388 resultados para 1213


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Hearings held Apr. 2-Aug. 1, 1973, on S. 40, 565, 703, 758, 846, 905, 1030, 1213, 1215, 1392, 1414, 1516, 1541, 1641, 1648, 2049, S. Con. Res. 19, and amendment no. 444 to S. 1541.


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En el presente documento se analiza la evolución de las economías de Centroamérica (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua y Panamá) y la República Dominicana (CARD) en 2015, con base en cifras oficiales al cierre del año, y ofrece un análisis de los primeros meses de 2016 y perspectivas para el resto del año. Es un estudio de coyuntura, con información disponible al 30 de junio de 2016. En el documento se ofrece una actualización de la versión publicada en febrero de 2016.


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Este trabalho avaliou a eficiência mastigatória na maloclusão do tipo Mordida Aberta Anterior por meio do Me-mastig, dispositivo que pode ser utilizado no sentido de se mensurar a eficiência da mastigação, prometendo ser uma alternativa prática, rápida e eficiente para o exame da mastigação. O grupo experimental compôs-se de 106 crianças na faixa etária dos 07 aos 11 anos, divididos em 2 grupos, da seguinte forma: (A) Grupo de Mordida Aberta Anterior, contendo 51 crianças e (B) Grupo Controle, com trespasse vertical normal contendo 55 crianças. Procurou-se avaliar a eficiência mastigatória das crianças dos dois grupos e comparar os resultados, que mostraram que a mastigação do grupo mordida aberta anterior foi menos eficiente quando comparada à do grupo controle; fato que se pode explicar pelas características faciais dos indivíduos portadores da maloclusão estudada e também características da própria maloclusão de mordida aberta anterior. Conclusões, a mordida aberta anterior é responsável por uma diminuição significativa da a Eficiência Mastigatória e o dispositivo Me-mastig se mostrou um método eficaz, de fácil utilização e não dispendioso que pode ser usado na clínica diária para se medir ou avaliar a Eficiência Mastigatória.


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Este documento reflete o ano de estágio pedagógico que realizámos na Escola Secundária Jaime Moniz no ano letivo 2012/2013. Através do relatório apresentamos as nossas principais dificuldades, estratégias aplicadas e reflexões sobre todas as atividades que o estágio envolveu e como todo o processo contribuiu para o nosso desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal. Após a nossa perspetiva fundamentada sobre o que representa o estágio pedagógico, caraterizamos a escola que nos acolheu e estruturamos as atividades que realizámos ao longo do ano letivo. Estas encontram-se organizadas por diferentes capítulos, correspondentes às linhas programáticas do estágio, nos quais procuramos refletir sobre os aspetos do planeamento, da operacionalização e da gestão de cada atividade. O relatório inclui igualmente as nossas considerações finais e recomendações, que surgem após a reflexão sobre todas as experiências vividas no ano letivo. Finalizamos o documento com as respetivas referências bibliográficas que serviram todo o seu constructo teórico.


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This report seeks to make concrete some of the ideas we have been discussing about sensible priors for winds over the ocean. In particular, random field models are reviewed, as are permissible covariance functions. The criteria which these covariance functions must satisfy in order that vorticity and divergence exist and are continuous are defined. The use of Helmholtz theorem is discussed, and possible choices for the covariances are suggested.


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Purpose: To describe the methodology, sampling strategy and preliminary results for the Aston Eye Study (AES), a cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence of refractive error and its associated ocular biometry in a large multi-racial sample of school children from the metropolitan area of Birmingham, England. Methods: A target sample of 1700 children aged 6–7 years and 1200 aged 12–13 years is being selected from Birmingham schools selected randomly with stratification by area deprivation index (a measure of socio-economic status). Schools with pupils predominantly (>70%) from a single race are excluded. Sample size calculations account for the likely participation rate and the clustering of individuals within schools. Procedures involve standardised protocols to allow for comparison with international population-based data. Visual acuity, non-contact ocular biometry (axial length, corneal radius of curvature and anterior chamber depth) and cycloplegic autorefraction are measured in both eyes. Distance and near oculomotor balance, height and weight are also assessed. Questionnaires for parents and older children will allow the influence of environmental factors on refractive error to be examined. Results: Recruitment and data collection are ongoing (currently N = 655). Preliminary cross-sectional data on 213 South Asian, 44 black African Caribbean and 70 white European children aged 6–7 years and 114 South Asian, 40 black African Caribbean and 115 white European children aged 12–13 years found myopia prevalence of 9.4% and 29.4% for the two age groups respectively. A more negative mean spherical equivalent refraction (SER) was observed in older children (-0.21 D vs +0.87 D). Ethnic differences in myopia prevalence are emerging with South Asian children having higher levels than white European children 36.8% vs 18.6% (for the older children). Axial length, corneal radius of curvature and anterior chamber depth were normally distributed, while SER was leptokurtic (p < 0.001) with a slight negative skew. Conclusions: The AES will allow ethnic differences in the ocular characteristics of children from a large metropolitan area of the UK to be examined. The findings to date indicate the emergence of higher levels of myopia by early adolescence in second and third generation British South Asians, compared to white European children. The continuation of the AES will allow the early determinants of these ethnic differences to be studied.


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Background There is a paucity of data describing the prevalence of childhood refractive error in the United Kingdom. The Northern Ireland Childhood Errors of Refraction study, along with its sister study the Aston Eye Study, are the first population-based surveys of children using both random cluster sampling and cycloplegic autorefraction to quantify levels of refractive error in the United Kingdom. Methods Children aged 6–7 years and 12–13 years were recruited from a stratified random sample of primary and post-primary schools, representative of the population of Northern Ireland as a whole. Measurements included assessment of visual acuity, oculomotor balance, ocular biometry and cycloplegic binocular open-field autorefraction. Questionnaires were used to identify putative risk factors for refractive error. Results 399 (57%) of 6–7 years and 669 (60%) of 12–13 years participated. School participation rates did not vary statistically significantly with the size of the school, whether the school is urban or rural, or whether it is in a deprived/non-deprived area. The gender balance, ethnicity and type of schooling of participants are reflective of the Northern Ireland population. Conclusions The study design, sample size and methodology will ensure accurate measures of the prevalence of refractive errors in the target population and will facilitate comparisons with other population-based refractive data.


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This paper explores the role of indigenous and foreign innovation efforts in technological upgrading in developing countries, taking into account sectoral specificities in technical change. Using a Chinese firm-level panel dataset covering 2001–05, the paper decomposes productivity growth into technical change and efficiency improvement and examines the impact of indigenous and foreign innovation efforts on these changes. Indigenous firms are found to be the leading force on the technological frontier in the low- and medium-technology industries, while foreign-invested firms enjoy a clear lead in the high-technology sector. Collective indigenous R&D activities at the industry level are found to be the major driver of technology upgrading of indigenous firms that push out the technology frontier. While foreign investment appears to contribute to static industry capabilities, R&D activities of foreign-invested firms have exerted a significant negative effect on the technical change of local firms over the sample period.


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While commitment is an important antecedent to customer retention, a broad consensus has yet to emerge on the impacts of constituent dimensions of commitment on loyalty in service relationships. This study explores the impacts of affective and continuance commitment on attitudinal and behavioral loyalty in a service context. Since affective commitment is more positive and governed by free choice, whereas continuance commitment is more the result of perceived economic and psychological benefits of being in a relationship, the results of this study suggest that emotional bonds with customers provide a more enduring source of loyalty as compared to economic incentives and switching costs.


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We report for the first time on the limitations in the operational power range of network traffic in the presence of heterogeneous 28-Gbaud polarization-multiplexed quadrature amplitude modulation (PM-mQAM) channels in a nine-channel dynamic optical mesh network. In particular, we demonstrate that transponders which autonomously select a modulation order and launch power to optimize their own performance will have a severe impact on copropagating network traffic. Our results also suggest that altruistic transponder operation may offer even lower penalties than fixed launch power operation.


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The problem of cancer diagnosis from multi-channel images using the neural networks is investigated. The goal of this work is to classify the different tissue types which are used to determine the cancer risk. The radial basis function networks and backpropagation neural networks are used for classification. The results of experiments are presented.


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A tanárok pályaelhagyási döntését vizsgálva, a tanulmány a következő két kérdésre keresi a választ. Milyen szerepet játszanak e döntésekben a keresetek, alternatív kereseti lehetőségek? Hogyan hatott a tanárok pályaelhagyására a 2002. évi közalkalmazotti béremelés? Az elemzéshez az OEP-ONYF-FH összekapcsolt nagymintás adatbázis felhasználásával kétféle modellt becsült a szerző: 1. két lehetőséget megkülönböztetve (elhagyja a tanári pályát/nem hagyja el) Cox-féle arányos hazárdfüggvényeket, 2. a pályaelhagyás okai között a más állásba kerülést és az egyéb pályaelhagyási okokat megkülönböztetve versengő kockázati modelleket. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a kereseti lehetőségek hatnak a pályaelhagyási döntésekre. A magasabb jövedelem és magasabb relatív kereset csökkenti annak valószínűségét, hogy egy tanár elhagyja a pályát, és más pályán helyezkedjen el, vagy nem foglalkoztatotti státusba kerüljön. A közalkalmazotti béremelés átmenetileg csökkentette a pályaelhagyás valószínűségét a fiatal tanárok körében, de a hatás egy-két év alatt eltűnt. Az 51 évesnél idősebb tanárokat pedig inkább a pályán tartotta a béremelés, csökkentette annak valószínűségét is, hogy más pályán helyezkedjenek el, vagy hogy nem foglalkoztatotti státusba kerüljenek. ______ The paper investigates teachers decisions to leave the profession. It first examines the role in such decisions of pay compared with earnings in alternative occupations, and then discusses how the public-sector pay increase of 2002 af-fected exit decisions by teachers. Duration models were estimated using large merged administrative data sets. First binary-choice Cox proportional hazard models (leaving teaching profession or not), then competing risk models that distinguish exits to another occupation and exits to a non-working state. Results show that earnings matter. Higher wages reduce the probability of exiting teacher profession to go to another occupation or to non-employment. The public-sector pay increase decreased the probability of inexperienced teachers leaving the teacher profession temporarily, but the effect disappeared after one or two years. For experienced teachers over 51 years old, the wage increase was found to reduce attrition.


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This paper offers an overview of existing definitions and theoretical frameworks for digital literacy. The researcher makes recommendations for an agreed upon definition and theoretical framework and discusses implications for a relationship between digital and visual literacy skills.


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Corporate recruiters and alumni of the School of Hotel and Restaurant Management at Northern Arizona University were asked their perceptions of hospitality professional courses. The study investigates the importance that these groups attribute to 22 professional courses commonly offered in institutions of higher education.