926 resultados para fiber reinforced materials
Introducción: La diverticulosis es la condición más frecuentemente encontrada en la colonoscopia, condición asintomática, con un alto costo para el sistema de salud. Diversos factores han demostrado estar en relación con la aparición de la enfermedad. En nuestra población, esta información se desconoce; el objetivo del estudio es la caracterización de la población con diverticulosis y su relación con la frecuencia de la ingesta de fibra. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional prospectivo de corte transversal con componente analítico. Realizado a todas las personas que asistieron al HUS a realización de colonoscopia entre Noviembre de 2015 y Abril de 2016. Se recolectaron datos de la frecuencia de fibra ingerida a través de entrevistas basadas. Resultados: Se estudiaron 278 personas, 55.7% mujeres. La prevalencia de diverticulosis fue de 21.58%, siendo más frecuente en mujeres ( 66,7%), 31% entre los 71-80 años, 2,16% tenían antecedente familiar de diverticulosis; principal sitio de afectación fue colon sigmoide en las mujeres y el colon descendente en los hombres. En las personas con diverticulosis el consumo de harina de trigo fue mayor (91,67% vs 86,7%), mientras el consumo de frutas fue mayor en las personas que no presentaron diverticulosis (83,49% vs 78,33%). Conclusiones: La prevalencia de diverticulosis es similar a lo reportado en la literatura. Así mismo se encontró un mayor consumo de fibra en la población sin divertículos lo que hace pensar que a pesar de que esta condición es multifactorial , el consumo de mayores cantidades de fibra puede prevenir la aparición de la misma
In the aerospace, automotive, printing, and sports industries, the development of hybrid Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP)-metal components is becoming increasingly important. The coupling of metal with CFRP in axial symmetric components results in reduced production costs and increased mechanical properties such as bending, torsional stiffness, mass reduction, damping, and critical speed compared to the single material-built ones. In this thesis, thanks to a novel methodology involving a rubbery/viscoelastic interface layer, several hybrid aluminum-CFRP prototype tubes were produced. Besides, an innovative system for the cure of the CFRP part has been studied, analyzed, tested, and developed in the company that financed these research activities (Reglass SRL, Minerbio BO, Italy). The residual thermal stresses and strains have been investigated with numerical models based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) and compared with experimental tests. Thanks to numerical models, it was also possible to reduce residual thermal stresses by optimizing the lamination sequence of CFRP and determining the influence of the system parameters. A novel software and methodology for evaluating mechanical and damping properties of specimens and tubes made in CFRP were also developed. Moreover, to increase the component's damping properties, rubber nanofibers have been produced and interposed throughout the lamination of specimens. The promising results indicated that the nanofibrous mat could improve the material damping factor over 77% and be adopted in CFRP components with a negligible increment of weight or losing mechanical properties.
I compositi laminati, specialmente i Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs), possiedono ottime proprietà meccaniche ed un peso contenuto rispetto i materiali metallici. Uno dei problemi più importanti che i laminati presentano è il cedimento per delaminazione, ovvero il distaccamento delle lamine che costituiscono il composito, in seguito a sollecitazioni esterne e/o alla presenza di difetti formati durante il processo di lavorazione. Per poter minimizzare tale fenomeno sono stati studiati vari metodi; fra questi vi è l’utilizzo di tessuti nanofibrosi che, intercalati fra le lamine, riescono ad ostacolare efficacemente la propagazione della cricca. Nel presente lavoro di tesi sono stati prodotti, mediante elettrofilatura, tessuti nanofibrosi polimerici additivati con grafene, da impiegare per la modifica strutturale di compositi laminati. In particolare, è stata svolta l’ottimizzazione delle soluzioni (concentrazione polimero, sistema solvente) e dei parametri di processo (potenziale, portata, distanza ago-collettore) per diversi materiali polimerici. Per effettuare un’efficiente dispersione del grafene sono stati effettuati vari cicli di sonicazione. Le membrane sono state caratterizzate morfologicamente mediante microscopia elettronica (SEM) e termicamente mediante calorimetria differenziale a scansione (DSC). Infine, sono stati prodotti tessuti di grandi dimensioni adatti ad essere integrati, prossimamente, in compositi laminati per verificarne l’efficacia contro la delaminazione.
The increased exploitation of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) is inevitably bringing about an increase in production scraps and end-of-life components, resulting in a sharp increase in CFRP waste. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to find efficient ways to reintroduce waste into the manufacturing cycle. At present, several recycling methods for treating CFRPs are available, even if all of them still have to be optimized. The step after CFRP recycling, and also the key to build a solid and sustainable CFRP recycling market, is represented by the utilization of Re-CFs. The smartest way to utilize recovered carbon fibers is through the manufacturing of recycled CFRPs, that can be done by re-impregnating the recovered fibers with a new polymeric matrix. Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) is one of the most widely used additive manufacturing (3D printing) techniques that fabricates parts with a polymeric filament deposition process that allows to produce parts adding material layer-by-layer, only where it is needed, saving energy, raw material cost, and waste. The filament can also contain fillers or reinforcements such as recycled short carbon fibers and this makes it perfectly compliant with the re-application of the shortened recycled CF. Therefore, in this thesis work recycled and virgin carbon fiber reinforced PLA filaments have been initially produced using 5% and 10% of CFs load. Properties and characteristics of the filaments have been determined conducting different analysis (TGA, DMA, DSC). Subsequently the 5%wt. Re-CFs filament has been used to 3D print specimens for mechanical characterization (DMA, tensile test and CTE), in order to evaluate properties of printed PLA composites containing Re-CFs and evaluate the feasibility of Re-CFs in 3D printing application.
La presente tesi, in particolare, sfrutta un metodo di analisi semplificato di “loss assessment” o analisi delle perdite economiche, considerando un edificio esistente in CA. L’edificio caso di studio è un tipico edificio intelaiato in CA sito sull’appennino, e progettato e costruito negli anni ’70, dunque, senza tenere conto dell’azione orizzontale del sisma, per cui non presenta i dettagli costruttivi atti a soddisfare i requisiti minimi di duttilità. È stata effettuata una analisi statica non lineare (Pushover), per studiare la risposta della struttura esistente alle azioni orizzontali. Al fine di migliorare il confinamento delle colonne in CA, è stato scelto di utilizzare dei rinforzi locali, tipicamente utilizzati in Italia nella pratica progettuale, atti a migliorare le caratteristiche di duttilità e/o resistenza degli elementi rinforzati, e di conseguenza capaci di migliorare le caratteristiche globali dell’intero sistema strutturale. Sono state selezionate tre diverse tecnologie: le “Fiber Reinforced Polymers” (FRP), il “Concrete Jacketing” (CJ) e il sistema di Cerchiature Attive dei Manufatti (CAM). Nella presente tesi verranno presentate diverse applicazioni di questi sistemi, enunciandone i miglioramenti rispetto al caso “As-built” e poi confrontandole tra di loro in modo da fornire elementi validi a supporto della fase decisionale per la progettazione dell’intervento sull’edificio. Infine vengono valutate le perdite economiche medie annue attese, insieme ad altri parametri sintetici di analisi delle perdite e di analisi costi-benefici. Il fine di questo processo è di studiare quanto uno specifico intervento di miglioramento sismico, applicato all’edificio As-built, consenta di ridurre le perdite economiche sismiche stimate in un anno di vita della struttura, e poi nel corso della sua vita utile, per fornire un elemento di paragone utile per la scelta dell’intervento ottimale.
Three dimensional (3D) printers of continuous fiber reinforced composites, such as MarkTwo (MT) by Markforged, can be used to manufacture such structures. To date, research works devoted to the study and application of flexible elements and CMs realized with MT printer are only a few and very recent. A good numerical and/or analytical tool for the mechanical behavior analysis of the new composites is still missing. In addition, there is still a gap in obtaining the material properties used (e.g. elastic modulus) as it is usually unknown and sensitive to printing parameters used (e.g. infill density), making the numerical simulation inaccurate. Consequently, the aim of this thesis is to present several work developed. The first is a preliminary investigation on the tensile and flexural response of Straight Beam Flexures (SBF) realized with MT printer and featuring different interlayer fiber volume-fraction and orientation, as well as different laminate position within the sample. The second is to develop a numerical analysis within the Carrera' s Unified Formulation (CUF) framework, based on component-wise (CW) approach, including a novel preprocessing tool that has been developed to account all regions printed in an easy and time efficient way. Among its benefits, the CUF-CW approach enables building an accurate database for collecting first natural frequencies modes results, then predicting Young' s modulus based on an inverse problem formulation. To validate the tool, the numerical results are compared to the experimental natural frequencies evaluated using a digital image correlation method. Further, we take the CUF-CW model and use static condensation to analyze smart structures which can be decomposed into a large number of similar components. Third, the potentiality of MT in combination with topology optimization and compliant joints design (CJD) is investigated for the realization of automated machinery mechanisms subjected to inertial loads.
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) are well renowned for their excellent mechanical properties, superior strength-to-weight characteristics, low thermal expansion coefficient, and fatigue resistance over any conventional polymer or metal. Due to the high stiffness of carbon fibers and thermosetting matrix, CFRP laminates may display some drawbacks, limiting their use in specific applications. Indeed, the overall laminate stiffness may lead to structural problems arising from their laminar structure, which makes them susceptible to structural failure by delamination. Moreover, such stiffness given by the constituents makes them poor at damping vibration, making the component more sensitive to noise and leading, at times, to delamination triggering. Nanofibrous mat interleaving is a smart way to increase the interlaminar fracture toughness: the use of thermoplastic polymers, such as poly(ε- caprolactone) (PCL) and polyamides (Nylons), as nonwovens are common and well established. Here, in this PhD thesis, a new method for the production of rubber-rich nanofibrous mats is presented. The use of rubbery nanofibers blended with PCL, widely reported in the literature, was used as matrix tougheners, processing DCB test results by evaluating Acoustic Emissions (AE). Moreover, water-soluble electrospun polyethylene oxide (PEO) nanofibers were proposed as an innovative method for reinforcing layers and hindering delamination in epoxy-based CFRP laminates. A nano-modified CFRP was then aged in water for 1 month and its delamination behaviour compared with the ones of the commercial laminate. A comprehensive study on the use of nanofibers with high rubber content, blended with a crystalline counterpart, as enhancers of the interlaminar properties were then investigated. Finally, PEO, PCL, and Nylon 66 nanofibers, plain or reinforced with Graphene (G), were integrated into epoxy-matrix CFRP to evaluate the effect of polymers and polymers + G on the laminate mechanical properties.
The use of adhesively bonded carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) is well established to repair metallic structural elements in the aerospace industry for more than three decades. Despite a few exceptions, this technology has yet not been exploited for the steel construction industry where there is a great need to rehabilitate old metallic bridges. For instance, in Europe more than 30% of the railway bridge stock operated for more than 100 years. These bridges are made of old mild steel or puddle iron that exhibits poor behaviour due to the quality of the material itself and degradation caused by the long-term loading or environmental effects. The modest results for Steel/CFRP joints obtained may be due to the type of adhesive used. In fact, most of the previous studies utilized brittle adhesives specially developed for concrete structures. Recent ductile adhesives that made for the automotive industry for metallic joints should be more appropriate. In this study, an experimental investigation on the behaviour of CFRP/steel adhesively bonded joints is presented. A comparison between brittle adhesives and ductile adhesives is conducted. The results show that the ductile adhesives achieve much higher performance than the brittle ones. The brittle adhesives provide more stiffness to the adhesive joint. In the specimens with the ductile adhesives, the failure pattern started by yielding the steel bars first then the adhesive joint which is promising since it can facilitate the design significantly if the steel yielding can be used as a design criterion. The main disadvantage of ductile adhesives is they are usually more expensive than brittle ones. In order to solve this issue, bi-adhesive joints, in which the joint is mainly made of (low cost) brittle adhesive and ductile adhesive in the stress concentration region, are proposed. The results revealed very high improvement up to the yielding strength of the steel bars and with a balanced stiffness.
L’idea alla base di questo elaborato finale nasce principalmente dall’interesse verso lo stato dell’arte attuale per quanto riguarda l’utilizzo di materiali compositi in ambito aerospaziale. La grande potenzialità di questi materiali è oggigiorno ancora contrastata da forti limitazioni, come il costo elevato oppure il comportamento particolare della struttura interna. Quest’ultimo aspetto rappresenta, a livello macroscopico, la problematica cardine del presente studio: il comportamento meccanico di questi materiali a seguito di un impatto, con un focus particolare sugli effetti, all’apparenza trascurabili, di impatti a bassa energia. Si è scelto in particolare di analizzare gli sviluppi raggiunti dalla ricerca nei giunti incollati a giro singolo, una tipologia di giunzione caratterizzata da due componenti aderenti ed una sostanza adesiva a costituire la giunzione stessa. Il materiale composito più utilizzato per questo tipo di strutture è il Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer o CFRP. Il fulcro di questa tesi è sostanzialmente un’analisi di una serie di studi recenti sugli effetti di impatti in un giunto incollato in composito, valutato sia in maniera statica che ciclica; vengono inoltre descritti gli effetti di fattori ambientali come la temperatura e l’umidità, e riportate proposte presenti e future degli autori, come la ricerca di configurazioni alternative per il giunto oppure una serie di modifiche alle superfici, al fine di migliorare le prestazioni di questi componenti con soluzioni ottimizzate ed efficaci. In conclusione, si sintetizzano i risultati raggiunti da questi studi sperimentali, con l’intenzione di evidenziarne il progresso piuttosto che le limitazioni comparse e di contribuire alla transizione completa verso l’utilizzo dei materiali compositi, che acquisiranno sempre maggiore importanza nell’ingegneria dei materiali.
I compositi a matrice polimerica rinforzati con fibre di carbonio (Carbon fiber reinforced polymers, CFRP) posseggono proprietà meccaniche uniche rispetto ai materiali convenzionali, ed un peso decisamente inferiore. Queste caratteristiche, negli ultimi decenni, hanno determinato un crescente interesse nei confronti dei CFRP che ha portato a numerose applicazioni in settori come l’industria aerospaziale e l’automotive. Le sollecitazioni cui i CFRP laminati sono soggetti durante la vita d’uso possono causare fenomeni di delaminazione che, portando ad una drastica riduzione delle proprietà meccaniche del materiale, ne compromettono l’integrità strutturale. Nel presente lavoro di tesi, sono state integrate in laminati CFRP membrane elettrofilate da blend polimeriche con capacità di self-healing. Le migliori condizioni da applicare in fase di cura del composito sono state approfonditamente investigate mediante analisi termica (DSC). Per verificare la capacità di autoriparazione dei laminati modificati, è stata valutata la tenacità a frattura interlaminare in Modo I e Modo II prima e dopo il trattamento di attivazione del self-healing.
Negli ultimi tempi, i compositi FRCM (Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix) sono largamente utilizzati per il rinforzo di costruzioni murarie esistenti, tuttavia rimangono dubbi riguardo la loro durabilità e le loro prestazioni meccaniche in condizioni ambientali avverse. L'obiettivo del presente lavoro di tesi è stato quello di analizzare il comportamento meccanico e l'aderenza di due diversi compositi FRCM applicati su supporto murario, sottoposti a prove di distacco condotte a temperatura. A tal proposito, le prove sono state eseguite all'interno di una camera climatica mediante la quale è stato possibile procedere al condizionamento termico dei campioni: le temperature indagate sono comprese nell'intervallo da 23 a 140°C. Dai risultati ottenuti è stato possibile notare come, all'aumentare della temperatura, il comportamento meccanico del generico composito cambiasse, presentando tensioni di picco via via inferiori e un progressivo cambiamento della modalità di rottura. Infatti, mentre i campioni testati a temperatura ambiente hanno mostrato un comportamento fragile con rottura del tessuto esterno al rinforzo, i campioni testati a temperature superiori hanno manifestato un comportamento meno fragile, caratterizzato dallo scorrimento del tessuto presente all'interno della malta.
Introduction: A common complication during the restoration of severely destroyed teeth is the loss of coronal root dentine. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different sealers on the bonding interface of weakened roots reinforced with resin and fiber posts. Methods: Sixty extracted maxillary canines were used. The crowns were removed, and the thickness of root dentine was reduced in the experimental (n = 40) and positive control (n = 10) groups. The specimens of experimental group were assigned to four subgroups (n = 10) according to the filling material: gutta-percha + Grossmann`s sealer, gutta-percha + AH Plus (Dentsply De Trey Gmbh, Konstanz, Germany), gutta-percha + Epiphany (Pentron Clinical Technologies, Wallingford, CT), and Resilon (Resilon Research LLC, Madison, CT) + Epiphany. In the negative control group (n = 10), canals were not filled. After post space preparation, the roots were restored with composite resin light-activated through a translucent fiber post. After 24 hours, specimens were transversally sectioned into 1-mm-thick slices. Push-out test and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analyses of different regions were performed. Data from push-out test were analyzed by using Tukey post hoc multiple comparison tests. The percentage of failure type was calculated. Data from SEM analysis were compared by Friedman and Kruskal-Wallis tests (alpha = 0.05). Results: The mean bond strength was significantly higher in the negative control group as compared with the other groups (P < .05). In all groups, the most frequent type of failure was adhesive. Overall, apical and middle regions presented a lower density of resin tags than the coronal region (P < .05). Conclusions: The push-out bond strength was not affected by sealer or region. The canal region affected significantly the resin tag morphology and density at the bonding interface. (J Endod 2011;37:531-537)
A round robin program zoos conducted to assess the ability of three different X-radiographic systems for imaging internal fatigue cracks in riveted lap joints of composite glass reinforced fiber/metal laminate. From an engineering perspective, conventional film radiography and direct radiography have produced the best results, identifying and characterizing in detail internal damage on metallic faying surfaces of fastened glass reinforced fiber/metal laminate joints. On the other hand, computed radiographic images presented large projected geometric distortions and feature shifts due to the angular incident radiation beam, disclosing only partial internal cracking patterns.
Purpose: To evaluate the flexural strength of two fixed dental prosthesis (FDP) designs simulating frameworks of adhesive fixed partial prostheses, reinforced or not by glass fiber.Materials and Methods: Forty specimens, made with composite resin, were divided into 4 groups according to the framework design and the presence of fiber reinforcement: A1 - occlusal support; A2: occlusal support + glass fiber; B1: occlusal and proximal supports; B2: occlusal and proximal supports + glass fiber. The specimens were subjected to the three-point bending test, and the data were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (5%).Results: Group A2 (97.9 +/- 38 N) was statistically significantly different from all other experimental groups, presenting a significantly lower mean flexural strength.Conclusion: The use of glass fibers did not improve the flexural strength of composite resin, and designs with occlusal and proximal supports presented better results than designs simulating only occlusal support.
The effect of carbon fiber surface characteristics on flexural properties of structural composites is studied in this work. Two types of intermediate modulus carbon fibers were used: T800HB and IM7. Results revealed that higher mechanical properties are linked with higher interfacial adhesion. Morphologies and chemical compositions of commercial carbon fibers (CF) were characterized by Fourier Transformed Infra Red (FTIR) and Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM). Comparing the results, the T800HB apparently has more roughness, since the IM7 seems to be recovered for a polymeric film. On other hand, the IM7 one shows higher interactivity with epoxy resin system Cycom 890 RTM. Composites produced with Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) were tested on a flexural trial. Interfacial adhesion difference was showed with SEM and Dynamic Mechanical Analyses (DMA), justifying the higher flexural behavior of composites made with IM7 fibers. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.