432 resultados para ASTM E681


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Composite porcelain enamels are inorganic coatings for metallic components based on a special ceramic-vitreous matrix in which specific additives are randomly dispersed. The ceramic-vitreous matrix is made by a mixture of various raw materials and elements and in particular it is based on boron-silicate glass added with metal oxides(1) of titanium, zinc, tin, zirconia, alumina, ecc. These additions are often used to improve and enhance some important performances such as corrosion(2) and wear resistance, mechanical strength, fracture toughness and also aesthetic functions. The coating process, called enamelling, depends on the nature of the surface, but also on the kind of the used porcelain enamel. For metal sheets coatings two industrial processes are actually used: one based on a wet porcelain enamel and another based on a dry-silicone porcelain enamel. During the firing process, that is performed at about 870°C in the case of a steel substrate, the enamel raw material melts and interacts with the metal substrate so enabling the formation of a continuous varying structure. The interface domain between the substrate and the external layer is made of a complex material system where the ceramic vitreous and the metal constituents are mixed. In particular four main regions can be identified, (i) the pure metal region, (ii) the region where the metal constituents are dominant compared with the ceramic vitreous components, (iii) the region where the ceramic vitreous constituents are dominant compared with the metal ones, and the fourth region (iv) composed by the pure ceramic vitreous material. It has also to be noticed the presence of metallic dendrites that hinder the substrate and the external layer passing through the interphase region. Each region of the final composite structure plays a specific role: the metal substrate has mainly the structural function, the interphase region and the embedded dendrites guarantee the adhesion of the external vitreous layer to the substrate and the external vitreous layer is characterized by an high tribological, corrosion and thermal shock resistance. Such material, due to its internal composition, functionalization and architecture can be considered as a functionally graded composite material. The knowledge of the mechanical, tribological and chemical behavior of such composites is not well established and the research is still in progress. In particular the mechanical performances data about the composite coating are not jet established. In the present work the Residual Stresses, the Young modulus and the First Crack Failure of the composite porcelain enamel coating are studied. Due to the differences of the porcelain composite enamel and steel thermal properties the enamelled steel sheets have residual stresses: compressive residual stress acts on the coating and tensile residual stress acts on the steel sheet. The residual stresses estimation has been performed by measuring the curvature of rectangular one-side coated specimens. The Young modulus and the First Crack Failure (FCF) of the coating have been estimated by four point bending tests (3-7) monitored by means of the Acoustic Emission (AE) technique(5,6). In particular the AE information has been used to identify, during the bending tests, the displacement domain over which no coating failure occurs (Free Failure Zone, FFZ). In the FFZ domain, the Young modulus has been estimated according to ASTM D6272-02. The FCF has been calculated as the ratio between the displacement at the first crack of the coating and the coating thickness on the cracked side. The mechanical performances of the tested coated specimens have also been related and discussed to respective microstructure and surface characteristics by double entry charts.


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Numerose evidenze dimostrano che le proprietà dei materiali compositi sono strettamente legate ai processi produttivi, alle tipologie di fibra e resina impiegate nel materiale stesso. Proprietà caratterizzate anche dai difetti contenuti nel materiale stesso. Nella tesi si presta particolare attenzione al processo produttivo con prepreg e autoclave trattando anche il tema della stesura di un ply-book. Si valutano in modo teorico e critico alcuni tra i metodi N.D.T. più avanzati tra cui: P.T.(Penetrant Test), Rx(Radiography Test), UT (Ultrasound Test in Phased Array) e IRT (InfraRed Termography - Pulsata). Molteplici sono i componenti testati che variano tra loro per: tipologia di resina e fibra impiegata, processo produttivo e geometria. Tutti questi componenti permettono di capire come i singoli parametri influenzino la visualizzazione e l'applicabilità delle tecniche N.D.T. sopra citate. Su alcuni provini è stata eseguita la prova meccanica Drop Weight Test secondo ASTM D7136 per correlare le aree di delaminazione indotte e la sensibilità di ogni singolo metodo, visualizzando così la criticità indotta dagli urti con bassa energia di impatto (BVID Barely Invisible Impact)di cui i materiali compositi soffrono durante la "service life". A conclusione del lavoro si potrà comprendere come solo l'analisi con più metodi in parallelo permetta di ottenere una adeguata Probability Of Detection.


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Studio su giunti incollati attraverso il metodo agli elementi finiti (FEM). E’ stata implementata l’analisi numerica su provini seguendo lo standard della normativa ASTM International relativa a prove sperimentali, per giunzioni di lamine in metallo o in materiale composito. Si è introdotto il materiale composito, cercando di inquadrarne le proprietà, i limiti e i vantaggi rispetto ai materiali tradizionalmente usati, sono stati elencati i difetti che possono nascere e svilupparsi in un composito durante la sua vita operativa, i quali, anche se di piccole dimensioni, a volte possono risultare tanto pericolosi da portare al collasso dell’intera struttura. Nasce, quindi, durante la fase di progettazione la necessità di rilevare, caratterizzare e tenere sotto controllo i danni e considerare i materiali non completamente esenti da difetti. Si è parlato, poi, del processo di riparazione, ove possibile, come alternativa alla sostituzione del componente con un notevole risparmio sui costi di manutenzione. Sono stai presi in esame i vari metodi effettuando un confronto tra essi. Per questo lavoro di tesi, è stato preso in esame l’incollaggio come metodo di fissaggio tra la membrana riparata e la struttura esistente e ne è stata descritta la teoria. Dopo questa panoramica si è passati alla verifica sugli incollaggi attraverso le analisi FEM.


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In letteratura sono presenti numerosi studi che descrivono i fattori che influenzano la vita a fatica di un laminato in CFRP e le modalità di propagazione ed accrescimento a fatica di un difetto. Tuttavia non sono presenti studi approfonditi che leghino l’effetto che può avere la grammatura, sulla vita a fatica del laminato. Il lavoro sperimentale oggetto di questa tesi vuole intendersi un lavoro preliminare, a carattere esplorativo, sullo studio della sensibilità della grammatura sulla resistenza a fatica di laminati in CFRP, attraverso test di flessione a fatica su due configurazioni di provini di grammature differenti (600 e 800 gr/m^2), con e senza inserimento di un difetto artificiale rappresentato da un intaglio sugli ultimi strati del laminato e test di flessione eseguito in accordo allo standard ASTM D2344/D2344M. I test a fatica hanno evidenziato una sensibile riduzione della vita per i provini senza difetto realizzati con l’800 gr/m^2 rispetto a quelli realizzati con il 600 gr/m^2. Per quanto concerne la tolleranza al danno, i provini realizzati con 600 gr/m^2 hanno evidenziato una sensibilità maggiore all’effetto di intaglio, pur avendo un comportamento migliore rispetto a quelli realizzati con l’800 gr/m^2.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è valutare la resistenza a compressione e il valore del modulo elastico di tre laminati ottenuti con lo stesso materiale composito, CFRP, distinti in fase di laminazione dall’utilizzo di tre diverse tipologie di distaccante (peel-ply, film distaccante e controstampo). In questo modo è stato possibile valutare come quest’ultimi abbiano influito, in modo diverso per ogni laminato, sull’omogeneità dello spessore, sul peso, sulla fuoriuscita di resina e sulla percentuale volumetrica delle fibre. Tali fattori a loro volta hanno caratterizzato i valori di resistenza a compressione e modulo elastico. Nei capitoli successivi è descritto un metodo di analisi a compressione dei materiali compositi, a matrice epossidica rinforzata con fibre di carbonio (CFRP), denominato Combined Loading Compression (CLC) Test Method, basato sull’applicazione, combinata, del carico sul campione, a taglio e all’estremità. La realizzazione dei provini è stata effettuata presso i laboratori dell’università: sono stati realizzati 3 laminati, per ognuno dei quali si è scelto di utilizzare su ogni pezzo una diversa tipologia di distaccante: controstampo, film distaccante e peel-ply, allo scopo di valutare quanta resina uscirà dal manufatto una volta in autoclave e quanta variazione di spessore avremo. Da ognuno di questi laminati sono stati ricavati 5 provini. La campagna sperimentale è stata condotta presso il Laboratorio Tecnologie dei Materiali Faenza (TEMAF). L’elaborazione dei dati è stata effettuata mediante l’utilizzo del software Office Excel, in cui sono stati calcolati i parametri fondamentali, suggeriti dalla normativa ASTM D6641/D6641M, per la caratterizzazione meccanica a compressione dei materiali CFRP.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical compatibility of model soil-bentonite backfills containing multiswellable bentonite (MSB) relative to that of similar backfills containing untreated sodium (Na) bentonite or a commercially available, contaminant resistant bentonite (SW101). Flexible-wall tests were conducted on consolidated backfill specimens (effective stress =34.5 kPa) containing clean sand and 4.5–5.7% bentonite (by dry weight) using tap water and calcium chloride (CaCl2) solutions (10–1,000 mM) as the permeant liquids. Final values of hydraulic conductivity (k) and intrinsic permeability (K) to the CaCl2 solutions were determined after achieving both short-term termination criteria as defined by ASTM D5084 and long-term termination criteria for chemical equilibrium between the influent and effluent. Specimens containing MSB exhibited the smallest increases in k and K upon permeation with a given CaCl2 solution relative to specimens containing untreated Na bentonite or SW101. However, none of the specimens exhibited more than a five-fold increase in k or K, regardless of CaCl2 concentration or bentonite type. Final k values for specimens permeated with a given CaCl2 solution after permeation with tap water were similar to those for specimens of the same backfill permeated with only the CaCl2 solution, indicating that the order of permeation had no significant effect on k. Also, final k values for all specimens were within a factor of two of the k measured after achieving the ASTM D5084 termination criteria. Thus, use of only the ASTM D5084 criteria would have been sufficient to obtain reasonable estimates of long-term hydraulic conductivity for the specimens in this study.


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ASTM A529 carbon¿manganese steel angle specimens were joined by flash butt welding and the effects of varying process parameter settings on the resulting welds were investigated. The weld metal and heat affected zones were examined and tested using tensile testing, ultrasonic scanning, Rockwell hardness testing, optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy in order to quantify the effect of process variables on weld quality. Statistical analysis of experimental tensile and ultrasonic scanning data highlighted the sensitivity of weld strength and the presence of weld zone inclusions and interfacial defects to the process factors of upset current, flashing time duration, and upset dimension. Subsequent microstructural analysis revealed various phases within the weld and heat affected zone, including acicular ferrite, Widmanstätten or side-plate ferrite, and grain boundary ferrite. Inspection of the fracture surfaces of multiple tensile specimens, with scanning electron microscopy, displayed evidence of brittle cleavage fracture within the weld zone for certain factor combinations. Test results also indicated that hardness was increased in the weld zone for all specimens, which can be attributed to the extensive deformation of the upset operation. The significance of weld process factor levels on microstructure, fracture characteristics, and weld zone strength was analyzed. The relationships between significant flash welding process variables and weld quality metrics as applied to ASTM A529-Grade 50 steel angle were formalized in empirical process models.


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Hooked reinforcing bars (rebar) are used frequently to carry the tension forces developed in beams and transferred to columns. Research into epoxy coated hooked bars has only been minimally performed and no research has been carried out incorporating the coating process found in ASTM A934. This research program compares hooked rebar that are uncoated, coated by ASTM A775, and coated by ASTM A934. In total, forty-two full size beam-column specimens were created, instrumented and tested to failure. The program was carried out in three phases. The first phase was used to refine the test setup and procedures. Phase two explored the spacing of column ties within the joint region. Phase three explored the three coating types found above. Each specimen included two hooked rebar which were loaded and measured independently for relative rebar slip. The load and displacement of the hooked rebar were analyzed, focusing on behavior at the levels of 30 ksi, 42 ksi and 60 ksi of rebar stress. Statistical and general comparisons were made using the coating types, tie spacing, and rebar stress level. Many of the parameters composing the rebar and concrete were also tested to characterize the components and specimens. All rebar tested met ASTM standards for tensile strength, but the newer ASTM A934 method seemed to produce slightly lower yield strengths. The A934 method also produced coating thicknesses that were very inconsistent and were higher than ASTM maximum limits in many locations. Continuity of coating surfaces was found to be less than 100% for both A775 and A934 rebar, but for different reasons. The many comparisons made did not always produce clear conclusions. The data suggests that the ACI Code (318-05) parameter of 1.2 for including epoxy coating on hooked rebar may need to be raised, possibly to 2.5, but more testing needs to be performed before such a large value change is set forth. This is particularly important as variables were identified which may have a larger influence on rebar capacity than the Development Length, of which the current 1.2 factor modifies. Many suggestions for future work are included throughout the thesis to help guide other researchers in carrying out successful and productive programs which will further the highly understudied topic of hooked rebar.


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Carboxylate-based deicing and anti-icing chemicals became widely used in the mid 1990s, replacing more environmentally burdensome chemicals. Within a few years of their adoption, distress of portland cement concrete runways was reported by a few airports using the new chemicals. Distress manifested characteristics identical to that of alkali silica reactivity (ASR), but onset occurred early in the pavement’s operating life and with pavements thought to contain innocuous aggregate. The carboxylate-based deicing chemicals were suspected of exacerbating ASR-like expansion. Innocuous, moderately, and highly reactive aggregates were tested using modified ASTM C1260 and ASTM C1567 procedures with soak solutions containing deicer solutions and sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. ASR-like expansion is exacerbated in the presence of potassium acetate. The expansion rate produced by a given aggregate is also a function of the alkali hydroxide used. Petrographic analyses were performed on thin sections prepared from mortar bars used in the experiments. Expansion occurred via two mechanisms; rupture of aggregate grains and expansion of paste.


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This study investigates the compressive properties of concrete incorporating Mature Fine Tailings (MFTs) waste stream from a tar sands mining operation. The objectives of this study are to investigate material properties of the MFT material itself, as well as establish general feasibility of the utilization of MFT material in concrete mixtures through empirical data and visual observations. Investigations undertaken in this study consist of moisture content, materials finer than No. 200 sieve, Atterburg Limits as well as visual observations performed on MFT material as obtained. Control concrete mixtures as well as MFT replacement mixture designs (% by wt. of water) were guided by properties of the MFT material that were experimentally established. The experimental design consists of compression testing of 4”-diameter concrete cylinders of a control mixture, 30% MFT, 50% MFT and 70% MFT replacement mixtures with air-entrainer additive, as well as a control mixture and 30% MFT replacement mixture with no air-entrainer. A total of 6 mixtures (2 control mixtures, 4 replacement mixtures) moist-cured in lime water after 24 hours initial curing were tested for ultimate compressive strength at 7 days and 28 days in accordance to ASTM C39. The test results of fresh concrete material show that the addition of air-entrainer to the control mixture increases slump from 4” to 5.5”. However, the use of MFT material in concrete mixtures significantly decreases slump as compared to controls. All MFT replacement mixtures (30%, 50%, and 70%) with air-entrainer present slumps of 1”. 30% MFT with no air-entrainer presents a slump of 1.5”. It was found that 7-day ultimate compressive stress was not a good predictor of 28-day ultimate compressive stress. 28-day results indicate that the use of MFT material in concrete with air-entrainer decreases ultimate compressive stress for 30%, 50% and 70% MFT replacement amounts by 14.2%, 17.3% and 25.1% respectively.


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Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage experiments were conducted at ambient conditions in varying weight % sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) solutions. Experiments were conducted to determine the optimal amount of Na2CO3 in solution for CO2 absorption. It was concluded that a 2% Na2CO3 solution, by weight, was the most efficient solution. The 2% Na2CO3 solution is able to absorb 0.5 g CO2/g Na2CO3. These results led to studies to determine how the gas bubble size affected carbon dioxide absorption in the solution. Studies were conducted using ASTM porosity gas diffusers to vary the bubble size. Gas diffusers with porosities of fine, medium, and extra coarse were used. Results found that the medium porosity gas diffuser was the most efficient at absorbing CO2 at 50%. Variation in the bubble size concluded that absorption of carbon dioxide into the sodium carbonate solution does depend on the bubble size, thus is mass transfer limited. Once the capture stage was optimized (amount of Na2CO3 in solution and bubble size), the next step was to determine if carbon dioxide could be stored as a calcium carbonate mineral using calcium rich industrial waste and if the sodium carbonate solution could be simultaneously regenerated. Studies of CO2 sequestration at ambient conditions have shown that it is possible to permanently sequester CO2 in the form of calcium carbonate using a calcium rich industrial waste. Studies have also shown that it is possible to regenerate a fraction of the sodium carbonate solution.


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The need for a stronger and more durable building material is becoming more important as the structural engineering field expands and challenges the behavioral limits of current materials. One of the demands for stronger material is rooted in the effects that dynamic loading has on a structure. High strain rates on the order of 101 s-1 to 103 s-1, though a small part of the overall types of loading that occur anywhere between 10-8 s-1 to 104 s-1 and at any point in a structures life, have very important effects when considering dynamic loading on a structure. High strain rates such as these can cause the material and structure to behave differently than at slower strain rates, which necessitates the need for the testing of materials under such loading to understand its behavior. Ultra high performance concrete (UHPC), a relatively new material in the U.S. construction industry, exhibits many enhanced strength and durability properties compared to the standard normal strength concrete. However, the use of this material for high strain rate applications requires an understanding of UHPC’s dynamic properties under corresponding loads. One such dynamic property is the increase in compressive strength under high strain rate load conditions, quantified as the dynamic increase factor (DIF). This factor allows a designer to relate the dynamic compressive strength back to the static compressive strength, which generally is a well-established property. Previous research establishes the relationships for the concept of DIF in design. The generally accepted methodology for obtaining high strain rates to study the enhanced behavior of compressive material strength is the split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB). In this research, 83 Cor-Tuf UHPC specimens were tested in dynamic compression using a SHPB at Michigan Technological University. The specimens were separated into two categories: ambient cured and thermally treated, with aspect ratios of 0.5:1, 1:1, and 2:1 within each category. There was statistically no significant difference in mean DIF for the aspect ratios and cure regimes that were considered in this study. DIF’s ranged from 1.85 to 2.09. Failure modes were observed to be mostly Type 2, Type 4, or combinations thereof for all specimen aspect ratios when classified according to ASTM C39 fracture pattern guidelines. The Comite Euro-International du Beton (CEB) model for DIF versus strain rate does not accurately predict the DIF for UHPC data gathered in this study. Additionally, a measurement system analysis was conducted to observe variance within the measurement system and a general linear model analysis was performed to examine the interaction and main effects that aspect ratio, cannon pressure, and cure method have on the maximum dynamic stress.


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The primary objective of this study was to determine if there is a change in permeation rates when limited use protective fabrics undergo repeated exposure and wash cycles. The null hypothesis of this study was that no substantial change in permeation takes place after the test material is subjected to repeated contact with a strong acid or base and has undergone repeated wash cycles. ^ The materials tested were DuPont Tychem® CPF 3 and CPF 4 fabrics. The challenge chemicals in this study were ninety-eight percent sulfuric acid and fifty percent sodium hydroxide. Permeation testing was conducted utilizing ASTM designation F739-99a Standard Test Method for Resistance of Protective Clothing Materials to Permeation by Liquids or Gases Under Conditions of Continuous Contact. ^ In this study, no change in permeation rates of either challenge chemical was detected for CPF 3 or CPF 4 limited use protective fabrics after repeated exposure and wash cycles. Certain unexposed areas of the fabric suffered structural degradation unrelated to exposure and which may be due to multiple washings.^


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El polvo de ajo (Allium sativum L.) es una alternativa para conservar en el tiempo sus propiedades sensoriales y prolongar su vida útil como alimento procesado. En la actualidad, no existe una definición clara de las propiedades sensoriales que caracterizan el ajo ni de las técnicas más adecuadas para su análisis. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron estudiar diferentes vehículos y determinar el más apropiado para el análisis sensorial del polvo de ajo, y generar y definir los descriptores para las propiedades sensoriales de olor y flavor de diferentes cultivares deshidratados a través de dos métodos: en estufa a 50°C y por liofilización a -50°C, bajo vacío. Se pretende contribuir a la caracterización de este producto aportando un vocabulario específico y sus definiciones, como así también una metodología sensorial propia. Ocho evaluadores, seleccionados y entrenados de acuerdo con las normas internacionales y con experiencia en análisis sensorial, probaron diferentes vehículos y una vez determinado el más adecuado, desarrollaron el lenguaje descriptivo para los ajos desecados y liofilizados seleccionando por consenso los descriptores que mejor caracterizaban las cultivares, y se definió cada término. Se generaron 31 descriptores simples. Si bien, algunos de los descriptores coincidieron con los publicados en la guía ASTM DS 66 (1996) para ajos frescos, con esta investigación se aportó un amplio número de términos nuevos para la descripción del olor y el flavor de los ajos desecados y liofilizados, los cuales contribuyen a una mejor caracterización sensorial de este producto.


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Experimental research has been performed to relate specific cement characteristics to deterioration due to sulfate and sea water attack after five year exposure, and to study different test method suitability for sulfate and marine resistance. Sulfate resistance testing have been performed on mortar specimens made with fifteen cement types of statistically diverse chemical composition according to European standard EN 197-1, most of them with sulfate resistant properties according to Spanish regulations. Chemical and mechanical characteristics were studied to determine the variation in properties of selected cements. SO3 content, type and amount of additions, C3A, and C4AF content were used to examine relationships between these characteristics and the results of sulfate resistance. Mortar specimens testing using Na2SO4 as the aggressive medium according to ASTM 1012 (with w/c ratio adapted to prENV 196-X:1995) was performed using each type of cement; identical specimens were also stored in sea water, and in lime saturated water (blank condition), up to five year age. Additionally these cements were tested conforming ASTM 452 and Koch and Steinegger test. Recommended acceptance limits for sulfate resistance of cements concerning to each used test method were evaluated in order to explore their suitability. Relationships between cement characteristics, degradation, expansive products obtained by X-ray diffraction techniques and maximum expansion after applied storage treatments, were correlated at final age, to redefine cement characteristics for sulfate resistant and marine resistant Portland cement