867 resultados para sweet almonds


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Countries are currently faced with problems derived from changes in lifespan and an increase in lifestyle-related diseases. Neurodegenerative disorders such Parkinson’s (PD) and Alzheimer’s (AD) diseases are an increasing problem in aged societies. Data from World Alzheimer Report 2011 indicate that 36 million people worldwide are living with dementia. Oxidative stress has been associated with the development of AD and PD. Therefore there is interest to search for effective compounds or therapies to combat the oxidative damage in these diseases. Current evidence strongly supports a contribution of phenolic compounds present in fruits and vegetables to the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases such AD and PD. The industrial processing of a wide variety of fruits results in the accumulation of by-products without commercial value. Opuntia ficus-indica (cactus pear) is consumed fresh and processed like in juice. Prunnus avium (sweet cherry) is consumed fresh but the organoleptics characteristics of the fruits leads to the smaller and ragged fruits have no commercial value. Fruit extracts of both species has described to be rich in phenolic compounds and to have high antioxidant activities due to its composition. The aim of this work was assessing the efficacy of O. ficus-indica and P. avium by-products extracts obtained with conventional solvent extraction and pressurized liquid extraction in a neurodegeneration cell model. All extracts have protected neuroblastoma cells from H2O2-induced death at low, non-toxic levels, which approach to physiologically-relevant serum concentration. However, cherry extract has a slighter neuroprotective activity. The protective effect of Opuntia extracts are not conducted by a direct antioxidant activity since there are not decreases in intracellular ROS levels in cell treated with extracts and challenged with H2O2, while cherry extract neuroprotection seems to be due to a direct scavenging activity. Extracts from different biological matrixes seems to protect neuronal cells trough different cellular mechanisms.


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RESUMO - Introdução: Apesar de ocorrerem melhorias significativas na saúde das populações devido aos avanços tecnológicos continuam a surgir desigualdades de saúde no género, nomeadamente na população adolescente, quando estes não adotam comportamentos saudáveis. Objetivos: Analisar as desigualdades de saúde no género na população adolescente relativamente ao tabaco, obesidade e tipo de dieta. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo analítico e descritivo, onde foram recolhidos dados acerca de fatores relacionados com comportamento, dos quais se destacam o tabagismo, obesidade, e tipo de dieta (consumo de sopa; salada/legumes cozidos; fruta e bolos, chocolates e sobremesa doce) por grupo etário. Dados pertencentes ao INS 2005/2006. Resultados: Verificou-se que a prevalência do tabagismo é estatisticamente significativa relativamente ao género apenas no grupo etário 17-19 anos (p=0). Demonstrou-se que havia associação estatisticamente significativa entre o género e obesidade apenas no grupo etário 10-13 anos (p=0). Quanta à variável tipo de dieta apenas no consumo de fruta existiu associação estatisticamente significativa no género no grupo etário 10-13 anos (p=0,036). Conclusões: Assim, com a realização do estudo verificou-se que o período crítico do consumo tabágico é no grupo etário 17-19 anos, já obesidade são os mais jovens pertencentes ao grupo etário 10-13 anos.


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RESUMO - O aumento dos produtos processados na alimentação diária, em especial das crianças, tem repercussões no consumo aumentado de aditivos, cujas consequências são ainda ambíguas. Associado ao aumento do consumo deste tipo de alimentos encontra-se a prevalência de excesso de peso e obesidade infantil. O presente estudo exploratório pretendeu avaliar a exposição a aditivos alimentares em crianças dos 0 aos 3 anos, com base nos Limites Máximos de Utilização e nas Doses Diárias Admissíveis, e estudar a sua associação com variáveis como a idade, sexo, percentil de Índice de Massa Corporal e nível de escolaridade dos Pais. Pretendeu-se também identificar as categorias de alimentos consumidas que mais contribuíram para a exposição aos aditivos alimentares em estudo. Com base numa amostra de dados reportados em diários alimentares, foram selecionados 12 aditivos. Observaram-se ingestões estimadas superiores às DDA, para o dióxido de enxofre (E220), o ácido fumárico (E297) e o nitrito de sódio (E250). As categorias de alimentos “Açúcar, confeitaria e sobremesas açucaradas”, “Leite e produtos lácteos”, “Cereais e derivados” e “Pratos compostos”, foram as que mais contribuíram para a exposição dos aditivos selecionados. O presente trabalho permitiu inferir o perfil de exposição a aditivos alimentares em crianças, lançar resultados preliminares para justificar a necessidade de estudos mais pormenorizados, e a criação do sistema de monitorização nacional da ingestão de aditivos. Estudos sobre consumos de aditivos alimentares podem servir de base para elaboração de estratégias de saúde pública, com a finalidade de reduzir o consumo destas substâncias e promover hábitos alimentares mais saudáveis.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação (Especialidade em Teoria da Cultura)


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Despite the importance of citriculture in Brazil, very little is known about mite populations in citrus crops in the Northern Region. In the municipality of Manaus, 12 sprayed sweet orange orchards were surveyed every two weeks during seven months to record mite species amount, and to describe the abundance and distribution of the most important species. The size and age of the orchards varied from 3,360 to 88,080 m² and seven to 25 years, respectively. In the fourteen sampling period, leaves, twigs and fruits were collected from 12 trees, one per orchard. In total, 3,360 leaves, 672 twigs and 1,344 fruits were sampled from 168 trees. Mites were manually extracted from the fruits, and by the washing method on leaves and twigs. We identified pests with the potential to cause economic loss. Fourteen species of phytophagous and mycophagous mites from Eriophyidae, Tarsonemidae, Tenuipalpidae, and Tetranychidae were recorded. Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes 1939) and Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashm., 1879), the two commonest phytophagous mites in other Brazilian regions were dominant, showing that local orchards are susceptible to their infestation. Eleven predatory mites were recorded, comprising 10% of the mite population, belonging to Phytoseiidae and Ascidae. Phytoseiidae was the richest family, with ten species. The results are discussed in relation to the temporal variation aspects and habitat use of the most important species. Long-term research encompassing chemical applications followed by evaluations of the mite community are necessary for a better management of the orchards, taking into consideration the seasonal phenology of key pests.


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The aim of this study was to characterize sweet cherry regarding nutritional composition of the fruits, and individual phytochemicals and bioactive properties of fruits and stems. The chromatographic profiles in sugars, organic acids, fatty acids, tocopherols and phenolic compounds were established. All the preparations (extracts, infusions and decoctions) obtained using stems revealed higher antioxidant potential than the fruits extract, which is certainly related with its higher phenolic compounds (phenolic acids and flavonoids) concentration. The fruits extract was the only one showing antitumor potential, revealing selectivity against HCT-15 (colon carcinoma) (GI50~74 μg/mL). This could be related with anthocyanins that were only found in fruits and not in stems. None of the preparations have shown hepatotoxicity against normal primary cells. Overall, this study reports innovative results regarding chemical and bioactive properties of sweet cherry stems, and confirmed the nutritional and antioxidant characteristics of their fruits.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Geografia (área de especialização em Planeamento e Gestão do Território)


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Mestrado em Economia Internacional e Estudos Europeus


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La batata se ubica en el séptimo lugar como cultivo destinado a la alimentación humana, y en el quinto luego de arroz, trigo, maíz y mandioca. Globalmente, existen 8 millones de hectáreas plantadas con batata y, aproximadamente el 95% de esa superficie se ubica en más de un centenar de países en desarrollo. En Argentina, la región pampeana (Buenos Aires, Córdoba y Santa Fe) y el NEA representan el 83% de la superficie plantada. Córdoba y Buenos Aires constituyen las principales provincias productoras. A pesar de su importancia potencial en la alimentación humana y animal, como producto exportable y para industrialización, se viene registrando una marcada reducción en el área cultivada con esta hortícola y, entre las causas más relevantes que determinan este fenómeno, se encuentran las enfermedades virales. Históricamente estas patologías han sido la principal limitante en la producción de este cultivo en Argentina y, especialmente en Córdoba. Recientemente y, tras brindar solución al grave problema ocasionado por el “enanismo clorótico” (Sweet potato chlorotic dwarf disease), virosis que afectó al cv Morada INTA en la década del 90, se observó, en nuestra provincia, la aparición de una severa sintomatología viral en lotes de producción implantados con el cv Arapey INIA, genotipo de creciente difusión en el cultivo por sus buenas características agronómicas. En virtud de dicha sintomatología, se sugiere que en la nueva patología viral se halla involucrado más de un agente etiológico y que la misma produce daños económicos en la producción de Arapey INIA. Por otra parte, la identificación de el/los virus presentes en la nueva patología es el primer eslabón para la búsqueda de resistencia a los mismos. Se supone, además, que, en germoplasma selecto de batata existen fuentes de resistencia a el/los virus involucrados y, que, al menos uno de los agentes patógenos de esta virosis de Arapey INIA, es transmitido por moscas blancas. Se propone, como paso inicial para el control de la nueva etiología: caracterizar biológica, serológica y molecularmente a el/los virus involucrados en ella; preparar reactivos de diagnóstico para los mismos y evaluar la gravedad de esta virosis a través de la estimación de su incidencia, prevalencia y severidad y de los daños que provoca sobre los componentes de rendimiento, en zonas productoras de la provincia de Córdoba. Por otra parte y, debido a que una de las principales formas de control de estas enfermedades es a través del empleo de germoplasma resistente y, considerando que la mayoría de los cultivares comerciales de batata, incluído Arapey INIA poseen escasa variabilidad genética por ser monoclonales, se pretende explorar molecularmente para genes de resistencia en aproximadamente 30 genotipos (clones) promisorios procedentes de la EEA INTA San Pedro ( Bs.As.), empleados como parentales en policruzamientos, además de hacerlo en el genotipo bajo estudio (Arapey INIA).


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1) It may seem rather strange that, in spite of the efforts of a considerable number of scientists, the problem of the origin of indian corn or maize still has remained an open question. There are no fossil remains or archaeological relics except those which are quite identical with types still existing. (Fig. 1). The main difficulty in finding the wild ancestor- which may still exist - results from the fact that it has been somewhat difficult to decide what it should be like and also where to look for it. 2) There is no need to discuss the literature since an excellent review has recently been published by MANGELSDORF and REEVES (1939). It may be sufficient to state that there are basically two hypotheses, that of ST. HILAIRE (1829) who considered Brazilian pod corn as the nearest relative of wild corn still existing, and that of ASCHERSON (1875) who considered Euchlaena from Central America as the wild ancestor of corn. Later hypotheses represent or variants of these two hypotheses or of other concepts, howewer generally with neither disproving their predecessors nor showing why the new hypotheses were better than the older ones. Since nearly all possible combinations of ideas have thus been put forward, it har- dly seems possible to find something theoretically new, while it is essential first to produce new facts. 3) The studies about the origin of maize received a new impulse from MANGELSDORF and REEVES'S experimental work on both Zea-Tripsacum and Zea-Euchlaena hybrids. Independently I started experiments in 1937 with the hope that new results might be obtained when using South American material. Having lost priority in some respects I decided to withold publication untill now, when I can put forward more concise ideas about the origin of maize, based on a new experimental reconstruction of the "wild type". 4) The two main aspects of MANGELSDORF and REEVES hypothesis are discussed. We agree with the authors that ST. HILAIRE's theory is probably correct in so far as the tunicata gene is a wild type relic gene, but cannot accept the reconstruction of wild corn as a homozygous pod corn with a hermaphroditic tassel. As shown experimentally (Fig. 2-3) these tassels have their central spike transformed into a terminal, many rowed ear with a flexible rachis, while possessing at the same time the lateral ear. Thus no explanation is given of the origin of the corn ear, which is the main feature of cultivated corn (BRIEGER, 1943). The second part of the hypothesis referring to the origin of Euchlaena from corn, inverting thus ASCHERSON's theory, cannot be accepted for several reasons, stated in some detail. The data at hand justify only the conclusion that both genera, Euchlaena and Zea, are related, and there is as little proof for considering the former as ancestor of the latter as there is for the new inverse theory. 5) The analysis of indigenous corn, which will be published in detail by BRIEGER and CUTLER, showed several very primitive characters, but no type was found which was in all characters sufficiently primitive. A genetical analysis of Paulista Pod Corn showed that it contains the same gene as other tunicates, in the IV chromosome, the segregation being complicated by a new gametophyte factor Ga3. The full results of this analysis shall be published elsewhere. (BRIEGER). Selection experiments with Paulista Pod Corn showed that no approximation to a wild ancestor may be obtained when limiting the studies to pure corn. Thus it seemed necessary to substitute "domesticated" by "wild type" modifiers, and the only means for achieving this substitution are hybridizations with Euchlaena. These hybrids have now been analysed init fourth generation, including backcrosses, and, again, the full data will be published elsewhere, by BRIEGER and ADDISON. In one present publication three forms obtained will be described only, which represent an approximation to wild type corn. 6) Before entering howewer into detail, some arguments against ST. HILAIRE's theory must be mentioned. The premendelian argument, referring to the instability of this character, is explained by the fact that all fertile pod corn plants are heterozygous for the dominant Tu factor. But the sterility of the homozygous TuTu, which phenotypically cannot be identified, is still unexplained. The most important argument against the acceptance of the Tunicata faetor as wild type relic gene was removed recently by CUTLER (not yet published) who showed that this type has been preserved for centuries by the Bolivian indians as a mystical "medicine". 7) The main botanical requirements for transforming the corn ear into a wild type structure are stated, and alternative solutions given. One series of these characters are found in Tripsacum and Euchlaena : 2 rows on opposite sides of the rachis, protection of the grains by scales, fragility of the rachis. There remains the other alternative : 4 rows, possibly forming double rows of female and male spikelets, protection of kernels by their glumes, separation of grains at their base from the cob which is thin and flexible. 8) Three successive stages in the reconstruction of wild corn, obtained experimentally, are discussed and illustrated, all characterized by the presence of the Tu gene. a) The structure of the Fl hybrids has already been described in 1943. The main features of the Tunicata hybrids (Fig. -8), when compared with non-tunicate hybrids (Fig. 5-6), consist in the absence of scaly protections, the fragility of the rachis and finally the differentiation of the double rows into one male and one female spikelet. As has been pointed out, these characters represent new phenotypic effects of the tunicate factor which do not appear in the presence of pure maize modifiers. b) The next step was observed among the first backcross to teosinte (Fig. 9). As shown in the photography, Fig. 9D, the features are essencially those of the Fl plants, except that the rachis is more teosinte like, with longer internodes, irregular four-row-arrangement and a complete fragility on the nodes. c) In the next generation a completely new type appeared (Fig. 10) which resembles neither corn nor teosinte, mainly in consequence of one character: the rachis is thin and flexible and not fragile, while the grains have an abscission layer at the base, The medium sized, pointed, brownish and hard granis are protected by their well developed corneous glumes. This last form may not yet be the nearest approach to a wild grass, and I shall try in further experiments to introduce other changes such as an increase of fertile flowers per spikelet, the reduction of difference between terminal and lateral inflorescences, etc.. But the nature of the atavistic reversion is alveadwy such that it alters considerably our expectation when looking for a still existing wild ancestor of corn. 9) The next step in our deductions must now consist in an reversion of our question. We must now explain how we may obtain domesticated corn, starting from a hypothetical wild plant, similar to type c. Of the several changes which must have been necessary to attract the attention of the Indians, the following two seem to me the most important: the disappearance of all abscission layers and the reduction of the glumes. This may have been brought about by an accumulation of mutations. But it seems much more probable to assume that some crossing with a tripsacoid grass or even with Tripsacum australe may have been responsible. In such a cross, the two types of abscission layer would be counterbalanced as shown by the Flhybrids of corn, Tripsacum and Euchlaena. Furthermore in later generations a.tu-allele of Tripsacum may become homozygous and substitute the wild tunicate factor of corn. The hypothesis of a hybrid origin of cultivated corn is not completely new, but has been discussed already by HARSHBERGER and COLLINS. Our hypothesis differs from that of MANGELSDORF and REEVES who assume that crosses with Tripsacum are responsible only for some features of Central and North American corn. 10) The following arguments give indirects evidence in support of our hypothesis: a) Several characters have been observed in indigenous corn from the central region of South America, which may be interpreted as "tripsacoid". b) Equally "zeoid" characters seem to be present in Tripsacum australe of central South-America. c) A system of unbalanced factors, combined by the in-tergeneric cross, may be responsible for the sterility of the wild type tunicata factor when homozygous, a result of the action of modifiers, brought in from Tripsacum together with the tuallele. d) The hybrid theory may explain satisfactorily the presence of so many lethals and semilethals, responsible for the phenomenon of inbreeding in cultivated corn. It must be emphasized that corn does not possess any efficient mechanism to prevent crossing and which could explain the accumulation of these mutants during the evolutionary process. Teosinte which'has about the same mechanism of sexual reproduction has not accumulated such genes, nor self-sterile plants in spite of their pronounced preference for crossing. 11) The second most important step in domestication must have consisted in transforming a four rowed ear into an ear with many rows. The fusion theory, recently revived byLANGHAM is rejected. What happened evidently, just as in succulent pXants (Cactus) or in cones os Gymnosperms, is that there has been a change in phyllotaxy and a symmetry of longitudinal rows superimposed on the original spiral arrangement. 12) The geographical distribution of indigenous corn in South America has been discussed. So far, we may distinguish three zones. The most primitive corn appears in the central lowlands of what I call the Central Triangle of South America: east of the Andies, south of the Amazone-Basin, Northwest of a line formed by the rivers São Prancisco-Paraná and including the Paraguay-Basin. The uniformity of the types found in this extremely large zone is astonishing (BRIEGER and CUTLER). To the west, there is the well known Andian region, characterized by a large number of extremely diverse types from small pop corn to large Cuszco, from soft starch to modified sweet corn, from large cylindrical ears to small round ears, etc.. The third region extends along the atlantic coast in the east, from the Caribean Sea to the Argentine, and is characterized by Cateto, an orange hard flint corn. The Andean types must have been obtained very early, and undoubtedly are the result of the intense Inca agriculture. The Cateto type may be obtained easily by crosses, for instance, of "São Paulo Pointed Pop" to some orange soft corn of the central region. The relation of these three South American zones to Central and North America are not discussed, and it seems essential first to study the intermediate region of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. The geograprical distribution of chromosome knobs is rapidly discussed; but it seems that no conclusions can be drawn before a large number of Tripsacum species has been analysed.


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This paper deals with some Millipedes (Diplopoda), which have been verified associated with or attacking on cultivated plants. The following forms are reported: 1) Orthomorpha (Orthomorpha) coarctata (Saussure, 1860) - Enormous numbers of individuals belonging to this species, whose synanthropic habits are frequentely emphasized, were collected around coffee-plants kept in a nursery. Young plants (with 10 cm) are mentioned as damaged by the species, which gnaws the stem, just above the roots. The dusting with benzene hexachloride (BHC) was successfully employed to prevent the invasions. Other occurrences of O. coarctata are reported, ecological and biological informations being also added. 2) Orthomorpha (Kalorthomorpha) gracilis (C. L. Koch, 1847) - Observed frequentely associated with the former species, being however less numerous. Both forms are very active, seemming to be widely distributed throughout the State of S. Paulo. 3) Cylindroiulus (Aneuloboiulus) britannicus (Verhoeff, 1891) - This species represents the first european Millipede verified in Brazil, by O. SCHUBART (1942a). The Author obtained a few specimens associated with O. gracilis, from the roots of lettuce plants. The lesions shown by the stem just above the roots seem to be due to both species. 4) Alloporus setiger Broelemann, 1902; Gymnostreptus olivaceus Schubart, 1944 and Pseudonannolene tricolor Broelemann, 1902 - Total damages determined by these species (mainly G. olivaceus) were observed in cultures of sugar-beet and melon. Actually, the Millipedes destroyed entirely the roots of the former plant and the fruits of the latter, representing a serious pest, here reported by the first time. Ecological and bionomical data are also included. 5) Pseudonannolene sp. (possibly P. paulista Broelemann, 1902) - Verified gnawing sweet-potatoes, about the crackings exhibited by the tubers. The crackings in sweet-potatoes appear to result in certain instances from a root-knot nematodes infection (Meloidogyne sp). P. paulista was recentely observed attacking potatoes, destroying from 6 to 30% of the tubers, according to the variety (BOOCK & LORDELLO, 1952).


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BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: There is little objective information regarding nutrition transition in African countries. We assessed trends in nutrition patterns in the Seychelles between 1989 and 2011. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Population-based samples were obtained in 1989, 1994 and 2011 and participants aged 25-44 are considered in this study (n=493, 599 and 471, respectively). Similar, although not identical, food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) were used in each survey and the variables were collapsed into homogenous categories for the purpose of this study. RESULTS: Between 1989 and 2011, consumption frequency of fish (5+/week) decreased from 93 to 74%, whereas the following increased: meat (5+/week) 25 to 51%, fruits (1+/week) 48 to 94%, salty snacks (1+/week) 22 to 64% and sweet snacks (1+/week) 38 to 67% (P<0.001 for all). Consumption frequency decreased for home-brewed alcoholic drinks (1+/week) 16 to 1%, but increased for wine (1+/week) 5 to 33% (both P<0.001). Between 2004 and 2011, consumption frequency decreased for rice (2/day) 62 to 57% and tea (1+/day) 72 to 68%, increased for poultry (1+/week) 86 to 96% (all P<0.01), and did not change for vegetables (70.3 to 69.8%, P=0.65). CONCLUSIONS: Seychelles is experiencing nutrition transition characterized by a decreased consumption frequency of traditional staple foods (fish, polished rice), beverages (tea) and of inexpensive home brews, and increased consumption frequency of meat, poultry and snacks. Food patterns also became more varied along with a broader availability of products in the 22-year interval. The health impact of these changes should be further studied.


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Glycosides are the bioactive components of many famous Chinese medicines. Here reported are some bioactive glycosides we discovered from Chinese medicines in recent years. (1) Pheolic glycosides from Chinese medicines: Gastrodia elata, acontium austroynanense and Helicia erratica, three bioactive phenolic glycosides were discovered and two of them have been developed into new drugs. (2) Terpenoidal glycosides: a) Monoterpenoid: the sweroside from Swertia mollensis has been developed intro an anti-hepatitis drug; b) Diterpenoid: Phlomis betonicoides contains sweet glycoides; c) Triterpenoid: many biologically active triterpenoid glycosides were isolated from Panax plants and Siraitia grosvenorii. (3) Steroidal glycosides: a) C21-steroid: Cynanchum otophyllum and C. atratrum contain anti-epilepsy and-tumor glycosides; b) C27-steroid Hemostatic saponins were found in Paris polyphylla.