1000 resultados para 1995_04020655 CTD-65 4502601


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This study aimed to determine whether associations between the perceived environment and physical activity are moderated by urban-rural status among midolder aged adults. Environmental (safety, aesthetics, physical activity environment) and physical activity (total, leisure, transport) data from 3,888 adults (55 to 65 years) from urban and rural areas of Victoria, Australia, were analyzed. Multinomial logistic regression examined interactions between urban-rural status and environments in associations with physical activity. Significant (P < .05) interactions were evident and indicated positive associations only among older rural adults for both safety and aesthetics with total and transport physical activity (e.g., rural adults reporting higher safety were 91% to 118% more likely to have higher activity than rural adults reporting low safety). In contrast, the physical activity environment was positively associated with leisure activity among only urban adults. Findings suggest that some tailoring of physical activity promotion strategies targeting the environment may be required for urban and rural midolder aged adults.


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Este estudo apresenta uma pesquisa realizada em 65 municípios turísticos brasileiros, no período de dezembro de 2007 a fevereiro de 2008, cujo objetivo é avaliar a implementação do Programa de Regionalização do Turismo nesses municípios. Este programa é o eixo principal das políticas públicas do turismo brasileiro, lançado pelo Ministério do Turismo em 2004. Para compreensão dessa política pública do turismo, realizou-se uma pesquisa documental nos arquivos do Ministério do Turismo, neste descrevem-se o Plano Nacional de Turismo (2003-2007) e o Programa de Regionalização do Turismo; também se realizou uma revisão de literatura sobre os princípios e conceitos em que se alicerça o programa: descentralização participativa, integração, sustentabilidade e a elaboração de uma matriz para avaliação de processo utilizada neste trabalho. Faziam parte da pesquisa as 27 capitais estaduais, o Distrito Federal e mais 37 municípios localizados em consolidados destinos turísticos (Floresta Amazônica, Pantanal Mato-grossense, Serras Gaúchas, Cidades Históricas de Minas, Litoral do Nordeste e outros). Por meio da pesquisa de campo e observação sistemática in loco, 23 pesquisadores coletaram informações dos gestores de turismo locais, utilizando-se de formulários fechados. Estes formulários forma elaborados tendo em vista os objetivos dos nove módulos operacionais previstos no Programa de Regionalização do Turismo e seus indicadores de resultados previamente determinados. As respostas, depois da tabuladas e calculadas suas frequências, foram transformadas em gráficos de colunas para fornecer uma visão clara da atual situação do programa em relação à sua implementação nos municípios. Analisando os resultados, obteve-se que, dos nove módulos do programa, quatro foram implementados com eficácia restrita nos municípios, necessitando de ajustes em suas ações operacionais, por parte dos municípios; outros quatro módulos alcançaram resultados mais modestos quanto à sua implementação, demandando melhor acompanhamento e correções por conta dos gestores de turismo; e um módulo teve resultado ineficaz, pois foi implementado em apenas sete municípios, este sim, merecendo maior atenção na sua estruturação, nos seus objetivos, competências delegadas e estratégias. Confrontando esses resultados com a revisão teórica aqui levantada, verificou-se que o processo descentralizador aflorou a fragilidade dos municípios que não cumprem com suas atribuições previstas no programa; evidenciou-se uma fraca integração entre municípios e entre setores público/privado, no sentido de formarem ¿redes¿ de relacionamento e mostrou que o principal programa público de turismo do Brasil está carente de monitoramento e avaliação.


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Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender a autopercepção das condições de saúde bucal do grupo etário de 65-74 anos da Região da Serra/RS. Utilizou dados do SBBrasil, coletados pela SES/RS. A população final da amostra foi constituída de 618 idosos, sendo 57% de mulheres. Esta coleta foi realizada através de um questionário com questões fechadas sobre dados sócio-demográficos e questões de autopercepção em saúde bucal, bem como de um exame bucal. A análise dos dados foi feita através da regressão logística multinomial. O exame clínico revelou que quase a metade dos idosos está desdentada e classificou sua saúde bucal como boa ou ótima. Em relação a presença de dor, 28,8% dos indivíduos relataram que sentiram dor nos seis meses que antecederam a entrevista. A dor permaneceu estatisticamente associada à classificação da saúde bucal (OR= 2,3; IC95%: 1,24-4,44) e da mastigação (OR=1,9; IC%95: 1,07-3,24). A necessidade de prótese total permaneceu associada, após o ajuste, com a classificação da aparência dos dentes e gengiva (OR=0,3; IC95%: 0,11-0,78), da mastigação (OR=0,2; IC95%: 0,09- 0,46) e da autopercepção da influência da saúde bucal nos relacionamentos (OR=3,4; IC95%: 1,47-7,75). A renda pessoal manteve associação, após o ajuste, com a classificação da fala (OR=4,5; IC95%: 1,34- 15,12). A escolaridade, após o ajuste, manteve associação com a autopercepção da influência da saúde bucal nos relacionamentos (OR=1,9; IC95%: 1,06-3,43). Conclui-se que a dor e a necessidade de prótese total têm forte relação com as questões de autopercepção em saúde bucal.


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Genetic variation in the transcription factor interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6) causes and contributes risk for oral clefting disorders. We hypothesized that genes regulated by IRF6 are also involved in oral clefting disorders. We used five criteria to identify potential IRF6 target genes; differential gene expression in skin taken from wild-type and Irf6-deficient murine embryos, localization to the Van der Woude syndrome 2 (VWS2) locus at 1p36-1p32, overlapping expression with Irf6, presence of a conserved predicted-binding site in the promoter region, and a mutant murine phenotype that was similar to the Irf6 mutant mouse. Previously, we observed altered expression for 573 genes; 13 were located in the murine region syntenic to the VWS2 locus. Two of these genes, Wdr65 and Stratifin, met 4 of 5 criteria. Wdr65 was a novel gene that encoded a predicted protein of 1,250 amino acids with two WD domains. As potential targets for Irf6 regulation, we hypothesized that disease-causing mutations will be found in WDR65 and Stratifin in individuals with VWS or VWS-like syndromes. We identified a potentially etiologic missense mutation in WDR65 in a person with VWS who does not have an exonic mutation in IRF6. The expression and mutation data were consistent with the hypothesis that WDR65 was a novel gene involved in oral clefting. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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ZrTiO4 (ZT), obtained by the Pechini method, was used as precursor for obtaining PLZT (lead lanthanum zirconium titanate). An aqueous solution of oxalic acid was prepared with particles of ZT, Pb(NO3)(2) and La2O3. After the PbC2O4 and La2O3 precipitate on ZT particles, the materials were calcined and X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed the cubic phase of PLZT. This material was sintered, in two steps, and a density of about 8.0 g/cm(3) was obtained. After the second sintering the XRD pattern showed the occurrence of tetragonal and rhombohedral phases. This was caused by a stoichiometric deviation and the material showed a high optical transparency. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study consisted of an investigation of the influence of powder preparation on the phase and chemical compositions and microstructure of 9.5/65/35 PLZT materials sintered in an oxygen atmosphere. The powders with the formula Pb0.905La0.095(Zr0.65Ti0.35)(0.976)O-3+3.5 wt.% PbO were prepared by the polymeric organometallic precursor method (the Pechini method and the partial oxalate procedure). Phase composition was determined by X-ray diffraction of powder and EDS analysis, while grain size was determined based on the micrograph obtained from SEM. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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PLZT(9/65/35) obtained by association between the Pechini method (ZT) and partial oxalate (PLZT) was prepared. The stoichiometric phase and monophasic (cubic) PLZT obtained by calcination did not occur after sintering. The sintering process, by using two stages, caused a liquid phase formation due to a PbO excess (5 and 10 wt%). Samples with high density (similar to 8 g/cm(3)) and optical transparency(similar to 12%) were obtained. However, an equilibrium between the excess of PbO of sample/atmosphere PbO leads to a segregated PbO phase on the boundaries of the microstructure. A diffusion of Zr, Ti and La ions from PLZT to PbO phase promoted a stoichiometric deviation of the matrix and modified the optical and dielectric characteristics. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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The 9.5/65/35 PLZT was prepared from the polymeric precursors (the Pechini and partial oxalate process) and by sintering in two stages in an oxygen atmosphere. After thermal treatment at 400 degreesC, the powders were calcinated and sintered at 1200 degreesC with slow heating and cooling rates. The second stage of sintering consisted of hot pressing at the same temperature in oxygen atmosphere. After calcination of PLZT powders obtained by both methods, as well as after sintering of PLZT obtained by Pechini process, the paraelectric cubic phase was formed. After sintering of PLZT obtained by partial oxalate procedure, small tetragonality of crystal structure was observed. After hot pressing PLZT was pseudocubic. SEM microstructural analyses were carried out of the sintering and hot pressed samples and indicated the small grain size less than 2 mum. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A 9.5/65/35 PLZT ceramic with a Pb-0.905 La-0.095 (Zr-0.65 Ti-0.35)(0.976) O-3 + 35 w% PbO formula was prepared using the Pechini method for powder preparation and two-step sintering in an oxygen atmosphere. Thr first step consisted of sintering at 1200 degrees C for 4 h with slow heating and cooling rates. The second step consisted of hot pressing at 1200 degrees C for 3 h, with slow heating and cooling rates and pressing pressures of 20 MPa (initial pressure) and 40 MPa (at sintering temperature). Investigations were made of the powder phase formation and powder morphology, i.e. The structure of sintered and hot-pressed PLZT ceramics. SEM microstructural analyses were carried out on the sintering and hot-pressing processes. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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Crack-free polycrystalline PLZT (Pb,a)(Zr,Ti)O-3 thin films with the perovskite structure were prepared by dir-coating using the Pechinis process. Lead acetate, hydrated lanthanum carbonate, zirconium n-propoxide and titanium isopropoxide were used as raw materials. The viscosity of the solution was adjusted in the range of 20 to 56 cP and the films were deposited by a dip-coating process on silicon (100) as substrate. Solutions with ionic concentration of 0.1 and 0.2 M were used. Thin film deposition was accomplished by dipping the substrates in the solution with control of withdrawal speed from 5 to 20 mm/min. The thin films were thermally treated in two steps: at 300 degreesC amid 650 degreesC. The influence of withdrawal speed. viscosity, heating rate and ionic concentration on the morphology of PLZT thin film was discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Heat-shock proteins (HSPs) are currently one of the most promising targets for the development of immunotherapy against tumours and autoimmune disorders. This protein family has the capacity to activate or modulate the function of different immune system cells. They induce the activation of monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells, and contribute to cross-priming, an important mechanism of presentation of exogenous antigen in the context of MHC class I molecules, These various immunological properties of HSP have encouraged their use in several clinical trials. Nevertheless, an important issue regarding these proteins is whether the high homology among HSPs across different species may trigger the breakdown of immune tolerance and induce autoimmune diseases. We have developed a DNA vaccine codifying the Mycobacterium leprae Hsp65 (DNAhsp65), which showed to be highly immunogenic and protective against experimental tuberculosis. Here, we address the question of whether DNAhsp65 immunization could induce pathological autoimmunity in mice. Our results show that DNAhsp65 vaccination induced antibodies that can recognize the human Hsp60 but did not induce harmful effects in 16 different organs analysed by histopathology up to 210 days after vaccination. We also showed that anti-DNA antibodies were not elicited after DNA vaccination. The results are important for the development of both HSP and DNA-based immunomodulatory agents.