980 resultados para Buhr, Manfred
BACKGROUND The free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri is the causative agent of the rapidly progressing and typically fatal primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) in humans. Despite the devastating nature of this disease, which results in > 97% mortality, knowledge of the pathogenic mechanisms of the amoeba is incomplete. This work presents a comparative proteomic approach based on an experimental model in which the pathogenic potential of N. fowleri trophozoites is influenced by the compositions of different media. RESULTS As a scaffold for proteomic analysis, we sequenced the genome and transcriptome of N. fowleri. Since the sequence similarity of the recently published genome of Naegleria gruberi was far lower than the close taxonomic relationship of these species would suggest, a de novo sequencing approach was chosen. After excluding cell regulatory mechanisms originating from different media compositions, we identified 22 proteins with a potential role in the pathogenesis of PAM. Functional annotation of these proteins revealed, that the membrane is the major location where the amoeba exerts its pathogenic potential, possibly involving actin-dependent processes such as intracellular trafficking via vesicles. CONCLUSION This study describes for the first time the 30 Mb-genome and the transcriptome sequence of N. fowleri and provides the basis for the further definition of effective intervention strategies against the rare but highly fatal form of amoebic meningoencephalitis.
A lack of reliably informative biomarkers to distinguish indolent and lethal prostate cancer is one reason this disease is overtreated. miR-221 has been suggested as a biomarker in high-risk prostate cancer, but there is insufficient evidence of its potential utility. Here we report that miR-221 is an independent predictor for cancer-related death, extending and validating earlier findings. By mechanistic investigations we showed that miR-221 regulates cell growth, invasiveness, and apoptosis in prostate cancer at least partially via STAT1/STAT3-mediated activation of the JAK/STAT signaling pathway. miR-221 directly inhibits the expression of SOCS3 and IRF2, two oncogenes that negatively regulate this signaling pathway. miR-221 expression sensitized prostate cancer cells for IFN-γ-mediated growth inhibition. Our findings suggest that miR-221 offers a novel prognostic biomarker and therapeutic target in high-risk prostate cancer.
Epoxyisoprostanes EI (1) and EC (2) are effective inhibitors of the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-12. In detailed studies toward the investigation of the molecular mode of action of these structures, a highly potent lactone (3) derived from 1 was identified. The known isoprostanoids 1 and 2 are most likely precursors of 3, the product of facile intramolecular reaction between the epoxide with the carboxylic acid in 2.
INTRODUCTION Optimal identification of subtle cognitive impairment in the primary care setting requires a very brief tool combining (a) patients' subjective impairments, (b) cognitive testing, and (c) information from informants. The present study developed a new, very quick and easily administered case-finding tool combining these assessments ('BrainCheck') and tested the feasibility and validity of this instrument in two independent studies. METHODS We developed a case-finding tool comprised of patient-directed (a) questions about memory and depression and (b) clock drawing, and (c) the informant-directed 7-item version of the Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE). Feasibility study: 52 general practitioners rated the feasibility and acceptance of the patient-directed tool. Validation study: An independent group of 288 Memory Clinic patients (mean ± SD age = 76.6 ± 7.9, education = 12.0 ± 2.6; 53.8% female) with diagnoses of mild cognitive impairment (n = 80), probable Alzheimer's disease (n = 185), or major depression (n = 23) and 126 demographically matched, cognitively healthy volunteer participants (age = 75.2 ± 8.8, education = 12.5 ± 2.7; 40% female) partook. All patient and healthy control participants were administered the patient-directed tool, and informants of 113 patient and 70 healthy control participants completed the very short IQCODE. RESULTS Feasibility study: General practitioners rated the patient-directed tool as highly feasible and acceptable. Validation study: A Classification and Regression Tree analysis generated an algorithm to categorize patient-directed data which resulted in a correct classification rate (CCR) of 81.2% (sensitivity = 83.0%, specificity = 79.4%). Critically, the CCR of the combined patient- and informant-directed instruments (BrainCheck) reached nearly 90% (that is 89.4%; sensitivity = 97.4%, specificity = 81.6%). CONCLUSION A new and very brief instrument for general practitioners, 'BrainCheck', combined three sources of information deemed critical for effective case-finding (that is, patients' subject impairments, cognitive testing, informant information) and resulted in a nearly 90% CCR. Thus, it provides a very efficient and valid tool to aid general practitioners in deciding whether patients with suspected cognitive impairments should be further evaluated or not ('watchful waiting').
The conservation of large carnivores is a formidable challenge for biodiversity conservation. Using a data set on the past and current status of brown bears (Ursus arctos), Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), gray wolves (Canis lupus), and wolverines (Gulo gulo) in European countries, we show that roughly one-third of mainland Europe hosts at least one large carnivore species, with stable or increasing abundance in most cases in 21st-century records. The reasons for this overall conservation success include protective legislation, supportive public opinion, and a variety of practices making coexistence between large carnivores and people possible. The European situation reveals that large carnivores and people can share the same landscape.
Der Depressive Experiences Questionnaire (DEQ) ist ein Fragebogen zur Erfassung der Persönlichkeitsmerkmale Selbstkritik und Abhängigkeit, die als Vulnerabilitätsfaktoren für Depression gelten. Aufgrund seiner Länge und seiner komplexen Auswertungsprozedur wurden im englischsprachigen Raum verschiedene Kurzversionen des DEQ entwickelt. Das Ziel dieser Studie war die psychometrische Überprüfung der verschiedenen DEQ-Versionen in deutscher Sprache sowie die Validierung einer geeigneten Kurzversion. An insgesamt 708 Personen (404 Patienten und 304 nicht-klinische Personen) wurden die psychometrischen Eigenschaften der verschiedenen Versionen verglichen. Es zeigte sich, dass der Theoretische Depressive Experiences Questionnaire–12 Item Version (TDEQ-12) insbesondere aufgrund seiner faktoriellen Validität die besten psychometrischen Eigenschaften aufwies. Zusätzliche Hinweise für die Validität und Reliabilität des TDEQ-12 konnten in vier weiteren Stichproben (436 nicht-klinische Personen, 23 nicht-depressive Personen, 64 depressive Patienten, 74 Studierende) gewonnen werden. Die vorliegende Studie legt nahe, dass der TDEQ-12 eine reliable, valide und ökonomische Alternative zum DEQ für die Erfassung von Selbstkritik und Abhängigkeit darstellt.
Salmonella enterica subspecies 1 serovar Typhimurium is a principal cause of human enterocolitis. For unknown reasons, in mice serovar Typhimurium does not provoke intestinal inflammation but rather targets the gut-associated lymphatic tissues and causes a systemic typhoid-like infection. The lack of a suitable murine model has limited the analysis of the pathogenetic mechanisms of intestinal salmonellosis. We describe here how streptomycin-pretreated mice provide a mouse model for serovar Typhimurium colitis. Serovar Typhimurium colitis in streptomycin-pretreated mice resembles many aspects of the human infection, including epithelial ulceration, edema, induction of intercellular adhesion molecule 1, and massive infiltration of PMN/CD18(+) cells. This pathology is strongly dependent on protein translocation via the serovar Typhimurium SPI1 type III secretion system. Using a lymphotoxin beta-receptor knockout mouse strain that lacks all lymph nodes and organized gut-associated lymphatic tissues, we demonstrate that Peyer's patches and mesenteric lymph nodes are dispensable for the initiation of murine serovar Typhimurium colitis. Our results demonstrate that streptomycin-pretreated mice offer a unique infection model that allows for the first time to use mutants of both the pathogen and the host to study the molecular mechanisms of enteric salmonellosis.
The storage of translationally inactive mRNAs in cytosolic granules enables cells to react flexibly to environmental changes. In eukaryotes, Scd6 (suppressor of clathrin deficiency 6)/Rap55 (RNA-associated protein 55), a member of the LSm14 (like-Sm14) family, is an important factor in the formation and activity of P-bodies, where mRNA decay factors accumulate, in stress granules that store mRNAs under adverse conditions and in granules that store developmentally regulated mRNAs. SCD6 from Trypanosoma brucei (TbSCD6) shares the same domain architecture as orthologous proteins in other organisms and is also present in cytosolic granules (equivalent to P-bodies). We show that TbSCD6 is a general repressor of translation and that its depletion by RNAi results in a global increase in protein synthesis. With few exceptions, the steady-state levels of proteins are unchanged. TbSCD6 is not required for the formation of starvation-induced granules in trypanosomes, and unlike Scd6 from yeast, Plasmodium and all multicellular organisms analysed to date, it does not form a complex with the helicase Dhh1 (DExD/H-box helicase 1). In common with Xenopus laevis RAP55, TbSCD6 co-purifies with two arginine methyltransferases; moreover, TbSCD6 itself is methylated on three arginine residues. Finally, a detailed analysis identified roles for the Lsm and N-rich domains in both protein localization and tr
TbRRM1 of Trypanosoma brucei is a nucleoprotein that was previously identified in a search for splicing factors in T. brucei. We show that TbRRM1 associates with mRNAs and with the auxiliary splicing factor polypyrimidine tract-binding protein 2, but not with components of the core spliceosome. TbRRM1 also interacts with several retrotransposon hot spot (RHS) proteins and histones. RNA immunoprecipitation of a tagged form of TbRRM1 from procyclic (insect) form trypanosomes identified ca. 1,500 transcripts that were enriched and 3,000 transcripts that were underrepresented compared to cellular mRNA. Enriched transcripts encoded RNA-binding proteins, including TbRRM1 itself, several RHS transcripts, mRNAs with long coding regions, and a high proportion of stage-regulated mRNAs that are more highly expressed in bloodstream forms. Transcripts encoding ribosomal proteins, other factors involved in translation, and procyclic-specific transcripts were underrepresented. Knockdown of TbRRM1 by RNA interference caused widespread changes in mRNA abundance, but these changes did not correlate with the binding of the protein to transcripts, and most splice sites were unchanged, negating a general role for TbRRM1 in splice site selection. When changes in mRNA abundance were mapped across the genome, regions with many downregulated mRNAs were identified. Two regions were analyzed by chromatin immunoprecipitation, both of which exhibited increases in nucleosome occupancy upon TbRRM1 depletion. In addition, subjecting cells to heat shock resulted in translocation of TbRRM1 to the cytoplasm and compaction of chromatin, consistent with a second role for TbRRM1 in modulating chromatin structure. IMPORTANCE: Trypanosoma brucei, the parasite that causes human sleeping sickness, is transmitted by tsetse flies. The parasite progresses through different life cycle stages in its two hosts, altering its pattern of gene expression in the process. In trypanosomes, protein-coding genes are organized as polycistronic units that are processed into monocistronic mRNAs. Since genes in the same unit can be regulated independently of each other, it is believed that gene regulation is essentially posttranscriptional. In this study, we investigated the role of a nuclear RNA-binding protein, TbRRM1, in the insect stage of the parasite. We found that TbRRM1 binds nuclear mRNAs and also affects chromatin status. Reduction of nuclear TbRRM1 by RNA interference or heat shock resulted in chromatin compaction. We propose that TbRRM1 regulates RNA polymerase II-driven gene expression both cotranscriptionally, by facilitating transcription and efficient splicing, and posttranscriptionally, via its interaction with nuclear mRNAs.
The authors examined the development of self-esteem across the life span. Data came from a German longitudinal study with 3 assessments across 4 years of a sample of 2,509 individuals ages 14 to 89 years. The self-esteem measure used showed strong measurement invariance across assessments and birth cohorts. Latent growth curve analyses indicated that self-esteem follows a quadratic trajectory across the life span, increasing during adolescence, young adulthood, and middle adulthood, reaching a peak at age 60 years, and then declining in old age. No cohort effects on average levels of self-esteem or on the shape of the trajectory were found. Moreover, the trajectory did not differ across gender, level of education, or for individuals who had lived continuously in West versus East Germany (i.e., the 2 parts of Germany that had been separate states from 1949 to 1990). However, the results suggested that employment status, household income, and satisfaction in the domains of work, relationships, and health contribute to a more positive life span trajectory of self-esteem. The findings have significant implications, because they call attention to developmental stages in which individuals may be vulnerable because of low self-esteem (such as adolescence and old age) and to factors that predict successful versus problematic developmental trajectories.
Data from two large longitudinal studies were used to analyze reciprocal relations between self-esteem and depressive symptoms across the adult life span. Study 1 included 1,685 participants aged 18 to 96 years assessed 4 times over a 9-year period. Study 2 included 2,479 participants aged 18 to 88 years assessed 3 times over a 4-year period. In both studies, cross-lagged regression analyses indicated that low self-esteem predicted subsequent depressive symptoms, but depressive symptoms did not predict subsequent levels of self-esteem. This pattern of results replicated across all age groups, for both affective–cognitive and somatic symptoms of depression, and after controlling for content overlap between the self-esteem and depression scales. The results suggest that low self-esteem operates as a risk factor for depressive symptoms at all phases of the adult life span.
The 5-HT3 receptor (5-HT3R) is an important ion channel responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses in the CNS and PNS that is activated by the endogenous agonist serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT). 5-HT3R is the only serotonin receptor belonging to the Cys-loop superfamily of neurotransmitter receptors. Different structural biology approaches can be applied, such as crystallization and x-ray analysis. Nonetheless, characterizing the exact ligand binding site(s) of these dynamic receptors is still challenging. The use of photo-crosslinking probes is an alternative validated approach allowing identification of regions in the protein that are important for the binding of small molecules. We designed our probes based on the core structure of the 5-HT3R antagonist granisetron, a FDA approved drug used for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. We synthesized a small library of photo-crosslinking probes by conjugating diazirines and benzophenones via various linkers to granisetron. We were able to obtain several compounds with diverse linker lengths and different photo-crosslinking moieties that show nanomolar binding affinity for the orthosteric binding site. Furthermore we established a stable h5-HT3R expressing cell line and a purification protocol to yield the receptor in a high purity. Several experiments showed unambiguously that we are able to photo-crosslink our probes with the receptor site-specifically. The functionalised protein was analysed by Western blot and MS-analysis. This yielded the exact covalent modification site, corroborating current ligand binding models derived from mutagenesis and docking studies.
Preferentialism and multilateralism are not two independent and succinct avenues in the pur-suit of market access and regulatory policies. They historically build upon each other in a dialectical process, closely related and linked through regulatory bridges and references. They influence and direct each other in various ways. The paper mainly focuses on the evolution of international protection of intellectual property rights and of services. The multilateral regulation of the TRIPS and others derive from years of regulatory experience and high numbers of preferential agreements across the globe. The GATS and others, on the other hand, have entered the pluri- or multilateral stage early. Once regulation has reached the mul-tilateral stage, preferentialism focuses on WTO-plus and -extra commitments. Both areas, however, show close interaction. The principle of MFN ensures that multilateralism and preferentialism do not evolve independently from each other. It produces significant spill-over effects of preferential agreements. Such effects and the need to develop uniform and coherent regulatory standards have led in parallel to a number of preferential, plurilateral and multilateral regulatory initiatives. We submit that the process will eventually encourage the return to multilateralism and negotiations in international fora, in particular the WTO while traditional market access may stay with preferential relations among Nations. Such burden-sharing between different regulatory fora should be reflected in future WTO rules providing the overall backbone of the system.
Land-use intensification is a key driver of biodiversity change. However, little is known about how it alters relationships between the diversities of different taxonomic groups, which are often correlated due to shared environmental drivers and trophic interactions. Using data from 150 grassland sites, we examined how land-use intensification (increased fertilization, higher livestock densities, and increased mowing frequency) altered correlations between the species richness of 15 plant, invertebrate, and vertebrate taxa. We found that 54% of pairwise correlations between taxonomic groups were significant and positive among all grasslands, while only one was negative. Higher land-use intensity substantially weakened these correlations (35% decrease in r and 43% fewer significant pairwise correlations at high intensity), a pattern which may emerge as a result of biodiversity declines and the breakdown of specialized relationships in these conditions. Nevertheless, some groups (Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Hymenoptera and Orthoptera) were consistently correlated with multidiversity, an aggregate measure of total biodiversity comprised of the standardized diversities of multiple taxa, at both high and low land-use intensity. The form of intensification was also important; increased fertilization and mowing frequency typically weakened plant–plant and plant–primary consumer correlations, whereas grazing intensification did not. This may reflect decreased habitat heterogeneity under mowing and fertilization and increased habitat heterogeneity under grazing. While these results urge caution in using certain taxonomic groups to monitor impacts of agricultural management on biodiversity, they also suggest that the diversities of some groups are reasonably robust indicators of total biodiversity across a range of conditions. Read More: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/10.1890/14-1307.1