938 resultados para law for non-lawyers


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This paper investigates the non-linear bending behaviour of functionally graded plates that are bonded with piezoelectric actuator layers and subjected to transverse loads and a temperature gradient based on Reddy's higher-order shear deformation plate theory. The von Karman-type geometric non-linearity, piezoelectric and thermal effects are included in mathematical formulations. The temperature change is due to a steady-state heat conduction through the plate thickness. The material properties are assumed to be graded in the thickness direction according to a power-law distribution in terms of the volume fractions of the constituents. The plate is clamped at two opposite edges, while the remaining edges can be free, simply supported or clamped. Differential quadrature approximation in the X-axis is employed to convert the partial differential governing equations and the associated boundary conditions into a set of ordinary differential equations. By choosing the appropriate functions as the displacement and stress functions on each nodal line and then applying the Galerkin procedure, a system of non-linear algebraic equations is obtained, from which the non-linear bending response of the plate is determined through a Picard iteration scheme. Numerical results for zirconia/aluminium rectangular plates are given in dimensionless graphical form. The effects of the applied actuator voltage, the volume fraction exponent, the temperature gradient, as well as the characteristics of the boundary conditions are also studied in detail. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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In this relatively short book, David Clark sets out to fill what he perceives to be a gap in the presently available writing on Australian public law by achieving two distinct objectives. The first is to remedy 'one of the oddest limitations of current public law writing in Australia' by detailing the history and operation of the state and territory constitutions as well as their philosophical underpinnings. The other is to explore certain areas of federal public law, such as the laws applicable to the constitution and operation of the Commonwealth Parliament and non-judicial bodies such as the Ombudsman, which are often not dealt with in leading constitutional and administrative law texts. It is acknowledged by the author that attempting to cover such a wide range of topics is a 'high-wire act'. Fortunately, apart from one slight stumble, Clark manages to keep his balance and has produced a useful précis of a number of the institutions and concepts that are fundamental to the orderly functioning of Australian society.


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Part 1 appeared in UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND LAW JOURNAL 22 (2) 2003 : 199-223 (AGIS 04/2890) - judicial perspectives on the content of competence tests for sworn and unsworn evidence - substantive criteria may vary according to whether a child is to testify sworn or unsworn - formal framing may vary given a judicial appraisal of a child's capacity and understanding - referability of competence tests to the Queensland legislation.


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The South Pacific is an area of emerging importance to lawyers in North America and throughout the world. Dr. Care's bibliography provides a comprehensive introduction to the legal materials of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.


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Numerical solutions of the sediment conservation law are reviewed in terms of their application to bed update schemes in coastal morphological models. It is demonstrated that inadequately formulated numerical techniques lead to the introduction of diffusion, dispersion and the bed elevation oscillations previously reported in the literature. Four different bed update schemes are then reviewed and tested against benchmark analytical solutions. These include a first order upwind scheme, two Lax-Wendroff schemes and a non-oscillating centred scheme (NOCS) recently applied to morphological modelling by Saint-Cast [Saint-Cast, F., 2002. Modelisation de la morphodynamique des corps sableux en milieu littoral (Modelling of coastal sand banks morphodynamics), University Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux, 245 pp.]. It is shown that NOCS limits and controls numerical errors while including all the sediment flux gradients that control morphological change. Further, no post solution filtering is required, which avoids difficulties with selecting filter strength. Finally, NOCS is compared to a recent Lax-Wendroff scheme with post-solution filtering for a longer term simulation of the morphological evolution around a trained river entrance. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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La governance del settore alimentare si fonda su una struttura multilivello, ove poteri locali, nazionali, sovranazionali e globali interagiscono. In tale assetto, ogni regolatore è chiamato a proteggere interessi diversi tra loro, tra cui l'ambiente, la salute umana, il benessere animale e la libera concorrenza. La regolazione del settore alimentare, inoltre, impone la considerazione di aspetti etici e culturali, dotati di una forte matrice territoriale. In questo sistema, i valori che entrano in gioco non sono egualmente rappresentati, ma quelli considerati "minori" sono sovente sovrastati dalle esigenze di protezione di un unico interesse: la libera concorrenza su scala globale. Ne deriva che la regolazione del settore alimentare necessita di un nuovo equilibrio. Questo può richiedere sia l'adozione di nuove regole - soprattutto a livello sovranazionale - sia un'interpretazione maggiormente inclusiva dei principi e delle regole già esistenti da parte delle Corti. Tuttavia, risulta maggiormente urgente e di immediata efficacia permettere ai soggetti interessati, siano essi privati o pubblici, di partecipare alla formulazione delle politiche e delle decisioni inerenti il settore alimentare. La partecipazione procedurale è in grado di soddisfare esigenze differenti e talvolta opposte, pertanto essa è regolata dal legislatore a seconda dello scopo finale prefissato. Principalmente, essa è vista come una applicazione diretta dei principi di democrazia e trasparenza; tuttavia, il suo reale impatto sul risultato finale delle decisioni pubbliche può scostarsi considerevolemente da tale paradigma. Lo scopo di tale lavoro è analizzare i diversi modelli partecipativi implementati nei vari livelli di governo, al fine di determinarne il reale impatto sui soggetti interessati e sul bilanciamento degli interessi in gioco. La conclusione dimostra un certo livello di perplessità per ciò che riguarda l'assetto di tali garanzie nella regolazione del settore alimentare, dove lo sviluppo del concetto di democrazia partecipativa e di bilancio tra gli interessi rilevanti è ancora acerbo.


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Comments on the refusal of the English courts to recognise the existence of a remedy of partial rescission, suggesting that in certain restricted instances justification exists for the grant of such a remedy. Considers the nature of the remedy of rescission under English law, the English courts' approach towards partial rescission and the nature and scope of the discretions available to the courts, noting the decisions in TSB Bank Plc v Camfield and De Molestina v Ponton. Reviews the historical origins of the remedy of rescission, including the distinction between fraudulent and non fraudulent misrepresentation and the origins of the so called concurrent and auxiliary equitable jurisdictions. Compares the approach of the Australian courts and highlights examples of recognition of partial rescission under international law.


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1. The techniques associated with regression, whether linear or non-linear, are some of the most useful statistical procedures that can be applied in clinical studies in optometry. 2. In some cases, there may be no scientific model of the relationship between X and Y that can be specified in advance and the objective may be to provide a ‘curve of best fit’ for predictive purposes. In such cases, the fitting of a general polynomial type curve may be the best approach. 3. An investigator may have a specific model in mind that relates Y to X and the data may provide a test of this hypothesis. Some of these curves can be reduced to a linear regression by transformation, e.g., the exponential and negative exponential decay curves. 4. In some circumstances, e.g., the asymptotic curve or logistic growth law, a more complex process of curve fitting involving non-linear estimation will be required.