919 resultados para Bovino - Músculos


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Picobirnavirus (PBV) pertencem à família Picobirnaviridae, divididos em duas espécies Human Picobirnavirus e Rabbit Picobirnavirus. São pequenos vírus constituídos de genoma bissegmentado de cadeia dupla de RNA (dsRNA), não envelopados, com capsídeo de simetria icosaédrica, sendo divididos em dois genogrupos, GI e GII. Já foram detectados em fezes humanas e de uma ampla gama de espécies animais, com ou sem sinais diarreicos, sendo considerados agentes emergentes e oportunistas, e seu potencial zoonótico foi sugerido. Entretanto, os estudos epidemiológicos e moleculares de PBV em bovinos são raros na literatura nacional e internacional. Devido à carência de dados a respeito de PBV em bovinos, o presente estudo foi realizado objetivando-se a detecção e caracterização moleculares de cepas de PVB bovinos dos genogrupos GI e GII em amostras fecais de bovinos com ou sem sintomatologia diarreica de diferentes idades e regiões do Brasil. O estudo foi conduzido a partir de 77 animais, obtendo-se 18 (23,3%) amostras positivas para GI, compreendendo animais provenientes dos estados de São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Goiás. Não foram detectadas amostras positivas para GII. A identidade nucleotídica das amostras obtidas apresentou média de 67,4% quando comparadas uma com as outras e de até 83,77% quando comparadas com amostras de PBV de referência. Na reconstrução filogenética, três amostras agruparam-se em clado de PVB humano e somente uma agrupou-se em clado de PVB bovino. Em síntese, os resultados obtidos indicam, de maneira inédita, a circulação de PVB bovino pertencente ao genogrupo GI em diferentes estados brasileiros, com perfis filogenéticos heterogêneos.


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A pesar de todos los avances realizados en las últimas décadas en el conocimiento sobre numerosos aspectos del Síndrome Respiratorio Bovino (SRB), entre los que se encuentran los factores de riesgo, la etiopatogenia, las características de los agentes causales, el diagnóstico, la terapéutica o la profilaxis y sus efectos globales, el SRB continúa siendo la enfermedad de mayor impacto económico en el ganado vacuno de cebo. Además, parece que tanto su incidencia como las pérdidas que origina siguen estables en los cebaderos de todo el mundo desde hace varias décadas. Sus principales características indican que debemos considerar que es una enfermedad de difícil control dado su carácter multifactorial y con la que, por tanto, debemos acostumbrarnos a convivir aunque aspirando a minimizar tanto su incidencia, como la gravedad de sus consecuencias. Por otro lado, aunque existen muchas técnicas diagnósticas a nuestra disposición, aún no se puede decir que exista una técnica de referencia o “gold standard” para el diagnóstico del SRB, y mucho menos una técnica estandarizada para su diagnóstico precoz. Establecer y estandarizar protocolos para la detección de grupos de animales en riesgo y su monitorización más intensa en fases posteriores del cebo para reducir el consumo de antibióticos de uso preventivo o metafiláctico es de gran interés. Hasta ahora, este tipo de estrategias se han basado en la detección de evidencias de contacto con gérmenes patógenos pulmonares (principalmente análisis de serología). Sin embargo, no debemos olvidar que la identificación de un agente patógeno en ausencia de una lesión y/o signos clínicos atribuibles al mismo, tan sólo es indicativa de contacto previo (no de padecimiento de un proceso de enfermedad) y que, por otro lado, la mayoría de los agentes microbiológicos ligados al SRB son comensales habituales de las vías respiratorias altas. De modo que la identificación de un agente sólo prueba enfermedad si se diagnostica junto con los signos clínicos compatibles de enfermedad y la lesión...


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Aim : To evaluate and to standardize surface electromyography (sEMG) normalization procedures for respiratory muscles by comparing muscle activation during Maximal Voluntary Isometric Contraction (MVIC) and Maximal Respiratory Pressures (MIP, MEP and sniff test). Methods: Healthy subjects were evalua ted regarding demographics, spirometry and sEMG during the five maneuvers: sniff test, MIP , MEP and Maximal Voluntary Isometric C ontraction (MVIC) of RA, SCM and SC A . For electrode placement, skin was prepared with abrasion, followed by shaving in the foll owing regions for acquisition of el ectromyographic signals: (1) SC M: lower third of the distance between the mastoid process and t he sternoclavicular joint; (2) SC A : 5 cm to the right from the sternoclavicular joint and at this point, up to 2 cm; and (3 ) RA: the level of umbilicus, 4 cm to the right. In electromyographic variables analysis , the data normality was assessed by Shapiro - Wilk test. Comparisons among studied maneuvers were performed by Friedman Test and Dunn’s post - hoc for multiple comparisons a mong inspiratory maneuvers, and Mann Whitney test for expiratory maneuvers. Subgroups differences between genders were performed by Student's t test or Mann - Whitney test according to data normality. Results: 35 subjects participated in the study, b ut 5 we re excluded (BMI> 25 kg/ m²). Sample consisted of 30 subjects (1 5 women), mean age 27.3±7.43 years, BMI 22.2 ± 1.69 kg/m² and spirometric indices within normal limits. Specific MVIC for SCM, SCA and RA showed the highest RMS. When we grouped sample into gender we found no difference among RMS values for the studied SCM maneuvers, while for SCA, MVIC SCM / SCA was the one with the highest RMS and for RA, MVIC RA in men. Once considering women, MVIC SCM/SCA showed the highest RMS for SCM, SCA and MVIC RA showed t he highest value for RA. Conclusion: MVIC for SCM, SCA and RA muscles showed the highest RMS values. When comparing RMS between the studied groups, there was no significant difference between men and women.


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The Benzylpenicillin (PENG) have been as the active ingredient in veterinary medicinal products, to increase productivity, due to its therapeutic properties. However, one of unfortunate quality and used indiscriminately, resulting in residues in foods exposed to human consumption, especially in milk that is essential to the diet of children and the ageing. Thus, it is indispensable to develop new methods able to detect this waste food, at levels that are toxic to human health, in order to contribute to the food security of consumers and collaborate with regulatory agencies in an efficient inspection. In this work, were developed methods for the quality control of veterinary drugs based on Benzylpenicillin (PENG) that are used in livestock production. Additionally, were validated methodologies for identifying and quantifying the antibiotic residues in milk bovine and caprine. For this, the analytical control was performed two steps. At first, the groups of samples of medicinal products I, II, III, IV and V, individually, were characterized by medium infrared spectroscopy (4000 – 600 cm-1). Besides, 37 samples, distributed in these groups, were analyzed by spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and near infrared region (UV VIS NIR) and Ultra Fast Liquid Chromatograph coupled to linear arrangement photodiodes (UFLC-DAD). The results of the characterization indicated similarities, between PENG and reference standard samples, primarily in regions of 1818 to 1724 cm-1 of ν C=O that shows primary amides features of PENG. The method by UFLC-DAD presented R on 0.9991. LOD of 7.384 × 10-4 μg mL-1. LOQ of 2.049 × 10-3 μg mL-1. The analysis shows that 62.16% the samples presented purity ≥ 81.21%. The method by spectroscopy in the UV VIS NIR presented medium error ≤ 8 – 12% between the reference and experimental criteria, indicating is a secure choice for rapid determination of PENG. In the second stage, was acquiring a method for the extraction and isolation of PENG by the addition of buffer McIlvaine, used for precipitation of proteins total, at pH 4.0. The results showed excellent recovery values PENG, being close to 92.05% of samples of bovine milk (method 1). While samples of milk goats (method 2) the recovery of PENG were 95.83%. The methods for UFLC-DAD have been validated in accordance with the maximum residue limit (LMR) of 4 μg Kg-1 standardized by CAC/GL16. Validation of the method 1 indicated R by 0.9975. LOD of 7.246 × 10-4 μg mL-1. LOQ de 2.196 × 10-3 μg mL-1. The application of the method 1 showed that 12% the samples presented concentration of residues of PENG > LMR. The method 2 indicated R by 0.9995. LOD 8.251 × 10-4 μg mL-1. LOQ de 2.5270 × 10-3 μg mL-1. The application of the method showed that 15% of the samples were above the tolerable. The comparative analysis between the methods pointed better validation for LCP samples, because the reduction of the matrix effect, on this account the tcalculs < ttable, caused by the increase of recovery of the PENG. In this mode, all the operations developed to deliver simplicity, speed, selectivity, reduced analysis time and reagent use and toxic solvents, particularly if compared to the established methodologies.


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The Benzylpenicillin (PENG) have been as the active ingredient in veterinary medicinal products, to increase productivity, due to its therapeutic properties. However, one of unfortunate quality and used indiscriminately, resulting in residues in foods exposed to human consumption, especially in milk that is essential to the diet of children and the ageing. Thus, it is indispensable to develop new methods able to detect this waste food, at levels that are toxic to human health, in order to contribute to the food security of consumers and collaborate with regulatory agencies in an efficient inspection. In this work, were developed methods for the quality control of veterinary drugs based on Benzylpenicillin (PENG) that are used in livestock production. Additionally, were validated methodologies for identifying and quantifying the antibiotic residues in milk bovine and caprine. For this, the analytical control was performed two steps. At first, the groups of samples of medicinal products I, II, III, IV and V, individually, were characterized by medium infrared spectroscopy (4000 – 600 cm-1). Besides, 37 samples, distributed in these groups, were analyzed by spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and near infrared region (UV VIS NIR) and Ultra Fast Liquid Chromatograph coupled to linear arrangement photodiodes (UFLC-DAD). The results of the characterization indicated similarities, between PENG and reference standard samples, primarily in regions of 1818 to 1724 cm-1 of ν C=O that shows primary amides features of PENG. The method by UFLC-DAD presented R on 0.9991. LOD of 7.384 × 10-4 μg mL-1. LOQ of 2.049 × 10-3 μg mL-1. The analysis shows that 62.16% the samples presented purity ≥ 81.21%. The method by spectroscopy in the UV VIS NIR presented medium error ≤ 8 – 12% between the reference and experimental criteria, indicating is a secure choice for rapid determination of PENG. In the second stage, was acquiring a method for the extraction and isolation of PENG by the addition of buffer McIlvaine, used for precipitation of proteins total, at pH 4.0. The results showed excellent recovery values PENG, being close to 92.05% of samples of bovine milk (method 1). While samples of milk goats (method 2) the recovery of PENG were 95.83%. The methods for UFLC-DAD have been validated in accordance with the maximum residue limit (LMR) of 4 μg Kg-1 standardized by CAC/GL16. Validation of the method 1 indicated R by 0.9975. LOD of 7.246 × 10-4 μg mL-1. LOQ de 2.196 × 10-3 μg mL-1. The application of the method 1 showed that 12% the samples presented concentration of residues of PENG > LMR. The method 2 indicated R by 0.9995. LOD 8.251 × 10-4 μg mL-1. LOQ de 2.5270 × 10-3 μg mL-1. The application of the method showed that 15% of the samples were above the tolerable. The comparative analysis between the methods pointed better validation for LCP samples, because the reduction of the matrix effect, on this account the tcalculs < ttable, caused by the increase of recovery of the PENG. In this mode, all the operations developed to deliver simplicity, speed, selectivity, reduced analysis time and reagent use and toxic solvents, particularly if compared to the established methodologies.


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Background: The inspiratory muscle training (IMT) has been considered an option in reversing or preventing decrease in respiratory muscle strength, however, little is known about the adaptations of these muscles arising from the training with charge. Objectives: To investigate the effect of IMT on the diaphragmatic muscle strength and function neural and structural adjustment of diaphragm in sedentary young people, compare the effects of low intensity IMT with moderate intensity IMT on the thickness, mobility and electrical activity of diaphragm and in inspiratory muscles strength and establish a protocol for conducting a systematic review to evaluate the effects of respiratory muscle training in children and adults with neuromuscular diseases. Materials and Methods: A randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, controlled trial, sample of 28 healthy, both sexes, and sedentary young people, divided into two groups: 14 in the low load training group (G10%) and 14 in the moderate load training group (G55%). The volunteers performed for 9 weeks a home IMT protocol with POWERbreathe®. The G55% trained with 55% of maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and the G10% used a charge of 10% of MIP. The training was conducted in sessions of 30 repetitions, twice a day, six days per week. Every two weeks was evaluated MIP and adjusted the load. Volunteers were submitted by ultrasound, surface electromyography, spirometry and manometer before and after IMT. Data were analyzed by SPSS 20.0. Were performed Student's t-test for paired samples to compare diaphragmatic thickness, MIP and MEP before and after IMT protocol and Wilcoxon to compare the RMS (root mean square) and median frequency (MedF) values also before and after training protocol. They were then performed the Student t test for independent samples to compare mobility and diaphragm thickness, MIP and MEP between two groups and the Mann-Whitney test to compare the RMS and MedF values also between the two groups. Parallel to experimental study, we developed a protocol with support from the Cochrane Collaboration on IMT in people with neuromuscular diseases. Results: There was, in both groups, increased inspiratory muscle strength (P <0.05) and expiratory in G10% (P = 0.009) increase in RMS and thickness of relaxed muscle in G55% (P = 0.005; P = 0.026) and there was no change in the MedF (P> 0.05). The comparison between two groups showed a difference in RMS (P = 0.04) and no difference in diaphragm thickness and diaphragm mobility and respiratory muscle strength. Conclusions: It was identified increased neural activity and diagrammatic structure with consequent increase in respiratory muscle strength after the IMT with moderate load. IMT with load of 10% of MIP cannot be considered as a placebo dose, it increases the inspiratory muscle strength and IMT with moderate intensity is able to enhance the recruitment of muscle fibers of diaphragm and promote their hypertrophy. The protocol for carrying out the systematic review published in The Cochrane Library.


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En la Argentina la sangre obtenida del faenado del ganado bovino es considerada un subproducto de menor valor, a pesar de su alto contenido de proteínas de gran calidad. A diferencia de lo que ocurre en algunos países, en los cuales la sangre (o alguno de sus componentes) se utiliza como complemento alimenticio humano, en nuestro país sólo una pequeña fracción de la sangre recolectada es aprovechada, destinándola principalmente a consumo animal. En este trabajo de Tesis se evaluó el potencial como aditivo alimentario humano del plasma bovino deshidratado, un derivado de la sangre bovina que se utiliza únicamente como complemento nutricional animal. En la Primera Parte de este trabajo se obtuvo Plasma Desmineralizado mediante un proceso de diafiltración y se evaluaron algunas de sus propiedades funcionales (Solubilidad, Capacidad de Retención de Agua, capacidad de Retención de Aceite, Capacidad Emulsionante, Capacidad Espumante y Capacidad Antioxidante), comparándolas con las del plasma sin diafiltrar. Como resultado de las tareas llevadas a cabo en esta Primera Parte, se lograron establecer las condiciones operativas para efectuar el proceso de diafiltración de manera eficaz y se pudo evaluar el efecto de dicho proceso sobre las Propiedades Funcionales del plasma consideradas. La Solubilidad del plasma resultó alta en un amplio rango de pH, e incluso mejoró luego del proceso de diafiltración en algunos valores de pH. Los procesos realizados al plasma aumentaron su Capacidad de Retención de Agua; en cambio, su Capacidad de Retención de Aceite disminuyó. El plasma mostró una Capacidad Emulsionante acorde a lo descripto en la bibliografía; la diafiltración y la posterior deshidratación no la afectaron, pero sí aumentaron la estabilidad de las emulsiones formadas. El plasma mostró una gran capacidad para formar espumas estables, las cuales no resultaron afectadas por los procesos efectuados sobre el mismo. El plasma deshidratado original mostró una Capacidad Antioxidante similar a la descripta en la bibliografía. El efecto del proceso de diafiltración sobre la misma no pudo ser establecido. En la Segunda Parte de este trabajo se obtuvieron dos hidrolizados enzimáticos a partir del plasma, utilizando la enzima Alcalase, con diferentes grados de hidrólisis. Se evaluaron las propiedades funcionales de los hidrolizados, comparándolas entre sí y con las del plasma original. Como resultado de estas tareas se definieron las condiciones del proceso de hidrólisis, comprobándose la obtención de fragmentos proteicos y péptidos de distinto tamaño molecular. Con respecto a las Propiedades Funcionales, los hidrolizados obtenidos resultaron ligeramente más solubles que el plasma deshidratado original, y la hidrólisis con Alcalase afectó notoriamente a las propiedades surfactantes de las proteínas plasmáticas, tanto a la Capacidad Emulsionante como a la Capacidad Espumante. En cambio, la hidrólisis enzimática aumentó marcadamente la Capacidad Antioxidante del plasma deshidratado. Los hidrolizados obtenidos presentaron una actividad de secuestro de radicales libres significativamente mayor que la del plasma original, y esa mayor actividad antioxidante resultó asociada al menor tamaño de los péptidos obtenidos. En virtud de los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que el plasma bovino deshidratado, tanto en su forma original como desmineralizado, tiene potenciales aplicaciones como aditivo alimentario para mejorar algunas propiedades funcionales de los alimentos, y que los hidrolizados que se obtuvieron de él con la enzima Alcalase poseen una alta capacidad antioxidante, que los haría viables para ser utilizados como aditivos conservantes para prolongar la vida útil de los alimentos. De ser viable su uso en alimentos humanos, esto aumentaría el valor agregado de este subproducto de la industria cárnica. Por último, se discuten algunas líneas de trabajo que deberían realizarse para completar su posible implementación en la industria alimenticia humana.


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Introdução – O treino dos músculos inspiratórios (TMI) surge como uma intervenção importante na população com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC), mas com interesse crescente na população saudável. No entanto, não existem estudos suficientes que comprovem se o treino dos músculos inspiratórios se traduz também numa melhoria da capacidade aeróbia objetivada no consumo de oxigénio (VO2). Assim, a relação entre o TMI e os seus resultados no indivíduo saudável carece de estudo que comprove os efeitos reais do treino. Considerou-se, pelo anteriormente exposto, pertinente a realização de um estudo de investigação na população saudável que permitisse avaliar em que medida um programa de TMI induz alterações na força muscular inspiratória e na capacidade aeróbia. Métodos e análise – A amostra foi constituída por indivíduos saudáveis (n=19) com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 21 anos que realizam exercício físico regularmente (≥3 vezes por semana ou ≥4h por semana). A capacidade aeróbia foi estimada através do Teste de Ebbeling e a força dos músculos inspiratórios foi medida pela pressão inspiratória máxima (PIM) obtida num dinamómetro específico (MicroRPM®), em dois momentos distintos (pré e pós-treino). A referida amostra foi dividida aleatoriamente em dois grupos (n=9 no grupo experimental e n=10 no grupo de controlo). O grupo experimental (GE) foi submetido a um TMI de alta intensidade (≥50% Pi,máx), enquanto o grupo de controlo (GC) não foi sujeito a qualquer intervenção. O TMI foi realizado através do PowerBreathe Classic® Level 1 e Level 2, que fornece uma pressão consistente e específica para a força muscular inspiratória, independentemente do fluxo inspiratório do indivíduo. Conclusões – Após o treino verificou-se um aumento de 37% na PIM do GE, enquanto o GC apresentou uma melhoria de 7%. Na comparação intragrupos, ambos os grupos aumentaram significativamente tanto a PIM como o VO2 (p<0,05). Já na comparação intergrupos, a diferença foi significativa para a PIM (p=0,000), mas não para o VO2. Serão necessários mais estudos no sentido de concluir e avaliar em que condições o TMI produz alterações na capacidade aeróbia.


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La cola del epidídimo constituye un reservorio de espermatozoides que han alcanzado la madurez biológica a través de su trayecto por el largo conducto del epidídimo (Robaire y Hinton, 2014). Los espermatozoides de esta reserva epididimaria pueden obtenerse postmortem o a través de biopsias y utilizarse con fines reproductivos (Albers y Barrios, 2011). El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal probar algunas condiciones iniciales de manejo de espermatozoides de la cola del epidídimo de bovinos y su incidencia en parámetros específicos del análisis seminal.


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Las ganaderías de producción de leche en el litoral ecuatoriano se caracterizan por su baja productividad por Ha debido a su mala estrategia de alimentación en la época seca como en la de lluvia. El pastoreo racional puede proveer una alternativa para mejorar esta situación (Pinheiro Machado 2006). Por esta razón el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar los efectos medibles inmediatos de la implementación del sistema de pastoreo racional Voisin (PVR) para obtener un proyecto lechero sostenible y rentable. Los parámetros que se analizaron fueron producción de leche, carga animal, y costos de producción obteniéndose un incremento del 43%, de 148% y una reducción del 24.3% respectivamente.


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Tesis (Médico Veterinario). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Medicina Veterinaria, 2015