476 resultados para Awards.
Die Arbeit behandelt die Frage nach der Reichweite der Parteiautonomie und der Kompetenz des Schiedsgerichts zur Bestimmung des anwendbaren materiellen Rechts in einem internationalen Schiedsverfahren. Im Wege eines rechtsvergleichenden Ansatz wurden die Rechtsordnungen Englands (arbitration act 1996), Frankreichs (Art. 1492 ff. Nouveau Code de Procédure Civile)und Deutschlands (10. Buch der ZPO)untersucht, im Hinblick auf die Frage, wie nichtstaatliche Regeln (lex mercatoria) behandelt werden und unter welchen Voraussetzungen sie Anwendung finden können, sei es von Seiten der Parteien oder des Schiedsgerichts. Des Weiteren wollte die Arbeit zeigen, welche der genannten Rechtsordnungen die "wettbewerbsfähigste" ist, anders gesagt, welcher es gelingt, mit der Entwicklung eines sich wahrhaft globalisierenden, internationalen Markts mitzuhalten, indem der Weg für eine Anwendung solcher Regeln so weit wie möglich geebnet wird. Starre, nationale Vorschriften werden in diesem Zusammenhang als eine Minderung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit eines nationalen Rechts angesehen, welches sich den vorgenannten Herausforderungen stellen möchte. Das französische Recht erwies sich hierbei als das "wettbewerbsfähigste" der drei größten europäischen Wirtschaftsnationen, indem es ein geeignetes rechtliches Regelwerk für internationale Wirtschaftsangelegenheiten verwickelte Parteien aufstellt.
La crisi del “teatro come servizio pubblico” degli Stabili, Piccolo Teatro in testa, si manifesta allo stadio di insoddisfazione interna già alla fine degli anni Cinquanta. Se dal punto di vista della pratica scenica, la prima faglia di rottura è pressoché unanimemente ricondotta alla comparsa delle primissime messe in scena –discusse, irritanti e provocatorie- di Carmelo Bene e Quartucci (1959-60) più difficile è individuare il corrispettivo di un critico-intellettuale apportatore di una altrettanto deflagrante rottura. I nomi di Arbasino e di Flaiano sono, in questo caso, i primi che vengono alla mente, ma, seppure portatori di una critica sensibile al “teatro ufficiale”, così come viene ribattezzato dopo il Convegno di Ivrea (1967) il modello attuato dagli Stabili, essi non possono, a ben vedere, essere considerati i veri promotori di una modalità differente di fare critica che, a partire da quel Convegno, si accompagnerà stabilmente alla ricerca scenica del Nuovo Teatro. Ma in cosa consiste, allora, questa nuova “operatività” critica? Si tratta principalmente di una modalità capace di operare alle soglie della scrittura, abbracciando una progressiva, ma costante fuoriuscita dalla redazione di cronache teatrali, per ripensare radicalmente la propria attività in nuovi spazi operativi quali le riviste e l’editoria di settore, un rapporto sempre più stretto con i mass-media quali radio e televisione e la pratica organizzativa di momenti spettacolari e teorici al contempo -festival, convegni, rassegne e premi- per una forma di partecipazione poi identificata come “sporcarsi le mani”. La seconda parte della tesi è una raccolta documentaria sull’oggi. A partire dal Manifesto dei Critici Impuri redatto nel 2003 a Prato da un gruppo di critici dell'ultima generazione, la tesi utilizza quella dichiarazione come punto di partenza per creare un piccolo archivio sull’oggi raccogliendo le elaborazioni di alcune delle esperienze più significative di questi dieci anni. Ricca appendice di materiali.
Il presente progetto di ricerca analizza quella particolare forma di affidamento diretto dei servizi pubblici denominata in house providing e si articola in tre sezioni. Nella prima sezione viene analizzata la disciplina dei servizi pubblici locali nell’ordinamento italiano mediante un excursus normativo dai primi del 900 ad oggi; la seconda sezione è dedicata alla disciplina dell’affidamento dei servizi pubblici locali di trasporto; la terza sezione, infine, descrive l’in house providing e l’elaborazione pretoria di tale istituto operata dalla giurisprudenza comunitaria. Come noto, la pubblica amministrazione può soddisfare le sue esigenze secondo due diverse modalità: ricorrendo al libero mercato come qualsiasi altro operatore economico oppure auto-producendo i beni e i servizi di cui necessita. Infatti, nonostante il diritto comunitario imponga il rispetto del principio di tutela della concorrenza, lascia impregiudicato il potere di auto-organizzazione in capo alle pubbliche amministrazioni negli Stati membri, le quali potranno scegliere di agire “in economia” o di ricorrere alle prestazioni di operatori terzi. Con la locuzione di derivazione comunitaria in house providing si definisce quel modello organizzativo mediante il quale le pubbliche amministrazioni realizzano le attività di loro competenza attraverso i propri organismi, cioè senza ricorrere al libero mercato per procurarsi i lavori, i servizi e le forniture ad esse occorrenti o per erogare alla collettività prestazioni di pubblico servizio, in deroga ai principi comunitari sulla tutela della concorrenza stabiliti nel Trattato istitutivo della Comunità Europea, che invece imporrebbero lo svolgimento di gare ad evidenza pubblica per l'affidamento di tali servizi. Tuttavia, come chiarito dalla giurisprudenza comunitaria e nazionale, affinché la procedura di gara non sia necessaria, occorre che tra l’amministrazione e il prestatore ci sia sostanziale identità, nonostante le distinte personalità giuridiche, in modo tale da configurare il contratto tra le stesse intercorso come un atto di organizzazione interna.
Depending on the regulatory regime they are subject to, governments may or may not be allowed to hand out state aid to private firms. The economic justification for state aid can address several issues present in the competition for capital and the competition for transfers from the state. First, there are principal-agent problems involved at several stages. Self-interested politicians might enter state aid deals that are the result of extensive rent-seeking activities of organized interest groups. Thus the institutional design of political systems will have an effect on the propensity of a jurisdiction to award state aid. Secondly, fierce competition for firm locations can lead to over-spending. This effect is stronger if the politicians do not take into account the entirety of the costs created by their participation in the firm location race. Thirdly, state aid deals can be incomplete and not in the interest of the citizens. This applies if there are no sanctions if firms do not meet their obligations from receiving aid, such as creating a certain number of jobs or not relocating again for a certain amount of time. The separation of ownership and control in modern corporations leads to principal-agent problems on the side of the aid recipient as well. Managers might receive personal benefits from subsidies, the use of which is sometimes less monitored than private finance. This can eventually be to the detriment of the shareholders. Overall, it can be concluded that state aid control should also serve the purpose of regulating the contracting between governments and firms. An extended mandate for supervision by the European Commission could include requirements to disincentive the misuse of state aid. The Commission should also focus on the corporate governance regime in place in the jurisdiction that awards the aid as well as in the recipient firm.
Il lavoro consiste della traduzione di "Mono No Aware", racconto breve fantascientifico scritto da Ken Liu, vincitore degli Hugo Awards 2013, e dell'analisi della stessa. Nelle prime due sezioni dell'elaborato ho presentato l'autore, parlando dei suoi studi e dei suoi lavori, e il testo, parlando dei suoi temi e delle sue particolarità. Ho poi proseguito presentando la traduzione, ovvero i criteri su cui mi sono basato affinché il lavoro fosse di buona qualità. In seguito ho inserito la traduzione già corretta e revisionata e dopo di essa il commento, in cui ho evidenziato i punti problematici e le soluzioni trovate, corredate di esempi. Nelle conclusioni ho scritto le mie riflessioni sul lavoro eseguito, e infine ho aggiunto la sitografia e la bibliografia, seguite dal testo originale in appendice.
The fulcrum upon which were leveraged many of the dramatic progressive changes in Montana that are documented "In the Crucible of Change" series was the lead up to, preparation, writing and adoption of the 1972 Montana Constitution. As Montana citizens exhibited their concern over the dysfunctional state government in MT under its 1889 Constitution, one of the areas that stood out as needing serious change was the Montana Legislature. Meeting for only sixty calendar days every two years, the Legislature regularly tried to carry off the subterfuge of stopping the wall clock at 11:59 PM on the sixtieth day and placing a shroud over it so they could continue to conduct business as if it were still the 60th day. Lawyers hired by the Anaconda Company drafted most bills that legislators wanted to have introduced. Malapportionment, especially in the State Senate where each county had one Senator regardless of their population, created a situation where Petroleum County with 800 residents had one senator while neighboring Yellowstone County with 80,000 people also had one senator -- a 100-1 differential in representation. Reapportionment imposed by rulings of the US Supreme Court in the mid-1960s created great furor in rural Montana to go along with the previous dissatisfaction of the urban centers. Stories of Anaconda Company “thumbs up – thumbs down” control of the votes were prevalent. Committee meeting and votes were done behind closed doors and recorded votes were non-existent except for the nearly meaningless final tally. People were in the dark about the creation of laws that affected their daily lives. It was clear that change in the Legislature had to take the form of change in the Constitution and, because it was not likely that the Legislature would advance Constitutional amendments on the subject, a convention seemed the only remedy. Once that Convention was called and went to work, it became apparent that the Legislative Article provided both opportunity for change and danger that too dramatic a change might sink the whole new document. The activities of the Legislative Committee and the whole Convention when acting upon Legislative issues provides one of the more compelling stories of change. The story of the Legislative Article of the Montana Constitution is discussed in this episode by three major players who were directly involved in the effort: Jerry Loendorf, Arlyne Reichert and Rich Bechtel. Their recollections of the activities surrounding the entire Constitutional Convention and specifically the Legislative Article provide an insider’s perspective of the development of the entire Constitution and the Legislative portion which was of such a high degree of interest to the people of Montana during the important period of progressive change documented “In the Crucible of Change.” Jerry Loendorf, who served as Chair of the Legislative Committee at the 1972 Montana Constitutional Convention, received a BA from Carroll College in 1961 and a JD from the University of Montana Law School in 1964. Upon graduation he served two years as a law clerk for the Montana Supreme Court after which he was for 34 years a partner in the law firm of Harrison, Loendorf & Posten, Duncan. In addition to being a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, Jerry served on the Board of Labor Appeals from 2000 to 2004. He was designated a Montana Special Assistant Attorney General to represent the state in federal court on the challenge to the results of the ratification election of Montana's Constitution in 1972. Jerry served on the Carroll College Board of Directors in the late 1960s and then again as a member of the Board of Trustees of Carroll College from 2001 to 2009. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Rocky Mountain Development Council since 1970 and was on the board of the Helena YMCA from 1981 to 1987. He also served on the board of the Good Samaritan Ministries from 2009 to 2014. On the business side, Jerry was on the Board of Directors of Valley Bank to Helena from 1980 to 2005. He is a member of the American Bar Association, State Bar of Montana, the First Judicial District Bar Association, and the Montana Trial Lawyers Association. Carroll College awarded Jerry the Warren Nelson Award 1994 and the Insignias Award in 2007. At Carroll College, Jerry has funded the following three scholarship endowments: George C and Helen T Loendorf, Gary Turcott, and Fr. William Greytek. Arlyne Reichert, Great Falls Delegate to the Constitutional Convention and former State Legislator, was born in Buffalo, NY in 1926 and attended University of Buffalo in conjunction with Cadet Nurses Training during WWII. She married a Montanan in Great Falls in 1945 and was widowed in 1968. She is mother of five, grandmother of seven, great-grandmother of four. Arlyne was employed by McLaughlin Research Institute in Great Falls for 23 years, serving as Technical Editor of Transplantation Journal in 1967, retiring as Assistant Director in 1989. In addition to being a state legislator (1979 Session) and a delegate to the 1972 Montana Constitutional Convention, she has filled many public roles, including Cascade County Study Commissioner (1974), MT Comprehensive Health Council, US Civil Rights Commission MT Advisory Committee, MT Capitol Restoration Committee, and Great Falls Public Library Trustee. Arlyne has engaged in many non-profit activities including League of Women Voters (State & Local Board Officer – from where her interest in the MT Constitutional change developed), Great Falls Public Radio Association (President & Founder), American Cancer Society (President Great Falls Chapter), Chair of MT Rhodes Scholarship Committee, and Council Member of the National Civic League. She also served a while as a Television Legislative Reporter. Arlyne has been recipient of numerous awards, the National Distinguished Citizens Award from the National Municipal League, two Women of Achievement Awards from Business & Professional Women, the Salute to Women Award by YWCA, Heritage Preservation Award from Cascade County Historical Society and the State of Montana, and the Heroes Award from Humanities Montana. She remains active, serving as Secretary-Treasurer of Preservation Cascade, Inc., and as Board Member of the McLaughlin Research Institute. Her current passion is applied to the preservation/saving of the historic 10th Street Bridge that crosses the Missouri River in Great Falls. Rich Bechtel of Helena was born in Napa, California in 1945 and grew up as an Air Force brat living in such places as Bitberg, Germany, Tripoli, Libya, and Sevilla, Spain. He graduated from Glasgow High School and the University of Montana. Rich was a graduate assistant for noted Montana History professor Professor K. Ross Toole, but dropped out of graduate school to pursue a real life in Montana politics and government. Rich has had a long, varied and colorful career in the public arena. He currently is the Director of the Office of Taxpayer Assistance & Public Outreach for MT’s Department of Revenue. He previously held two positions with the National Wildlife Federation in Washington, DC (Sr. Legislative Representative [1989-91] and Sr. Legislative Representative for Wildlife Policy [2004-2006]). While in Washington DC, he also was Assistant for Senator Lee Metcalf (D-MT), 1974-1976; Federal-State Coordinator for State of Montana, 1976-1989; Director of the Western Governors’ Association Washington Office, 1991-2000; and Director of Federal Affairs for Governor Kitzhaber of Oregon, 2001- 2003. Earlier in Montana Government, between 1971 and 1974, Rich was Research Analyst for MT Blue Ribbon Commission on Postsecondary Education, Legislative Consultant and Bill Drafter for MT Legislative Council, Research Analyst for the MT Constitutional Convention Commission where he provided original research on legislatures, as well as Researcher/Staff for the MT Constitutional Convention Legislative Committee, from where he drafted the various provisions of the Legislative Article and the majority and minority reports on behalf of the Committee members. Rich has represented Montana’s Governor on a trade and cultural mission to Republic of China and participated in US-German Acid Rain Committee sessions in Germany and with European Economic Community environmental officials in Belgium. He is married to Yvonne Seng (Ph.D.) - T’ai Chi apprentice; author and birder.
Transdisciplinary research plays an increasing role in topics of societal relevance and impact. The td-net of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences awards innovative transdisciplinary research every other year. The last td-award was given in 2013. This special focus of GAIA features the six prize-winning projects, presenting short summaries of their work. Explaining its selection in the following introduction, the Jury of the td-net honours the awardees, and puts their work into a global perspective.
This article presents a series of experiments which were conducted among native speakers of German to determine the influence of different types of German generics on the cognitive inclusion of women. Results indicate that the inclusion of women is higher with ‘non-sexist’ alternatives than with masculine generics, a tendency which was consistent across different studies. The different alternatives, however, showed different effects which also varied depending on the context. These results are discussed with regard to their practical consequences in situations such as nominating women and men for awards or political offices.
Feminist linguists claim that masculine forms used in a generic sense (e.g. he referring to a doctor irrespective of sex) facilitate the cognitive representation of men compared to women and make women less visible. A number of experimental studies have confirmed this assumption with regard to the English language. Concerning other languages, however, this question has been addressed only in very few studies, although gender is a much more pervasive grammatical category and masculine generics are more prominent in languages such as French, Spanish or German. This paper reports three experiments with native speakers of German which were conducted to determine the influence of different types of German generics on the cognitive inclusion of women. Results indicate that inclusion of women is higher with 'non-sexist' alternatives than with masculine generics, a tendency which was consistent over studies. But the different alternative forms show different effects which also vary depending on the context. These results are discussed with regard to their practical consequences in situations such as nominating women and men for awards, political offices etc.
Page 2 – The Vice Provost for University Libraries reflects upon the strides made in the last year. Page 3 - Ornithologist David Sibley’s Edwin Way Teale lecture is featured. Page 5 - In a guest column on diversity issues, Professor Hedley Freake examines what UConn is doing to engender cultural understanding in students. Page 6 - Staff anniversaries and awards. Page 7 - Finding articles, images, and music easier with new database locator.
This paper examines the impact of land title systems on property values. The predominant system in the U.S., the recording system, awards title to claimants over current possessors, whereas the Torrens registration system awards title to the current owner. In theory, the registration system maximizes property value, all else equal, but in practice, the systems differ depending on the risk of a claim and administrative costs. A natural experiment in Cook County, Illinois, where both systems have existed since 1897, allows a test of the theory. The results, based on commercial and industrial properties, reveal that parcels tend to self-select into the two systems based on the predictions of the theory.
This paper examines how US and proposed international law relate to the recovery of archaeological data from historic shipwrecks. It argues that US federal admiralty law of salvage gives far less protection to historic submerged sites than do US laws protecting archaeological sites on US federal and Indian lands. The paper offers a simple model in which the net present value of the salvage and archaeological investigation of an historic shipwreck is maximized. It is suggested that salvage law gives insufficient protection to archaeological data, but that UNESCO's Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage goes too far in the other direction. It is also suggested that a move towards maximizing the net present value of a wreck would be promoted if the US admiralty courts explicitly tied the size of salvage awards to the quality of the archaeology performed.
Greetings Pacesetter Grads Feel Boost in Entry to Nursing Workforce UTHealth-UH Dual Bachelors Program for First-Time Students UTHealth School of Nursing – By the Numbers 2012 PARTNERS Spring Luncheon – honored “Generations of Nurses” – guest speaker Naomi Judd UT Health Services Expands Care for Patients When I Grow Up, – A UTHealth Nursing Student’s Story Donors Support Start of New Accelerated Family Nurse Practitioner Program Giuseppe Colasurdo, M.D. – Appointed Sixth President in U THealth’s 40-Year History Dean Starck Named to UT Academy of Health Science Education, Marcus Honored by Regents for Outstanding Teaching Students Select Two for 2012 McGovern Awards Endowed scholarships Former home of School of Nursing for 30 years disappears in dust cloud Ruppert Named 2012 FAAN