338 resultados para redefinition
El presente proyecto se enmarca como un informe diagnóstico sobre la educación para la paz en el IED José Joaquín Castro Martínez. Es importante resaltar que este informe no pretende abarcar aspectos investigativos sobre el conflicto, la violencia escolar o la educación para la paz; lo que se busca es a partir de un diagnóstico del colegio posibilitar un posterior diseño de una estrategia de intervención para esta institución educativa ubicada en la localidad de San Cristóbal en la ciudad de Bogotá. Este diagnóstico pretende ser una avance en este tipo de experiencias en el colegio, el cual se espera propicie un impacto positivo en las dinámicas del conflicto que viven día a día los estudiantes de la institución educativa reseñada, y propiciar así un mayor conocimiento de las problemáticas de los y las estudiantes en relación a una cultura de paz, entendida esta desde 4 aspectos: primero el respeto a sí mismo, al otro y a su entorno; segundo, resolución y resignificacion positiva del conflicto; tercero, prevención del consumo de SPA; y cuarto convivencia escolar.
This paper presents a methodology to forecast the hourly and daily consumption in households. The methodology was validated for households in Lisbon region, Portugal. The paper shows that the forecast tool allows obtaining satisfactory results for forecasting. Models of demand response allow the support of consumer’s decision in exchange for an economic benefit by the redefinition of load profile or changing the appliance consumption period. It is also in the interest of electric utilities to take advantage of these changes, particularly when consumers have an action on the demand-side management or production. Producers need to understand the load profile of households that are connected to a smart grid, to promote a better use of energy, as well as optimize the use of micro-generation from renewable sources, not only to delivering to the network but also in self-consumption.
A Gestão de Recursos Humanos é uma área que nos últimos anos se tem vindo a destacar, possibilitando uma empresa a prosperar ou não. Assim, desde que as estratégias organizacionais sofreram uma redefinição, os recursos humanos das empresas são vistos como uma fonte de vantagem competitiva. Este Trabalho Final de Mestrado faz uma descrição das atividades desenvolvidas, segundo o plano elaborado, no estágio académico durante 6 meses, com vista ao desenvolvimento pessoal, mas acima de tudo profissional e de experiência na área dos Recursos Humanos, através do qual se visa a aquisição e o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos e aptidões de prática organizacional numa organização de saúde. A metodologia utilizada foi do tipo observação participante e a análise da teoria para melhor entender e agir diligentemente nas tarefas em que se participa. O trabalho final seguirá a forma de um Relatório de Estágio e consequentes críticas que possam ter surgido durante o mesmo; Abstract: The Human Resources Management in a Health Organization The Human Resource Management is an area that in recent years has emphasized, enabling a company to prosper or not. So, since the organizational strategies suffered a redefinition, human resources companies are seen as a source of competitive advantage. This Master Final Work is a description of activities, according to the plan drawn up in the academic internship for 6 months with a view to personal development, but above all professional and experience in the field of Human Resources, through which it aims the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills of organizational practice in a healthcare organization. The methodology used was the type participant observation and analysis of the theory to better understand and act diligently on the tasks in which they participate. The final work will follow the form of an internship report and subsequent criticism that may have arisen in the meantime.
Resumen Muestra la participación de las mujeres en el partido reformista durante la campaña electoral de 1923, para comprender mejor el accionar femenino en la redefinición de la política y la ciudadanía durante la década de 1920. Abstract The author analyzes female participation in the reformist party during the redefinition of politics and citizenship in the 1920´s.
En el presente artículo el lector podrá encontrar algunos aspectos relacionados con el turismo como actividad económica y su expresión concreta en las comunidades de Tambor y Montezuma de Cóbano, provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Pero además y es la parte fundamental del mismo se hace referencia aquí al impacto que ha tenido este sector en la convivencia comunal y cotidianidad de esas comunidades. Este impacto se analiza en tres dimensiones específicas: la socioeconómica, la cultural y la ambiental. En síntesis y como producto de los efectos del turismo, la zona analizada sufre una transformación importante que engloba la convivencia comunal; convivencia que en sus manifestaciones generales coincide en cierta medida con el contexto nacional y mundial, pero que también tiene su particularidad. En este sentido, se nota una re-dimensión en la individualidad de actor y sector social, pero además en la totalidad de la convivencia comunal. Esta re-dimensión, si bien es producto de actividades económicas de sistemas productivos y de nuevas estrategias de desarrollo globalizantes, se manifiesta en lo social, en lo cultural y en la relación sociedad naturaleza ó ambiente a nivel local, como un producto más divertido de la actividad turística. Abstract: This paper discusses the effects of the tourism industry in the communities of Tambor and Montezuma, Cobano, province of Puntarenas, Costa Rica. If focuses in the impact and tourism in peoples everyday life from on three- fold perspective: socio-economic, cultural and evironmental. Regarding the impact of tourism in the socioeconomic dimensión the study revels an important change in the labor market, which was traditionally related to farming and fishing, now oriented to the production of goods and services for tourists and other economic activities take place in medium and small scales and involve men and women, Young and adults. They generate different social and interpersonal relations, which contribute to change comunal daily coexistence. In the cultural discussion tourism had changed daily like in these communities and patterns of social coexistence. Among the most significant changes are customs and holidays, clothing styles, the loss of traditional forms of communication, the beginning of different ways of dialoging and new relationships among neighbors, and even of the way people talk and how and whit they eat. In relation to the environment the new ways to relate to nature and of trying to manage and handle the natural resources the awareness and the new attitude in regard to the environmental situation, as well as the wormiest for conservation. For having clean and healthy surroundings, among others, had the collective levels. To summarize as a result of the effects of tourism an important transformation is talking place in the communities under study that coincides with the national and global context to a certain extent, but to also has its own particularities. In this sense, it is noticeable a re-definition of the individuality of each actor and social sector and in the totality of the communal identify as well. Eventhough that redefinition is the result of economic activities, of economic systems and new globalized developmental strategies, also effects in the social and cultural aspects and in the relation men-nature in a local level.
El paradigma holista ha transformado la sociedad actual para desarrollar una cultura de géneros con tal de promover la búsqueda y la redefinición de lo masculino y lo femenino no con características excluyentes, sino con equilibrio en las oportunidades y con equidad. Esta es una cultura en la cual todos y todas nos veamos como seres humanos holistas. El nuevo paradigma promueve una pedagogía crítica para el rescate de la armonía, la aceptación y la libertad social con el fin de recuperar la equidad de género. La sociedad necesita un cambio de paradigma en la relación masculino/femenino con una nueva conciencia que se desarrolle por medio de experiencias de aprendizaje, que dignifiquen a los hombres y a las mujeres y con un profundo sentido espiritual de la vida para que, de esta forma, puedan convivir fraternal y libremente. The holistic paradigm has transformed modern society to develop a culture of gender in order to promote a quest and redefinition of the feminine and masculine not exclusive traits, but as equilibrium in the opportunities and equity. This is a new culture where everyone is seen as holistic human beings. The new paradigm promotes critical pedagogy to rescue harmony, acceptance and social freedom in order to recover gender equity. Society needs a change of paradigm for masculine and feminine relationships, with a new consciousness developed by learning experiences that dignify men and women and with a deep spiritual feeling of life; so both of them can live freely.
Nonostante la ricchezza e la varietà delle voci che costituiscono l’orizzonte proteiforme della poesia degli ultimi centocinquanta anni, pare ancora non del tutto tramontato uno dei miti più duraturi della modernità letteraria: che tutta la poesia sia da considerare poesia lirica e che la lirica sia, sostanzialmente, liricità, un’accezione tonale più che un genere letterario. A fondamento di tale mito convergono numerose ricostruzioni storiche dello scorso secolo. La presente ricerca nasce dalla convinzione che sia altamente fuorviante considerare la lirica in maniera statica e non dinamica, prenderla in esame come un qualcosa di fisso e già dato, quasi si trattasse di un concetto metastorico, che può o non può conservare una sua attualità, una sua inerenza con la forma dell’esperienza della contemporaneità. I nostri modi di leggere, rappresentare e costruire la realtà cambiano in continuazione, mentre la lirica rimarrebbe lì, cristallizzata nei modi e negli statuti che le sono stati associati in età romantica. La lirica ha, nelle letterature occidentali, una lunghissima storia, ma uno statuto generico ondivago e incerto. Tre risultano essere gli snodi decisivi per la sua evoluzione: il momento della sua fondazione (l’antichità greca), il momento della sua riattivazione generica (il Rinascimento), e il momento della sua ridefinizione (il Romanticismo). Nel presente lavoro si cercherà di ripercorrere questa storia attraverso una prospettiva eccentrica, ossia quella del rapporto io-tu. In questo modo emergeranno nuove costanti e nuove varianti in base alle quali considerare il testo lirico e la sua storia. L’obiettivo è quello di delineare una teoria della lirica aperta, inclusiva e anti-essenzialista
Investigating stock identity of marine species in a multidisciplinary holistic approach can reveal patterns of complex spatial population structure and signatures of potential local adaptation. The population structure of common sole (Solea solea) in the Mediterranean Sea was delineated using genomic and otolith data, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) markers and otolith data. SNPs were correlated with environmental and spatial variables to evaluate the impact of these features on the actual genetic population structure. Integrated holistic approach was applied to combine the tracers with different spatio-temporal scales. SNPs data was also used to illustrate the population structure of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) within the Alboran Sea, extending into the neighboring Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. The aim was to identify patterns of neutral and potential adaptive genetic variation by applying seascape genomic framework. Results from both genetic and otolith data suggested significant divergence among putative populations of common sole, confirming a clear separation between Western, Adriatic Sea and Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Evidence of fine-scale population structure in the Western Mediterranean Sea was observed at outlier loci level and in the Adriatic. Our study not only indicates that separation among Mediterranean sole population is led primarily by neutral processes, but it also suggests the presence of local adaptation influenced by environmental and spatial factors. The holistic approach by considering the spatio-temporal scales of variation confirmed that the same pattern of separation between these geographical sites is currently occurring and has occurred for many generations. Results showed the occurrence of population structure in Merluccius merluccius by detecting westward–eastward differentiation among populations and distinct subgroups at a fine geographical scale using outlier SNPs. These results enhance the knowledge of the population structure of commercially relevant species to support the application of spatial stock assessment models, including a redefinition of fishery management units.