978 resultados para terrestrial ecotopes
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
This paper investigates factors affecting anaerobic degradation of marine macro-algae (or seaweed), when used as a co-substrate with terrestrial plant biomass for the production of biogas. Using Laminaria digitata, a brown marine seaweed species and green peas, results showed that when only 2% of feedstock of a reactor treating the green peas at an organic loading rate (OLR) of 2.67 kg VS.m3.day-1 was replaced with the seaweed, methane production was disrupted, whilst acidogenesis, seemed to be less adversely affected, resulting in excessive volatile acids accumulation. Reactor stability was difficult to achieve thereafter. The experiment was repeated with a lower initial OLR of green peas of 0.70 kg VS.m3.day-1 before the addition of the seaweed. Although similar symptoms as in first trial were observed, process stability was restored through the control of OLR and alkalinity. These measures led to an increase in overall OLR of 1.25 kg VS.m3.day-1 comprising of 35% seaweed. This study has shown that certain seaweed constituents are more inhibitory to the methanogens even at trace concentrations than to the other anaerobic digestion microbial groups. Appropriate adaptation strategy, involving initial low proportion of the seaweed relative to the total OLR, and overall low OLR, is necessary to ensure effective adaptation of the microorganisms to the inhibitory constituents of seaweed. Where there is seasonal availability of seaweed, the results of this study suggest that a fresh adaptation or start-up strategy must be implemented during each cycle of seaweed availability in order to ensure sustainable process stability.
Climate change and carbon (C) sequestration are a major focus of research in the twenty-first century. Globally, soils store about 300 times the amount of C that is released per annum through the burning of fossil fuels (Schulze and Freibauer 2005). Land clearing and introduction of agricultural systems have led to rapid declines in soil C reserves. The recent introduction of conservation agricultural practices has not led to a reversing of the decline in soil C content, although it has minimized the rate of decline (Baker et al. 2007; Hulugalle and Scott 2008). Lal (2003) estimated the quantum of C pools in the atmosphere, terrestrial ecosystems, and oceans and reported a “missing C” component in the world C budget. Though not proven yet, this could be linked to C losses through runoff and soil erosion (Lal 2005) and a lack of C accounting in inland water bodies (Cole et al. 2007). Land management practices to minimize the microbial respiration and soil organic C (SOC) decline such as minimum tillage or no tillage were extensively studied in the past, and the soil erosion and runoff studies monitoring those management systems focused on other nutrients such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P).
This work presents the study of Bull's eye antenna designs, a type of leaky wave antenna (LWA), operating in the 60 GHz band. This band emerged as a new standard for specific terrestrial and space applications because the radio spectrumbecomes more congested up to the millimetre-wave band, starting at 30 GHz. Built on existing Bull's eye antenna designs, novel structures were simulated, fabricated and measured, so as to provide more exibility in the implementation of wireless solutions at this frequency. Firstly, the study of a 60 GHz Bull's eye antenna for straightforward integration onto a CubeSat is presented. An investigation of the design is carried out, from the description of the radiation mechanism supported by simulation results, to the radiation pattern measurement of a prototype which provides a gain of 19.1 dBi at boresight. Another design, based on a modified feed structure, uses a microstrip to waveguide transition to provide easier and inexpensive integration of a Bull's eye antenna onto a planar circuit. Secondly, the design of Bull's eye antennas capable of creating beam deflection and multi-beam is presented. In particular, a detail study of the deflection mechanism is proposed, followed by the demonstration of a Bull's eye antenna generating two separate beams at ±16° away from the boresight. In addition, a novel mechanically steerable Bull's eye antenna, based on the division of the corrugated area in paired sectors is presented. A prototype was fabricated and measured. It generated double beams at ±8° and ±15° from the boresight, and a single boresight beam. Thirdly, a Bull's eye antenna capable of generating two simultaneous orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes l = 3 is proposed. The design is based on a circular travelling wave resonator and would allow channel capacity increase through OAM multiplexing. An improved design based on two stacked OAM Bull's eye antennas capable of producing four orthogonal OAM modes l = (±3,±13) simultaneously is presented. A novel receiving scheme based on discretely sampled partial aperture receivers (DSPAR) is then introduced. This solution could provide a lower windage and a lower cost of implementation than current whole or partial continuous aperture.
Lighthouses are an important part of the industrial heritage of the Keweenaw Peninsula in Michigan. They functioned as an integrated system that facilitated shipping on Lake Superior and supported the growing industry of the Keweenaw Peninsula. For this reason, lighthouses can be considered as an overlapping boundary between the maritime and terrestrial landscapes. As shipping and industry changed, the lighthouse boundary also changed. Changes to the boundary are reflected in the contractors involved in the construction of lighthouses and the decisions they made with the resources, principally building materials and knowledge, which they had at their disposal. The decline of shipping on the Great Lakes due to the increased use of roads and railroads for commerce and transportation and the decline of industry on the Keweenaw due to the decreasing profitability of the mines are reflected in gradual end of lighthouses functioning as a network.
The Peruvian coast is one the best examples of cross-ecosystem food web exchanges, in which resources from one of the richest marine ecosystems subsidize consumers in one of the driest deserts on Earth. Marine subsidies are resources that originate in the marine ecosystem, and that contribute to increase the density of consumers in the recipient ecosystem. I examined the effects of marine subsidies on animal populations in the Peruvian coastal desert. I combined several approaches to study the linkages between marine resources and terrestrial consumers, such as surveying the spatial distribution and estimating the relative abundance of terrestrial consumers, studying the diet of geckos and lizards through stomach content analyses, and examining the desert food web with carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses. I found that the distribution and diet of desert consumers were tightly coupled to the availability of marine subsidies. I revealed linkages along two pathways of nutrient fluxes: tidal action that washes ashore macroalgae and cadavers of marine organisms, and animal transport in places where pinnipeds and seabirds congregate for reproduction. In the first pathway, intertidal algivivores made marine resources available to terrestrial consumers by moving between the intertidal and supratidal zone. The relative contribution of terrestrial and algal carbon sources varied among terrestrial consumers, because scorpions assimilated a lower proportion of energy from macroalgae than did geckos and solifuges. In the second pathway, I found that pinniped colonies influenced the diet of desert consumers, and contributed to support large populations of lizards and geckos. By combining field observations, and stomach and stable isotope analyses, I constructed a simplified food web for a large sea lion colony, showing the number of trophic levels that originate from pinniped-derived nutrients. My study demonstrates the enormous importance of marine resources for the diet of desert consumers. The near absence of rainfall along the Peruvian coast promotes an extreme dependence of terrestrial consumers on marine resources, and causes permanent food web effects that are affected by temporal variability in marine productivity, rather then temporal patterns of desert plant growth.
We analysed the main geographical trends of terrestrial mammal species richness (SR) in Argentina, assessing how broad-scale environmental variation (defined by climatic and topographic variables) and the spatial form of the country (defined by spatial filters based on spatial eigenvector mapping (SEVM)) influence the kinds and the numbers of mammal species along these geographical trends. We also evaluated if there are pure geographical trends not accounted for by the environmental or spatial factors. The environmental variables and spatial filters that simultaneously correlated with the geographical variables and SR were considered potential causes of the geographic trends. We performed partial correlations between SR and the geographical variables, maintaining the selected explanatory variables statistically constant, to determine if SR was fully explained by them or if a significant residual geographic pattern remained. All groups and subgroups presented a latitudinal gradient not attributable to the spatial form of the country. Most of these trends were not explained by climate.We used a variation partitioning procedure to quantify the pure geographic trend (PGT) that remained unaccounted for. The PGT was larger for latitudinal than for longitudinal gradients. This suggests that historical or purely geographical causes may also be relevant drivers of these geographical gradients in mammal diversity.
We recorded the number of terrestrial mammal species in each Argentinian province, and the number of species belonging to particular groups (Marsupialia, Placentaria, and among the latter, Xenarthra, Carnivora, Ungulates and Rodentia). We performed multiple regressions of each group’s SR on environmental, human and spatial variables, to determine the amounts of variation explained by these factors. We then used a variance partitioning procedure to specify which proportion of the variation in SR is explained by each of the three factors exclusively and which proportions are attributable to interactions between factors.
In rural and isolated areas without cellular coverage, Satellite Communication (SatCom) is the best candidate to complement terrestrial coverage. However, the main challenge for future generations of wireless networks will be to meet the growing demand for new services while dealing with the scarcity of frequency spectrum. As a result, it is critical to investigate more efficient methods of utilizing the limited bandwidth; and resource sharing is likely the only choice. The research community’s focus has recently shifted towards the interference management and exploitation paradigm to meet the increasing data traffic demands. In the Downlink (DL) and Feedspace (FS), LEO satellites with an on-board antenna array can offer service to numerous User Terminals (UTs) (VSAT or Handhelds) on-ground in FFR schemes by using cutting-edge digital beamforming techniques. Considering this setup, the adoption of an effective user scheduling approach is a critical aspect given the unusually high density of User terminals on the ground as compared to the on-board available satellite antennas. In this context, one possibility is that of exploiting clustering algorithms for scheduling in LEO MU-MIMO systems in which several users within the same group are simultaneously served by the satellite via Space Division Multiplexing (SDM), and then these different user groups are served in different time slots via Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). This thesis addresses this problem by defining a user scheduling problem as an optimization problem and discusses several algorithms to solve it. In particular, focusing on the FS and user service link (i.e., DL) of a single MB-LEO satellite operating below 6 GHz, the user scheduling problem in the Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) mode is addressed. The proposed State-of-the-Art scheduling approaches are based on graph theory. The proposed solution offers high performance in terms of per-user capacity, Sum-rate capacity, SINR, and Spectral Efficiency.
Massive Internet of Things is expected to play a crucial role in Beyond 5G (B5G) wireless communication systems, offering seamless connectivity among heterogeneous devices without human intervention. However, the exponential proliferation of smart devices and IoT networks, relying solely on terrestrial networks, may not fully meet the demanding IoT requirements in terms of bandwidth and connectivity, especially in areas where terrestrial infrastructures are not economically viable. To unleash the full potential of 5G and B5G networks and enable seamless connectivity everywhere, the 3GPP envisions the integration of Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTNs) into the terrestrial ones starting from Release 17. However, this integration process requires modifications to the 5G standard to ensure reliable communications despite typical satellite channel impairments. In this framework, this thesis aims at proposing techniques at the Physical and Medium Access Control layers that require minimal adaptations in the current NB-IoT standard via NTN. Thus, firstly the satellite impairments are evaluated and, then, a detailed link budget analysis is provided. Following, analyses at the link and the system levels are conducted. In the former case, a novel algorithm leveraging time-frequency analysis is proposed to detect orthogonal preambles and estimate the signals’ arrival time. Besides, the effects of collisions on the detection probability and Bit Error Rate are investigated and Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access approaches are proposed in the random access and data phases. The system analysis evaluates the performance of random access in case of congestion. Various access parameters are tested in different satellite scenarios, and the performance is measured in terms of access probability and time required to complete the procedure. Finally, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to jointly design the access and data phases, determining the number of satellite passages, the Random Access Periodicity, and the number of uplink repetitions that maximize the system's spectral efficiency.
Ecosystem engineering is increasingly recognized as a relevant ecological driver of diversity and community composition. Although engineering impacts on the biota can vary from negative to positive, and from trivial to enormous, patterns and causes of variation in the magnitude of engineering effects across ecosystems and engineer types remain largely unknown. To elucidate the above patterns, we conducted a meta-analysis of 122 studies which explored effects of animal ecosystem engineers on species richness of other organisms in the community. The analysis revealed that the overall effect of ecosystem engineers on diversity is positive and corresponds to a 25% increase in species richness, indicating that ecosystem engineering is a facilitative process globally. Engineering effects were stronger in the tropics than at higher latitudes, likely because new or modified habitats provided by engineers in the tropics may help minimize competition and predation pressures on resident species. Within aquatic environments, engineering impacts were stronger in marine ecosystems (rocky shores) than in streams. In terrestrial ecosystems, engineers displayed stronger positive effects in arid environments (e.g. deserts). Ecosystem engineers that create new habitats or microhabitats had stronger effects than those that modify habitats or cause bioturbation. Invertebrate engineers and those with lower engineering persistence (<1 year) affected species richness more than vertebrate engineers which persisted for >1 year. Invertebrate species richness was particularly responsive to engineering impacts. This study is the first attempt to build an integrative framework of engineering effects on species diversity; it highlights the importance of considering latitude, habitat, engineering functional group, taxon and persistence of their effects in future theoretical and empirical studies.
The 'dilution effect' (DE) hypothesis predicts that diverse host communities will show reduced disease. The underlying causes of pathogen dilution are complex, because they involve non-additive (driven by host interactions and differential habitat use) and additive (controlled by host species composition) mechanisms. Here, we used measures of complementarity and selection traditionally employed in the field of biodiversity-ecosystem function (BEF) to quantify the net effect of host diversity on disease dynamics of the amphibian-killing fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Complementarity occurs when average infection load in diverse host assemblages departs from that of each component species in uniform populations. Selection measures the disproportionate impact of a particular species in diverse assemblages compared with its performance in uniform populations, and therefore has strong additive and non-additive properties. We experimentally infected tropical amphibian species of varying life histories, in single- and multi-host treatments, and measured individual Bd infection loads. Host diversity reduced Bd infection in amphibians through a mechanism analogous to complementarity (sensu BEF), potentially by reducing shared habitat use and transmission among hosts. Additionally, the selection component indicated that one particular terrestrial species showed reduced infection loads in diverse assemblages at the expense of neighbouring aquatic hosts becoming heavily infected. By partitioning components of diversity, our findings underscore the importance of additive and non-additive mechanisms underlying the DE.
Polymeric nanoparticles have been developed for several applications, among them as carrier system of pesticides. However, few studies have investigated the fate of these materials in the environment in relation to colloidal stability and toxicity. In nature, humic substances are the main agents responsible for complexation with metals and organic compounds, as well as responsible for the dynamics of these nanoparticles in aquatic and terrestrial environments. In this context, the evaluation of the influence of aquatic humic substances (AHS) on the colloidal stability and toxicity of polymeric nanoparticles of chitosan/tripolyphosphate with or without paraquat was performed. In this study, the nanoparticles were prepared by the ionic gelation method and characterized by size distribution measurements (DLS and NTA), zeta potential, infrared and fluorescence spectroscopy. Allium cepa genotoxicity studies and ecotoxicity assays with the alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata were used to investigate the effect of aquatic humic substances (AHS) on the toxicity of this delivery system. No changes were observed in the physical-chemical stability of the nanoparticles due to the presence of AHS using DLS and NTA techniques. However some evidence of interaction between the nanoparticles and AHS was observed by infrared and fluorescence spectroscopies. The ecotoxicity and genotoxicity assays showed that humic substances can decrease the toxic effects of nanoparticles containing paraquat. These results are interesting because they are important for understanding the interaction of these nanostructured carrier systems with species present in aquatic ecosystems such as humic substances, and in this way, opening new perspectives for studies on the dynamics of these carrier systems in the ecosystem.
Quantifying global patterns of terrestrial nitrogen (N) cycling is central to predicting future patterns of primary productivity, carbon sequestration, nutrient fluxes to aquatic systems, and climate forcing. With limited direct measures of soil N cycling at the global scale, syntheses of the (15)N:(14)N ratio of soil organic matter across climate gradients provide key insights into understanding global patterns of N cycling. In synthesizing data from over 6000 soil samples, we show strong global relationships among soil N isotopes, mean annual temperature (MAT), mean annual precipitation (MAP), and the concentrations of organic carbon and clay in soil. In both hot ecosystems and dry ecosystems, soil organic matter was more enriched in (15)N than in corresponding cold ecosystems or wet ecosystems. Below a MAT of 9.8°C, soil δ(15)N was invariant with MAT. At the global scale, soil organic C concentrations also declined with increasing MAT and decreasing MAP. After standardizing for variation among mineral soils in soil C and clay concentrations, soil δ(15)N showed no consistent trends across global climate and latitudinal gradients. Our analyses could place new constraints on interpretations of patterns of ecosystem N cycling and global budgets of gaseous N loss.