948 resultados para Affective valence


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Complexes of the type {[(pyS)Ru(NH3)(4)](2)-mu-L}(n), where pyS = 4-mercaptopyridine, L = 4,4'-dithiodipyridine (pySSpy), pyrazine (pz) and 1,4-dicyanobenzene (DCB), and n = +4 and +5 for fully reduced and mixed-valence complexes, respectively, were synthesized and characterized. Electrochemical data showed that there is electron communication between the metal centers with comproportionation constants of 33.2, 1.30 x 10(8) and 5.56 x 10(5) for L = pySSpy, pz and DCB, respectively. It was also observed that the electronic coupling between the metal centers is affected by the p-back-bonding interaction toward the pyS ligand. Raman spectroscopy showed a dependence of the intensity of the vibrational modes on the exciting radiations giving support to the assignments of the electronic transitions. The degree of electron communication between the metal centers through the bridging ligands suggests that these systems can be molecular wire materials.


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The peptidolytic enzyme THIMET-oligopeptidase (TOP) is able to act as a reducing agent in the peroxidase cycle of myoglobin (Mb) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The TOP-promoted recycling of the high valence states of the peroxidases to the respective resting form was accompanied by a significant decrease in the thiol content of the peptidolytic enzyme. EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) analysis using DBNBS spin trapping revealed that TOP also prevented the formation of tryptophanyl radical in Mb challenged by H2O2. The oxidation of TOP thiol groups by peroxidases did not promote the inactivating oligomerization observed in the oxidation promoted by the enzyme aging. These findings are discussed towards a possible occurrence of these reactions in cells.


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Lead-based multiferroics perovskites with nominal compositions Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3 and Pb(Fe2/3W1/3)O3 were synthesized following a two-stage method. Magnetic proprieties were investigated and correlated to anelastic proprieties, measured by the conventional pulse-echo method. The discussions are focused in the region around 250 K, where magnetoelectroelastic instabilities have been observed. X-ray absorption nearedge structure (XANES) study further indicates that the edge position varies with temperature revealing a fluctuation on the valence of iron ions with the temperature, which can be related to a variation in anelastic and magnetic proprieties.


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The question of how we make, and how we should make judgments and decisions has occupied thinkers for many centuries. This thesis has the aim to add new evidences to clarify the brain’s mechanisms for decisions. The cognitive and the emotional processes of social actions and decisions are investigated with the aim to understand which brain areas are mostly involved. Four experimental studies are presented. A specific kind of population is involved in the first study (as well as in study III) concerning patients with lesion of ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC). This region is collocated in the ventral surface of frontal lobe, and it seems have an important role in social and moral decision in forecasting the negative emotional consequences of choice. In study I, it is examined whether emotions, specifically social emotions subserved by the vmPFC, affect people’s willingness to trust others. In study II is observed how incidental emotions could encourage trusting behaviour, especially when individuals are not aware of emotive stimulation. Study III has the aim to gather a direct psychophysiological evidence, both in healthy and neurologically impaired individuals, that emotions are crucially involved in shaping moral judgment, by preventing moral violations. Study IV explores how the moral meaning of a decision and its subsequent action can modulate the basic component of action such as sense of agency.


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In the course of this work the effect of metal substitution on the structural and magnetic properties of the double perovskites Sr2MM’O6 (M = Fe, substituted by Cr, Zn and Ga; M’ = Re, substituted by Sb) was explored by means of X-ray diffraction, magnetic measurements, band structure calculations, Mößbauer spectroscopy and conductivity measurements. The focus of this study was the determination of (i) the kind and structural boundary conditions of the magnetic interaction between the M and M’ cations and (ii) the conditions for the principal application of double perovskites as spintronic materials by means of the band model approach. Strong correlations between the electronic, structural and magnetic properties have been found during the study of the double perovskites Sr2Fe1-xMxReO6 (0 < x < 1, M = Zn, Cr). The interplay between van Hove-singularity and Fermi level plays a crucial role for the magnetic properties. Substitution of Fe by Cr in Sr2FeReO6 leads to a non-monotonic behaviour of the saturation magnetization (MS) and an enhancement for substitution levels up to 10 %. The Curie temperatures (TC) monotonically increase from 401 to 616 K. In contrast, Zn substitution leads to a continuous decrease of MS and TC. The diamagnetic dilution of the Fe-sublattice by Zn leads to a transition from an itinerant ferrimagnetic to a localized ferromagnetic material. Thus, Zn substitution inhibits the long-range ferromagnetic interaction within the Fe-sublattice and preserves the long-range ferromagnetic interaction within the Re-sublattice. Superimposed on the electronic effects is the structural influence which can be explained by size effects modelled by the tolerance factor t. In the case of Cr substitution, a tetragonal – cubic transformation for x > 0.4 is observed. For Zn substituted samples the tetragonal distortion linearly increases with increasing Zn content. In order to elucidate the nature of the magnetic interaction between the M and M’ cations, Fe and Re were substituted by the valence invariant main group metals Ga and Sb, respectively. X-ray diffraction reveals Sr2FeRe1-xSbxO6 (0 < x < 0.9) to crystallize without antisite disorder in the tetragonal distorted perovskite structure (space group I4/mmm). The ferrimagnetic behaviour of the parent compound Sr2FeReO6 changes to antiferromagnetic upon Sb substitution as determined by magnetic susceptibility measurements. Samples up to a doping level of 0.3 are ferrimagnetic, while Sb contents higher than 0.6 result in an overall antiferromagnetic behaviour. 57Fe Mößbauer results show a coexistence of ferri- and antiferromagnetic clusters within the same perovskite-type crystal structure in the Sb substitution range 0.3 < x < 0.8, whereas Sr2FeReO6 and Sr2FeRe0.9Sb0.1O6 are “purely” ferrimagnetic and Sr2FeRe0.1Sb0.9O6 contains antiferromagnetically ordered Fe sites only. Consequently, a replacement of the Re atoms by a nonmagnetic main group element such as Sb blocks the double exchange pathways Fe–O–Re(Sb)–O–Fe along the crystallographic axis of the perovskite unit cell and destroys the itinerant magnetism of the parent compound. The structural and magnetic characterization of Sr2Fe1-xGaxReO6 (0 < x < 0.7) exhibit a Ga/Re antisite disorder which is unexpected because the parent compound Sr2FeReO6 shows no Fe/Re antisite disorder. This antisite disorder strongly depends on the Ga content of the sample. Although the X-ray data do not hint at a phase separation, sample inhomogeneities caused by a demixing are observed by a combination of magnetic characterization and Mößbauer spectroscopy. The 57Fe Mößbauer data suggest the formation of two types of clusters, ferrimagnetic Fe- and paramagnetic Ga-based ones. Below 20 % Ga content, Ga statistically dilutes the Fe–O–Re–O–Fe double exchange pathways. Cluster formation begins at x = 0.2, for 0.2 < x < 0.4 the paramagnetic Ga-based clusters do not contain any Fe. Fe containing Ga-based clusters which can be detected by Mößbauer spectroscopy firstly appear for x = 0.4.


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The relationship between emotion and cognition is a topic that raises great interest in research. Recently, a view of these two processes as interactive and mutually influencing each other has become predominant. This dissertation investigates the reciprocal influences of emotion and cognition, both at behavioral and neural level, in two specific fields, such as attention and decision-making. Experimental evidence on how emotional responses may affect perceptual and attentional processes has been reported. In addition, the impact of three factors, such as personality traits, motivational needs and social context, in modulating the influence that emotion exerts on perception and attention has been investigated. Moreover, the influence of cognition on emotional responses in decision-making has been demonstrated. The current experimental evidence showed that cognitive brain regions such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex are causally implicated in regulation of emotional responses and that this has an effect at both pre and post decisional stages. There are two main conclusions of this dissertation: firstly, emotion exerts a strong influence on perceptual and attentional processes but, at the same time, this influence may also be modulated by other factors internal and external to the individuals. Secondly, cognitive processes may modulate emotional prepotent responses, by serving a regulative function critical to driving and shaping human behavior in line with current goals.


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The present thesis addresses several experimental questions regarding the nature of the processes underlying the larger centro-parietal Late Positive Potential (LPP) measured during the viewing of emotional(both pleasant and unpleasant) compared to neutral pictures. During a passive viewing condition, this modulatory difference is significantly reduced with picture repetition, but it does not completely habituate even after a massive repetition of the same picture exemplar. In order to investigate the obligatory nature of the affective modulation of the LPP, in Study 1 we introduced a competing task during repetitive exposure of affective pictures. Picture repetition occurred in a passive viewing context or during a categorization task, in which pictures depicting any mean of transportation were presented as targets, and repeated pictures (affectively engaging images) served as distractor stimuli. Results indicated that the impact of repetition on the LPP affective modulation was very similar between the passive and the task contexts, indicating that the affective processing of visual stimuli reflects an obligatory process that occurs despite participants were engaged in a categorization task. In study 2 we assessed whether the decrease of the LPP affective modulation persists over time, by presenting in day 2 the same set of pictures that were massively repeated in day 1. Results indicated that the reduction of the emotional modulation of the LPP to repeated pictures persisted even after 1-day interval, suggesting a contribution of long-term memory processes on the affective habituation of the LPP. Taken together, the data provide new information regarding the processes underlying the affective modulation of the late positive potential.


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Affective reactions to academic performance appear to be influenced by performance outcome, self-esteem, and causal attributions. We investigated whether expectancies for success and the confirmation or disconfirmation of epectancies also influenced students' affective reactions and causal attributions in achievement settings. Subjects were 132 university students. Causal attributions and affective reactions to an achievement-related situation were assessed and related to students' self-esteem, expectancies for success, and confirmation or disconfirmation of expectancies. Results indicated that causal attributions were related to confirmation or disconfirmation of expectancies for success and to self-esteem. Affective reactions were related to the interaction of self-esteem, expectancies for success, and confirmation or disconfirmation of expectancies. Further analysis suggested that students' affective reactions to performance may serve to maintain existing levels of self-esteem. The role of self-referent and other-referent emotions in self-esteem maintenance was also discussed.


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Investigated whether affective reactions in achievement settings were related to self-esteem in 308 undergraduates. Ss completed a self-esteem questionnaire and an affect questionnaire in which achievement outcomes and causal sources were manipulated within a short-story format. Affective reactions to various academic situations portrayed in the stories then were assessed and related to Ss' self-esteem. Resulting biserial correlations between the dichotomized affective reactions and self-esteem indicate that affective reactions to success and failure were related to Ss' level of self-esteem. An extrapolation from the present results and related research is that causal internalization with resulting self-referent affects may be facilitated by providing academic feedback consistent with self-esteem.


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Following encouraging results in the early detection of psychotic disorders, interest in the early detection of affective, especially bipolar disorders, has recently been renewed. However, the differentiation between affective disorders with and without psychotic features is often missing, although it has been suggested that affective disorders with psychotic features may be distinct from those without psychotic features and closely linked to non-affective psychoses.