949 resultados para epoxy


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Polymeric nanocomposites have been shown to possess superior electrical insulation properties compared to traditional filled-resins. However, poor dispersion uniformity and insufficient filler-matrix interaction can adversely affect insulation properties of nanocomposites. In this study, the use of plasma polymerization is proposed to coat poly(ethylene oxide) polymer layers on silica nanoparticles. It is shown that better dispersion is achieved and C-O bonds are created between the surface functional groups of the nanoparticles and the host epoxy polymer. Electrical insulation tests demonstrate that the nanocomposites with plasma polymerized silica nanoparticles feature better resistance against electrical treeing, lower dielectric constant, and also mitigated space charge built-up. Therefore, plasma polymerization offers a promising fabrication technique to further improve the synthesis of nanocomposite dielectrics with superior electrical insulation properties.


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In this study, we improve the insulation performance of polymeric nano-dielectrics by using plasma pre-treatment on the filled nanoparticles. Non-equilibrium atmospheric-pressure plasma is employed to modify a commercial type of silane-coated SiO2 nanoparticles. The treated nanoparticles and the synthesized epoxy-based nanocomposites are characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The plasma-treated SiO2 nanoparticles can disperse uniformly and form strong covalent bonds with the molecules of the polymer matrix. Moreover, the electrical insulation properties of the synthesized nanocomposites are investigated. Results show that the nanocomposites with plasma-treated SiO2 nanoparticles obtain improved dielectric breakdown strength and extended endurance under intense electrical ageing process.


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In this study, atmospheric-pressure plasmas were applied to modify the surface of silane-coated silica nanoparticles. Subsequently nanocomposites were synthesized by incorporating plasma-treated nanoparticles into an epoxy resin matrix. Electrical testing showed that such novel dielectric materials obtained high partial discharge resistance, high dielectric breakdown strength, and enhanced endurance under highly stressed electric field. Through spectroscopic and microscopic analysis, we found surface groups of nanoparticles were activated and radicals were created after the plasma treatment. Moreover, a uniform dispersion of nanoparticles in nanocomposites was observed. It was expected that the improved dielectric performance of the nanocomposites can attribute to stronger chemical bonds formed between surface groups of plasma-treated nanoparticles and molecules in the matrix. This simple yet effective and environmentally friendly approach aims to synthesize the next generation of high-performance nanocomposite dielectric insulation materials for applications in high-voltage power systems.


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A sculpture made of polyurethane, epoxy resin, pigment and lacquer depicting a ice-cream melting into the form of a nine sided geometric figure.


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Although cytosolic glutathione S-transferase (GST) enzymes occupy a key position in biological detoxification processes, two of the most relevant human isoenzymes, GSTT1-1 and GSTM1-1, are genetically deleted (non-functional alleles GSTT1*0 and GSTM1*0) in a high percentage of the human population, with major ethnic differences. The structures of the GSTT and GSTM gene areas explain the underlying genetic processes. GSTT1-1 is highly conserved during evolution and plays a major role in phase-II biotransformation of a number of drugs and industrial chemicals, e.g. cytostatic drugs, hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocarbons. GSTM1-1 is particularly relevant in the deactivation of carcinogenic intermediates of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Several lines of evidence suggest that hGSTT1-1 and/or hGSTM1-1 play a role in the deactivation of reactive oxygen species that are likely to be involved in cellular processes of inflammation, ageing and degenerative diseases. There is cumulating evidence that combinations of the GSTM1*0 state with other genetic traits affecting the metabolism of carcinogens (CYP1A1, GSTP1) may predispose the aero-digestive tract and lung, especially in smokers, to a higher risk of cancer. The GSTM1*0 status appears also associated with a modest increase in the risk of bladder cancer, consistent with a GSTM1 interaction with carcinogenic tobacco smoke constituents. Both human GST deletions, although largely counterbalanced by overlapping substrate affinities within the GST superfamily, have consequences when the organism comes into contact with distinct man-made chemicals. This appears relevant in industrial toxicology and in drug metabolism.


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The Escherichia coli mu operon was subcloned into a pKK233-2 vector containing rat glutathione S-transferase (GST) 5-5 cDNA and the plasmid thus obtained was introduced into Salmonella typhimurium TA1535. The newly developed strain S.typhimurium NM5004, was found to have 52-fold greater GST activity than the original umu strain S.typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002. We compared sensitivities of these two tester strains, NM5004 and TA1535/ pSK1002, for induction of umuC gene expression with several dihaloalkanes which are activated or inactivated by GST 5-5 activity. The induction of umuC gene expression by these chemicals was monitored by measuring the cellular P-galactosidase activity produced by umuC'lacZ fusion gene in these two tester strains. Ethylene dibromide, 1-bromo-2-chloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, and methylene dichloride induced umuC gene expression more strongly in the NM5004 strain than the original strain, 4-Nitroquinoline 1-oxide and N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine were found to induce umuC gene expression to similar extents in both strains. In the case of 1-nitropyrene and 2-nitrofluorene, however, NM5004 strain showed weaker umuC gene expression responses than the original TA1535/ pSK1002 strain, 1,2-Epoxy-3-(4'-nitrophenoxy)propane, a known substrate for GST 5-5, was found to inhibit umuC induction caused by 1-bromo-2-chloroethane. These results indicate that this new tester NM5004 strain expressing a mammalian GST theta class enzyme may be useful for studies of environmental chemicals proposed to be activated or inactivated by GST activity.


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Conjugation of chemicals with glutathione (GSH) can lead to decreased or increased toxicity. A genetic deficiency in the GSH S-transferase μ class gene M1 has been hypothesized to lead to greater risk of lung cancer in smokers. Recently a gene deletion polymorphism involving the human θ enzyme T1 has been described; the enzyme is present in erythrocytes and can be readily assayed. A rat θ class enzyme, 5-5, has structural and catalytic similarity and the protein was expressed in the Salmonella typhimurium tester strain TA1535. Expression of the cDNA vector increased the mutagenicity of ethylene dibromide and several methylene dihalides. Mutations resulting from the known GSH S-transferase substrate 1,2-epoxy-3-(4′nitrophenoxy)propane were decreased in the presence of the transferase. Expression of transferase 5-5 increased mutations when 1,2,3,4-diepoxybutane (butadiene diepoxide), 4-bromo-1,2-epoxybutane, or 1,3-dichloracetone were added. The latter compound is a model for the putative 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane oxidation product 1-bromo-3-chloroacetone. These genotoxicity and genotyping assays may be of use in further studies of the roles of GSH S-transferase θ enzymes in bioactivation and detoxication and any changes in risk due to polymorphism.


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The presence of theta-class glutathione S-transferase (GST) in marmoset monkey liver cytosol was investigated. An anti-peptide antibody targeted against the C-terminus of rGSTT1 reacted with a single band in marmoset liver cytosol that corresponded to a molecular weight of 28 kDa. The intensity of the immunoreactive band was not affected by treatment of marmoset monkeys with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, phenobarbitone, rifampicin or clofibric acid. Similarly, activity towards methyl chloride (MC) was unaffected by these treatments. However, GST activity towards 1,2-epoxy3-(p- nitrophenoxy)-propane (EPNP) was increased in marmosets treated with phenobarbitone (2.6-fold) and rifampicin (2.6-fold), activity towards dichloromethane (DCM) was increased by 50% after treatment of marmosets with clofibric acid, and activity towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) was raised slightly (30-42% increases) after treatment with phenobarbitone, rifampicin or clofibric acid. Compared with humans, marmoset liver cytosol GST activity towards DCM was 18-fold higher, activity towards MC was 7 times higher and activity towards CDNB was 4 times higher. Further, EPNP activity was clearly detectable in marmoset liver cytosol samples, but was undetectable in human samples. Immunoreactive marmoset GST was partially purified by affinity chromatography using hexylglutathione-Sepharose and Orange A resin. The interaction of immunoreactive marmoset GST was similar to that found previously for rat and human GSTT1, suggesting that this protein is also a theta class GST. However, unlike rat GSTT1, the marmoset enzyme was not the major catalyst of EPNP conjugation. Instead, immunoreactivity was closely associated with activity towards MC. In conclusion, these results provide evidence for the presence of theta-class GST in the marmoset monkey orthologous to rGSTT1 and hGSTT1.


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Recently, we inserted the plasmid vector pKK233-2 containing rat GSH S-transferase (GST) 5-5 cDNA into Salmonella typhimurium TA1535 and found that these bacteria [GST 5-5(+)] expressed the protein and produced mutations when ethylene or methylene dihalides were added [Thier, R., Taylor, J. B., Pemble, S. E., Ketterer, B., Persmark, M., Humphreys, W. G., and Guengerich, F. P. (1993) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 90, 8576-8580]. After exposure to the known GST 5-5 substrate 1,2-epoxy-3-(4′-nitrophenoxy)propane, the GST 5-5(+) strain showed fewer mutants than the bacteria transfected with the cDNA clone in a reverse orientation [GST 5-5(-)], suggesting a protective role of GST 5-5. However, mutations were considerably enhanced in the GST 5-5(+) strain [as compared to GST 5-5(-)] when 1,2,3,4-diepoxybutane (butadiene diepoxide) or 1,2-epoxy-4-bromobutane was added. The GST 5-5(+) and GST 5-5(-) bacterial stains showed similar responses to 1,2-epoxypropane, 3,4-epoxy-1-butene, and 1,4-dibromobutane. The results suggest that some bifunctional activated butanes are transformed to mutagenic products through GSH conjugation. We also found that the GST 5-5(+) strain showed enhanced mutagenicity with 1,4-dibromo-2,3-epoxybutane, 1,2-epoxy-3-bromopropane (epibromohydrin), and (±)-1,4-dibromo-2,3-dihydroxybutane. The possibility was considered that a 5-membered thialonium ion may be involved in the mutagenicity. Model thialonium compounds were rather stable to hydrolysis in aqueous solution at pH 7.4 and slowly alkylated 4-(4-nitrobenzyl)pyridine. The presence of a hydroxyl group β to the sulfur did not enhance reactivity. Mechanisms involving episulfonium ions are considered more likely. Potential oxidation products of the toxic pesticide 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) were also considered in this system. DBCP itself gave rather similar results in the two strains. Others have reported that oxidation of DBCP is required for mutagenicity, along with GST-catalyzed GSH conjugation [Simula, T. P., Glancey, M. J., Söderlund, E. J., Dybing, E., and Wolf, C. R. (1993) Carcinogenesis 14, 2303-2307]. The putative oxidation product 1,2-dibromopropional did not show a difference between the two strains. However, 1,3-dichloroacetone, a model for the putative oxidation product 1-bromo-3-chloroacetone, was considerably more mutagenic in the GST 5-5(+) strain.


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The rat theta class glutathione S-transferase (GST) 5-5 has been shown to affect the mutagenicity of halogenated alkanes and epoxides. In Salmonella typhimurium TA1535 expressing the rat GST5-5 the number of revertants was increased compared to the control strain by CH2Br2, ethylene dibromide (EDB) and 1,2,3,4-diepoxybutane (BDE); in contrast, mutagenicity of 1,2-epoxy-3-(4'-nitrophenoxy)propane (EPNP) was reduced. S.typhimurium TA1535 cells were transformed with an expression plasmid carrying the cDNA of the human theta ortholog GST1-1 either in sense or antisense orientation, the latter being the control. These transformed bacteria were utilized for mutagenicity assays. Mutagenicity of EDB, BDE, CH2Br2, epibromohydrin and 1,3-dichloroacetone was higher in the S.typhimurium TA1535 expressing GSTT1-1 than in the control strain. The expression of active enzyme did not affect the mutagenicity of 1,2-epoxy-3-butene or propylene oxide, GSTT1-1 expression reduced the mutagenicity of EPNP. Glutathione S-transferase 5-5 and GSTT1-1 modulate genotoxicity of several industrially important chemicals in the same way. Polymorphism of the GSTT1 locus in humans may therefore cause differences in cancer susceptibility between the two phenotypes.


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The transformation of ethylene oxide (EO), propylene oxide (PO) and 1- butylene oxide (1-BuO) by human glutathione transferase theta (hGSTT1-1) was studied comparatively using 'conjugator' (GSTT1 + individuals) erythrocyte lysates. The relative sequence of velocity of enzymic transformation was PO > EO >> 1-BuO. The faster transformation of PO compared to EO was corroborated in studies with human and rat GSTT1-1 (hGSTT1-1 and rGSTT1-1, respectively) expressed by Salmonella typhimurium TA1535. This sequence of reactivities of homologous epoxides towards GSTT1-1 contrasts to the sequence observed in homologous alkyl halides (methyl bromide, MBr; ethyl bromide, EtBr; n-propyl bromide, PrBr) where the relative sequence MeBr >> EtBr > PrBr is observed. The higher reactivity towards GSTT1-1 of propylene oxide compared to ethylene oxide is consistent with a higher chemical reactivity. This is corroborated by experimental data of acid-catalysed hydrolysis of a number of aliphatic epoxides, including ethylene oxide and propylene oxide and consistent with semi-empirical molecular orbital modelings.


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Glutathione transferase (GST) GSTT1-1 is involved in the biotransformation of several chemicals widely used in industry, such as butadiene and dichloro methane DCM. The polymorphic hGSTT1-1 may well play a role in the development of kidney tumours after high and long-term occupational exposure against trichloroethylene. Although several studies have investigated the association of this polymorphism with malignant diseases little is known about its enzyme activity in potential extrahepatic target tissues. The known theta-specific substrates methyl chloride (MC) dichloromethane and 1,2-epoxy-3-(p-nitrophenoxy)propane (EPNP) were used to assay GSTT1-1 activity in liver and kidney of rats, mice, hamsters and humans differentiating the three phenotypes (non-conjugators, low conjugators, high conjugators) seen in humans. In addition GSTT1-1 activity towards MC and DCM was determined in human erythrocytes. No GSTT1-1 activity was found in any tissue of non-conjugators (NC). In all organs high conjugators (HC) showed twofold higher activity towards MC and DCM than low conjugators (LC). The activity in human samples towards EPNP was too close to the detection limit to differentiate between the three conjugator phenotypes. GSTT1-1 activity towards MC was two to seven-times higher in liver cytosol than in kidney cytosol. The relation for MC between species was identical in both organs: mouse > HC > rat > LC > hamster > NC. In rats, mice and hamsters GSTT1-1 activity in liver cytosol towards DCM was also two to seven-times higher than in the kidney cytosol. In humans this activity was twice as high in kidney cytosol than in liver cytosol. The relation between species was mouse > rat > HC > LC > hamster > NC for liver, but mouse > HC > LC/rat > hamster/NC for kidney cytosol. The importance to heed the specific environment at potential target sites in risk assessment is emphasized by these results.


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The use of circular hollow steel members has attracted a great deal of attention during past few years because of having excellent structural properties, aesthetic appearance, corrosion and fire protection capability. However, no one can deny the structural deficiency of such structures due to reduction of strength when they are exposed to severe environmental conditions such as marine environment, cold and hot weather. Hence strengthening and retrofitting of structural steel members is now very imperative. This paper presents the findings of a research program that was conducted to study the bond durability of carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) strengthened steel tubular members under cold weather and tested under four-point bending. Six number of CFRP-strengthened specimens and one unstrengthened specimen were considered in this program. The three specimens having sand blasted surface to be strengthened was pre-treated with MBrace primer and other three were remained untreated and then cured under ambient temperature at least four weeks and cold weather (3 C) for three and six months period of time. Quasi-static tests were then performed on beams to failure under four-point bending. The structural response of each specimen was predicted in terms of failure load, mid-span deflection, composite beam behaviour and failure mode. The research outcomes show that the cold weather immersion had an adverse effect on durability of CFRP-strengthened steel structures. Moreover, the epoxy based adhesion promoter was found to enhance the bond durability in plastic range. The analytical models presented in this study were found to be in good agreement in terms of predicting ultimate load and deflection. Finally, design factors are proposed to address the short-terms durability performance under cold weather.


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Bridge girder bearings rest on pedestals to transfer the loading safely to the pier headstock. In spite of the existence of industry guidelines, due to construction complexities, such guidelines are often overlooked. Further, there is paucity of research on the performance of pedestals, although their failure could cause exorbitant maintenance costs. Although reinforced concrete pedestals are recommended in the industry design guidelines, unreinforced concrete and/ or epoxy glue pedestals are provided due to construction issues; such pedestals fail within a very short period of service. With a view to understanding the response of pedestals subject to monotonic loading, a three-dimensional nonlinear explicit finite element micro-model of unreinforced and reinforced concrete pedestals has been developed. Contact and material nonlinearity have been accounted for in the model. It is shown that the unreinforced concrete pedestals suffer from localised edge stress singularities, the failure of which was comparable to those in the field. The reinforced concrete pedestals, on the other hand, distribute the loading without edge stress singularity, again conforming to the field experience.


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Galvanic corrosion is a common phenomenon in Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) strengthened steel structures in wet environments and submerged conditions, which reduces durability by weakening the bond between the CFRP and steel substrate. CFRP materials have already been proven to have superior resistance to corrosion and chemical attacks but the adhesive and steel are generally affected by long-term exposure to moisture, especially in conjunction with salts resulting from deicing of ocean spray. This paper presents the results of a research program to improve the durability of CFRP strengthened steel circular hollow section (CHS) members by treating the steel surface with an epoxy based adhesion promoter and inserting Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) as a galvanic corrosion barrier against simulated sea water. It also presents the effects of accelerated corrosion on the bond of CFRP strengthened hollow steel members. The program consisted of four CFRP strengthened steel beams and one unstrengthened steel beam. Two strengthened beams were used as control while the other two beams were exposed to a highly corrosive environment to induce accelerated corrosion. The corrosion rate was considered 10% which represents a moderate level of loss in the cross-sectional area of the steel tube throughout its intended service life. The beams were then loaded to failure under four-point bending. The research findings indicate that the accelerated corrosion adversely affected the ultimate strength of the conditioned beams and the embedded glass fibre enhanced the bond durability.