz-energía, sin necesidad de recurrir a “prótesis”, y manteniendo por tanto la seductora tersura de la fachada; aunque parece que, por ahora, esa posibilidad es, cuando menos, lejana. Sin embargo, en el campo de las megapantallas urbanas (y ,en general, en el de las pantallas de información), ubicuas actualmente en nuestras vidas, los vidrios complejos ayudan a construir los espesos velos de ilusión, que según Lefebvre sirven para mantener el capitalismo, siendo el último estadio de un desarrollo tecnológico, impuesto por el principio de economía del hombre, que como un metrónomo inexorable, y a modo de contrapunto, ha acompañado siempre (de nuevo en palabras de Lefebvre), a la necesidad del gasto, del juego, de la lucha, del arte, de la fiesta. La tecnología y el arte forman parte de la cultura producida por la sociedad y como señala Lévi-Strauss, esa cultura imprime orden; por el contrario, la sociedad, entendida como el conjunto de relaciones que los hombres mantienen entre sí, produce desorden. Del equilibrio entre esos extremos, surge el progreso, incluido el de la arquitectura. Las fronteras de vidrio que analizamos en la tesis –que avían espacios para la espiritualidad, el fasto y el espectáculo o, desde otro punto de vista, para las distintas manifestaciones del poder: la iglesia, la monarquía, el estado o el mercado– también han surgido de esa concomitancia entre el desorden y el orden; y forma parte de ese desorden, la aventura que ha impulsado al genio individual de místicos, alquimistas, geómetras, abades, reyes, inventores, poetas y arquitectos, a explorar, como escribe Apollinaire, vastos y extraños territorios donde el misterio en flor, se ofrece a quien quiera cogerlo, hogueras nuevas de colores nunca vistos, mil fantasmas imponderables a los que dar cuerpo. ABSTRACT According to Heidegger, the essence of architecture, building, lies in a non-space: the material that creates the boundaries from which something begins its presencing, radiating onto them that which characterizes them. If there is any single material amongst all those used throughout the history of architecture to build boundaries which has maintained a special relationship with light and vision, which has bestowed a distinctive character on spaces avid for them, it is glass. This is evidenced in some of its etymologies: zakû (to be clear), hyalos (transparent), vitrum (see). The rich potential of this fascinating way of relating to light in the history of the architectural use of glass, and even before, is possibly what has triggered the illusion in human imagination of being something that can ultimately sublimate all others, giving rise to what in this thesis we call The Dream of Crystal Architecture. Given that light is always energy, in this thesis we consider energy-light to be that which illuminates and warms. This is scientific, measurable light. When light "becomes visible" and reveals a message “contained” in glass, we speak of information-light. This light cannot be measured scientifically. Energy-light and information-light are manifested under the spell of glass architecture. The latter is what has shaped the boundaries of coloured glass, which is studied in this thesis. Architecture's different ways of using the infinite combinations of the absorptance, reflectance, transmittance and translucency of glass has affected the way we humans "see" the world. Sometimes we are "immersed" in it, since only an invisible, transparent boundary separates us from it: this use of glass has characterized a considerable part of 20th century architecture. In other cases, in order to "isolate" us from it, we have manipulated light and glass to build different worlds: the boundaries of glass "masked" by colour, mosaics, stained glass, screens and what we have called complex glazing, which plays a similar role to what Schiller attributed to the chorus in Greek tragedy, isolating it from the "real world" in order to maintain its poetic license. These are the boundaries that have built the viable dream of crystal architecture. These two approaches have been different ways of making same dream come true at different times in the history of architecture. The ability of glass to adapt to so many forms of manifestation, and interpretation, is what has given rise to the title of the thesis. Even in its most transparent facet, glass has one way or another always been a masking material in the broadest sense of the word: it is masked even when it invites transparency or becomes a mirror, triggering the illusion that it is not present. When man began to build glass boundaries, and even before, when he dreamed that he could build them, he condensed in them all the mythology, mysticism and epistemology concerning light and vision, which gave rise to a series of architectural archetypes. In the Byzantine church, light on or from mosaics created tenuous boundaries. In Gothic cathedrals, the light through the stained glass windows constructed radiant boundaries. In both cases the aim was to achieve, in an anagogical way, the Intelligible. In the 19th, the discovery of electricity and its use in architecture led to the production of dazzling boundaries, in this case employed in urban spaces. Earlier in the same century, the Gothic spirit had a short-lived revival, which in the early 20th century drew from crystalline expressionism in which anagogic light became secular. The dazzling urban space prefigured by this movement, present in cities since the early 20th century, was intensified in the mid-century with the emergence of screens, and since then it has spread unstoppably across the world. The recent emergence of complex glasses has made it possible to build boundaries on demand in glass with multiple properties, chosen at will and at whim at any time. Initially it was thought that the use of this glass as a wall could eventually become the panacea for the material problems related to energy-light, without needing to resort to "prosthesis" and thereby maintain the seductive smoothness of the facade. For now, that possibility seems remote, to say the least. In the realm of urban megascreens and information screens in general, now ubiquitous in our lives, complex glasses help to build the thick veils of illusion which, according to Lefebvre, serve to maintain capitalism. Like an inexorable metronome, in counterpoint, this ultimate state of technological development imposed by man's principle of economy has in fact always accompanied (again in the words of Lefebvre), the need to spend, play, fight, art, and party. Technology and art are part of the culture produced by society. As Levi-Strauss says, this culture imposes order. On the contrary, society, understood as a set of relationships amongst people, produces disorder. Progress, including that of architecture, arises from the balance between these two extremes. The glass boundaries analyzed in this thesis, which propitiate spaces for spirituality, pomp and spectacle or, from a different perspective, for the various manifestations of power: the church, the monarchy, the state and the market, have also emerged from the concomitance of order and disorder. One aspect of this disorder is the adventure that has inspired the individual genius of mystics, alchemists, surveyors, abbots, kings, inventors, poets and architects to explore, as Apollinaire says, vast, strange domains where flowering mystery offers itself to whoever wishes to pluck it, new fires, colours you have never seen before, a thousand intangible phantasms still awaiting reality.