366 resultados para CONCESIONES 4G


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With the emerging prevalence of smart phones and 4G LTE networks, the demand for faster-better-cheaper mobile services anytime and anywhere is ever growing. The Dynamic Network Optimization (DNO) concept emerged as a solution that optimally and continuously tunes the network settings, in response to varying network conditions and subscriber needs. Yet, the DNO realization is still at infancy, largely hindered by the bottleneck of the lengthy optimization runtime. This paper presents the design and prototype of a novel cloud based parallel solution that further enhances the scalability of our prior work on various parallel solutions that accelerate network optimization algorithms. The solution aims to satisfy the high performance required by DNO, preliminarily on a sub-hourly basis. The paper subsequently visualizes a design and a full cycle of a DNO system. A set of potential solutions to large network and real-time DNO are also proposed. Overall, this work creates a breakthrough towards the realization of DNO.


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This paper discusses some aspects of hunter-gatherer spatial organization in southern South Patagonia, in later times to 10,000 cal yr BP. Various methods of spatial analysis, elaborated with a Geographic Information System (GIS) were applied to the distributional pattern of archaeological sites with radiocarbon dates. The shift in the distributional pattern of chronological information was assessed in conjunction with other lines of evidence within a biogeographic framework. Accordingly, the varying degrees of occupation and integration of coastal and interior spaces in human spatial organization are explained in association with the adaptive strategies hunter-gatherers have used over time. Both are part of the same human response to changes in risk and uncertainty variability in the region in terms of resource availability and environmental dynamics.


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Smartphones have undergone a remarkable evolution over the last few years, from simple calling devices to full fledged computing devices where multiple services and applications run concurrently. Unfortunately, battery capacity increases at much slower pace, resulting as a main bottleneck for Internet connected smartphones. Several software-based techniques have been proposed in the literature for improving the battery life. Most common techniques include data compression, packet aggregation or batch scheduling, offloading partial computations to cloud, switching OFF interfaces (e.g., WiFi or 3G/4G) periodically for short intervals etc. However, there has been no focus on eliminating the energy waste of background applications that extensively utilize smartphone resources such as CPU, memory, GPS, WiFi, 3G/4G data connection etc. In this paper, we propose an Application State Proxy (ASP) that suppresses/stops the applications on smartphones and maintains their presence on any other network device. The applications are resumed/restarted on smartphones only in case of any event, such as a new message arrival. In this paper, we present the key requirements for the ASP service and different possible architectural designs. In short, the ASP concept can significantly improve the battery life of smartphones, by reducing to maximum extent the usage of its resources due to background applications.


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A popularidade dos dispositivos móveis tem vindo a aumentar significativamente nos últimos anos e, com isso, surge a necessidade de aceder à Internet nos smartphones e tablets, quer para fins laborais quer para lazer. Devido às limitações de tráfego nas redes móveis, como 3G ou 4G, as pessoas procuram conectar-se aos pontos de acesso nas suas proximidades para poupar tráfego móvel. Os pontos de acesso também são uma outra forma de se conseguir conectar à Internet no estrangeiro, mesmo quando não se tem disponível um plano de dados móveis. As soluções existentes, que visam conectar os seus utilizadores à Internet através de pontos de acesso, requerem o pagamento de uma taxa elevada ou violam a privacidade das redes Wi-Fi ao permitir que todos os utilizadores se consigam conectar sem a devida autorização dos proprietários e que consumam tráfego e largura de banda sem quaisquer restrições. Com este trabalho pretende-se permitir que os proprietários das redes possam limitar os recursos de quem acede às suas redes (tráfego, largura de banda e/ou número de utilizadores conectados) usando apenas uma aplicação Android para fazer todo o controlo de acesso e limitação de recursos. Além de limitar os recursos pretende-se possibilitar a interoperabilidade entre pontos de acesso de diferentes plataformas para permitir que utilizadores de diferentes operadores de telecomunicações possam partilhar as suas redes mutuamente. Para se atingir estes objetivos foi desenvolvido um sistema composto por uma aplicação Android e um servidor web. O teste da solução foi feito através de testes com utilizadores, identificando-se que os participantes partilharam maioritariamente as suas próprias redes. A maioria dos utilizadores optou por partilhar as suas redes de forma pública (com todos os utilizadores) e limitar o número de utilizadores conectados para salvaguardar o desempenho da sua ligação. Com este trabalho, consegue-se concluir que é possível incentivar os utilizadores a partilhar as suas redes caso estejam presentes mecanismos que consigam manter a privacidade da rede e que lhes consigam dar controlo sobre a partilha.


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[ES]Durante los siglos XVII y XVIII las compañías privilegiadas fueron piezas claves en el comercio trasatlántico de esclavos. El presente trabajo incide en los privilegios y regímenes de monopolios sobre los que desarrollaron su actividad y en su eficiencia. Con ese objetivo se ha consultado bibliografía especializada y bases de datos online, pudiéndose  comprobar que las concesiones descritas no fueron en absoluto una garantía de éxito económico para las compañías.


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La Unión Europea (UE), como gran parte del mundo desarrollado y subdesarrollado, se encuentra atravesando una de las crisis más grandes de su historia, situación que se ve agravada por la emergencia de nuevas potencias mundiales, la fragmentación de las cadenas de valor en cadenas globales, entre otras cuestiones. En este sentido, y pese a que el comercio no ha sido el responsable de la crisis, la política comercial ha sido una de las elegidas por la UE para contribuir a su recuperación económica. El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en evaluar la reacción de un bloque como la UE ante el nuevo escenario internacional, tomando el caso específico de la reestructuración del SistemaGeneralizado de Preferencias (SGP), que es una herramienta fundamental de la política comercial y de desarrollo de la UE. A lo largo de la investigación se intenta probar que la UE ha tenido una reacción proteccionista a la crisis y que la reforma del SGP en este contexto constituye una medida proteccionista, que se plasma en el retiro de concesiones arancelarias sobre los países que dejan de ser beneficiarios del sistema. A tal fin, se han relevado datos del número de medidas aplicadas por la UE en los últimos años según su grado de discriminación como también se analizó la forma que adoptará el nuevo Reglamento del SGP a partir del 1ro de enero de 2014. La reforma del SGP sumada a la voluntad europea de cerrar nuevos acuerdos bilaterales, parece indicar un cambio en la actitud de la UE, que ya no pretende otorgar preferencias unilaterales a tantos países en desarrollo sin obtener nada a cambio, ahora su objetivo parece ser obtener concesiones en materia de propiedad intelectual, inversiones y desarrollo sostenible, a cambio de las ventajas arancelarias. Adicionalmente, y teniendo encuenta que la Argentina posee un alto grado de utilización de las preferencias otorgadas a través del SGP para acceder al mercado europeo, se realizó un análisis de impacto que tendrá para nuestro país la entrada en vigencia de la nueva normativa que excluye a nuestro país como beneficiario del sistema, en base al comercio vigente. En efecto, el cambio en las condiciones de acceso al mercado europeo por la pérdida de tales concesiones arancelarias, pone de relieve la necesidad de negociar un Acuerdo de Asociación u otro instrumento que permita garantizar las actuales condiciones de acceso a dicho mercado.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Debido a los cambios que se han dado en los sistemas de contratación en Colombia, para la ejecución de las obras de infraestructura que necesita el país, las responsabilidades frente a los riesgos han sido transferidas del Estado a los contratistas, salvo en el caso del riesgo geológico en la construcción de túneles, situación totalmente nueva, por cuanto en el pasado próximo, era el Estado el que resultaba siendo garante de las situaciones adversas que se presentaban durante la ejecución de los proyectos, por tanto, este hecho debe ser manejado de una manera seria y responsable por parte del contratista, de lo contrario es muy posible que en el camino se encuentre ante escenarios desfavorables que pueden afectar significativamente las finanzas de los ejecutores de dichos proyectos -- Se observa que en el caso del primer paquete de licitaciones de las mega obras, llamadas cuarta generación de concesiones, que el tema de riesgos no fue abordado de la manera como se debe hacer; las organizaciones participantes en dichos procesos se limitaron, en su gran mayoría, a solicitar asesoría a las aseguradoras, resultando análisis reducidos y direccionados hacia la venta de pólizas de seguros, cuando en realidad, el grueso de los riesgos que se deben asumir en este tipo de proyectos, no son asegurables, situación que posiblemente ha dejado desprotegidos a muchos de los constructores que resultaron ser adjudicatarios del mencionado paquete de licitaciones -- Debido a lo antes descrito, el autor de este trabajo decidió abordar el tema de los riesgos de otra manera, siendo más profundo en el análisis, y en primera instancia olvidándose de los seguros y las empresas aseguradoras -- Inicialmente, se pretendió hacer la identificación, clasificación y valoración de los riesgos encontrados, sin embargo, debido a lo extenso y complejo del tema, se hizo necesario repensar el alcance del trabajo de grado para optar al título de Magister en Gerencia Financiera, hasta la identificación de los riesgos en las diferentes etapas que comprende un proyecto de Alianza Público Privada o de concesión vial -- Quedan las puertas abiertas para que estudiantes de posgrado continúen este trabajo en las etapas de valoración y control de los riesgos identificados, no solo del área financiera, sino de riesgos, administración, o cualquier otra disciplina, que aborde tan interesante tema para profundizar, esto con el ánimo de cambiar la mentalidad del constructor colombiano que ha venido acostumbrado a no mirar el futuro con sentido de proyección y prevención de las tantas situaciones adversas que alteran el normal desarrollo de los macro proyectos de ingeniería


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Objectives: To contribute to current knowledge on the vascular risk of oestrogens. Materials and methods: A 44-year-old woman received a 11.25 mg Leuprolide exteneded release injection to control bleeding from a 7 cm uterine fibroid tumour; 45 days later, she had a stroke due to right frontal lobe ischaemia. Thrombolysis induced complete remission. Three years previously, while taking a birth control pill, the patient had suffered from a stroke that involved her left temporal lobe. She was heterozygous for Factor V R2 H1299R locus and homozygous for the 4G/4G mutation of the PAI-1 gene. Even though her homocysteine level was normal, the patient was homozygous for the MTHFR C677T mutation and although she had never had severe bleeding, she was also homozygous for Factor XIII V34L. Results and conclusion: This patient’s prothrombotic condition could have been enhanced by leuprolide since its stimulatory effect on oestrogen production would still have been minimally present at the time of cerebral thrombosis.


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A popularidade dos dispositivos móveis tem vindo a aumentar significativamente nos últimos anos e, com isso, surge a necessidade de aceder à Internet nos smartphones e tablets, quer para fins laborais quer para lazer. Devido às limitações de tráfego nas redes móveis, como 3G ou 4G, as pessoas procuram conectar-se aos pontos de acesso nas suas proximidades para poupar tráfego móvel. Os pontos de acesso também são uma outra forma de se conseguir conectar à Internet no estrangeiro, mesmo quando não se tem disponível um plano de dados móveis. As soluções existentes, que visam conectar os seus utilizadores à Internet através de pontos de acesso, requerem o pagamento de uma taxa elevada ou violam a privacidade das redes Wi-Fi ao permitir que todos os utilizadores se consigam conectar sem a devida autorização dos proprietários e que consumam tráfego e largura de banda sem quaisquer restrições. Com este trabalho pretende-se permitir que os proprietários das redes possam limitar os recursos de quem acede às suas redes (tráfego, largura de banda e/ou número de utilizadores conectados) usando apenas uma aplicação Android para fazer todo o controlo de acesso e limitação de recursos. Além de limitar os recursos pretende-se possibilitar a interoperabilidade entre pontos de acesso de diferentes plataformas para permitir que utilizadores de diferentes operadores de telecomunicações possam partilhar as suas redes mutuamente. Para se atingir estes objetivos foi desenvolvido um sistema composto por uma aplicação Android e um servidor web. O teste da solução foi feito através de testes com utilizadores, identificando-se que os participantes partilharam maioritariamente as suas próprias redes. A maioria dos utilizadores optou por partilhar as suas redes de forma pública (com todos os utilizadores) e limitar o número de utilizadores conectados para salvaguardar o desempenho da sua ligação. Com este trabalho, consegue-se concluir que é possível incentivar os utilizadores a partilhar as suas redes caso estejam presentes mecanismos que consigam manter a privacidade da rede e que lhes consigam dar controlo sobre a partilha.


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The mobilization of food reserves in storage tissues and allocation of their hydrolysis products in the growing axis are critical processes for the establishment of seedlings after germination. Therefore, it is crucial for mobilization of reserves to be synchronized with the growing axis, so that photosynthetic activity can be started before depletion of reserves. For this, integrative approaches involving different reserves, different hydrolysis products and interaction between storage and growing axis tissues, either through hormones or metabolites with signaling role, can contribute greatly to the elucidation of the regulation mechanisms for reserve mobilization. In this study, was hypothesized that hormones and metabolites have different actions on reserve mobilization, and there must be a crossed effect of sugars on the mobilization of proteins and amino acids on lipids and starch mobilization in sunflower seedlings. This study was conducted with seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid Helio 253 using in vitro culture system. Seeds were germinated on Germitest® paper and grown on agar-water 4 g/L without addition of nutrients during 9 days after imbibition (DAI) for growth curve. To verify the effect of metabolites and hormones, seedlings were transferred in the 2nd DAI to agar-water 4 g/L supplemented with increasing concentrations of sucrose or L-glutamine, abscisic acid, gibberellic acid or indolebutyric acid. The results of this study confirm that the mobilization of lipids and storage proteins occurs in a coordinated manner during post-germination growth in sunflower, corroborating the hypothesis that the application of external carbon (sucrose) and nitrogen (L-glutamine) sources can delay the mobilization of these reserves in a crossed way. Moreover, considering the changes in the patterns of reserve mobilization and partition of their products in seedlings treated with different growth regulators, it is evident that the effects of metabolites and hormones must involve, at least in part, distinct mechanisms of action


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2016.


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The proliferation of new mobile communication devices, such as smartphones and tablets, has led to an exponential growth in network traffic. The demand for supporting the fast-growing consumer data rates urges the wireless service providers and researchers to seek a new efficient radio access technology, which is the so-called 5G technology, beyond what current 4G LTE can provide. On the other hand, ubiquitous RFID tags, sensors, actuators, mobile phones and etc. cut across many areas of modern-day living, which offers the ability to measure, infer and understand the environmental indicators. The proliferation of these devices creates the term of the Internet of Things (IoT). For the researchers and engineers in the field of wireless communication, the exploration of new effective techniques to support 5G communication and the IoT becomes an urgent task, which not only leads to fruitful research but also enhance the quality of our everyday life. Massive MIMO, which has shown the great potential in improving the achievable rate with a very large number of antennas, has become a popular candidate. However, the requirement of deploying a large number of antennas at the base station may not be feasible in indoor scenarios. Does there exist a good alternative that can achieve similar system performance to massive MIMO for indoor environment? In this dissertation, we address this question by proposing the time-reversal technique as a counterpart of massive MIMO in indoor scenario with the massive multipath effect. It is well known that radio signals will experience many multipaths due to the reflection from various scatters, especially in indoor environments. The traditional TR waveform is able to create a focusing effect at the intended receiver with very low transmitter complexity in a severe multipath channel. TR's focusing effect is in essence a spatial-temporal resonance effect that brings all the multipaths to arrive at a particular location at a specific moment. We show that by using time-reversal signal processing, with a sufficiently large bandwidth, one can harvest the massive multipaths naturally existing in a rich-scattering environment to form a large number of virtual antennas and achieve the desired massive multipath effect with a single antenna. Further, we explore the optimal bandwidth for TR system to achieve maximal spectral efficiency. Through evaluating the spectral efficiency, the optimal bandwidth for TR system is found determined by the system parameters, e.g., the number of users and backoff factor, instead of the waveform types. Moreover, we investigate the tradeoff between complexity and performance through establishing a generalized relationship between the system performance and waveform quantization in a practical communication system. It is shown that a 4-bit quantized waveforms can be used to achieve the similar bit-error-rate compared to the TR system with perfect precision waveforms. Besides 5G technology, Internet of Things (IoT) is another terminology that recently attracts more and more attention from both academia and industry. In the second part of this dissertation, the heterogeneity issue within the IoT is explored. One of the significant heterogeneity considering the massive amount of devices in the IoT is the device heterogeneity, i.e., the heterogeneous bandwidths and associated radio-frequency (RF) components. The traditional middleware techniques result in the fragmentation of the whole network, hampering the objects interoperability and slowing down the development of a unified reference model for the IoT. We propose a novel TR-based heterogeneous system, which can address the bandwidth heterogeneity and maintain the benefit of TR at the same time. The increase of complexity in the proposed system lies in the digital processing at the access point (AP), instead of at the devices' ends, which can be easily handled with more powerful digital signal processor (DSP). Meanwhile, the complexity of the terminal devices stays low and therefore satisfies the low-complexity and scalability requirement of the IoT. Since there is no middleware in the proposed scheme and the additional physical layer complexity concentrates on the AP side, the proposed heterogeneous TR system better satisfies the low-complexity and energy-efficiency requirement for the terminal devices (TDs) compared with the middleware approach.


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The present work aims to evaluate the acceptance and preference for sweet taste in red wine, according to consumer segmentation in age, gender, personality type, tasting sensitivity and consumer experience in wine. A hundred and fourteen wine tasters were invited to the wine tasting, and the average age was 27 years. An addition of sugar was made with equal concentrations of glucose and fructose to the wine at 2g/L, 4g/L, 8g/L, 16g/L and 32g/L. Five pairs of glasses were presented for the subjects to taste containing each a control wine and a spiked sample. Pairs were presented in order of concentration, from 2g/L to 32g/l. The subjects were also asked to answer two online questionnaires at the end of the tasting, on the personality types and vinotype, which is related to mouth sensitivity. ISO-5495 paired comparison tests were used for sensorial analysis. The objective was to assess if any of the nine segmentation factors had influence on preference or rejection for spiked samples and to establish whether this preference was statistically significant. We concluded that it would be important to have subjects with an age average higher than 27 years and more experienced in wine drinking, mostly because the data relative to preferences in novices shows some dispersion and lack of attention. A panel of older and more experienced wine tasters is likely to be more attentive and focused and therefore yield differentiated results. It was also concluded that more research is required to extend this investigation to other wine styles because the differences in preferences can depend on other reasons, such as preferring a wine with more or less sugar according to the type of wine. Finally it was concluded also that some variables influence preference for sweet taste in red wine, such as gender, vinotype and category of experience


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Dissertação de mest. em Aquacultura, Unidade de Ciências e Tecnologias dos Recursos Aquáticos, Univ. do Algarve, 1997