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El Virus Encefalitis Saint Louis (VESL)es un virus neurotrópico que puede provocar en humanos encefalitis, meningitis y cefalea febril. Estudios epidemiológicos demostraron la circulación del virus en Argentina, reportándose el primer brote de encefalitis en Sud-América en Córdoba en el 2005. Los macrófagos tienen un rol muy importante en la patogénesis de las infecciones virales. Estas células son permisivas para la replicación y reservorio viral. Reconocen a los virus mediante receptores de reconocimiento de patrones, incluidos los receptores Toll-like, lo que genera la producción de moléculas antivirales y citoquinas pro-inflamatorias. Los macrófagos expresan diferentes fenotipos según el microambiente tisular y el estímulo externo. Se reconocen los macrófagos activados clásicamente (M1) que liberan citoquinas pro-inflamatorias y los macrófagos activados alternativamente (M2) que producen IL-10 y factor transformante del crecimiento. Como parte de la respuesta del macrófago a la infección viral, prolifera, se diferencia y muere. La apoptosis es un mecanismo de muerte que limita la actividad del macrófago activado. La interacción virus-macrófago ha sido analizada con numerosos tipos de virus. Sin embargo, existe escasa información sobre el impacto de VESL sobre la respuesta inmune innata. La emergencia de esta virosis en nuestro medio amerita abordar distintos aspectos de la respuesta inmune en esta infección. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo estudiar la interacción VESL-macrófago para esclarecer el rol del fenotipo celular y su relación con la depuración viral. Además, analizar la naturaleza y el tenor de los inmunomoduladores liberados y el papel de la apoptosis de los macrófagos en esta infección.


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The most frequent clinical manifestation of borreliosis in Switzerland is erythema migrans, with about 2500 patients each year. Neurological manifestations are rare, mostly hyperalgesic radiculitis (Bannwarth syndrome), aseptic meningitis or cranial nerve involvement. We report the first Swiss patient with meningovasculitis due to neuroborreliosis, with recurrent multiple ischemic strokes in multiple vascular territories. The treatment with ceftriaxone stopped the progression, but the patient is still suffering from severe invalidating cognitive disorders. We also comment on the pathophysiology and review the literature of other clinical cases.


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OBJECTIVES: Manifestations of external ventricular drain (EVD) - associated infections overlap with those of the underlying neurosurgical conditions. We analyzed characteristics of EVD-associated infections. METHODS: We included patients aged ≥18 years with EVD-associated infections from 1997 to 2008, using modified CDC criteria for nosocomial infections. Hospital charts were reviewed retrospectively and the in-hospital outcome was evaluated. RESULTS: Forty-eight patients with EVD-associated infections were included (median age, 52 years, range 20-74 years). The median EVD-indwelling time was 7 days (range, 1-39 days) and EVD-associated infection occurred 6 days after insertion (range, 1-17 days). In 23% of patients, meningitis occurred 1-10 days after EVD removal. Fever >38 °C was present in 79% of patients, but Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores were reduced in only 29%, and headache, vomiting and/or neck stiffness were present in only 31%. The median cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leukocyte count was higher at onset of EVD-associated infection than at EVD insertion (175 × 10(6)/l versus 46 × 10(6)/l, p = 0.021), but other CSF parameters did not differ significantly. The most commonly implicated organisms were coagulase-negative staphylococci (63%) and Propionibacterium acnes (15%). CONCLUSIONS: Fever and increased CSF leukocytes should raise the suspicion of EVD-associated infection, which may occur up to 10 days after removal of EVD.


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BACKGROUND: HSV-1 and HSV-2 cause CNS infections of dissimilar clinico-pathological characteristics with prognostic and therapeutic implications. OBJECTIVES: To validate a type-specific real-time PCR that uses MGB/LNA Taqman probes and to review the virologico-clinical data of 25 eligible patients with non-neonatal CNS infections. RESULTS: This real-time PCR was evaluated against conventional PCR (26 CSF and 20 quality controls), and LightCycler assay (51 mucocutaneous, 8 CSF and 32 quality controls) and culture/immunofluorescence (75 mucocutaneous) to assess typing with independent methods. Taqman real-time PCR detected 240 HSV genomes per ml CSF, a level appropriate for the management of patients, and provided unambiguous typing for the 104 positive (62 HSV-1 and 42 HSV-2) out the 160 independent clinical samples tested. HSV type diagnosed by Taqman real-time PCR predicted final diagnosis (meningitis versus encephalitis/meningoencephalitis, p<0.001) in 24/25 patients at time of presentation, in contrast to clinical evaluation. CONCLUSIONS: Our real-time PCR, as a sensitive and specific means for type-specific HSV diagnosis, provided rapid prognostic information for patient management.


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CONTEXT: New trial data and drug regimens that have become available in the last 2 years warrant an update to guidelines for antiretroviral therapy (ART) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected adults in resource-rich settings. OBJECTIVE: To provide current recommendations for the treatment of adult HIV infection with ART and use of laboratory-monitoring tools. Guidelines include when to start therapy and with what drugs, monitoring for response and toxic effects, special considerations in therapy, and managing antiretroviral failure. DATA SOURCES, STUDY SELECTION, AND DATA EXTRACTION: Data that had been published or presented in abstract form at scientific conferences in the past 2 years were systematically searched and reviewed by an International Antiviral Society-USA panel. The panel reviewed available evidence and formed recommendations by full panel consensus. DATA SYNTHESIS: Treatment is recommended for all adults with HIV infection; the strength of the recommendation and the quality of the evidence increase with decreasing CD4 cell count and the presence of certain concurrent conditions. Recommended initial regimens include 2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (tenofovir/emtricitabine or abacavir/lamivudine) plus a nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (efavirenz), a ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor (atazanavir or darunavir), or an integrase strand transfer inhibitor (raltegravir). Alternatives in each class are recommended for patients with or at risk of certain concurrent conditions. CD4 cell count and HIV-1 RNA level should be monitored, as should engagement in care, ART adherence, HIV drug resistance, and quality-of-care indicators. Reasons for regimen switching include virologic, immunologic, or clinical failure and drug toxicity or intolerance. Confirmed treatment failure should be addressed promptly and multiple factors considered. CONCLUSION: New recommendations for HIV patient care include offering ART to all patients regardless of CD4 cell count, changes in therapeutic options, and modifications in the timing and choice of ART in the setting of opportunistic illnesses such as cryptococcal disease and tuberculosis.


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The Centre de Recherche sur les Méningites et les Schistosomes (CERMES) is a research institute depending on the Organisation de Coordination et de Coopération pour la lutte contre les Grandes Endémies - a West African Organization for Public Health - devoted to the studies on schistosomiasis and meningitis. The staff includes 32 persons with 11 scientists and one financial officer. The activities of the CERMES involving schistosomiasis concern three research units: (a) ecology of human and animal schistosomiasis transmission; the CERMES defined the different patterns of schistosomiasis transmission in Niger (involving African dry savana); in this field, we have shown, (i) the existence of important variability in conditions of transmission of S. haematobium and, (ii) natural hybridization between parasitic species of the ruminants (S. bovis and S. curassoni) and genetic interaction between human and animal parasites; (b) definition of morbidity indicators usable for rapid assessment methods, for appraisal of the severity of the disease and for the evaluation of the efficiency of control methods; we have established the correlation between ultrasonographic data and some cheap and simple field indicators; (c) immune response and protective immunity induced by recombinant glutathion S-transferase (Sm28, Sb28 and Sh28) in homologous and heterologous animal models including goats, sheep and non human primates (Erythrocebus patas). In Niger, we participate in all control programs against schistosomiasis to define control strategies, to supervise operations and to participate in their evaluation with external experts. International collaborations constitute a frame including four laboratories in Africa and six laboratories in developed countries (Europe and USA)


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An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was standardized for the detection of cryptococcal antigen in serum and cerebrospinal fluid. The system was evaluated in clinical samples from patients infected by human immunodeficiency virus with and without previous cryptococcosis diagnosis. The evaluated system is highly sensitive and specific, and when it was compared with latex agglutination there were not significant differences. A standard curve with purified Cryptococcus neoformans antigen was settled down for the antigen quantification in positive samples.


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Després de la introducció de la teràpia antirretroviral d’alta eficàcia, s’ha objectivat a l’hospital vall d’hebron, una disminució progressiva de la incidencia de les principals infeccions oportunistes del sistema nerviós central (toxoplasmosis, meningitis tuberculosa, meningitis criptococócica i de la leucoencefalopatia multifocal progresiva-LMP). La supervivencia global d’aquestes infeccions va ser de 2 mesos, sent la de pitjor pronòstic la LMP, l’estimació de supervivencia de la qual als 36 mesos va ser del 36.4%. L’aparició de la síndrome Inflamatòria de reconstitució immunològica es va asociar a una recuperació immunològica més rápida, sense asociar-se a major mortalitat.


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Non-polio enteroviruses (Coxsackievirus A, Coxsackievirus B, Echovirus and EV 68-72) which belong to the enterovirus (EV) genus, Picornaviridae family, may be responsible for acute flaccid paralysis, aseptic meningitis, myocarditis, hepatitis, pleurodinia, neonatal sepsis, hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) even though 50-80% of infections are asymptomatic. EV 71 has been responsible for outbreaks and epidemics of HFMD and acute neurologic disease justifying its study in our country. The aim of this study was to detect neutralizing antibodies (NtAb) to EV 71 in individuals up to 15 years of age living in Belém, State of Pará, northern Brazil. Serum samples from 238 patients attending the Virology Sector of Evandro Chagas Institute in Belém, Brazil, were analyzed using microneutralization tests that included RD cells and BrCr strain. Overall 40.8% (97/238) of tested samples had NtAb to EV 71. Regarding the distribution per age group, 85.2% (92/108) of patients aged 0-3 years had no NtAb to this virus and 69.2% of those 12 to15 years of age were seropositive. These results confirm that EV 71 infection occurs in the city of Belém; and that a high rate of individuals in this study were infected aged 3 years and over and, when aged 15 years nearly 70% had EV 71 NtAb.


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La neurocirurgia és el tractament definitiu més utilitzat pels tumors hipofisaris. Objectiu: valorar les complicacions postquirúrgiques immediates(1º mes) i durant el 1º any dels adenomes hipofisaris secretors de GH, ACTH i no funcionants(NF) operats des del 2001. Metodologia: estudi observacional restrospectiu de 94 pacients (39H, 55D) amb edat a la cirurgia de 46,9±15,5 anys, intervinguts pels 2 mateixos neurocirurgians. Resultats: 40 pacients tenen alguna complicació immediata(42,5% dels NF, 37% GH i 48,5% ACTH) sense diferències en la freqüència de complicacions entre els 3 grups. Les complicacions més freqüents són: diabetis insípida transitòria(23,4%), fístula LCR(6,7%), sinusitis i meningitis(2,2%). Els secretors d'ACTH tenen una tendència a tenir més DI transitòria i sinusitis respecte els NF(p=0,071), mentre que els NF tendeixen a presentar més fístules LCR, meningitis i convulsions(p=0,08). En els GH, existeix major incidència de fístules LCR comparat amb els ACTH(p&0,05), sense diferències amb els NF. 10 pacients tenen complicacions al 1º any postquirúrgic(7,5% dels NF, 11,1% GH i 14,8% ACTH), destacant major incidència d'artromiàlgies i síndrome del túnel carpià en els ACTH comparat amb els altres 2 grups (p&0,05). Les variables més importants quan fem una predicció d'aparició de complicacions són: tipus de cirurgia utilitzada (més a craniotomies que als abordatges transesfenoidals) i presència d'extensió extraselar tumoral, sense ser significatiu(p=0,091). Conclusions: malgrat que els tumors d'ACTH són majoritàriament microdenomes(77,7%), i es presenten en pacients més joves, tendeixen a associar-se a major nombre de complicacions immediates i durant el primer any en comparació amb els NF i GH(97,5%, 81,4% macroadenomes respectivament).


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INTRODUCCIÓ La vacuna pneumocòccica polisacàrida polivalent (VPP-23) es recomana en ancians i persones d'alt risc. No obstant això, la seva efectivitat en la prevenció d'infeccions per pneumococ és controvertida. Aquest estudi avalua l'efectivitat de la vacunació en la prevenció de malaltia pneumocòccica invasiva (MPI) en persones majors de 60 anys. METODOLOGIA Estudi poblacional de casos i controls en el qual es van incloure 88 pacients majors de 60 anys amb MPI (Pneumònia bacteriana, meningitis o sepsis) confirmada per laboratori, i 176 controls que van ser assignats segons Centre d'Atenció Primària, edat, sexe i nivell de risc. La regressió logística condicional va ser usada per a estimar la odds ràtio (OR) segons cada condició clínica. L'efectivitat de la vacuna va ser estimada segons (1-OR) x100. RESULTATS L'efectivitat de la vacunació pneumocòccica va ser significativament mes baixa en casos que en controls (38.6% vs 59.1%; p=0.002). L'efectivitat ajustada va anar de 72% (OR: 0.28; 95% CI: 0.15-0.54) per a MPI i 77% (OR: 0.23; 95% CI: 0.08-0.60) per als serotips vacunals inclosos en la VPP-23. La vacunació va ser efectiva per a l'MPI tant en el grup d'edat de 60-79 anys (OR 0.32; 95% CI: 0.14-0.74) com en el grup de 80 anys o mes (OR: 0.29; 95% CI: 0.09-0.91). L'efectivitat vacunal va ser estadísticament significativa en persones d'alt risc inmunocompetents (OR: 0.29; 95% CI: 0.11-0.79) així com en persones inmunocompromeses (OR: 0.12; 95% CI: 0.03- 0.53). CONCLUSIÓ Aquestes troballes confirmen l'efectivitat de la vacuna pneumocòccia polisacàrida polivalent (VPP-23) en l'MPI, i el benefici en la prevenció d'infecció invasiva en persones de risc i en ancians.


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If you have decided to bottle feed your baby, this booklet is for you. Like any food, powdered infant formula is not sterile. It may contain bacteria like E.sakazakii and Salmonella - that could make your baby sick, causing vomiting, diarrhoea and, in rare cases, meningitis. This booklet will help you to prepare your baby’s bottle feeds safely.


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Cryptococcal infection had an increased incidence in last years due to the explosion of acquired immune deficiency syndrome epidemic and by using new and effective immunosuppressive agents. The currently antifungal therapies used such as amphotericin B, fluconazole, and itraconazole have certain limitations due to side effects and emergence of resistant strains. So, a permanent search to find new drugs for cryptococcosis treatment is essential. Ocimum gratissimum, plant known as alfavaca (Labiatae family), has been reported earlier with in vitro activity against some bacteria and dermatophytes. In our work, we study the in vitro activity of the ethanolic crude extract, ethyl acetate, hexane, and chloroformic fractions, essential oil, and eugenol of O. gratissimum using an agar dilution susceptibility method towards 25 isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans. All the extracts of O. gratissimum studied showed activity in vitro towards C. neoformans. Based on the minimal inhibitory concentration values the most significant results were obtained with chloroformic fraction and eugenol. It was observed that chloroformic fraction inhibited 23 isolates (92%) of C. neoformans at a concentration of 62.5 µg/ml and eugenol inhibited 4 isolates (16%) at a concentration of 0.9 µg/ml. This screening may be the basis for the study of O. gratissimum as a possible antifungal agent.


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BACKGROUND: Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis is an opportunistic rapidly progressive infection affecting almost exclusively diabetic or immunocompromised patients. CASE REPORTS: Three cases are reported. For one patient mucormycosis was the first manifestation of juvenile diabetes and the evolution was favorable. In the second case the infection affected a known diabetic patient and the clinical course was fatal. The third patient was immunocompromised, showed mild clinical features and a rapidly fatal evolution, the diagnosis being made only postmortem. CONCLUSION: These three cases illustrate the wide clinical spectrum of rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis, its serious nature and difficult diagnosis.


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Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) is a rare cause of central nervous system disease in humans. Screening by real-time RT-PCR assay is of interest in the case of aseptic meningitis of unknown etiology. A specific LCMV real-time RT-PCR assay, based on the detection of genomic sequences of the viral nucleoprotein (NP), was developed to assess the presence of LCMV in cerebrospinal fluids (CSF) sent for viral screening to a Swiss university hospital laboratory. A 10-fold dilution series assay using a plasmid containing the cDNA of the viral NP of the LCMV isolate Armstrong (Arm) 53b demonstrated the high sensitivity of the assay with a lowest detection limit of ≤50 copies per reaction. High sensitivity was confirmed by dilution series assays in a pool of human CSF using four different LCMV isolates (Arm53b, WE54, Traub and E350) with observed detection limits of ≤10PFU/ml (Arm53b and WE54) and 1PFU/ml (Traub and E350). Analysis of 130 CSF showed no cases of acute infection. The absence of positive cases was confirmed by a published PCR assay detecting all Old World arenaviruses. This study validates a specific and sensitive real-time RT-PCR assay for the diagnosis of LCMV infections. Results showed that LCMV infections are extremely rare in hospitalized patients western in Switzerland.