983 resultados para Bovine diarrhea virus


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On occasion, virus-derived transgenes in plants can be poorly expressed and yet provide excellent virus resistance, and transgene constructs designed to supplement the expression of endogenous genes can have the effect of co-suppressing themselves and the endogenous genes. These two phenomena appear to result from the same post-transcriptional silencing mechanism, which operates by targeted-RNA degradation. Recent research into RNA-mediated virus resistance and co-suppression has provided insights into the interactions between plant viruses and their hosts, and spawned several models to explain the phenomenon.


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Barley yellow dwarf luteovirus-GPV (BYDV-GPV) is a common problem in Chinese wheat crops but is unrecorded elsewhere. A defining characteristic of GPV is its capacity to be transmitted efficiently by both Schizaphis graminum and Rhopaloshiphum padi. This dual aphid species transmission contrasts with those of BYDV-RPV and BYDV-SGV, globally distributed viruses, which are efficiently transmitted only by Rhopaloshiphum padi and Schizaphis graminum respectively. The viral RNA sequences encoding the coat protein (22K) gene, the movement protein (17K) gene, the region surrounding the conserved GDD motif of the polymerase gene and the intergenic sequences between these genes were determined for GPV and an Australian isolate of BYDV-RPV (RPVa). In all three genes, the sequences of GPV and RPVa were more similar to those of an American isolate of BYDV-RPV (RPVu) than to any other luteovirus for which there is data available. RPVa and RPVu were very similar, especially their coat proteins which had 97% identity at the amino acid level. The coat protein of GPV had 76% and 78% amino acid identity with RPVa and RPVu respectively. The data suggest that RPVu and RPVa are correctly named as strains of the same serotype and that GPV is sufficiently different from either RPV strain to be considered a distinct BYDV type. The coat protein and movement protein genes of GPV are very dissimilar to SGV. The polymerase sequences of RPVu, RPVa and GPV show close affinities with those of the sobemo-like luteoviruses and little similarity with those of the carmo-like luteoviruses. The sequences of the coat proteins, movement proteins and the polymerase segments of BYDV serotypes, other than RPV and GPV, form a cluster that is separate from their counterpart sequences from dicot-infecting luteoviruses. The RPV and GPV isolates consistently fall within a dicot-infecting cluster. This suggests that RPV and GPV evolved from within this group of viruses. Since these other viruses all infect dicots it seems likely that their common ancestor infected a dicot and that RPV and GPV evolved from a virus that switched hosts from a dicot to a monocot.


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The complete nucleotide sequence of genome segment S4 of rice ragged stunt oryzavirus (RRSV, Thai-isolate) was determined. The 3823 bp sequence contains two large open reading frames (ORFs). ORF1, spanning nucleotides 12 to 3776, is capable of encoding a protein of M(r) 141,380 (P4a). The P4a amino acid sequence predicted from the nucleotide sequence contains sequence motifs conserved in RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RDRPs). When compared for evolutionary relationships with RDRPs of other reoviruses using the amino acid sequences around the conserved GDD motif, P4a was shown to be more related to Nilaparvata lugens reovirus and reovirus serotype 3 than to rice dwarf phytoreovirus, bovine rotavirus or bluetongue virus. The ORF2, spanning nucleotides 491 to 1468, is out of frame with ORF1 and is capable of encoding a protein of 36, 920 (P4b). Coupled in vitro transcription-translation from cloned ORF2 in wheat germ extract confirmed the existence of ORF2 but in vivo production and possible function of P4b is yet to be determined.


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The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome segment 5 (S5) of a Thai isolate of rice ragged stunt virus (RRSV) was determined. The 2682 nucleotide sequence contains a single long open reading frame capable of encoding a polypeptide with a molecular mass of ~91 kDa. Polypeptides encoded by various truncated cDNAs of S5 were expressed using the pGEX fusion protein vector and the highest level of fusion protein was obtained from a construct encoding a hydrophilic region of S5 protein. Antibodies raised against this fusion protein recognized a minor polypeptide, with a molecular mass of ~ 91 kDa, that was present in purified preparations of RRSV particles, infected insect vectors and infected rice plants. This indicates that RRSV S5 encodes a minor structural protein. Comparing the RRSV S5 sequence with sequences of other reo-viruses did not reveal any significant sequence similarities.


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GPV is a Chinese serotype isolate of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) that has no reaction with antiserum of MAV, PAV, SGV, RPV and RMV The sequence of the coat protein (CP) of GPV isolate of BYDV was identified and its amino acid sequence was deduced. The coding region for the putative GPV CP is 603 bases nucleotides and encodes a Mr 22 218 (22 ku) protein. The same as MAV, PAV and RPV, GPV contained a second ORF within the coat protein coding region. This protein of 17 024 Mr (17 ku) is thought to correspond to the Virion protein genome linked (Vpg). Sequence comparisons of the CP coding region between the GPV isolate of BYDV and other isolates of BYDV have been done. The nucleotide and amino acid sequence homology of GPV has a greater identity to the sequence of RPV than those of PAV and MAV. The GPV CP sequence stored 83.7% of nucleotide similarity and 77.5% of deduced amino acid similarity, whereas that of the PAV and MAV shared 56.9%, 53.2% and 44.1%, 43.8% respectively. According to BYDV-GPV CP sequence, two primers were designed. The cDNA of CP was produced by RT-PCR. Full-length cDNA of CP was inserted into plasmid to construct expression plasmids named pPPI1, pPPI2 and pPPI5 based on different promoters. The recombinant plasmids were identified by using α-32P-dATP labelled CP probe, α-32P-ATP labelled GPV RNA probe and sequencing to confirm real GPV CP gene cDNA in plasmids.


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Subterranean clover stunt disease is an economically important aphid-borne virus disease affecting certain pasture and grain legumes in Australia. The virus associated with the disease, subterranean clover stunt virus (SCSV), was previously found to be representative of a new type of single-stranded DNA virus. Analysis of the virion DNA and restriction mapping of double-stranded cDNA synthesized from virion DNA suggested that SCSV has a segmented genome composed of 3 or 4 different species of circular ssDNA each of about 850-880 nucleotides. To further investigate the complexity of the SCSV genome, we have isolated the replicative form DNA from infected pea and from it prepared putative full-length clones representing the SCSV genome segments. Analysis of these clones by restriction mapping indicated that clones representing at least 4 distinct genomic segments were obtained. This method is thus suitable for generating an extensive genomic library of novel ssDNA viruses containing multiple genome segments such as SCSV and banana bunchy top virus. The N-terminal amino acid sequence and amino acid composition of the coat protein of SCSV were determined. Comparison of the amino acid sequence with partial DNA sequence data, and the distinctly different restriction maps obtained for the full-length clones suggested that only one of these clones contained the coat protein gene. The results confirmed that SCSV has a functionally divided genome composed of several distinct ssDNA circles each of about 1 kb.


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A full-length cDNA clone of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV-PAV serotype) has been constructed and fused to the bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase promoter. RNA transcripts produced in vitro, either capped or uncapped, were infectious in Triticum monococcum protoplasts. Protoplasts inoculated with in vitro-transcribed BYDV RNA accumulated coat protein, synthesized new viral RNAs, and produced virus particles. Aphid feeding on extracts from protoplasts inoculated with in vitro RNA transcripts can be used to transfer the virus progeny to whole plants. Introduction of mutations which interrupt specific BYDV-PAV open reading frames (ORFs) V and VI eliminated infectivity while an ORF I mutant remained infectious. Infectious RNA transcripts derived from BYDV cDNA clones will facilitate analysis of the molecular aspects of BYDV infection and further enhance our understanding of this economically important virus.


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An RNA molecule with properties of a satellite RNA was found in an isolate of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), RPV serotype. It is 322 nucleotides long, single-stranded, and does not hybridize to the viral genome. Dimers of the RNA, which presumably represent replicative intermediates, were able to self-cleave into monomers. In vitro transcripts from cDNA clones were capable of self-cleavage in both the plus (encapsidated) and minus orientations. The sequence flanking the minus strand cleavage site contained a consensus " hammerhead" structure, similar to those found in other self-cleaving satellite RNAs. Although related to the hammerhead structure, sequences flanking the plus strand termini showed differences from the consensus and may be folded into a different structure containing a pseudoknot. © 1991.


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The nucleotide sequence of the coat protein gene of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV, PAV serotype) was determined, and the amino acid sequence was deduced. The open reading frame, encoding a protein of relative molecular mass (Mr) 22,047, was confirmed as the coat protein gene by comparison with amino acid sequences of tryptic peptides derived from dissociated virions. In addition, a fragment of this gene expressed in Escherichia coli produced a product which was recognized by antibodies prepared against purified BYDV virions. An overlapping reading frame encoding an Mr 17,147 protein is contained completely within the coat protein gene. © 1988.


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Particles of two isolates of subterranean clover red leaf virus were purified by a method in which infected plant tissue was digested with an industrial-grade cellulase, Celluclast® 2.0 L type X. The yields of virus particles using this enzyme were comparable with those obtained using either of two laboratory-grade cellulases, Cellulase type 1 (Sigma) and Driselase®. However, the specific infectivity or aphid transmissibility of the particles purified using Celluclast® was 10-100 times greater than those of preparations obtained using laboratory-grade cellulases or no enzyme. The main advantage of using Celluclast® is that at present in Australia its cost is only ca. 1% of laboratory-grade cellulases.


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BACKGROUND Mosquito-borne diseases are climate sensitive and there has been increasing concern over the impact of climate change on future disease risk. This paper projected the potential future risk of Barmah Forest virus (BFV) disease under climate change scenarios in Queensland, Australia. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS We obtained data on notified BFV cases, climate (maximum and minimum temperature and rainfall), socio-economic and tidal conditions for current period 2000-2008 for coastal regions in Queensland. Grid-data on future climate projections for 2025, 2050 and 2100 were also obtained. Logistic regression models were built to forecast the otential risk of BFV disease distribution under existing climatic, socio-economic and tidal conditions. The model was applied to estimate the potential geographic distribution of BFV outbreaks under climate change scenarios. The predictive model had good model accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. Maps on potential risk of future BFV disease indicated that disease would vary significantly across coastal regions in Queensland by 2100 due to marked differences in future rainfall and temperature projections. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE We conclude that the results of this study demonstrate that the future risk of BFV disease would vary across coastal regions in Queensland. These results may be helpful for public health decision making towards developing effective risk management strategies for BFV disease control and prevention programs in Queensland.