905 resultados para marks assignement
The proposed action consists of upgrading Mississippi Drive (Iowa Highway 92) through downtown Muscatine, Iowa. The Mississippi Drive Corridor Project begins south of the Main Street/Grandview Avenue intersection, continuing to the East 2nd Street/Norbert F. Beckey Bridge intersection, which marks the end of the project. It passes through a mix of commercial, residential, Central Business District and industrial land uses. The total length of the project is approximately 1.6 miles, including 19 intersections (6 with traffic signals). Refer to the vicinity map on Figure 1. The current roadway is a 3- to 4-lane, urban facility with both divided and undivided medians. The roadway, ranging from 40 to 64 feet wide, is considered difficult to cross for pedestrians, especially for small children or elderly. The width of this roadway is being considered to be narrowed to improve the accessibility to the downtown from the Mississippi River riverfront area by pedestrians. This project also includes accommodations for bicycles and pedestrians and measures to reduce flooding on the roadway.
The use of quantum dots (QDs) in the area of fingermark detection is currently receiving a lot of attention in the forensic literature. Most of the research efforts have been devoted to cadmium telluride (CdTe) quantum dots often applied as powders to the surfaces of interests. Both the use of cadmium and the nano size of these particles raise important issues in terms of health and safety. This paper proposes to replace CdTe QDs by zinc sulphide QDs doped with copper (ZnS:Cu) to address these issues. Zinc sulphide-copper doped QDs were successfully synthesized, characterized in terms of size and optical properties and optimized to be applied for the detection of impressions left in blood, where CdTe QDs proved to be efficient. Effectiveness of detection was assessed in comparison with CdTe QDs and Acid Yellow 7 (AY7, an effective blood reagent), using two series of depletive blood fingermarks from four donors prepared on four non-porous substrates, i.e. glass, transparent polypropylene, black polyethylene and aluminium foil. The marks were cut in half and processed separately with both reagents, leading to two comparison series (ZnS:Cu vs. CdTe, and ZnS:Cu vs. AY7). ZnS:Cu proved to be better than AY7 and at least as efficient as CdTe on most substrates. Consequently, copper-doped ZnS QDs constitute a valid substitute for cadmium-based QDs to detect blood marks on non-porous substrates and offer a safer alternative for routine use.
Interactions of cell-autonomous circadian oscillators with diurnal cycles govern the temporal compartmentalization of cell physiology in mammals. To understand the transcriptional and epigenetic basis of diurnal rhythms in mouse liver genome-wide, we generated temporal DNA occupancy profiles by RNA polymerase II (Pol II) as well as profiles of the histone modifications H3K4me3 and H3K36me3. We used these data to quantify the relationships of phases and amplitudes between different marks. We found that rhythmic Pol II recruitment at promoters rather than rhythmic transition from paused to productive elongation underlies diurnal gene transcription, a conclusion further supported by modeling. Moreover, Pol II occupancy preceded mRNA accumulation by 3 hours, consistent with mRNA half-lives. Both methylation marks showed that the epigenetic landscape is highly dynamic and globally remodeled during the 24-hour cycle. While promoters of transcribed genes had tri-methylated H3K4 even at their trough activity times, tri-methylation levels reached their peak, on average, 1 hour after Pol II. Meanwhile, rhythms in tri-methylation of H3K36 lagged transcription by 3 hours. Finally, modeling profiles of Pol II occupancy and mRNA accumulation identified three classes of genes: one showing rhythmicity both in transcriptional and mRNA accumulation, a second class with rhythmic transcription but flat mRNA levels, and a third with constant transcription but rhythmic mRNAs. The latter class emphasizes widespread temporally gated posttranscriptional regulation in the mouse liver.
The cdc10 gene of the fission yeast S. pombe is required for traverse of the start control in late G1 and commitment to the mitotic cell cycle. To increase our understanding of the events which occur at start, a pseudoreversion analysis was undertaken to identify genes whose products may interact with cdc10 or bypass the requirement for it. A single gene, sct1+ (suppressor of cdc ten), has been identified, mutation of which suppresses all conditional alleles and a null allele of cdc10. Bypass of the requirement for cdc10+ function by sct1-1 mutations leads to pleiotropic defects, including microtubule, microfilament and nuclear structural abnormalities. Our data suggest that sct1 encodes a protein that is dependent upon cdc10+ either for its normal function or expression, or is a component of a checkpoint that monitors execution of p85cdc10 function.
In eukaryotic cells, transgene expression levels may be limited by an unfavourable chromatin structure at the integration site. Epigenetic regulators are DNA sequences which may protect transgenes from such position effect. We evaluated different epigenetic regulators for their ability to protect transgene expression at telomeres, which are commonly associated to low or inconsistent expression because of their repressive chromatin environment. Although to variable extents, matrix attachment regions (MARs), ubiquitous chromatin opening element (UCOE) and the chicken cHS4 insulator acted as barrier elements, protecting a telomeric-distal transgene from silencing. MARs also increased the probability of silent gene reactivation in time-course experiments. Additionally, all MARs improved the level of expression in non-silenced cells, unlike other elements. MARs were associated to histone marks usually linked to actively expressed genes, especially acetylation of histone H3 and H4, suggesting that they may prevent the spread of silencing chromatin by imposing acetylation marks on nearby nucleosomes. Alternatively, an UCOE was found to act by preventing deposition of repressive chromatin marks. We conclude that epigenetic DNA elements used to enhance and stabilize transgene expression all have specific epigenetic signature that might be at the basis of their mode of action.
Työssä tutkittiin heatset offset- ja syväpainetun SC-paperin painojäljen laatua, kun koepaperikoneella valmistetun SC-paperin valmistuksessa käytettiin eri kuivatus-menetelmiä. Erityisesti kiinnostus kohdistui eri kuiva-ainepitoisuuksissa käytetyn ilmakuivatuksen aiheuttamiin painojäljen laatuvaikutuksiin. Painojäljen lisäksi työssä tarkasteltiin pohjapaperin ominaisuuksia kuivatuksen jakalanteroinnin jälkeen. Perinteisen sylinterikuivatuksen kuivatuskapasiteettia voidaan nostaa kuivattamalla paperia kuuman ilman avulla, jolloin paperin haihdutusnopeus nousee yli viisinkertaiseksi sylinterikuivatukseenverrattuna. Ilmakuivatus voidaan sijoittaa välittömästä kuivatusosan alkuun ennen ensimmäistä kuivatussylinteriä tai korkeampaan kuiva-ainepitoisuuteen sylinterikuivatuksen keskelle. Kuivattua paperia tarkasteltaessa kuuman ilman avulla kuivatun paperin ominaisuudet poikkesivat huokoisuuden ja öljynabsorption suhteen sylinterikuivatusta paperista sekä heatset offset- että syväpainopaperilla. Kalanterointi tasoitti koepisteiden välisiä muutoksia. Kalanteroidusta paperista havaittiin, että ilmakuivatuksen sijoittuminen välittömästi puristimen jälkeen kasvatti paperin molempien pintojen opasiteettia. Vastaavasti paperin tiheys kasvoi, kun paperia kuivattiin kuumalla ilmalla sekä ennen sylinterikuivatusta että sylinterikuivatuksen keskellä. Yhteistä ilmakuivatuksen käytölle kaikissa koepisteissä oli paperin huokoisuuden pieneneminen. Heatset offsetpainoprosessissa käytettävä kostutusvesi asettaa paperin kuitu-karhenemiselle vaatimuksia. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että puristimen jälkeen sijoitettu ilmakuivatus pienensi paperin taipumusta karhentua painoprosessissa. Muiden ominaisuuksien osalta paperin kuivatus kuuman ilman avulla yhdessä sylinterikuivatuksen kanssa ei jättänyt paperiin sellaisia jälkiä, jotka näkyisivät heatset offset- ja syväpainetun SC-paperin painojäljessä verrattuna kokonaan yksiviira-vientisesti sylinterikuivattuun paperiin.
Ressenya dels projectes europeus del CERN (Consortium of European Research Libraries) dedicats a l'estudi de les marques de propietat dels impresos antics
Barcino és encara avui una ciutat romana poc coneguda de la província Tarraconense, que segons la majoria d’especialistes fou fundada per raons polítiques. Malgrat això, una anàlisi detallada de les característiques econòmiques suggereixen que es va crear com a resultat de necessitats comercials, ja que es localitzava en una de les millors zones portuàries del NE de la península. L’article present pretén reconstruir tot el circuit comercial de Barcino a partir de les nombroses estampilles d’àmfores trobades en les excavacions. Aquestes marques comercials no solament evidencien una pròspera producció de vi en l’àrea, sinó també la corresponent demanda externa.
Ressenya dels projectes europeus del CERN (Consortium of European Research Libraries) dedicats a l'estudi de les marques de propietat dels impresos antics
[spa]El estudio bibliométrico descriptivo que sigue presenta tendencias de investigación sobre el aprendizaje basado en problemas entre 1974 y 2009. Se sirve de la base de datos ERIC y trabaja con una muestra de 1007 documentos. Se analizan los registros a tenor de cuatro variables: el año de publicación o realización, la titulación, el área de conocimiento y la tipología de investigación. En cuanto a la producción científica, pueden diferenciarse tres fases: la primera, de 1974 a 1989, supone el inicio de las publicaciones y muestra escasa relevancia estadística; la segunda, de crecimiento, durante la década de los 90 del pasado siglo; y la última, de maduración, desde el año 2000 hasta el año 2009. La distribución de los registros por sectores de conocimiento destaca Ciencias de la Salud, Ciencias Sociales y Enseñanzas Técnicas. Las titulaciones en las que más ha proliferado el ABP son Medicina, Económicas, Empresariales, Pedagogía, Formación del Profesorado y el conjunto de las ingenierías.
En los últimos años la traducción lingüística y la mediación intercultural se han convertido en un ejercicio cada vez más presente y utilizado en servicios e instituciones educativas de Cataluña; tal como se acostumbra a decir popularmente, la práctica va por delante de la teoría y en este caso es muy cierto. A pesar de este bagaje, dicha práctica se manifiesta llena de interrogantes y, sin embargo, no se está produciendo paralelamente una reflexión y clarificación de su funcionamiento. Por ello, nos pareció que nos hallábamos en un momento adecuado para examinarla, ya que se están tomando diversas iniciativas de formación y actuación de mediadores, en este último caso casi siempre en relación con situaciones o marginación de determinados grupos etnoculturales.
This paper seeks to explore a survey of consumers in Spain. The survey explores the attributes of quality that consumers are seeking and promotion of grapes via "quality" marks, which are indicators of possible ways to increase demand. The reason consumers are switching to other foods, such as dairy based snacks, is that grapes are not easy to eat, can be unreliable in terms of their quality attributes, and their price more variable. Consumers are also generally unaware of the marks quality currently used.
La problématique des marquages corporels en tant que pratiques ancestrales s'insèrent dans des formes contemporaines d'inscription corporelle. Nous nous sommes permis d'essayer de savoir s'il s'agissait toujours d'une expression d'un malaise psychologique important ? Quelles peuvent en être les conséquences ? Pourquoi marquer le corps ? La mise en oeuvre de ce travail s'est articulée en deux phases, au départ, nous avons opéré par une pré-enquête d'envergure qui a regroupé 200 adolescents (10 filles et 190 garçons). Ensuite et dans un deuxième temps nous avons interrogé dix adolescents qui se marquent la peau dont trois garçons, âgés de quinze à dix-neuf ans. Grâce à une « tri approche » : Entretien clinique, tests du Rorschach et du TAT. Les résultats auxquels nous sommes parvenus peuvent être résumés comme suit : ces pratiques expriment une souffrance qui peine à trouver une voie d'expression symbolique autre que le corps, l'angoisse et la relation d'objet du type anaclitique, l'organisation défensive renseigneraient essentiellement sur des défenses narcissiques, centrées notamment autour du clivage et le retournement sur soi, une identité fragile marquée par une image du corps et représentation de soi fragiles et un sur (dés) investissement des limites. Il s'agit d'une emprise sur le corps et sur les marques mêmes, permettant de retrouver l'objet et le recréer. À partir des principaux résultats obtenus, nous envisageons de travailler, en filigrane sur les spécificités des types de marquages corporels existant en Algérie. En effet si le présent travail s'est étayé sur une analyse prônant la globalité, un comparatif entre les types de marquages, de même, l'établissement d'un lien entre la symbolique de certaines pratiques et les soubassements psychodynamiques qui l'entourent, serait d'un apport considérable dans la compréhension du fait étudié dans ses moindres « recoins ». -- The problem of the physical markings as ancestral practices fit into contemporary forms of physical registration. We allowed to try to know if it was always about an expression of an important psychological illness? What can be the consequences? Why to mark the body? The application of this work articulated in two phases, at first, we operated by a large-scale pre- inquiry which grouped together 200 teenagers (10 girls and 190 boys). Then and in the second time we interrogated ten teenagers who mark the skin among which three boys, from fifteen to nineteen years old. Thanks to one « sorting approaches »: clinical Interview, tests of Rorschach and TAT. The results which we reached can be summarized as follows: these practices express a suffering which has difficulty in finding a way of symbolic expression other one than the body, the fear and the relation of object of the type anaclitique, the defensive organization would inform essentially about narcissistic defences, centred notably around the cleavage and the reversal on one, a fragile identity marked by an image of the body and the representation of one fragile and one on investment of the limits. It is about an influence on the body and on the marks, allowing to find the object and to recreate it. From the main obtained results, we intend to work, between the lines on the specificities of the types of physical markings existing in Algeria. Indeed if the present work supported on an analysis lauding the global nature, a comparative degree between the types of markings, also, the establishment of a link between the symbolism of certain practices and the bases psychodynamiques who surround him, would be of a considerable contribution in the understanding of the fact studied in its slightest « hidden recesses ».
BACKGROUND: HOX genes are a family of developmental genes that are expressed neither in the developing forebrain nor in the normal brain. Aberrant expression of a HOX-gene dominated stem-cell signature in glioblastoma has been linked with increased resistance to chemo-radiotherapy and sustained proliferation of glioma initiating cells. Here we describe the epigenetic and genetic alterations and their interactions associated with the expression of this signature in glioblastoma. RESULTS: We observe prominent hypermethylation of the HOXA locus 7p15.2 in glioblastoma in contrast to non-tumoral brain. Hypermethylation is associated with a gain of chromosome 7, a hallmark of glioblastoma, and may compensate for tumor-driven enhanced gene dosage as a rescue mechanism by preventing undue gene expression. We identify the CpG island of the HOXA10 alternative promoter that appears to escape hypermethylation in the HOX-high glioblastoma. An additive effect of gene copy gain at 7p15.2 and DNA methylation at key regulatory CpGs in HOXA10 is significantly associated with HOX-signature expression. Additionally, we show concordance between methylation status and presence of active or inactive chromatin marks in glioblastoma-derived spheres that are HOX-high or HOX-low, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these findings, we propose co-evolution and interaction between gene copy gain, associated with a gain of chromosome 7, and additional epigenetic alterations as key mechanisms triggering a coordinated, but inappropriate, HOX transcriptional program in glioblastoma.
L'objectiu d'aquest article és discutir una antiga matriu comunicativa parcialment assenyalada per A. Comte, Ch. S. Peirce i U. Eco. Aquests autors reconegueren la relació entre marques, fletxes, ensenyes i espills com a diferents metàfores bàsiques de diverses operacions cognitives, encara que no en van presentar una visió de conjunt. Tots tres van treballar la distinció entre metàfora i metonímia, que va resultar tan fructífera en diferents dominis de recerca, com Jakobson (entre altres) ens va ensenyar. La meua hipòtesi és que aquestes quatre metàfores bàsiques (marques, fletxes, ensenyes i espills) es poden deduir correctament d'una matriu que relacioni l'eix metàfora-metonímia amb menes de codi ficació. E. Verón llançà una interessant reflexió sobre els modes analògic i digital, tot partint d'un problema semblant. Marques, etxes, ensenyes i miralls poden recordar bé operacions com senyalar i assenyalar, representar i reflectir, respectivament: estipular de manera aproximada com aquests objectes i aquestes operacions estan connectats podria ser una petita contribució a l'antic programa de Peirce i els altres.