913 resultados para object oriented ontology


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Através do uso da programação em linguagem orientada a objetos e, aplicando-se uma técnica de programação específica, é possível gerar um conjunto de classes genéricas cujos objetos representam cada bloco de um controlador fuzzy e também suas variáveis linguísticas. Tais classes, sendo aplicadas de forma sistemática, facilitam a programação de uma variedade de controladores desta natureza. Este trabalho apresenta a referida técnica e mostra os resultados obtidos através de um modelo simulado de um pêndulo rotacional invertido que é controlado por um sistema de controle composto por três controladores fuzzy, projetados e construídos sob este ponto de vista.


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A presente dissertação desenvolveu um Sistema de Alerta de Enchentes para a Cidade de Marabá, localizada na confluência dos rios Itacaiúnas e Tocantins, a 440 km da cidade de Belém, capital do Estado do Pará. O Sistema de Alerta de Enchentes foi desenvolvido com base no modelo hidrológico MOD-4B incorporado a um Sistema de Informações Geográficas. Esse sistema permite prever as variações do nível do Rio Tocantins ao longo do ano, de modo a acompanhar a evolução da cheia com antecedência de 4 dias, o que torna possível uma ação eficiente da defesa civil. O modelo de previsão utilizou como referência as réguas linimétricas localizadas nos rios Tocantins e Araguaia nas cidades de Carolina e Conceição do Araguaia, distantes aproximadamente 225 e 270 km, respectivamente, da cidade de Marabá. O sistema utiliza o software de geoprocessamento ArcView 3.3, que teve implementada uma interface desenvolvida através da linguagem de programação orientada a objetos Avenue, com a finalidade de rodar o aplicativo do modelo hidrológico. O uso de menus e janelas customizados do sistema possibilitou o acesso a dados espaciais e tabelas de dados relacionais e/ou banco de dados cadastral, além de módulos de análise espacial e de visualização de dados geográficos em um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG), possibilitando a previsão de enchentes na forma de mapas, tabelas e relatórios com a indicação das áreas inundadas para os períodos de 4, 3, 2 e 1 dia de antecedência do evento de enchente. O Sistema permitiu identificar os imóveis e as ruas atingidos, e possibilitará através de levantamentos futuros quantificar a população afetada e os prejuízos causados pelo desastre, facilitando que a defesa civil execute planos de ação para enfrentamento eficiente antes, durante e depois da ocorrência da enchente.


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Esta tese apresenta uma metodologia flexível orientada a objetos (OO) para a aplicação no projeto e implementação de sistemas de software utilizados na realização de estudos dinâmicos de sistemas elétricos de grande porte. A metodologia OO proposta objetiva tornar mais simples o desenvolvimento, a atualização e a manutenção de complexos sistemas de software para estudos de transitórios eletromecânicos em sistemas elétricos de potência. Os requisitos de usuário são mapeados para um conjunto de classes básicas, as quais são usadas para efetuar a modelagem de dispositivos dinâmicos tais como geradores elétricos. Para avaliação da metodologia foram realizados dois estudos de casos. No primeiro estudo caso o Framework foi aplicado na simulação das unidades geradoras da Usina Hidrelétrica de Tucuruí. Os resultados da simulação foram comparados com medições obtidos em ensaios no campo e mostrou a boa performance do Framework na reprodução dos fenômenos eletromecânicos desta usina de grande porte. No segundo estudo de caso, por outro lado, o Framework foi aplicado na modelagem de um sistema de geração fotovoltaico (PV) com seu sistema de Rastreamento da Potência Máxima (MPPT). O controle MPPT foi implementado usando técnicas digitais. Os resultados das simulações demonstram a performance do Framework na modelagem do sistema de controle de corrente, assim como no controle MPPT, dos sistemas de geração PV.


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Topographical surfaces can be represented with a good degree of accuracy by means of maps. However these are not always the best tools for the understanding of more complex reliefs. In this sense, the greatest contribution of this work is to specify and to implement the architecture of an opensource software system capable of representing TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) based digital terrain models. The system implementation follows the object oriented programming and generic paradigms enabling the integration of various opensource tools such as GDAL, OGR, OpenGL, OpenSceneGraph and Qt. Furthermore, the representation core of the system has the ability to work with multiple topological data structures from which can be extracted, in constant time, all the connectivity relations between the entities vertices, edges and faces existing in a planar triangulation what helps enormously the implementation for real time applications. This is an important capability, for example, in the use of laser survey data (Lidar, ALS, TLS), allowing for the generation of triangular mesh models in the order of millions of points.


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The Software Engineering originated with the motivation to mass produce components for increased productivity in production systems. Since its origins, numerous studies have been proposed on the subject as new features in the creation of systems, like the Object- Oriented Programming and Aspect-Oriented Programming, have been established and methodologies have been developed to control them efficiently. However, years of studies in the area were not sufficient to create a methodology for reusing software artifacts really efficient and easy enough to be widespread. Given this, the Model-Driven Development (MDD) is trying to promote it using the modeling of systems as a reference, becoming part of it and establishing a huge productivity gain. One of his approaches is called Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD), which focuses on improving the practices and systems development using Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) for this purpose. In this Final Paper, Xtext is used as a tool to prove the productivity and efficiency of this approach, and for that bibliographic studies were made on the approach and the tool, and show the methodology and a case study to demonstrate results and conclusions regarding this work


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This work, entitled Websislapam: People Rating System Based on Web Technologies, allows the creation of questionnaires, and the organization of entities and people who participate in evaluations. Entities collect data from people with the help of resources that reduce typing mistakes. The Websislapam maintains a database and provides graphical reporting, which enable the analysis of those tested. Developed using Web technologies such as PHP, Javascript, CSS, and others. Developed with the paradigm of object-oriented programming and the MySQL DBMS. For the theoretical basis, research in the areas of System Database, Web Technologies and Web Engineering were performed. It was determined the evaluation process, systems and Web-based applications, Web and System Engineering Database. Technologies applied in the implementation of Websislapam been described. In a separate chapter presented the main features and artifacts used in the development of Websislapam. A case study demonstrates the practical use of the system


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Due to an intense process of population growth and urban density in Americana (SP), mainly due to the development of the local textile industry after 1970, there was, concomitant to the occupation of the margin of rivers and streams, soil sealing that increased the level of superficial runoff, triggering frequent floods. Based on the analysis of these processes we investigate the conditions of one densely urbanized area of the county, the Córrego do Parque, in three time series, 1977, 1996 and 2008. Taking as the starting the characterization and spatial distribution of landscape physiography, we prepared thematic letters and synthetic maps digital scale 1:10,000 from photointerpretation of aeroframes. The thematic maps were produced by scanning with subsequent edition using the software Auto-Cad Map. Checking the data and of geographic coordinates with GPS (Global Positioning System). Regarding land use classes, we used the description of the Soil Conservation Service (1975) which allowed us to get the Curve Number parameter, which will be used in hydrologic modeling for verification of flooding (Tucci, 1989). For the process of hydrologic modeling, we used models based on Methodology Object Oriented Modeling Applied to Water Resource Systems, Viegas Filho (1999), using the computer program called IPHS1, which uses models of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS , 2004), for conversion of rainfall-runoff and the spread of excessive rain. The results indicate that increased waterproofing generated by the change in use and occupation over the past decades promoted the increased surface runoff and drainage system overload, increasing the intensity of floods


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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The collection of prices for basic goods supply is very important for the population, based on the collection and processing of these data the CLI (Cost Living Index) is calculated among others, helping consumers to shop more rationally and with a clearer view of each product impact of each product on their household budget, not only food, but also cleaning products and personal hygiene ones. Nowadays, the project of collection of prices for basic goods supply is conducted weekly in Botucatu - SP through a spreadsheet. The aim of this work was to develop a software which utilized mobile devices in the data collection and storage phase, concerning the basic goods supply in Botucatu -SP. This was created in order to eliminate the need of taking notes in paper spreadsheets, increasing efficiency and accelerating the data processing. This work utilized the world of mobile technology and development tools, through the platform".NET" - Compact Framework and programming language Visual Basic".NET" was used in the handheld phase, enabling to develop a system using techniques of object oriented programming, with higher speed and reliability in the codes writing. A HP Pavilion dv3 personal computer and an Eten glofish x500+ handheld computer were used. At the end of the software development, collection, data storing and processing in a report, the phase of in loco paper spreadsheets were eliminated and it was possible to verify that the whole process was faster, more consistent, safer, more efficient and the data were more available.


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Process algebraic architectural description languages provide a formal means for modeling software systems and assessing their properties. In order to bridge the gap between system modeling and system im- plementation, in this thesis an approach is proposed for automatically generating multithreaded object-oriented code from process algebraic architectural descriptions, in a way that preserves – under certain assumptions – the properties proved at the architectural level. The approach is divided into three phases, which are illustrated by means of a running example based on an audio processing system. First, we develop an architecture-driven technique for thread coordination management, which is completely automated through a suitable package. Second, we address the translation of the algebraically-specified behavior of the individual software units into thread templates, which will have to be filled in by the software developer according to certain guidelines. Third, we discuss performance issues related to the suitability of synthesizing monitors rather than threads from software unit descriptions that satisfy specific constraints. In addition to the running example, we present two case studies about a video animation repainting system and the implementation of a leader election algorithm, in order to summarize the whole approach. The outcome of this thesis is the implementation of the proposed approach in a translator called PADL2Java and its integration in the architecture-centric verification tool TwoTowers.


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In questa tesi descriveremo e analizzeremo il motore grafico OGRE, acronimo di Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine. La scelta di analizzare proprio questo motore grafico è legata a diverse considerazioni. Innanzitutto, OGRE è rilasciato con licenza open source e quindi rende disponibile il suo codice sorgente. Questo è molto importante, in un contesto di studio e sperimentazione come quello universitario, perché permette di comprendere e analizzare anche il funzionamento interno del motore grafico. Inoltre, OGRE è un progetto maturo e stabile con una vasta comunità di sviluppatori e utilizzatori alle spalle. Esiste molta documentazione a riguardo, tra wiki, libri e manuali, e un forum molto attivo per la richiesta di aiuto e consigli. A conferma, sia della bontà del progetto che delle ottime prestazioni del motore grafico, basta dire che OGRE è utilizzato anche da applicazioni commerciali, come videogame, editor 3D e simulatori. Infine, la caratteristica che contraddistingue OGRE da tutti gli altri motori grafici è il fatto di essere "solamente" un motore di rendering puro. Ciò significa che qualsiasi funzionalità non direttamente legata al rendering, come ad esempio la gestione degli input dell'utente, non è supportata da OGRE. Anche se questo può sembrare un difetto, in realtà ciò permetterà di concentrarci solamente sugli aspetti legati al rendering che, in un motore grafico, costituiscono la parte fondamentale.


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The increasing precision of current and future experiments in high-energy physics requires a likewise increase in the accuracy of the calculation of theoretical predictions, in order to find evidence for possible deviations of the generally accepted Standard Model of elementary particles and interactions. Calculating the experimentally measurable cross sections of scattering and decay processes to a higher accuracy directly translates into including higher order radiative corrections in the calculation. The large number of particles and interactions in the full Standard Model results in an exponentially growing number of Feynman diagrams contributing to any given process in higher orders. Additionally, the appearance of multiple independent mass scales makes even the calculation of single diagrams non-trivial. For over two decades now, the only way to cope with these issues has been to rely on the assistance of computers. The aim of the xloops project is to provide the necessary tools to automate the calculation procedures as far as possible, including the generation of the contributing diagrams and the evaluation of the resulting Feynman integrals. The latter is based on the techniques developed in Mainz for solving one- and two-loop diagrams in a general and systematic way using parallel/orthogonal space methods. These techniques involve a considerable amount of symbolic computations. During the development of xloops it was found that conventional computer algebra systems were not a suitable implementation environment. For this reason, a new system called GiNaC has been created, which allows the development of large-scale symbolic applications in an object-oriented fashion within the C++ programming language. This system, which is now also in use for other projects besides xloops, is the main focus of this thesis. The implementation of GiNaC as a C++ library sets it apart from other algebraic systems. Our results prove that a highly efficient symbolic manipulator can be designed in an object-oriented way, and that having a very fine granularity of objects is also feasible. The xloops-related parts of this work consist of a new implementation, based on GiNaC, of functions for calculating one-loop Feynman integrals that already existed in the original xloops program, as well as the addition of supplementary modules belonging to the interface between the library of integral functions and the diagram generator.