998 resultados para 16-159
Phytochemical investigation of the stems of Kadsura heteroclita led to isolation of 16 compounds, including the triterpenoid named longipcdlactone J (2), and two dibenzocyclooctadiene type lignans named heteroclitin I and J (3, 4). Compounds 8-10, 14, and
The 70% EtOH extract of Polygonum cuspidatum showed inhibitory action against HIV-1-induced syncytium formation at non-cytotoxic concentrations in vitro with a 50% effective concentration (EC50) of 13.94 +/- 3.41 mu g/mL. Through bioactivity-guided fractionation, 20 phenolic compounds, including eight stilbenoids, were isolated from the roots of Polygonum cuspidatum, and their anti-HIV-1 activities were evaluated. Results showed that compounds 1, 13, 14, and 16 demonstrated fairly strong antiviral activity against HIV-1-induced cytopathic effects in C8166 lymphocytes at non-cytotoxic concentrations, with EC50 values of 4.37 +/- 1.96 mu g/mL, 19.97 +/- 5.09, 14.4 +/- 1.34 mu g/mL, and 11.29 +/- 6.26 mu g/mL and therapeutic index (TI) values of 8.12, > 10.02, > 13.89, and > 17.71, respectively. Other compounds showed either weak or no effects. Compound 6 also showed weak inhibition (153.42 +/- 19.25 mu g/mL); however, it possesses very good water solubility and showed almost no cytotoxicity (> 2000 mu g/mL), therefore achieving a fairly good TI (13.04). The activities of the two compounds (3 and 18) from Polygonum multiflorum were also assayed. The relationship between molecular structures and their bioactivities was also discussed.
Twelve new dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans, marlignans A-L (1-12), together with 16 known compounds, were isolated from the leaves and stems of Schisandra wilsoniana. The structures of 1-12 were elucidated by spectroscopic methods including 1D- and 2D-NMR techniques. Compounds 1-12 were evaluated for their anti-HIV activities, of which compounds 3, 6, 8, and 12 showed modest activities with therapeutic index values of 13.2, 15.6, 17.6, and 16.4, respectively.
柑桔花蕾蛆幼虫对芒果花蕊的危害率为60%-70%, 最高达100%, 严重影响芒果开花、 座果。该虫在云南景谷湿热气候区, 1年发生5-6代, 完成1代需16-32日, 世代重叠。采取综合防治措施, 危害率可控制在0.29%左右。
Overview from member countries of oceanography and large scale dynamic processes affecting the Bay of Bengal
下载PDF阅读器2004年10月-2005年5月,在云南纳帕海自然保护区采用定点扫描法对越冬黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)的集群类犁和集群大小进行了观察.结果表明黑颈鹤夜间集群夜栖,形成较大的夜栖群,平均群体大小为67.9只(16-157,n=17):按照有无灰鹤加入,又将其分为同种集群和混种集群两种类型,其中同种集群的黑颈鹤数量占整个越冬种群的65.3%.在白昼,黑颈鹤以家庭鹤、集群鹤及特殊群体3种类型活动,家庭鹤和集群鹤的平均大小分别为2.7只(2-4,n=145)和16.1只(3-65,n=1017).黑颈鹤的集群大小并不稳定,在日内和月份间均有明显变化(P=0.000<0.05).存越冬期,最大集群形成于12月,其次为11月和1月;在日内,早上8时集群最大,随后减小并保持相对稳定,18时黑颈鹤开始向夜栖地靠拢,使得集群再次开始增大.随后观察中还发现,黑颈鹤的家庭解体过程开始于3月底,当幼鹤被成鹤驱逐离群后,逐渐加入集群鹤活动,从而使得家庭鹤和集群鹤的大小和组成发生改变.黑颈鹤的集群大小和组成受自身状况、种内关系、天气、食物等多种因素的共同影响,随时间和季节变动而发生变化,是对自身、种群和环境条件变化的综合反映.
目的:研究吗啡对胎动、心率、孵化率、孵化时间、雏鸡体重等的影响.方法:以气室给药的方式给鸡胚注射吗啡,记录胎动、心率、孵化率、孵化时间、雏鸡体重.结果:吗啡可以缩短雏鸡的孵化时间,降低雏鸡的孵化率,并导致雏鸡出现运动障碍;20 mg/kg吗啡剂量和12-16胚龄的给药时间,鸡胚孵化率最高,残疾率最低;吗啡导致胚胎心率加快,胎动减少(P<0.05).结论:吗啡对胚胎发育有损伤作用,损伤程度与吗啡剂量和给药时间有关.
阐明了建立兽类资源管理系统的意义, 然后详细介绍系统的设计目标、数据结构及系统软件的设计。介绍了标本、物种分布名录及文献库管理的功能, 并对该系统创建及应用的物种、地名代码体系作了介绍。最后介绍了已经用此系统建立的昆明动物研究所兽类标本及中国兽类分布名录等基础数据库的概况。
1985年作者进行了计算机在灵长类神经生理学中的应用研究的工作, 建立了一套脑电, 脑形态和声波数据的微处理机采集分析和模拟控制系统, 经数年的应用, 其性能表明它能满足灵长类脑研究需要. 本系统共由传感器, 微电极前置放大器, 八道脑电图机, 调频式数据记录仪, Mac32位计算机, APPLE Ⅱ计算机和其它外围设备等所组成, 该系统受50多个软件所支持. 数据采集: 经缓冲放大器出来的讯号被送入A/D板进行模/数转换, 在 Mac 计算机, 模/数转换精度为12bit, 共有16道转换口, 采样频率最高为40MHz, 在 APPLE Ⅱ 计算机, A/D板为 8bit, 八道模/数输入, 最高采样频率40 MHz, 数据的采集和处理可在线进行, 也可离线处理。
Changes of plasminogen activators (PA) during different stages of development of the corpus luteum, and their possible physiological role in luteolysis were studied in rhesus monkeys. It was demonstrated for the first time that monkey corpus luteal cells not only produce PA, but that the function of the corpus luteum is also closely related to the activity of this enzyme system. Generally, the life span for a corpus luteum in monkey is approximately 14-16 days, its demise beginning thereafter. In the present study, we found that urokinase in the corpus luteum is higher on day 5 and day 10 after human chorionic gonadotrophin injection, while the tissue type (t) PA is mainly produced on day 13 when luteolysis may take place. Progesterone production remained high on day 5 and day 10 and decreased dramatically from day 13, indicating the important role of tPA but not urokinase (u) PA in suppressing luteal function. When purified tPA (but not uPA) monoclonal antibody was added to luteal cell culture to neutralize endogenously produced tPA activity, progesterone production in the cells was increased significantly. Interestingly, prolactin alone was capable of increasing PA production by luteal cells; prolactin together with luteinizing hormone, however, had a synergistic luteotrophic effect.