981 resultados para genital tract infection
Background: The distinction between catheter-associated asymptomatic bacteriuria (CAABU) and catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) has only recently been widely appreciated. Our aims were to describe the relationship between CAUTI/CAABU and subsequent bacteremia and to investigate whether CAUTI/CAABU and antimicrobial use was associated with either bacteremia or mortality within 30 days. ^ Methods: Our study design was retrospective cohort. Patients with a urinary catheter and a positive urine culture between October 2010 and June 2011 at a large tertiary care facility were included. A multivariable model for analysis was constructed which controlled for age, race, Charlson co-morbidity score, catheter type and duration, category of organism,antimicrobials and classification of the catheter-associated bacteriuria as CAUTI or CAABU. ^ Results: Data from 444 catheter associated urine culture episodes in 308 unique patients were included in the analysis. Overall mortality was 21.1% (61 of 308 patients) within 30 days. Among the 444 urine culture episodes, 402 (90.5%) of these episodes were associated with antibiotic use. 52 (11.7%) of episodes were associated with bacteremia, but only 3 episodes of bacteremia (0.7% of 444 CAB episodes) were caused by an organism from the urinary tract. One of these episodes was CAABU and the other 2 were CAUTI. Bacteremia within 30 days was associated with having CAUTI rather than CAABU and having an indwelling urinary catheter rather than a condom catheter. The variables which were found to be significant for mortality within 30 days were a higher Charlson co-morbidity score and the presence of Candida in the urine culture. Use of antimicrobial agents to treat the bacteriuria was not associated with an increase or decrease in either bacteremia or mortality. ^ Conclusions: Our findings call into question the practice of giving antimicrobial agents to treat bacteriuria in an inpatient population with nearly universal antimicrobial use. A better practice may be targeted treatment of bacteriuria in patients with risk factors predictive of bacteremia and mortality.^
Objetivos: analizar la experiencia obtenida y evaluar los resultados urodinámicos del estudio de 18 pacientes con esclerosis múltiple. Material y Métodos: se estudiaron 18 casos, valorándose la historia clínica, ecografía vesical y renal, analizándolos urodinámicamente con uroflujometría, residuo post miccional (RPM), cistotonometría y electromiografía esfinteriana. Urocultivo y antibiograma de orina. Resultados: del análisis de todas las variables se desprende que la vejiga hiperactiva se presentó en 10 casos con un predominio del síndrome frecuencia-urgencia, vejiga hipotónica-hiporrefléxica en 5 pacientes, disinergia detrusor-esfínter en 4 casos y 9 pacientes con infección urinaria que desencadenaban crisis de espasticidad. Todos fueron tratados con anticolinérgicos de acción vesical inmuno-modulación (brotes-recaídas) e inmuno-supresión en la enfermedad progresiva, de rehabilitación y terapia de apoyo psicológico. Conclusión: la vejiga hiperactiva es el tipo de consecuencia urinaria de la esclerosis en placa con los síntomas de frecuencia-urgencia y que, con tratamiento multimodal mejoran en un alto porcentaje.
Objectives: To analyse trends in rates of genital chlamydial infection and ectopic pregnancy between 1985 and 1995 in a county in Sweden.
Introdução A presença de mulheres no transporte rodoviário de cargas tem sido cada vez mais crescente e as repercussões do trabalho na vida das motoristas de caminhão ainda são desconhecidas pela comunidade científica. Objetivo - Caracterizar e analisar o trabalho de mulheres motoristas de caminhão e suas repercussões sobre sua saúde, a partir do relato de homens e mulheres motoristas de caminhão. Metodologia - O estudo com abordagem qualitativa utilizou a técnica do grupo focal, entrevistas individuais e observação não participante. Os grupos focais foram realizados em uma empresa transportadora localizada no estado de São Paulo e as entrevistas individuais em evento realizado na cidade de Itupeva/SP. Em oito encontros, grupos de motoristas de caminhão, discutiram a temática trabalho e saúde conduzida por meio de questões semiabertas. As mesmas questões foram utilizadas para as entrevistas individuais. Os relatos foram gravados, sendo o conteúdo das gravações transcrito e analisado por meio da metodologia Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin. A partir dos dados obtidos, construíram-se as seguintes categorias: A trajetória profissional de motoristas de caminhão; As mulheres no Transporte Rodoviário de Cargas; O trabalho; Um momento inesquecível na profissão e A saúde das mulheres motoristas na estrada. Resultados Tornar-se motorista de caminhão, para a maioria das mulheres, ocorreu por acaso, ou devido à uma necessidade financeira, ou a falta de perspectiva de emprego. Para as mulheres no Transporte Rodoviário de Cargas, o cotidiano de trabalho das profissionais está atravessado por aspectos como: a força física; dúvidas e preconceitos quanto à sua orientação sexual; o desafio em conciliar a vida dentro e fora do caminhão; conflitos na vida conjugal decorrentes da vida profissional; a discriminação sexual e a necessidade do reconhecimento no trabalho, bem como a falta de infraestrutura dedicada às trabalhadoras nas empresas e postos de parada nas rodovias brasileiras. O momento inesquecível nesta profissão, considerado por homens e mulheres, foi a primeira viagem. Os impactos do trabalho sobre a saúde das trabalhadoras recaíram sobre dores lombares e na coluna; problemas relacionados ao sono; necessidade de recorrer ao uso de drogas como anfetaminas e cocaína para manterem-se acordadas durante o trabalho; estresse; infecção urinária e uso ininterrupto de anticoncepcionais. Conclusões - A inserção das mulheres no transporte rodoviário de cargas desafia empresas e a infraestrutura existente nas rodovias do país a acompanharem as transformações sociais no mundo do trabalho, incluindo as demandas de um novo perfil de trabalhadoras. Descritores: trabalho, gênero, saúde, motoristas de caminhão.
O prognóstico da gestação é influenciado pelo estado nutricional materno. Sabe-se que, desde a infância, as pessoas portadoras da doença falciforme apresentam crescimento deficiente. Pouco se conhece sobre a evolução do estado nutricional materno na anemia falciforme. O objetivo foi analisar o estado nutricional de gestantes portadoras de anemia falciforme, avaliando o ganho de peso, o consumo dietético materno e os resultados adversos maternos e perinatais. Métodos: Foram avaliadas 26 gestantes portadoras de anemia falciforme SS e 23 SC, a partir do início do pré-natal especializado até o puerpério. Como grupo controle foram utilizadas 63 gestantes, sem comorbidades. O estado nutricional das gestantes foi avaliado de acordo com índice de massa corporal, pré-gestacional e ao final da gravidez, bem como analisado o ganho de peso materno. O consumo dietético foi analisado utilizando-se questionário de frequência alimentar, em cada trimestre, caracterizando-se o valor energético total e a ingestão de macronutrientes e micronutrientes. As complicações maternas e perinatais foram investigadas. O nível de significância foi 0,05 (alfa=5%). Resultados: O IMC pré-gestacional foi significativamente menor no grupo SS (mediana 20,3 kg/m2) quando comparado com os grupos SC (22,7 kg/m2, p < 0,05) e controle (23,2 kg/m2, p < 0,05). O baixo peso pré-gestacional (IMC < 18,5 kg/m2) foi significativamente mais frequente no grupo SS (15,4%) quando comparado aos grupos SC (4,4%) e controle (1,6%, p=0,009). Ao final da gestação, o grupo SS apresentou menor IMC (mediana 23,1 kg/m2) quando comparado com o grupo SC (26,1 kg/m2, p < 0,05) e controle (28,5 kg/m2, p < 0,05). O ganho ponderal na gestação foi menor no grupo SS (mediana 8,0 kg) quando comparado com o grupo SC (11,9 kg, p < 0,05) e Controle (13,7 kg, p < 0,05). Na análise do consumo dietético no 2º trimestre, constatou-se que os grupos SS e SC apresentaram menor consumo de proteínas (medianas, 73 g/d e 69 g/d) quando comparados aos controles (96 g/d, p < 0,05); e o consumo de cálcio foi menor no grupo SS comparado ao controle (mediana, 410 vs. 748 g/d, p<0,05). No 3º trimestre, houve menor consumo de proteínas pelo grupo SS quando comparado com os controles (mediana, 68 g/d vs. 93 g/d, p < 0,05); o consumo de vitamina A foi menor no grupo SS quando comparado aos controles (mediana, 447 vs. 940 mcg/d, p < 0,05); o consumo de vitamina E foi menor no grupo SS (mediana, 6 mg/d) quando comparado aos grupos SC (10 mg/d) e controle (7 mg/d, p < 0,05). As complicações maternas mais frequentes foram: crise álgica, 58% no grupo SS e 44% no SC (p=NS); infecção urinária, 31% no SS e 17% no SC (p=NS); e infecção pulmonar, 35% no SS e 9% no SC (p=NS). Houve diferença significativa no diagnóstico de sofrimento fetal: SS (36%), SC (14%) e controle (13%, p=0,032). Resultados perinatais adversos foram mais frequentes nos grupos SS e SC quando comparados aos controles. Conclusões: O estado nutricional das gestantes portadoras de doença falciforme SS caracterizou-se pela desnutrição materna, com baixo ganho ponderal na gestação. O consumo dietético de macronutrientes demonstrou ingestão inadequada de proteínas nos 2º e 3º trimestres. As complicações maternas e resultados perinatais adversos foram eventos frequentes nas gestantes portadoras de doença falciforme
Limited population-based epidemiologic information is available on Ewing's sarcoma family of tumours (ESFT), a rare group of neoplasms. Several associations have been noted on a few studies but results were not consistent, except for exposure to farming among cases and their parents. Here we present the non-farm findings of a nationwide case-control study of ESFT in children and young adults in Australia. The analysis included 106 persons with confirmed ESFT and 344 population-based controls selected randomly via telephone. Information was collected by interview (84% face to face). We found a strong and significant association of ESFT with hernias, in particular hernia repaired in hospital (OR = 5.6, 95% Cl 1.3-6.4). Among other factors, there was a near doubling of risk for males, and male cases had their pubertal signs earlier (started shaving earlier) than male controls. There was also an increased risk of ESFT at higher levels of self-assessed exercise, but no other factor really stood out. For pregnancy-related factors, there was a tripling of risk for glandular fever, a doubling of risk for urinary tract infection and a near doubling of risk for X-rays during or just before pregnancy, but these estimates were not significant. In addition, there was a large number of inverse associations with medical conditions (specifically bone disorders), case exposure to medications, vaccinations and X-rays, with ultrasound during the pregnancy having the most certain effects. We conclude that, although the aetiology of ESFT remains obscure, overall there is strong evidence of an association with inguinal hernia; this can now be added to the farm-associated risk reported by others and us. The other associations reported here await replication and refinement in future studies. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Objective: To examine the epidemiology, primary care burden, and treatment of heart failure in Scotland, UK. Design: Cross sectional data from primary care practices participating in the Scottish continuous morbidity recording scheme between 1 April 1999 and 31 March 2000. Setting: 53 primary care practices ( 307 741 patients). Subjects: 2186 adult patients with heart failure. Results: The prevalence of heart failure in Scotland was 7.1 in 1000, increasing with age to 90.1 in 1000 among patients greater than or equal to 85 years. The incidence of heart failure was 2.0 in 1000, increasing with age to 22.4 in 1000 among patients greater than or equal to 85 years. For older patients, consultation rates for heart failure equalled or exceeded those for angina and hypertension. Respiratory tract infection was the most common comorbidity leading to consultation. Among men, 23% were prescribed a beta blocker, 11% spironolactone, and 46% an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. The corresponding figures for women were 20% (p = 0.29 versus men), 7% (p = 0.02), and 34% (p < 0.001). Among patients, 75 years 26% were prescribed a β blocker, 11% spironolactone, and 50% an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. The corresponding figures for patients &GE; 75 years were 19% (p = 0.04 versus patients < 75), 7% (p = 0.04), and 33% (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Heart failure is a common condition, especially with advancing age. In the elderly, the community burden of heart failure is at least as great as that of angina or hypertension. The high rate of concomitant respiratory tract infection emphasises the need for strategies to immunise patients with heart failure against influenza and pneumococcal infection. Drugs proven to improve survival in heart failure are used less frequently for elderly patients and women.
The capsular polysaccharide and type I fimbriae are two of the major surface-located virulence properties associated with the pathogenesis of Klebsiella pneumoniae. The capsule is an elaborate polysaccharide matrix that encases the entire cell surface and provides resistance against many host defense mechanisms. In contrast, type 1 fimbriae are thin adhesive thread-like surface organelles that can extend beyond the capsular matrix and mediate D-mannose-sensitive adhesion to host epithelial cells. These fimbriae are archetypical and consist of a major building block protein (FimA) that comprises the bulk of the organelle and a tip-located adhesin (FimH). It is assumed that the extended major-subunit protein structure permits the FimH adhesin to function independently of the presence of a capsule. In this study, we have employed a defined set of K. pneumoniae capsulated and noncapsulated strains to show that the function of type I fimbriae is actually impeded by the concomitant expression of a polysaccharide capsule. Capsule expression had significant effects on two parameters commonly used to define FimH function, namely, yeast cell agglutination and biofilm formation. Our data suggest that this effect is not due to transcriptional/translational changes in fimbrial gene/protein expression but rather the result of direct physical interference. This was further demonstrated by the fact that we could restore fimbrial function by inhibiting capsule synthesis. It remains to be determined whether the expression of these very different surface components occurs simply via random events of phase variation or in a coordinated manner in response to specific environmental cues.
The coexistence of a swallowing impairment, or dysphagia, can severely impact upon the medical condition and recovery of a child with traumatic brain injury (TBI; Logemann, Pepe, & Mackay, 1994). Despite this fact, there is limited data that provide evidence of the progression or outcome of dysphagia in the pediatric population post-TBI (Rowe, 1999). The present study aimed to (1) provide a prospective radiologically based profile of swallowing outcome and (2) determine the clinical significance of any persistent physiological swallowing deficits by investigating the presence/absence of any coexistent respiratory complications. Seven children with moderate/severe TBI were evaluated via an initial videofluoroscopic swallowing assessment (VFSS) at an average of 24.1 days postinjury, during the acute phase of management. A follow-up VFSS was conducted at an average of 7 months, 3 weeks postinjury. The physiological impairment, swallowing safety, swallowing efficiency, and functional swallowing outcomes of the acute phase post-TBI were compared with reassessment results at 6 months post-TBI. The presence/absence of lower respiratory tract infection/respiratory complications in the past 6 months postinjury were recorded.VFSS revealed a number of residual physiological oropharyngeal swallowing impairments and reduced swallowing efficiency. However, all participants presented with clinically safe and functional swallowing outcomes at 6 months post-TBI, with no recent history of respiratory complication. This study indicates good functional swallowing and respiratory outcomes for patients at 6-months post-TBI despite the presence of persistent physiological swallowing impairment.
Mannose-binding type 1 pili are important virulence factors for the establishment of Escherichia coli urinary tract infections (UTIs). These infections are initiated by adhesion of uropathogenic E. coli to uroplakin receptors in the uroepithelium via the FimH adhesin located at the tips of type 1 pili. Blocking of bacterial adhesion is able to prevent infection. Here, we provide for the first time binding data of the molecular events underlying type 1 fimbrial adherence, by crystallographic analyses of the FimH receptor binding domains from a uropathogenic and a K-12 strain, and affinity measurements with mannose, common mono- and disaccharides, and a series of alkyl and aryl mannosides. Our results illustrate that the lectin domain of the FimH adhesin is a stable and functional entity and that an exogenous butyl alpha- D-mannoside, bound in the crystal structures, exhibits a significantly better affinity for FimH (K-d = 0.15 muM) than mannose (K-d = 2.3 muM). Exploration of the binding affinities of alpha-D-mannosides with longer alkyl tails revealed affinities up to 5 nM. Aryl mannosides and fructose can also bind with high affinities to the FimH lectin domain, with a 100-fold improvement and 15-fold reduction in affinity, respectively, compared with mannose. Taken together, these relative FimH affinities correlate exceptionally well with the relative concentrations of the same glycans needed for the inhibition of adherence of type 1 piliated E. coli. We foresee that our findings will spark new ideas and initiatives for the development of UTI vaccines and anti-adhesive drugs to prevent anticipated and recurrent UTIs.
Background: Asthma guidelines recommend increasing or doubling inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) dose to treat mild and moderate exacerbations of asthma in adults. Aim: To: (i) compare the effectiveness of doubling existing daily ICS dose (fluticasone) with maintaining usual ICS dose and usual daily ICS dose accompanied by oral steroids (OS) (dexamethasone) during mild and moderately severe exacerbations of asthma in adults; (ii) examine determinants of success and failure; and (iii) compare side-effect profiles. Methods: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled (double-dummy), triple crossover trial. Participants acted as their own control. Outcome measures included treatment success/failure, peak expiratory flow (PEF) after 7 days therapy or at treatment failure, and side-effects. Results: From 22 participants (nine males and 13 females), 18 pairs of data were available for maintaining usual ICS versus doubling ICS and doubling ICS versus OS, and 19 for maintaining usual ICS versus OS. Median (fifth-95th percentile) age was 46.5 (32-64) years and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) 73% (29-97%) predicted. The outcome after doubling ICS was not superior to maintaining usual ICS, with 11 (61%) failures in both arms (P = 0.66). OS, with only 5 (26%) failures, was superior to maintaining usual ICS with 12 (63%) failures (P = 0.04), and to doubling ICS with 5 (28%) versus 11 (61%) failures (P = 0.07). Median PEF (as percentage of run-in best) at end-points were 90.5% (57.1-177.1) for OS, 78.3% (39.5-103.1) for maintaining usual ICS and 77.9 (27.7-110.3) for doubling ICS. Neither gender nor PEF at exacerbation were predictive of failure. Although doubling ICS was not an effective therapy overall, ICS dose at exacerbation were predictive of success in the doubling ICS arm (P = 0.04). Treatment failures when doubling daily ICS dose were more common if achieved fluticasone dose was less than 2000 mu g (three of 11, 73%) compared to 2000 mu g or greater (eight of eight, 37.5%). Increasing age and the presence of an upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) were predictive of failure with OS. Side-effects were more commonly reported with OS (52.6%) than doubling ICS (42.1%) or maintaining usual ICS (19.1%) with the most common being mood changes (36.8%), sleep disturbance (31.6%) and changes in appetite (26.3%). Conclusions: Doubling daily ICS dose per se is not effective for the treatment of mild to moderately severe exacerbations of asthma in adults. Success may depend on achieved ICS dose. Oral steroids are effective, but side-effects are common. A review of current guidelines may be warranted.
This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To assess the effects of vitamin A supplementation, alone or in combination with other micronutrients (e.g. iron, folic acid, vitamin E), in mothers during the postpartum period, on maternal and infant health. Specific objectives are to compare the effects of vitamin A supplementation (alone or in combination with other micronutrients) with placebo or no supplementation on: 1. the duration and occurrence of maternal morbidity (xerophthalmia, infection) or illness symptoms (night blindness, fever, nausea, vomiting); 2. the duration and occurrence of neonatal or infant morbidity (respiratory tract infection, diarrhea, measles) or illness symptoms (fever, nausea, vomiting); 3. maternal serum retinol concentration; 4. infant serum retinol concentration; 5. breast milk retinol concentration; and 6. maternal satisfaction.
Escherichia coli is the most common organism associated with asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU). In contrast to uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), which causes symptomatic urinary tract infection (UTI), very little is known about the mechanisms by which these strains colonize the urinary tract. Bacterial adhesion conferred by specific surface-associated adhesins is normally considered as a prerequisite for colonization of the urinary tract. The prototype ABU E coli strain 83972 was originally isolated from a girl who had carried it asymptomatically for 3 years. This study characterized the molecular status of one of the primary adhesion factors known to be associated with UTI, namely F1C fimbriae, encoded by the foc gene cluster. F1C fimbriae recognize receptors present in the human kidney and bladder. Expression of the foc genes was found to be up-regulated in human urine. It was also shown that although strain 83972 contains a seemingly intact foc gene cluster, F1C fimbriae are not expressed. Sequencing and genetic complementation revealed that the focD gene, encoding a component of the F1C transport and assembly system, was non-functional, explaining the inability of strain 83972 to express this adhesin. The data imply that E. coli 83972 has lost its ability to express this important colonization factor as a result of host-driven evolution. The ancestor of the strain seems to have been a pyelonephritis strain of phylogenetic group B2. Strain 83972 therefore represents an example of bacterial adaptation from pathogenicity to commensalism through virulence factor loss.
Escherichia coli 83972 is a clinical asymptomatia bacteriuric isolate that is able to colonize the human urinary bladder without inducing an immune response. Here we demonstrate that one of the mechanisms by which this strain has become attenuated is through the mutation of its genes encoding type I and P fimbriae.