983 resultados para intra-firm collaboration capability
The morphological characteristics of the mandible of adult Chaetophractus vellerosus (Gray, 1865) and Zaedyus pichiy (Desmarest, 1804) were studied to establish its generalized design and to identify inter- and intra- (sexual) specific differences. Morphological descriptions were complemented with the application of univariate and multivariate (analysis of correlation matrices, PCA, discriminant analysis) techniques. The mandible of both species is very similar, and is characterized by elevated condyle, well developed angular process, distinct coronoid process, tooth row which extends to the rear end of the angle between body and ramus, and unfused but firm symphysis. Although both armadillos are omnivorous, a more slender configuration of the jaw in Z. pichiy could be indicative of a better adaptation of its masticatory apparatus to insectivory. The PCA showed an almost total segregation of both species on PC1 (47.7% of the total variance), with C. vellerosus being associated to mandibles taller and with wider body and ramus. Zaedyus pichiy was characterized by heavy loadings of length parameters on PC2 (22.6% of the variance). A small degree of sexual dimorphism was found, with size-based differences in C. vellerosus (larger mandibles in females) and shape-based differences in Z. pichiy (taller mandibles in males, longer ones in females). Correlations between variables were higher in males of both species, indicating a more stable shape of the mandible than in females. The selected parameters to discriminate sexes were the body length of the mandible in C. vellerosus (correct classification: ca. 86% in males, 81% in females), and the height of the mandible at the level of the last tooth in Z. pichiy (near 85% of right assignment in both sexes). The inclusion of a new variable (body length) in the latter species improved the classification of the females to 100%. Teeth are typically 10 in C. vellerosus and 9 in Z. pichiy, but aberrancies in this basic number, such as unilateral or bilateral extra or fewer teeth, are common.
Os AA. apresentam dois casos de Osteomilite crônica submetidos durante anos a diversos tratamentos, sem resultado. Pela associação da assepsia integral com a Penicilina intra-arterial (via ainda não usada), conseguiram a cura após sutura primitiva num caso e secundária no outro. Por serem fátos excepcionais acham que devem ficar registrado.
Em 20 portadores de Lepra, internados na Colônia de São Roque, Paraná, 13 dos quais eram da forma lepromatosa e os 7 restantes da forma nervosa pura ou tuberculoide, o autor estudou a reação intradérmica de antigenos bacilares (Leprolinas Souza-Araujo 1, 1a, 3, 5, 5a), comparativamente com as reações produzidas, ao mesmo tempo, com antígeno lepromatoso (Emulsão de lepromas, lepromina). Observou o seguinte: 1.° - Que a lepromina, comportou-se como habitualmente, isto é, negativa nos lepromatosos e ositiva nos nervosos e tuberculoides e sempre mais intensa ao fim da quarta semana. 2.° - Que as leprolinas provocam reações, que o autor não conclui serem positivas ou negativas no sentido imunológico da expressão em virtude de estar estudando-as neste sentido, nos leprotomatosos e tuberculoides, mas, sempre mais intensas entre a 1.ª e 2.ª semanas, diminuindo de intensidade na 3.ª e desaparecendo ou quase desaparecendo ao fim da quarta semana: nódulos, nódulos-eritema, ulcerações. 3.° - Que nestas reações houve destruição de tecidos, pois a presença tardia de cicatrizes, mesmo quando não houve ulceração, mostra êste fato. 4.° - Que as inoculações das lepromina, não trouxeram nenhum inconveniente a saúde dos paciente; embora um deles tenha apresentado nos primeiros dias leve reação geral; outro, intensa fusão de suas lesões nodulars de lepra e, dois outros, a chamada Reação leprótica.
This paper proposes a two-dimensional Strategic Performance Measure (SPM) to evaluate the achievement of sustained superior performance. This proposal builds primarily on the fact that, under the strategic management perspective, a firm's prevalent objective is the pursuit of sustained superior performance. Three basic conceptual dimensions stem from this objective: relativity, sign dependence, and dynamism. These are the foundations of the SPM, which carries out a separate evaluation of the attained superior performance and of its sustainability over time. In contrast to existing measures of performance, the SPM provides: (i) a dynamic approach by considering the progress or regress in performance over time, and (ii) a cardinal measurement of performance differences and its changes over time. The paper also proposes an axiomatic framework that a measure of strategic performance should comply with to be theoretically and managerially sound. Finally, an empirical illustration of the Spanish banking sector during 1987-1999 is herein provided by discussing some relevant cases.
In this paper, a theoretical framework for analyzing the selection of governance structures for implementing collaboration agreements between firms and Technological Centers is presented and empirically discussed. This framework includes Transaction Costs and Property Rights’ theoretical assumptions, though complemented with several proposals coming from the Transactional Value Theory. This last theory is used for adding some dynamism in the governance structure selection. As empirical evidence of this theoretical explanation, we analyse four real experiences of collaboration between firms and one Technological Center. These experiences are aimed to represent the typology of relationships which Technological Centers usually face. Among others, a key interesting result is obtained: R&D collaboration activities do not need to always be organized through hierarchical solutions. In those cases where future expected benefits and/or reputation issues could play an important role, the traditional more static theories could not fully explain the selected governance structure for managing the R&D relationship. As a consequence, these results justify further research about the adequacy of the theoretical framework presented in this paper in other contexts, for example, R&D collaborations between firms and/or between Universities or Public Research Centers and firms.
The writer, as medical director of Father Damien Leper Colony (Ubá, Minas Gerais, Brasil), treated 50 cases of perforating ulcers, from 2 to 40 years of duration, using the antigens prepared with acid-fast bacilli cultures obtained from leprous material by Dr. H. C. de Souza-Araujo. Dosage from 0,12 to 39,35 cm3, injected inside the ulcers, intramuscularly, every 2 to 4 days, accordingly to the patient reaction some of them presenting fever until 41° Centigrade. The result was cicatrization of the ulcers in 92% (46 out of 50) of the patients. The author concluded that the majority of his patients tolerate perfectly the medicine and that its efect was very eficient.
This paper assesses empirically the importance of size discrimination and disaggregate data for deciding where to locate a start-up concern. We compare three econometric specifications using Catalan data: a multinomial logit with 4 and 41 alternatives (provinces and comarques, respectively) in which firm size is the main covariate; a conditional logit with 4 and 41 alternatives including attributes of the sites as well as size-site interactions; and a Poisson model on the comarques and the full spatial choice set (942 municipalities) with site-specific variables. Our results suggest that if these two issues are ignored, conclusions may be misleading. We provide evidence that large and small firms behave differently and conclude that Catalan firms tend to choose between comarques rather than between municipalities. Moreover, labour-intensive firms seem more likely to be located in the city of Barcelona. Keywords: Catalonia, industrial location, multinomial response model. JEL: C250, E30, R00, R12
This paper concerns the effects of territorial factors on the processes involved in the creation of manufacturing firms in Spanish cities. Most contributions have focused on regional factors rather than urban ones. Here we assume that it is possible to identify certain urban factors that attract new firms. We use data for the entry of firms in Spanish manufacturing industries between 1994 and 2002. This paper contributes to the existing literature on market entry. Key words: cities, regions, firm entry and Spanish economy. JEL: R0, R12, L60
Much of the research on industry dynamics focuses on the interdependence between the sectorial rates of entry and exit. This paper argues that the size of firms and the reaction-adjustment period are important conditions missed in this literature. I illustrate the effects of this omission using data from the Spanish manufacturing industries between 1994 and 2001. Estimates from systems of equations models provide evidence of a conical revolving door phenomenon and of partial adjustments in the replacement-displacement of large firms. KEYWORDS: aggregation, industry dynamics, panel data, symmetry, simultaneity. JEL CLASSIFICATION: C33, C52, L60, L11
This paper presents empirical evidence on firms’ decisions to cooperate in R&D and the extent to which government sponsored R&D programs increase cooperation. Using a sample of firms from the Spanish innovation survey we jointly estimate the determinants of firm participation in R&D programs and of choice of cooperation partners. We find that (i) firms participating in national and European programs have different profiles, suggesting program complementarity; (ii) private-private and publicprivate cooperation are associated on average with firms with different characteristics, and (iii) national R&D programs seem to have a positive effect on all types of cooperation, but especially on public-private partnerships.
This study deals with the role of spatial accessibility to agglomeration economies in the change in spatial structure of industrial employment for the case of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region of Barcelona (BMR). Using the growth in gross density of municipal employment between 1986 and 1996 for seven manufacturing industries as an indicator of changes in the spatial structure of employment, an exploration is made of the spatial impact of agglomeration economies operating on a local scale the municipality and three areas 5, 8 and 12 kilometres away surrounding the municipality itself - , agglomeration economies emerging from CBD and the main specialised subcentres in the region, and the network economies associated with the total jobs in the region, access to which depends on the distance from the main transport infrastructures