990 resultados para protein NMR


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While genomics provide important information about the somatic genetic changes, and RNA transcript profiling can reveal important expression changes that correlate with outcome and response to therapy, it is the proteins that do the work in the cell. At a functional level, derangements within the proteome, driven by post-translational and epigenetic modifications, such as phosphorylation, is the cause of a vast majority of human diseases. Cancer, for instance, is a manifestation of deranged cellular protein molecular networks and cell signaling pathways that are based on genetic changes at the DNA level. Importantly, the protein pathways contain the drug targets in signaling networks that govern overall cellular survival, proliferation, invasion and cell death. Consequently, the promise of proteomics resides in the ability to extend analysis beyond correlation to causality. A critical gap in the information knowledge base of molecular profiling is an understanding of the ongoing activity of protein signaling in human tissue: what is activated and “in use” within the human body at any given point in time. To address this gap, we have invented a new technology, called reverse phase protein microarrays, that can generate a functional read-out of cell signaling networks or pathways for an individual patient obtained directly from a biopsy specimen. This “wiring diagram” can serve as the basis for both, selection of a therapy and patient stratification.


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Cancer can be defined as a deregulation or hyperactivity in the ongoing network of intracellular and extracellular signaling events. Reverse phase protein microarray technology may offer a new opportunity to measure and profile these signaling pathways, providing data on post-translational phosphorylation events not obtainable by gene microarray analysis. Treatment of ovarian epithelial carcinoma almost always takes place in a metastatic setting since unfortunately the disease is often not detected until later stages. Thus, in addition to elucidation of the molecular network within a tumor specimen, critical questions are to what extent do signaling changes occur upon metastasis and are there common pathway elements that arise in the metastatic microenvironment. For individualized combinatorial therapy, ideal therapeutic selection based on proteomic mapping of phosphorylation end points may require evaluation of the patient's metastatic tissue. Extending these findings to the bedside will require the development of optimized protocols and reference standards. We have developed a reference standard based on a mixture of phosphorylated peptides to begin to address this challenge.


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The 3′ UTRs of eukaryotic genes participate in a variety of post-transcriptional (and some transcriptional) regulatory interactions. Some of these interactions are well characterised, but an undetermined number remain to be discovered. While some regulatory sequences in 3′ UTRs may be conserved over long evolutionary time scales, others may have only ephemeral functional significance as regulatory profiles respond to changing selective pressures. Here we propose a sensitive segmentation methodology for investigating patterns of composition and conservation in 3′ UTRs based on comparison of closely related species. We describe encodings of pairwise and three-way alignments integrating information about conservation, GC content and transition/transversion ratios and apply the method to three closely related Drosophila species: D. melanogaster, D. simulans and D. yakuba. Incorporating multiple data types greatly increased the number of segment classes identified compared to similar methods based on conservation or GC content alone. We propose that the number of segments and number of types of segment identified by the method can be used as proxies for functional complexity. Our main finding is that the number of segments and segment classes identified in 3′ UTRs is greater than in the same length of protein-coding sequence, suggesting greater functional complexity in 3′ UTRs. There is thus a need for sustained and extensive efforts by bioinformaticians to delineate functional elements in this important genomic fraction. C code, data and results are available upon request.


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Molecular interactions that underlie pathophysiological states are being elucidated using techniques that profile proteomicend points in cellular systems. Within the field of cancer research, protein interaction networks play pivotal roles in the establishment and maintenance of the hallmarks of malignancy, including cell division, invasion, and migration. Multiple complementary tools enable a multifaceted view of how signal protein pathway alterations contribute to pathophysiological states.One pivotal technique is signal pathway profiling of patient tissue specimens. This microanalysis technology provides a proteomic snapshot at one point in time of cells directly procured from the native context of a tumor micro environment. To study the adaptive patterns of signal pathway events over time, before and after experimental therapy, it is necessary to obtain biopsies from patients before, during, and after therapy. A complementary approach is the profiling of cultured cell lines with and without treatment. Cultured cell models provide the opportunity to study short-term signal changes occurring over minutes to hours. Through this type of system, the effects of particular pharmacological agents may be used to test the effects of signal pathway inhibition or activation on multiple endpoints within a pathway. The complexity of the data generated has necessitated the development of mathematical models for optimal interpretation of interrelated signaling pathways. In combination,clinical proteomic biopsy profiling, tissue culture proteomic profiling, and mathematical modeling synergistically enable a deeper understanding of how protein associations lead to disease states and present new insights into the design of therapeutic regimens.


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Malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) play a critical role in malaria case management, surveillance and case investigations. Test performance is largely determined by design and quality characteristics, such as detection sensitivity, specificity, and thermal stability. However, parasite characteristics such as variable or absent expression of antigens targeted by RDTs can also affect RDT performance. Plasmodium falciparum parasites lacking the PfHRP2 protein, the most common target antigen for detection of P. falciparum, have been reported in some regions. Therefore, accurately mapping the presence and prevalence of P. falciparum parasites lacking pfhrp2 would be an important step so that RDTs targeting alternative antigens, or microscopy, can be preferentially selected for use in such regions. Herein the available evidence and molecular basis for identifying malaria parasites lacking PfHRP2 is reviewed, and a set of recommended procedures to apply for future investigations for parasites lacking PfHRP2, is proposed.


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Here we report that the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RBP29 (SGN1, YIR001C) gene encodes a 29-kDa cytoplasmic protein that binds to mRNA in vivo. Rbp29p can be co-immunoprecipitated with the poly(A) tail-binding protein Pab1p from crude yeast extracts in a dosageand RNA-dependent manner. In addition, recombinant Rbp29p binds preferentially to poly(A) with nanomolar binding affinity in vitro. Although RBP29 is not essential for cell viability, its deletion exacerbates the slow growth phenotype of yeast strains harboring mutations in the eIF4G genes TIF4631 and TIF4632. Furthermore, overexpression of RBP29 suppresses the temperaturesensitive growth phenotype of specific tif4631, tif4632, and pab1 alleles. These data suggest that Rbp29p is an mRNA-binding protein that plays a role in modulating the expression of cytoplasmic mRNA.


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Articular cartilage (AC), an avascular connective tissue lining articulating surfaces of the long bones, comprises extracellular biopolymers. In functionally compromised states such as osteoarthritis, thinned or lost AC causes reduced mobility and increased health-care costs. Understanding of the characteristics responsible for the load bearing efficiency of AC and the factors leading to its degradation are incomplete. DTI shows the structural alignment of collagen in AC [1] and T2 relaxation measurements suggest that the average director of reorientational motion of water molecules depends on the degree of alignment of collagen in AC [2]. Information on the nature of the chemical interactions involved in functional AC is lacking. The need for AC structural integrity makes solid state NMR an ideal tool to study this tissue. We examined the contribution of water in different functional ‘compartments’ using 1H-MAS, 13C-MAS and 13C-CPMAS NMR of bovine patellar cartilage incubated in D2O. 1H-MAS spectra signal intensity was reduced due to H/D exchange without a measureable redistribution of relative signal intensity. Chemical shift anisotropy was estimated by lineshape analysis of multiple peaks in the 1H-MAS spinning sidebands. These asymmetrical sidebands suggested the presence of multiple water species in AC. Therefore, water was added in small aliquots to D2O saturated AC and the influence of H2O and D2O on organic components was studied with 13C-MAS-NMR and 13C-CPMAS-NMR. Signal intensity in 13C-MAS spectra showed no change in relative signal intensity throughout the spectrum. In 13C-CPMAS spectra, displacement of water by D2O resulted in a loss of signal in the aliphatic region due to a reduction in proton availability for cross-polarization. These results complement dehydration studies of cartilage using osmotic manipulation [3] and demonstrate components of cartilage that are in contact with mobile water.


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Articular cartilage (AC), an avascular connective tissue lining articulating surfaces of the long bones, comprises extracellular biopolymers. In functionally compromised states such as osteoarthritis, thinned or lost AC causes reduced mobility and increased health-care costs. Understanding of the characteristics responsible for the load bearing efficiency of AC and the factors leading to its degradation are incomplete. DTI shows the structural alignment of collagen in AC [1] and T2 relaxation measurements suggest that the average director of reorientational motion of water molecules depends on the degree of alignment of collagen in AC [2]. Information on the nature of the chemical interactions involved in functional AC is lacking. The need for AC structural integrity makes solid state NMR an ideal tool to study this tissue. We examined the contribution of water in different functional ‘compartments’ using 1H-MAS, 13C-MAS and 13C-CPMAS NMR of bovine patellar cartilage incubated in D2O. 1H-MAS spectra signal intensity was reduced due to H/D exchange without a measureable redistribution of relative signal intensity. Chemical shift anisotropy was estimated by lineshape analysis of multiple peaks in the 1H-MAS spinning sidebands. These asymmetrical sidebands suggested the presence of multiple water species in AC. Therefore, water was added in small aliquots to D2O saturated AC and the influence of H2O and D2O on organic components was studied with 13C-MAS-NMR and 13C-CPMAS-NMR. Signal intensity in 13C-MAS spectra showed no change in relative signal intensity throughout the spectrum. In 13C-CPMAS spectra, displacement of water by D2O resulted in a loss of signal in the aliphatic region due to a reduction in proton availability for cross-polarization. These results complement dehydration studies of cartilage using osmotic manipulation [3] and demonstrate components of cartilage that are in contact with mobile water.


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BACKGROUND: Effective diagnosis of malaria is a major component of case management. Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) based on Plasmodium falciparumhistidine-rich protein 2 (PfHRP2) are popular for diagnosis of this most virulent malaria infection. However, concerns have been raised about the longevity of the PfHRP2 antigenaemia following curative treatment in endemic regions. METHODS: A model of PfHRP2 production and decay was developed to mimic the kinetics of PfHRP2 antigenaemia during infections. Data from two human infection studies was used to fit the model, and to investigate PfHRP2 kinetics. Four malaria RDTs were assessed in the laboratory to determine the minimum detectable concentration of PfHRP2. RESULTS: Fitting of the PfHRP2 dynamics model indicated that in malaria naive hosts, P. falciparum parasites of the 3D7 strain produce 1.4 x 10(-)(1)(3) g of PfHRP2 per parasite per replication cycle. The four RDTs had minimum detection thresholds between 6.9 and 27.8 ng/mL. Combining these detection thresholds with the kinetics of PfHRP2, it is predicted that as few as 8 parasites/muL may be required to maintain a positive RDT in a chronic infection. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the model indicate that good quality PfHRP2-based RDTs should be able to detect parasites on the first day of symptoms, and that the persistence of the antigen will cause the tests to remain positive for at least seven days after treatment. The duration of a positive test result following curative treatment is dependent on the duration and density of parasitaemia prior to treatment and the presence and affinity of anti-PfHRP2 antibodies.


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The putative role of the N-terminal region of rhodopsin-like 7 transmembrane biogenic amine receptors in agonist-induced signaling has not yet been clarified despite recent advances in 7 transmembrane receptor structural biology. Given the existence of N-terminal nonsynonymous polymorphisms (R6G;E42G) within the HTR2B gene in a drug-abusing population, we assessed whether these polymorphisms affect 5-hydroxytryptamine 2B (5-HT2B) receptor in vitro pharmacologic and coupling properties in transfected COS-7 cells. Modification of the 5-HT2B receptor N terminus by the R6G;E42G polymorphisms increases such agonist signaling pathways as inositol phosphate accumulation as assessed by either classic or operational models. The N-terminal R6G;E42G mutations of the 5-HT2B receptor also increase cell proliferation and slow its desensitization kinetics compared with the wild-type receptor, further supporting a role for the N terminus in transduction efficacy. Furthermore, by coexpressing a tethered wild-type 5-HT2B receptor N terminus with a 5-HT2B receptor bearing a N-terminal deletion, we were able to restore original coupling. This reversion to normal activity of a truncated 5-HT2B receptor by coexpression of the membrane-tethered wild-type 5-HT2B receptor N terminus was not observed using a membrane-tethered 5-HT2B receptor R6G;E42G N terminus. These data suggest that the N terminus exerts a negative control over basal as well as agonist-stimulated receptor activity that is lost in the R6G;E42G mutant. Our findings reveal a new and unanticipated role of the 5-HT2B receptor N terminus as a negative modulator, affecting both constitutive and agonist-stimulated activity. Moreover, our data caution against excluding the N terminus and extracellular loops in structural studies of this 7 transmembrane receptor family


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Large scale exome sequencing studies have revealed regions of the genome, which contribute to the castrate resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) phenotype. [1],[2],[3] Such studies have identified mutations in genes, which may have diagnostic/prognostic potential, or which may be targeted therapeutically. Two of these genes include the androgen receptor (AR) and speckle-type POZ protein (SPOP) genes. However, the findings from these exome sequencing studies can only be translated therapeutically once the functional consequences of these mutations have been determined. Here, we highlight the recent study by An et al. [4] which investigated the functional effects of mutations in the SPOP gene that were identified in the aforementioned exome sequencing studies, particularly in the context of SPOP-mediated degradation of the AR.


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PURPOSE: We determined the effect of protein supplementation on anabolic signaling and rates of myofibrillar and mitochondrial protein synthesis after a single bout of concurrent training. METHODS: Using a randomized cross-over design, 8 healthy males were assigned to experimental trials consisting of resistance exercise (8 × 5 leg extension, 80% 1-RM) followed by cycling (30 min at ~70% VO2peak) with either post-exercise protein (PRO: 25 g whey protein) or placebo (PLA) ingestion. Muscle biopsies were obtained at rest, 1 and 4 h post-exercise. RESULTS: Akt and mTOR phosphorylation increased 1 h after exercise with PRO (175-400%, P<0.01) and was different from PLA (150-300%, P<0.001). MuRF1 and Atrogin-1 mRNA were elevated post-exercise but were higher with PLA compared to PRO at 1 h (50-315%, P<0.05), while PGC-1α mRNA increased 4 h post-exercise (620-730%, P<0.001) with no difference between treatments. Post-exercise rates of myofibrillar protein synthesis increased above rest in both trials (75-145%, P <0.05) but were higher with PRO (67%, P<0.05) while mitochondrial protein synthesis did not change from baseline. CONCLUSION: Our results show that a concurrent training session promotes anabolic adaptive responses and increases metabolic/oxidative mRNA expression in skeletal muscle. Protein ingestion after combined resistance and endurance exercise enhances myofibrillar protein synthesis and attenuates markers of muscle catabolism and thus is likely an important nutritional strategy to enhance adaptation responses with concurrent training.


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The myofibrillar protein synthesis (MPS) response to resistance exercise (REX) and protein ingestion during energy deficit (ED) is unknown. We determined, in young men (n=8) and women (n=7), protein signaling, resting post-absorptive MPS during energy balance [EB: 45 kcal∙(kg FFM∙d)-1] and after 5d of ED [30 kcal∙(kg FFM∙d)-1] as well as MPS while in ED after acute REX in the fasted state and with the ingestion of whey protein (15 and 30 g). Post-absorptive rates of MPS were 27% lower in ED than EB (P<0.001), but REX stimulated MPS to rates equal to EB. Ingestion of 15 and 30 g of protein after REX in ED increased MPS ~16 and ~34% above resting EB, (P<0.02). p70 S6Kthr389 phosphorylation increased above EB only with combined exercise and protein intake (~2-7 fold; P<0.05). In conclusion, short-term ED reduces post-absorptive MPS, however, a bout of REX in ED restores MPS to values observed at rest in EB. The ingestion of protein after REX further increases MPS above resting EB in a dose-dependent manner. We conclude that combining REX with increased protein availability after exercise enhances rates of skeletal muscle protein synthesis during short term ED and could, in the long term, preserve muscle mass.


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Acinetobacter baumannii is a multidrug-resistant pathogen associated with hospital outbreaks of infection across the globe, particularly in the intensive care unit. The ability of A. baumannii to survive in the hospital environment for long periods is linked to antibiotic resistance and its capacity to form biofilms. Here we studied the prevalence, expression, and function of the A. baumannii biofilm-associated protein (Bap) in 24 carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii ST92 strains isolated from a single institution over a 10-year period. The bap gene was highly prevalent, with 22/24 strains being positive for bap by PCR. Partial sequencing of bap was performed on the index case strain MS1968 and revealed it to be a large and highly repetitive gene approximately 16 kb in size. Phylogenetic analysis employing a 1,948-amino-acid region corresponding to the C terminus of Bap showed that BapMS1968 clusters with Bap sequences from clonal complex 2 (CC2) strains ACICU, TCDC-AB0715, and 1656-2 and is distinct from Bap in CC1 strains. By using overlapping PCR, the bapMS1968 gene was cloned, and its expression in a recombinant Escherichia coli strain resulted in increased biofilm formation. A Bap-specific antibody was generated, and Western blot analysis showed that the majority of A. baumannii strains expressed an ∼200-kDa Bap protein. Further analysis of three Bap-positive A. baumannii strains demonstrated that Bap is expressed at the cell surface and is associated with biofilm formation. Finally, biofilm formation by these Bap-positive strains could be inhibited by affinity-purified Bap antibodies, demonstrating the direct contribution of Bap to biofilm growth by A. baumannii clinical isolates.