735 resultados para learning by teaching


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This article presents the findings of a field research, not experimental, observational, correlating, basic, of mixed data, micro sociologic, leading to a study of surveys.The object of study is to find learning kinds, and the unit of analysis were 529 high school students between 16 and 21 years old. Its purpose is to understand the impact of learning by rote, guided, self learned and meaningful learning and its achievement degree besides the learning outcomes of differentiated curriculum based on David Ausubel's thoughts, associated with different economic specialties (MINEDUC, 1998) where the population of the study is trained. To collect data, the test TADA - DO2 was used, this test has a reliability index of 0.911 according to Cronbach. From the hits it can be stated from the null hypothesis that there is a significant association (a = 0,05) between the learning kinds and the learning expected of differentiated training plan for both, male and female. It is complex to state that the training of the middle-level technicians leads to a successful employment.


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El siguiente trabajo se enmarca en la línea de investigación sobre formación docente en Educación Física, desarrollada en el Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue (CRUB-UNCo). Los proyectos que la integran, a partir del incremento sostenido del número de estudiantes que abandonan la carrera durante los dos primeros años, procuran interrogar las prácticas pedagógicas universitarias en ese campo, desentrañar sus modos particulares de producción y analizar su impacto en la constitución de los trayectos formativos de los y las estudiantes. En las indagaciones hallamos indicios de un trabajo docente sistemático para mejorar las condiciones de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje e identificamos dispositivos pedagógicos institucionales y áulicos a modo de andamiaje de las trayectorias estudiantiles y modos de recepción a los y las ingresantes. En esta oportunidad describimos y analizamos uno de estos dispositivos, denominado "registro de lectura", generado en la cátedra Pedagogía del 1º año del Profesorado en Educación Física del mencionado centro universitario. Dicho instrumento forma parte de una serie de prácticas pedagógicas deliberadamente planificadas en relación con el ingreso, la permanencia y el egreso del nivel superior, que pretende habilitar mejores escenarios para el desarrollo de los procesos educativos. El dispositivo, construido a modo de andamiaje de las prácticas lectoras de los y las estudiantes, pretende contribuir a la promoción de trayectorias formativas democráticas y procura dar lugar a nuevas explicaciones en tanto anclajes para la transformación y para la construcción de nuevos conocimientos así como lograr mejores intervenciones pedagógicas


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This article presents the findings of a field research, not experimental, observational, correlating, basic, of mixed data, micro sociologic, leading to a study of surveys.The object of study is to find learning kinds, and the unit of analysis were 529 high school students between 16 and 21 years old. Its purpose is to understand the impact of learning by rote, guided, self learned and meaningful learning and its achievement degree besides the learning outcomes of differentiated curriculum based on David Ausubel's thoughts, associated with different economic specialties (MINEDUC, 1998) where the population of the study is trained. To collect data, the test TADA - DO2 was used, this test has a reliability index of 0.911 according to Cronbach. From the hits it can be stated from the null hypothesis that there is a significant association (a = 0,05) between the learning kinds and the learning expected of differentiated training plan for both, male and female. It is complex to state that the training of the middle-level technicians leads to a successful employment.


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El siguiente trabajo se enmarca en la línea de investigación sobre formación docente en Educación Física, desarrollada en el Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue (CRUB-UNCo). Los proyectos que la integran, a partir del incremento sostenido del número de estudiantes que abandonan la carrera durante los dos primeros años, procuran interrogar las prácticas pedagógicas universitarias en ese campo, desentrañar sus modos particulares de producción y analizar su impacto en la constitución de los trayectos formativos de los y las estudiantes. En las indagaciones hallamos indicios de un trabajo docente sistemático para mejorar las condiciones de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje e identificamos dispositivos pedagógicos institucionales y áulicos a modo de andamiaje de las trayectorias estudiantiles y modos de recepción a los y las ingresantes. En esta oportunidad describimos y analizamos uno de estos dispositivos, denominado "registro de lectura", generado en la cátedra Pedagogía del 1º año del Profesorado en Educación Física del mencionado centro universitario. Dicho instrumento forma parte de una serie de prácticas pedagógicas deliberadamente planificadas en relación con el ingreso, la permanencia y el egreso del nivel superior, que pretende habilitar mejores escenarios para el desarrollo de los procesos educativos. El dispositivo, construido a modo de andamiaje de las prácticas lectoras de los y las estudiantes, pretende contribuir a la promoción de trayectorias formativas democráticas y procura dar lugar a nuevas explicaciones en tanto anclajes para la transformación y para la construcción de nuevos conocimientos así como lograr mejores intervenciones pedagógicas


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The multimedia development that has taken place within the university classrooms in recent years has caused a revolution at psychological level within the collectivity of students and teachers inside and outside the classrooms. The slide show applications have become a key supporting element for university professors, who, in many cases, rely blindly in the use of them for teaching. Additionally, ill-conceived slides, poorly structured and with a vast amount of multimedia content, can be the basis of a faulty communication between teacher and student, which is overwhelmed by the appearance and presentation, neglecting their content. The same applies to web pages. This paper focuses on the study and analysis of the impact caused in the process of teaching and learning by the slide show presentations and web pages, and its positive and negative influence on the student’s learning process, paying particular attention to the consequences on the level of attention within the classroom, and on the study outside the classroom. The study is performed by means of a qualitative analysis of student surveys conducted during the last 8 school Civil Engineering School at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. It presents some of the weaknesses of multimedia material, including the difficulties for students to study them, because of the many distractions they face and the need for incentives web pages offer, or the insignificant content and shallowness of the studies due to wrongly formulated presentations.


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Este artículo ofrece una reflexión sobre el papel de los mapas conceptuales en el actual escenario de la educación In the present paper, we carry out the application of concept mapping strategies to learning Physical Chemistry, in particular, of all aspect of Corrosion. This strategy is an alternative method to supplement examinations: it can show the teacher how much the students knew and how much they didn´t know; and the students can evaluate their own learning. Before giving tile matter on Corrosion, the teachers evaluated the previous knowledge of the students in the field and explained to the students how create the conceptual maps with Cmap tools. When the subject is finished, teachers are assessed the conceptual maps developed by students and therefore also the level of the students learning. Teachers verified that the concept mapping is quite suitable for complicated theorics as Corrosion and it is an appropriate tool for the consolidation of educational experiences and for improvement affective lifelong learning. By using this method we demonstrated that the set of concepts accumulated in the cognitive structure of every student in unique and every student has therefore arranged the concepts from top to bottom in the mapping field in different ways with different linking" phrases, although these are involved in the same learning task.


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La metodología PBL propone el aprendizaje basado en problemas. A grandes rasgos sugiere que el estudiante sea el protagonista de su propio aprendizaje mediante el desarrollo de proyectos. Con esa idea, el grupo de innovación educativa DMAE-DIA (Desarrollo de nuevas Metodologías de Aprendizaje/Evaluación del Departamento de Informática Aplicada), comenzó la construcción de un portal web para mostrar los principios de dicha metodología, que permitiese a los usuarios del mismo conocerla y aprender a utilizarla en un entorno colaborativo. El objetivo de este trabajo es ampliar este portal para que los usuarios sean capaces de crear, eliminar y mantener sus propios proyectos para posteriormente utilizarlos como base para su práctica docente. El trabajo se ha planteado siguiendo el paradigma de la orientación a objetos, mediante la metodología UML y siguiendo el ciclo de vida del software y se ha implementado utilizando como base el CMS Wordpress y desarrollando con los lenguajes que más adelante se especificarán. Wordpress por su parte es un sistema de gestión de contenidos dotado de gran potencia que permite, de una manera muy sencilla, construir entornos web con el mínimo esfuerzo. ABSTRACT The PBL methodology proposed problem-based learning. Roughly suggests that the student is the protagonist of their own learning by developing projects. With that, the group of educational innovation DMAE-DIA (Development of new Learning/Assessment methodologies, Department of Applied Computing) began building a web portal to show the principles of this methodology, which would allow users to know and learn to use it in a collaborative environment. The aim of this work is to extend this website so that users are able to create, delete and maintain their own projects for later use as the basis for their teaching practice. The work has been raised following the paradigm of object orientation, by following the UML methodology and software life cycle and has been implemented using as a basis the CMS Wordpress and developed with the languages that will be specified later. Meanwhile Wordpress is a content management system endowed with great power that allows,in a very simple way to build web environments with minimal effort.


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Tradicionalmente, los entornos virtuales se han relacionado o vinculado de forma muy estrecha con campos como el diseño de escenarios tridimensionales o los videojuegos; dejando poco margen a poder pensar en sus aplicaciones en otros ámbitos. Sin embargo, estas tendencias pueden cambiar en tanto se demuestre que las aplicaciones y ventajas de estas facilidades software, se pueden extrapolar a su uso en el ámbito de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Estas aplicaciones son los conocidos como Entornos Virtuales Inteligentes (EVI); los cuales, tratan de usar un entorno virtual para llevar a cabo labores de enseñanza y tutoría, aportando ventajas como simulación de entornos peligrosos o tutorización personalizada; cosa que no podemos encontrar en la mayoría de los casos de las situaciones de enseñanza reales. Este trabajo trata de dar solución a una de las problemáticas que se plantean a la hora de trabajar con cualquier entorno virtual con el que nos encontremos y prepararlo para su cometido, sobre todo en aquellos enfocados a la enseñanza: dotar de forma automática e inteligente de una semántica propia a cada uno de los objetos que se encuentran en un entorno virtual y almacenar esta información para su posterior consulta o uso para otras tareas. Esto quiere decir que el objetivo principal de este trabajo, es el proceso de recolección de información que se considera importante de los objetos de los entornos virtuales, como pueden ser sus aspectos de la forma, tamaño o color. Aspectos que, por otra parte, son realmente importantes para poder caracterizar los objetos y hacerlos únicos en un entorno virtual donde, a priori, todos los objetos son los mismos a ojos de un ordenador. Este trabajo que puede parecer trivial en un principio, no lo es tanto; y servirá de sustento fundamental para que otras aplicaciones futuras o ya existentes puedan realizar sus tareas. Una de estas tareas pudiera ser la generación de indicaciones en lenguaje natural para guiar a usuarios a localizar objetos en un entorno virtual, como es el caso del proyecto LORO sobre el que se engloba este trabajo. Algunos ejemplos de uso de esta tarea pueden ser desde ayudar a cualquier usuario a encontrar sus llaves en su propia casa a ayudar a un cirujano a localizar cierta herramienta en un quirófano. Para ello, es indispensable conocer la semántica e información relevante de cada uno de los objetos que se presentan en la escena y diferenciarlos claramente del resto. La solución propuesta se trata de una completa aplicación integrada en el motor de videojuegos y escenarios 3D de mayor soporte del mundo como es Unity 3D, el cual se interrelaciona con ontologías para poder guardar la información de los objetos de cada escena. Esto hace que la aplicación tenga una potencial difusión, gracias a las herramientas antes mencionadas para su desarrollo y a que está pensada para tanto el usuario experto como el usuario común.---ABSTRACT---Traditionally, virtual environments have been related to tridimensional design and videogames; leaving a little margin to think about its applications in other fields. However, this tendencies can be changed as soon as it is proven that the applications and advantages of this software can be taken to the learning and teaching environment. This applications are known as intelligent virtual environments, these use the virtual environment to perform teaching and tutoring tasks; tasks we cannot find in most real life teaching situations. This project aims to give a solution to one of the problematics that appears when someone works with any virtual environments we may encounter and prepare it for its duty, mainly those environments dedicated to teaching: automatically and intelligently give its own semantic to the objects that are in any virtual environment and save this information for its posterior query or use in other tasks. The main purpose of this project is the information recollection process that considers the different important facts about the objects that are in the virtual environments, such as their shape, size or color. Facts that are very important for characterizing the objects; to make them unique in the environment where the objects are all the same to the computer’s eye. This project may seem banal in the beginning, but it is not, it will be the fundamental base for future applications. One of this applications may be a natural language indicator generator for guiding users to locate objects in a virtual environment, such as the LORO project, where this project is included. Some examples of the use of this task are: helping any user to find the keys of his house, helping a surgeon to find a tool in an operation room… For this goals, it is very important to know the semantics and the relevant information of each object of the scenario and differentiate each one of them from the rest. The solution for this proposal is a fully integrated application in the videogame and Unity 3D engine that is related to ontologies so it can save the object’s information in every scenario. The previously mentioned tools, as well as the idea that this application is made for an expert user as well as for a common user, make the application more spreadable.


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In recent years, coinciding with adjustments to the Bologna process, many European universities have attempted to improve their international profile by increasing course offerings in English. According to the Institute of International Education (IIE), Spain has notably increased its English-taught higher education programs, ranking fifth in the list of European countries by number of English-taught Master's programs in 2013. This article presents the goals and preliminary results of an on-going innovative education project (TechEnglish) that aims to promote course offerings in English at the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM). The UPM is the oldest and largest of all Technical Universities in Spain. It offers graduate and postgraduate programs that cover all the engineering disciplines as well as architecture. Currently, the UPM has no specific bilingual/multilingual program to promote teaching in English, although there is an Educational Model Whitepaper (with a focus on undergraduate degrees) that promotes the development of activities like an International Semester or a unique shared curriculum. The TechEnglish project is an attempt to foster courses taught in English at 7 UPM Technical Schools, including students and 80 faculty members. Four tasks were identified: (1) to design a university wide framework to increase course offerings, (2) to identify administrative difficulties, (3) to increase visibility of courses offered, and (4) to disseminate the results of the project. First, to design a program we analyzed existing programs at other Spanish universities, and other projects and efforts already under way at the UPM. A total of 13 plans were analyzed and classified according to their relation with students (learning), professors (teaching), administration, course offerings, other actors/institutions within the university (e.g., language departments), funds and projects, dissemination activities, mobility plans and quality control. Second, to begin to identify administrative and organizational difficulties in the implementation of teaching in English, we first estimated the current and potential course offerings at the undergraduate level at the UPM using a survey (student, teacher and administrative demand, level of English and willingness to work in English). Third, to make the course offerings more attractive for both Spanish and international students we examined the way the most prestigious universities in Spain and in Europe try to improve the visibility of their academic offerings in English. Finally, to disseminate the results of the project we created a web page and a workspace on the Moodle education platform and prepared conferences and workshops within the UPM. Preliminary results show that increasing course offerings in English is an important step to promote the internationalization of the University. The main difficulties identified at the UPM were related to how to acknowledge/certify the departments, teachers or students involved in English courses, how students should register for the courses, how departments should split and schedule the courses (Spanish and English), and the lack of qualified personnel. A concerted effort could be made to increase the visibility of English-taught programs offered on-line.


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Neste trabalho fazemos uma revisão das novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC), definindo o que são Objetos de Aprendizagem (OA) e como eles têm sido utilizados no ensino de Física. Revisamos ainda o trabalho de Vigotski buscando indicações de sua teoria educacional para investigar a aplicabilidade de atividades didáticas em ensino de Física que lancem mão de OA no ensino médio. Elaboramos um instrumento de pesquisa voltado para professores do ensino médio para avaliar seu efetivo uso nas escolas públicas e privadas brasileiras e as limitações funcionais por eles identificadas ao utilizarem esses recursos computacionais. Com base na literatura, e sob uma ótica vigotskiana, aplicamos algumas atividades com OA pré-selecionados e avaliamos com outro instrumento de pesquisa a opinião dos alunos quanto ao seu uso para o ensino de Física. Nosso trabalho pôde corroborar a boa aceitação por parte dos alunos com relação ao seu uso, já divulgada na literatura e também por parte dos professores, mas mostrou que para além das limitações de uso dos OA, especialmente das simulações computacionais, destacadas na literatura e relacionadas às limitações cognitivas que elas podem trazer quando utilizadas de maneira indiscriminada, existem problemas mais profundos de natureza funcional que têm limitado a disseminação de seu uso efetivo pelo corpo docente.


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Se presentan tres experiencias de innovación docente realizadas en la asignatura de Iniciación a las Habilidades Profesionales, primer curso del Grado en Trabajo Social, Universidad de Alicante. Objetivos: 1) Implicar en la docencia a las personas usuarias de los servicios, considerándolos expertos por su experiencia personal con Trabajadores Sociales y con la sociedad en general. 2) Proporcionar un contexto de aprendizaje que permita conocer, comprender y aprender a comunicarse profesionalmente con personas usuarias de servicios. Metodología: Aprendizaje significativo basado en la interacción con personas usuarias de los servicios con tres modalidades: a) Diseño conjunto de actividades de enseñanza-aprendizaje entre una entidad social y el profesorado de la asignatura Iniciación a las Habilidades Profesionales del Grado en Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Alicante; b) Diseño con enfoque multidisciplinar (profesorado de Trabajo Social con el profesorado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y Deporte) y la entidad social; c) Diseño internacional con participación de las universidades Queen’s University, Belfast (Northern Ireland) (coordinadora del proyecto) junto con las universidades de Ljubljana (Slovenia) y Alicante. Los resultados proporcionan evidencias sobre la pertinencia de la colaboración docente de personas expertas por su experiencia y de la utilización de una metodología docente basada en el aprendizaje significativo para la adquisición de competencias.


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En este artículo ofrecemos una perspectiva diferente del aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la fraseología en clase de lengua extranjera (LE). Partiendo de la premisa sobre el carácter eminentemente holístico del lenguaje, concebimos las unidades fraseológicas (UF) como elementos habituales e inherentes en la comunicación verbal, por lo que no pueden excluirse del proceso de adquisición de la competencia comunicativa en una LE. Nuestra propuesta consiste en partir de la fraseología para optimizar el desarrollo de diversas subcompetencias de la competencia comunicativa. Para ello, resulta imprescindible indagar en la configuración y el funcionamiento del significado fraseológico, que, según defendemos en este trabajo, conforma un conjunto de informaciones de diversa índole que se articulan en dos niveles, el semántico y el pragmático. Tal indagación permite desarrollar una serie de consideraciones con interesantes implicaciones didácticas.


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Learning and teaching processes are continually changing. Therefore, design of learning technologies has gained interest in educators and educational institutions from secondary school to higher education. This paper describes the successfully use in education of social learning technologies and virtual laboratories designed by the authors, as well as videos developed by the students. These tools, combined with other open educational resources based on a blended-learning methodology, have been employed to teach the subject of Computer Networks. We have verified not only that the application of OERs into the learning process leads to a significantly improvement of the assessments, but also that the combination of several OERs enhances their effectiveness. These results are supported by, firstly, a study of both students’ opinion and students’ behaviour over five academic years, and, secondly, a correlation analysis between the use of OERs and the grades obtained by students.


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Degree in nursing from the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) maintains the continuity of learning with an integrated learning methodology (theory, simulated practice and clinical practice). The objective of this methodology is to achieve consistency between the knowledge, abilities and skills acquired in the classroom, laboratory and clinic to ensure skills related. Reference Nurse is a key figure in this process, you receive accredited training on Educational Methods, assessment of competence, and Evidence-Based Practice that plays the role of evaluating in conjunction with the subjects. It does not perceive economic remuneration. The main objective of this study is to determine the level of satisfaction of clinical nurses on the Nurses Training Program Reference in UJI (Castellon- Spain). A cross sectional study was performed and conducted on 150 nurses. 112 questionnaires were completed, collected and analysed at the end of training. The survey consists of 12 items measured with the Likert scale with 5 levels of response and two open questions regarding the positive and negative aspects of the course and to add in this formation. The training is always performed by the same faculty and it's used four sessions of 2012. We perform a quantitative analysis of the variables under study using measures of central tendency. The completion rate of the survey is 95.53% (n=107). Anonymity rate of 54,14% The overall satisfaction level of training was 3.65 (SD = 0.89) on 5 points. 54.2% (n = 58) of the reference nurses made a contribution in the open questions described in the overall results. The overall satisfaction level can be considered acceptable. It is considered necessary to elaborate a specific survey to detect areas of improvement of nurse training program reference and future recruitment strategies. The main objective of the present work is the selection and integration of different methodologies among those applicable within the framework of the European Higher Education Area to combine teaching methods with high implication from both lecturers and students.


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In this article it is offered a different view of the role of phraseology in the foreign language class. Considering the holistic nature of language, phraseological units are conceived as inherent elements in the verbal communication, which confirms its importance in the formation process of the communicative competence in a foreign language. With attention to the modular conceptions of the communicative competence (Canale 1983) and of the phraseological meaning (Timofeeva 2012), it is proposed conceiving the phraseology as a starting point for developing the different parts of communicative competence. As it is explained, phraseological meaning is conformed by several informational chunks articulated in two levels, the semantic and the pragmatic. The connexions between these chunks and the parts of communicative competence allow to use more effectively the phraseological contents for the foreign language learning and teaching.