384 resultados para Activists
Survival of a Perverse Nation traces the ways in which contemporary Armenian anxieties are congealing into the figure of the “homosexual.” As in other post-Soviet republics, homosexuality has increasingly become defined as the crisis of the times, and is understood by many as a destructive force linked to European encroachment. In Armenia, a growing right-wing nationalist movement since 2012 has been targeting LGBT and feminist activists. I suggest that this movement has arisen out of Armenia’s concerns regarding proper social and biological reproduction in the face of high rates of emigration of especially men in search of work. Many in the country blame this emigration on a post-Soviet oligarchy, with close ties to the government. This oligarchy, having quickly and massively privatized and liquidated industry and land during the war over the region of Nagorno-Karabagh (1990-1994) with Azerbaijan, created widespread un(der)employment. A national narrative attributing the nation’s survival of the 1915 Genocide and dispersion of its populations to strong morality preserved by institutions such as the Church and the family has now, in the post-Soviet era, ruptured into one of moral “perversion.” This dissertation is based on 15 months of ethnographic research, during which I participated in the work of two local non-governmental organizations: Public Information and Need for Knowledge, an LGBT rights organization and Women’s Resource Center, a feminist organization. I also conducted interviews with 150 households across Yerevan, the capital city, and did in-depth interviews with other activists, right-wing nationalists and journalists. Through psychoanalytic frameworks, as well as studies of kinship, I show how sovereignty – the longed for dream for Armenians over the last century – is felt to have failed because of the moral corruption of the illegitimate figures that fill Armenian seats of authority. I, thus, examine the ways in which a missing father of the household is discursively linked to the lack of strong leadership by a corrupt government, producing a prevalent feeling of moral disintegration that nationalists displace onto the “homosexual.”
La tesis que presentamos es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación sobre la campaña de alfabetización CREAR realizada entre 1973 y 1975. La Campaña de Reactivación de la Educación del Adulto para la Reconstrucción, estuvo dirigida por la Dirección Nacional de Educación de Adultos (DINEA) en la etapa de la recuperación democrática luego de dieciocho años de gobiernos autoritarios combinados con la proscripción de la fuerza política mayoritaria. Apoyada en el registro testimonial de quienes fueron sus inspiradores, conductores, coordinadores, alfabetizadores, la investigación se propone analizar la articulación entre pedagogía y política durante la realización de la campaña. Los testimonios rescatados en la presente investigación, representan figuras destacadas de la campaña de alfabetización en su doble dimensión de pedagogos y militantes políticos. En esta dirección, la presente tesis se propone recuperar los principales debates y discusiones que se generaron en torno a su desarrollo a partir de quienes fueron sus testigos. ¿Qué sueños proyectaban en la alfabetización? ¿Qué formas de imbricación entre lo político y lo pedagógico se produjo en su desarrollo? ¿Cómo se plasmó dicha articulación? ¿Sobre qué ejes vertebraron su discurso? Entre la pedagogía de la liberación y la doctrina del peronismo ¿qué lectura predominó? El desarrollo de este trabajo de investigación se propone invitar a recorrer este camino cargado de tensiones y contradicciones que, esperamos, se convierta en una contribución al campo de la historia de la educación reciente de la Argentina
El presente trabajo propone mostrar y analizar cómo los integrantes de la agrupación HIJOS La Plata (organismos de derechos humanos conformado por hijos de víctimas del terrorismo de Estado argentino) han construido sus memorias acerca del pasado reciente. Interesan, más específicamente, las maneras en que elaboran relatos referidos al terror estatal llevado a cabo por la última dictadura (1976-1983) y al período de radicalización política inmediatamente anterior. Mientras la memoria humanitaria, propia del los organismos de derechos humanos que nacieron como respuesta defensista frente al terror estatal, centra sus denuncias en el carácter humano de las personas cuyos derechos fueron violados y omite o silencia sus trayectorias políticas; la memoria militante de los HIJOS rescata en clave reivindicatoria las experiencias políticas de sus padres y pretende no recordarlos sólo como víctimas, sino también como luchadores políticos. El objetivo de este trabajo es indagar las tensiones que resultan de la pertenencia de HIJOS al movimiento de derechos humanos, muchas de cuyas prácticas reproducen, y los conflictos que supone su intención de reivindicar la lucha revolucionaria de sus padres
La tesis que presentamos es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación sobre la campaña de alfabetización CREAR realizada entre 1973 y 1975. La Campaña de Reactivación de la Educación del Adulto para la Reconstrucción, estuvo dirigida por la Dirección Nacional de Educación de Adultos (DINEA) en la etapa de la recuperación democrática luego de dieciocho años de gobiernos autoritarios combinados con la proscripción de la fuerza política mayoritaria. Apoyada en el registro testimonial de quienes fueron sus inspiradores, conductores, coordinadores, alfabetizadores, la investigación se propone analizar la articulación entre pedagogía y política durante la realización de la campaña. Los testimonios rescatados en la presente investigación, representan figuras destacadas de la campaña de alfabetización en su doble dimensión de pedagogos y militantes políticos. En esta dirección, la presente tesis se propone recuperar los principales debates y discusiones que se generaron en torno a su desarrollo a partir de quienes fueron sus testigos. ¿Qué sueños proyectaban en la alfabetización? ¿Qué formas de imbricación entre lo político y lo pedagógico se produjo en su desarrollo? ¿Cómo se plasmó dicha articulación? ¿Sobre qué ejes vertebraron su discurso? Entre la pedagogía de la liberación y la doctrina del peronismo ¿qué lectura predominó? El desarrollo de este trabajo de investigación se propone invitar a recorrer este camino cargado de tensiones y contradicciones que, esperamos, se convierta en una contribución al campo de la historia de la educación reciente de la Argentina
El presente trabajo propone mostrar y analizar cómo los integrantes de la agrupación HIJOS La Plata (organismos de derechos humanos conformado por hijos de víctimas del terrorismo de Estado argentino) han construido sus memorias acerca del pasado reciente. Interesan, más específicamente, las maneras en que elaboran relatos referidos al terror estatal llevado a cabo por la última dictadura (1976-1983) y al período de radicalización política inmediatamente anterior. Mientras la memoria humanitaria, propia del los organismos de derechos humanos que nacieron como respuesta defensista frente al terror estatal, centra sus denuncias en el carácter humano de las personas cuyos derechos fueron violados y omite o silencia sus trayectorias políticas; la memoria militante de los HIJOS rescata en clave reivindicatoria las experiencias políticas de sus padres y pretende no recordarlos sólo como víctimas, sino también como luchadores políticos. El objetivo de este trabajo es indagar las tensiones que resultan de la pertenencia de HIJOS al movimiento de derechos humanos, muchas de cuyas prácticas reproducen, y los conflictos que supone su intención de reivindicar la lucha revolucionaria de sus padres
La tesis que presentamos es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación sobre la campaña de alfabetización CREAR realizada entre 1973 y 1975. La Campaña de Reactivación de la Educación del Adulto para la Reconstrucción, estuvo dirigida por la Dirección Nacional de Educación de Adultos (DINEA) en la etapa de la recuperación democrática luego de dieciocho años de gobiernos autoritarios combinados con la proscripción de la fuerza política mayoritaria. Apoyada en el registro testimonial de quienes fueron sus inspiradores, conductores, coordinadores, alfabetizadores, la investigación se propone analizar la articulación entre pedagogía y política durante la realización de la campaña. Los testimonios rescatados en la presente investigación, representan figuras destacadas de la campaña de alfabetización en su doble dimensión de pedagogos y militantes políticos. En esta dirección, la presente tesis se propone recuperar los principales debates y discusiones que se generaron en torno a su desarrollo a partir de quienes fueron sus testigos. ¿Qué sueños proyectaban en la alfabetización? ¿Qué formas de imbricación entre lo político y lo pedagógico se produjo en su desarrollo? ¿Cómo se plasmó dicha articulación? ¿Sobre qué ejes vertebraron su discurso? Entre la pedagogía de la liberación y la doctrina del peronismo ¿qué lectura predominó? El desarrollo de este trabajo de investigación se propone invitar a recorrer este camino cargado de tensiones y contradicciones que, esperamos, se convierta en una contribución al campo de la historia de la educación reciente de la Argentina
El presente trabajo propone mostrar y analizar cómo los integrantes de la agrupación HIJOS La Plata (organismos de derechos humanos conformado por hijos de víctimas del terrorismo de Estado argentino) han construido sus memorias acerca del pasado reciente. Interesan, más específicamente, las maneras en que elaboran relatos referidos al terror estatal llevado a cabo por la última dictadura (1976-1983) y al período de radicalización política inmediatamente anterior. Mientras la memoria humanitaria, propia del los organismos de derechos humanos que nacieron como respuesta defensista frente al terror estatal, centra sus denuncias en el carácter humano de las personas cuyos derechos fueron violados y omite o silencia sus trayectorias políticas; la memoria militante de los HIJOS rescata en clave reivindicatoria las experiencias políticas de sus padres y pretende no recordarlos sólo como víctimas, sino también como luchadores políticos. El objetivo de este trabajo es indagar las tensiones que resultan de la pertenencia de HIJOS al movimiento de derechos humanos, muchas de cuyas prácticas reproducen, y los conflictos que supone su intención de reivindicar la lucha revolucionaria de sus padres
Abstract This dissertation explores damaging tendencies that exist within autonomy-oriented activism in the West. I examine how affect shapes the way that internal conflict is approached and internal strife is dealt with in radical communities. I adopt Sara Ahmed’s proposition “that our emotions are bound up with the securing of the social hierarchy” (Ahmed, 2004b: 4) and given that autonomy-oriented practices are committed to dismantling existing hierarchies, it follows that the less oppressive social configurations sought by autonomous social movements must have different emotional underpinnings. My thesis involves applying critical theory on affect and emotion in social movements to interview data gathered from activists both currently and historically involved in autonomy-oriented social movement communities in Kingston, Ontario. I ask whether anglophone, western-based, autonomy-oriented social movements reproduced understandings of affect/emotions/feelings that underwrite the social order they are working against? I also ask, “how are our emotions conditioned by capitalism?”. The research that I engage with provides responses to these questions by pointing out how the dominant discourse on emotions in the West encourages and informs certain modes of identity production that affect the diminishing and sad practices of autonomy-oriented communities and the (re)production of oppressive practices found in the dominant order. My work critically places this psychologizing view of emotions, and its damaging effects on resistance, within the context of neoliberal capitalism. I argue that the way we understand the politics of affect is an important dimension of radical struggle, and will inform and impact upon our individual and collective capacities to respond to, and refuse to reproduce relations of control and domination. I look for an understanding of “why” and to “what extent” these determinations exists, and look for hope in a politics of affect which supports an autonomy-oriented ethic.
Design embeds ideas in communication and artefacts in subtle and psychologically powerful ways. Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu coined the term ‘symbolic violence’ to describe how powerful ideologies, priorities, values and even sensibilities are constructed and reproduced through cultural institutions, processes and practices. Through symbolic violence, individuals learn to consider unjust conditions as natural and even come to value customs and ideas that are oppressive. Symbolic violence normalises structural violence and enables real violence to take place, often preceding it and later justifying it. Feminist, class, race and indigenous scholars and activists describe how oppressions (how patriarchy, racism, colonialism, etc.) exist within institutions and structures, and also within cultural practices that embed ideologies into everyday life. The theory of symbolic violence sheds light on how design can function to naturalise oppressions and then obfuscate power relations around this process. Through symbolic violence, design can function as an enabler for the exploitation of certain groups of people and the environment they (and ultimately ‘we’) depend on to live. Design functions as symbolic violence when it is involved with the creation and reproduction of ideas, practices, tools and processes that result in structural and other types of violence (including ecocide). Breaking symbolic violence involves discovering how it works and building capacities to challenge and transform dysfunctional ideologies, structures and institutions. This conversation will give participants an opportunity to discuss, critique and/or develop the theory of design as symbolic violence as a basis for the development of design strategies for social justice.
This article analyses the factors behind the paradoxical result of the Brazilian gun-control referendum. It adopts a qualitative approach to explore the dissemination of ideologies surrounding crime, gun control and security. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with activists involved in the referendum's campaign. The results reveal that ideologically driven campaigns in a context of corruption scandals, high levels of violence and fear influenced the result. The neoliberal discourse of individual freedoms played a role, as did the phrasing of the referendum's question, fragile confidence in public institutions and unequal campaign funding and regulation.
Research on women prisoners and drug use is scarce in our context and needs theoretical tools to understand their life paths. In this article, I introduce an intersectional perspective on the experiences of women in prison, with particular focus on drug use. To illustrate this, I draw on the life story of one of the women interviewed in prison, in order to explore the axes of inequality in the lives of women in prison. These are usually presented as accumulated and articulated in complex and diverse ways. The theoretical tool of intersectionality allows us to gain an understanding of the phenomenon of women prisoners who have used drugs. This includes both the structural constraints in which they were embedded and the decisions they made, considering the circumstances of disadvantage in which they were immersed. This is a perspective which has already been intuitively present since the dawn of feminist criminology in the English-speaking world and can now be developed further due to new contributions in this field of gender studies.
This work focuses on the study of the circular migration between America and Europe, particularly in the discussion about knowledge transfer and the way that social networks reconfigure the form of information distribution among people, that due to labor and academic issues have left their own country. The main purpose of this work is to study the impact of social media use in migration flows between Mexico and Spain, more specifically the use by Mexican migrants who have moved for multiple years principally for educational purposes and then have returned to their respective locations in Mexico seeking to integrate themselves into the labor market. Our data collection concentrated exclusively on a group created on Facebook by Mexicans who mostly reside in Barcelona, Spain or wish to travel to the city for economic, educational or tourist reasons. The results of this research show that while social networks are spaces for exchange and integration, there is a clear tendency by this group to "narrow lines" and to look back to their homeland, slowing the process of opening socially in their new context.
The paper investigates the dynamics and volution of issues on the agenda of Baltic environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs) since the collapse of communism. The past research on Baltic environment activism suggests that these enjoy high visibility because they tapped the core societal views of natural environment as a crucial asset of a nation. As we demonstrate in this paper, the changes in agendas of Baltic environmental non-governmental organisations (ENGOs) make clear that the rhetorical toolbox of ‘national environment’ is often used to mainly achieve greater financial gains for individual members, rather than for society at large. We illustrate how the dearth of economic opportunities for domestic public has impacted perceptions of ‘nature’ advocated by the environmental activists, focussing specifically on national perceptions of ownership and the resulting actions appropriating ‘nature’ as a source for economic development, only tangentially attaining environmental outcomes on the way. The vision that the ‘environment’ is an economic resource allowed ENGO activists to cooperate with the domestic policymaking, while tapping international networks and donors for funding. Throughout the past decades they worked to secure their own and their members' particularistic economic interests and, as we demonstrate, remained disengaged from the political process and failed to develop broader reproach with publics.
Scholarship generated in the post-civil rights US underpins a growing consensus that any honest confrontation with the American past requires an acknowledgment both of the nation’s foundations in racially-based slave labour and of the critical role that the enslaved played in ending that system. But scholars equally need to examine why the end of slavery did not deliver freedom, but instead – after a short-lived ‘jubilee’ during which freedpeople savoured their ‘brief moment in the sun’ – opened up a period of extreme repression and violence. This article traces the political trajectory of one prominent ex-slave and Republican party organiser, Elias Hill, to assess the constraints in which black grassroots activists operated. Though mainly concerned with the dashed hopes of African Americans, their experience of a steep reversal is in many ways the shared and profoundly significant legacy of ex-slaves across the former plantation societies of the Atlantic world.
Focusing on post-apartheid South Africa, the report explores the role of lawyers in truth recovery mechanisms.
The report was prepared by Dr Rachel Killean and draws on a series of interviews conducted in South Africa (with legal academics, ‘struggle’ lawyers, state lawyers, judges and human rights activists) as part of the wider Lawyers, Conflict and Transition project.
Dr Killean begins with an overview of the various roles the legal profession has played in South Africa, both during the apartheid era and post-transition.
The first half of the report then explores the role of lawyers as professional participants – firstly at the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission and secondly in the Marikana Commission of Inquiry.
The report then considers the notion of lawyers as subjects of truth recovery, looking in particular at the Special Legal Hearing on the legal profession as part of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
In the concluding section Killean reflects on the extent to which lawyers influence the procedures and outcomes of truth recovery mechanisms and offers some concrete suggestions as to how the involvement of lawyers in such processes might be more effectively managed.
With regard to lawyers as subjects of truth recovery, she acknowledges the limitations of the South African model but posits that the endeavour must be applauded, not least because it demonstrated that it is possible to scrutinise the role of the legal profession in past conflict, and that it is worth wrestling with the associated challenges.