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The structure, formation energy, and energy levels of the various oxygen vacancies in Ta2O5 have been calculated using the λ phase model. The intra-layer vacancies give rise to unusual, long-range bonding rearrangements, which are different for each defect charge state. The 2-fold coordinated intra-layer vacancy is the lowest cost vacancy and forms a deep level 1.5 eV below the conduction band edge. The 3-fold intra-layer vacancy and the 2-fold inter-layer vacancy are higher cost defects, and form shallower levels. The unusual bonding rearrangements lead to low oxygen migration barriers, which are useful for resistive random access memory applications. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A widely tunable fiber ring laser, utilising a SWNT/polycarbonate film mode-locker and a 3-nm tunable filter, has been realized. 2.3ps pulse generation over 27nm spectral range is achieved for a constant pump power of 25mW. © 2008 Optical Society of America.


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There has been an increasing interest in the use of mechanical dynamics, (e.g., assive, Elastic, And viscous dynamics) for energy efficient and agile control of robotic systems. Despite the impressive demonstrations of behavioural performance, The mechanical dynamics of this class of robotic systems is still very limited as compared to those of biological systems. For example, Passive dynamic walkers are not capable of generating joint torques to compensate for disturbances from complex environments. In order to tackle such a discrepancy between biological and artificial systems, We present the concept and design of an adaptive clutch mechanism that discretely covers the full-range of dynamics. As a result, The system is capable of a large variety of joint operations, including dynamic switching among passive, actuated and rigid modes. The main innovation of this paper is the framework and algorithm developed for controlling the trajectory of such joint. We present different control strategies that exploit passive dynamics. Simulation results demonstrate a significant improvement in motion control with respect to the speed of motion and energy efficiency. The actuator is implemented in a simple pendulum platform to quantitatively evaluate this novel approach.


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The integration of quantum cascade lasers with devices capable of efficiently manipulating terahertz light represents a fundamental step for many different applications. Split-ring resonators, subwavelength metamaterial elements exhibiting broad resonances that are easily tuned lithographically, represent the ideal route to achieve such optical control of the incident light. We have realized a design based on the interplay between metallic split rings and the electronic properties of a graphene monolayer integrated into a single device. By acting on the doping level of graphene, an active modulation of the optical intensity was achieved in the frequency range between 2.2 and 3.1 THz, with a maximum modulation depth of 18%. © 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Gloeobacter violaceus, a cyanobacterium lack of thylakoids, is refractory to genetic manipulations because its cells are enveloped by a thick gelatinous sheath and in colonial form. In this study, a large number of single cells were obtained by repeated pumping with a syringe with the gelatinous sheath removed. And an exogenous broad host range plasmid pKT210 was conjugatively transferred into G. violaceus. Analyses with dot-blot hybridization and restriction mapping showed that the exogenous plasmid pKT210 had been introduced into G. violaceus and stably maintained with no alteration in its structure. pKT210 extracted from G. violaceus exconjugants could be transformed into the mcr - mrr - E. coli strain DH10B but not the mcr(+) mrr(+) strain DH5alpha, which suggests that a methylase system may be present in G. violaceus.


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The interclick intervals of captive dolphins are known to be longer than the two-way transit time between the dolphin and a target. In the present study, the interclick intervals of free-ranging baiji, finless porpoises, and bottlenose dolphins in the wild and in captivity were compared. The click intervals in open waters ranged up to 100-200 ms, whereas the click intervals in captivity were in the order of 4-28 ms. Echolocation of free-ranging dolphins appears to adapt to various distance in navigation or ranging, sometimes up to 140 m. Additionally, the difference of waveform characteristics of clicks between species was recognized in the frequency of maximum energy and the click duration. (C) 1998 Acoustical Society of America. [S0001-4966(98)06609-0].


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This paper proposes novel universal logic gates using the current quantization characteristics of nanodevices. In nanodevices like the electron waveguide (EW) and single-electron (SE) turnstile, the channel current is a staircase quantized function of its control voltage. We use this unique characteristic to compactly realize Boolean functions. First we present the concept of the periodic-threshold threshold logic gate (PTTG), and we build a compact PTTG using EW and SE turnstiles. We show that an arbitrary three-input Boolean function can be realized with a single PTTG, and an arbitrary four-input Boolean function can be realized by using two PTTGs. We then use one PTTG to build a universal programmable two-input logic gate which can be used to realize all two-input Boolean functions. We also build a programmable three-input logic gate by using one PTTG. Compared with linear threshold logic gates, with the PTTG one can build digital circuits more compactly. The proposed PTTGs are promising for future smart nanoscale digital system use.


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A discretely tunable Er-doped fiber-ring laser using a fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) and a tunable fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is proposed. In this scheme, the combination of MZI and FBG acts as a discrete wavelength selector. Analysis of its transmission function shows that discrete wavelength tuning can be realized, and experiments demonstrate 64 single-mode outputs with a mode spacing of 181.7 pm, and the output power is quite stable in the whole tuning range. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 51 2595-2598, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www. interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/mop.24690


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The first report of a short wavelength infrared detector based on type II InAs/GaSb superlattices is presented. Very short period superlattices containing InAs (2ML)/GaSb (8ML) superlattices (SLs) were grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on GaSb substrates. The photoluminescence showed a cut-off wavelength at 2.1 mu m at 10 K and 2.6 mu m at 300 K. Room-temperature optical transmittance spectra shows obvious absorption in InAs (2ML)/GaSb (8ML) SL in the range of 450-680 meV, i.e. 1.8-2.7 mu m. The cut-off wavelength moved from 2.3 mu m to 2.6 mu m with temperature rising from 77 K to 300 K in photoresponse spectra. The blackbody response R-v exponentially decreased as a function of 1/T in two temperature sections (130-200 K and 230-300 K). The blackbody detectivity D-bb(center dot) was beyond 1 x 10(8) cmHz(1/2)/W at room temperature. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A 1.55 mu m InGaAsP-InP index-coupled two-section DFB self-pulsation laser (SPL) with a varied ridge width has been fabricated. A record wide self-pulsation tuning range above 450 GHz has been achieved for this index-coupled DFB SPL. Furthermore, frequency locking to an optically injected modulated signal is successfully demonstrated.


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Cobalt-doped ZnO (Zn1-xCoxO) thin films were fabricated by reactive magnetron cosputtering. The processing conditions were carefully designed to avoid the occurrence of Co precipitations. The films are c-axis oriented, and the solubility limit of Co in ZnO is less than 17%, determined by x-ray diffraction. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements show Co ions have a chemical valance of 2+. In this paper, hysteresis loops were clearly observed for Zn1-xCoxO films at room temperature. The coercive field, as well as saturation magnetization per Co atom, decreases with increasing Co content, within the range of 0.07realized in Zn1-xCoxO without carrier incorporation. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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A series of silicon film samples were prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) near the threshold from amorphous to nanocrystalline state by adjusting the plasma parameters and properly increasing the reactions between the hydrogen plasma and the growing surface. The microstucture of the films was studied by micro-Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The influences of the hydrogen dilution ratio of silane (R-H = [H-2]/[SiH4]) and the substrate temperature (T-s) on the microstructural and photoelectronic properties of silicon films were investigated in detail. With the increase of RH from 10 to 100, a notable improvement in the medium-range order (MRO) of the films was observed, and then the phase transition from amorphous to nanocrystalline phase occurred, which lead to the formation of diatomic hydrogen complex, H-2* and their congeries. With the increase of T-s from 150 to 275 degreesC, both the short-range order and the medium range order of the silicon films are obviously improved. The photoconductivity spectra and the light induced changes of the films show that the diphasic nc-Si/a-Si:H films with fine medium-range order present a broader light spectral response range in the longer wavelength and a lower degradation upon illumination than conventional a-Si:H films. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Free spectral range of whispering-gallery (WG)-like modes in a two-dimensional (2D) square microcavity is found to be twice that in a 2D circular microcavity. The quality factor of the WG-like mode with the low mode number in a 2D square microcavity, calculated by the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique and the Pade approximation method, is found to exceed that of the WG mode in 2D circular microcavity with the same cavity dimension and close mode wavelength.


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A new packaged fiber Bragg grating using bimetal cantilever beam as the strain agent is presented. The grating is two-point attached on one specific surface of the bimetal beam which consists of two metallic material with different thermal-expansion coefficient. Thereby the grating can be compressed or stretched along with the cantilever beam while temperature varies and temperature compensation can be realized. At the same time, grating chirping can be avoided for the particular attaching method. Experiment results demonstrated that the device is able to automatically compensate temperature induced wavelength shift. The temperature dependence of Bragg wavelength reduced to -0.4 pm/degrees C over the temperature range from -20 to 60 degrees C. This fiber grating package technique is cost effective and can be used in strain sensing. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Extremely low density self-assembled InAs quantum dots are grown by a combination technique of in situ annealing for 2 min and pause of substrate rotation during molecular beam epitaxy. The surface morphology and structural characteristics of the quantum dots are scrutinized by atomic force microscopy and photoluminescence spectra. It is found that the quantum dot size and density increase as the InAs deposition amount rises. Quantum dots with a density between 2.5 x 10(7) cm(-2) and 2.2 x 10(8) cm(-2) are 2-5 nm in height and 18-39 nm in diameter. It is believed that as-grown InAs nanodots may be of important value for future single quantum dot research.