962 resultados para electricity consumption per floor area
The optimization of energy generation systems has become a key issue for technological and social development, mainly in developing countries, where the electricity consumption rises sharply. Gas turbine cycle is an electricity generating system, which studies have demonstrated that inlet air cooling increases net power and thermal efficiency. Thus, this study intends to quantify these parameters for environments with different ambient temperature and relative humidity. Two types of air cooling were used: evaporative and absorption systems. The configuration parameters only with the gas turbine cycle were compared to those whose configuration allowed cooling. First, it was analyzed only evaporative cooling. Next, the absorption system was used for analysis. The last configuration mixed these two methods, dividing equally its flow. The results showed that thermal efficiency and net power increase in any case of cooling, with absorption system more advantageous in terms of generated energy, where an increase between 1 and 2 MW was observed, depending on the ambient conditions . When the two methods were working together at low relative humidity, it showed a thermal efficiency increase compared to absorption system, up to 2.4%. Evaporative cooling was less effective, but it is a good and cheap possibility to increase the cycle parameters at high temperature and low relative humidity
Os dejetos suínos contribuem de forma significativa em prol da degradação dos recursos naturais e para a diminuição da qualidade de vida na região sul do estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. O excesso de dejetos gerados pelo grande número dos suínos por unidade de área dificulta a solução do problema. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento de um sistema de tratamento de dejetos suínos, em série e em escala real, composto de unidades anaeróbias, unidades aeróbias e pós-tratamento. Os parâmetros analisados foram: DBO, DQO, PT, P-PO4, N-NH3, NTK, pH, clorofila a, biomassa algal, coliformes totais e coliformes fecais (Escherichia coli). O sistema mostrou que após um ano de funcionamento as eficiências de remoção foram satisfatórias para matéria orgânica e nutrientes, alcançando valores de 97% para DBO, 95% para DQO, 88% para N-NH3 e 74% para PT/P-PO4, mesmo com as variações de vazão e de carga orgânica aplicada. Entretanto, a remoção de coliformes fecais nas unidades aeróbias foi baixa, reduzindo somente 0,86 unidades log na lagoa facultativa aerada e 0,80 unidades log na lagoa de maturação.
The optimization of energy generation systems has become a key issue for technological and social development, mainly in developing countries, where the electricity consumption rises sharply. Gas turbine cycle is an electricity generating system, which studies have demonstrated that inlet air cooling increases net power and thermal efficiency. Thus, this study intends to quantify these parameters for environments with different ambient temperature and relative humidity. Two types of air cooling were used: evaporative and absorption systems. The configuration parameters only with the gas turbine cycle were compared to those whose configuration allowed cooling. First, it was analyzed only evaporative cooling. Next, the absorption system was used for analysis. The last configuration mixed these two methods, dividing equally its flow. The results showed that thermal efficiency and net power increase in any case of cooling, with absorption system more advantageous in terms of generated energy, where an increase between 1 and 2 MW was observed, depending on the ambient conditions . When the two methods were working together at low relative humidity, it showed a thermal efficiency increase compared to absorption system, up to 2.4%. Evaporative cooling was less effective, but it is a good and cheap possibility to increase the cycle parameters at high temperature and low relative humidity
Abstract Background To study the effects of household crowding upon the respiratory health of young children living in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods Case-control study with children aged from 2 to 59 months living within the boundaries of the city of São Paulo. Cases were children recruited from 5 public hospitals in central São Paulo with an acute episode of lower respiratory disease. Children were classified into the following diagnostic categories: acute bronchitis, acute bronchiolitis, pneumonia, asthma, post-bronchiolitis wheezing and wheezing of uncertain aetiology. One control, crudely matched to each case with regard to age (<2, 2 years old or more), was selected among healthy children living in the neighborhood of the case. All buildings were surveyed for the presence of environmental contaminants, type of construction and building material. Plans of all homes, including measurements of floor area, height of walls, windows and solar orientation, was performed. Data were analysed using conditional logistic regression. Results A total of 313 pairs of children were studied. Over 70% of the cases had a primary or an associated diagnosis of a wheezing illness. Compared with controls, cases tended to live in smaller houses with less adequate sewage disposal. Cases and controls were similar with respect to the number of people and the number of children under five living in the household, as well the number of people sharing the child's bedroom. After controlling for potential confounders, no evidence of an association between number of persons sharing the child's bedroom and lower respiratory disease was identified when all cases were compared with their controls. However, when two categories of cases were distinguished (infections, asthma) and each category compared separately with their controls, crowding appeared to be associated with a 60% reduction in the incidence of asthma but with 2 1/2-fold increase in the incidence of lower respiratory tract infections (p = 0.001). Conclusion Our findings suggest that household crowding places young children at risk of acute lower respiratory infection but may protect against asthma. This result is consistent with the hygiene hypothesis.
The measurement of mesozooplankton biomass in the ocean requires the use of analytical procedures that destroy the samples. Alternatively, the development of methods to estimate biomass from optical systems and appropriate conversion factors could be a compromise between the accuracy of analytical methods and the need to preserve the samples for further taxonomic studies. The conversion of the body area recorded by an optical counter or a camera, by converting the digitized area of an organism into individual biomass, was suggested as a suitable method to estimate total biomass. In this study, crustacean mesozooplankton from subtropical waters were analyzed, and individual dry weight and body area were compared. The obtained relationships agreed with other measurements of biomass obtained from a previous study in Antarctic waters. Gelatinous mesozooplankton from subtropical and Antarctic waters were also sampled and processed for body area and biomass. As expected, differences between crustacean and gelatinous plankton were highly significant. Transparent gelatinous organisms have a lower dry weight per unit area. Therefore, to estimate biomass from digitized images, pattern recognition discerning, at least, between crustaceans and gelatinous forms is required.
Il presente lavoro di tesi è stato realizzato al fine di valutare la distribuzione geografica ed i livelli ambientali di concentrazione per una serie di metalli (Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, Mn, Co, V, Ba, Pb, Sr e Hg) presenti all’interno dei sedimenti della laguna costiera Pialassa Baiona, situata nei pressi del porto e dell’area industriale di Ravenna. L’area di studio considerata rappresenta un esempio di ambiente di transizione, dove i fattori fisici e chimici variano su scala spaziale e temporale e dove le attività antropiche, recenti e non, hanno provocato impatti significativi sullo stato di qualità dei sedimenti, delle acque e degli ecosistemi. Lo studio è stato progettato seguendo un disegno di campionamento ortogonale, che tiene conto del gradiente naturale terra-mare, tipico delle zone di transizione, e del gradiente antropico, legato alla vicinanza con l’area industriale. Sulla base di questo disegno sono state campionate 4 aree differenti e per ciascuna area sono stati scelti casualmente tre siti. La caratterizzazione dei sedimenti dal punto di vista chimico è stata effettuata determinando la frazione labile e quindi più biodisponibile dei metalli, oggetto del presente studio, per mezzo di una tecnica di estrazione parziale con HCl 1 M. Le concentrazioni biodisponibili ottenute sono state poi confrontate con il contenuto totale dei metalli, determinato mediante digestione totale al micronde. I sedimenti sono stati inoltre caratterizzati dal punto di vista granulometrico e del contenuto in sostanza organica (Loss on Ignition, LOI%). I risultati ottenuti dalle analisi chimiche sono stati confrontati con i valori tipi di fondo naturale del Mar Adriatico e con i valori guida di riferimento nazionale (SQA-MA) ed internazionale (ERL, ERM, TEL e PEL), al fine di valutare lo stato di qualità dei sedimenti della Baiona e di effettuare uno screening per individuare eventuali situazioni di rischio per gli organismi bentonici. I risultati ottenuti sono stati poi elaborati statisticamente con un analisi della varianza (ANOVA) con lo scopo di valutare la variabilità spaziale dei metalli nei campioni analizzati e la presenza di eventuali differenze significative.
Oggetto di questa tesi di Laurea è la progettazione di un quartiere residenziale sostenibile a Bertinoro (FC) richiesto dell’Amministrazione Comunale, orientata anche verso la realizzazione di un parcheggio di attestazione multipiano per il borgo e di una risalita meccanizzata al centro. L’area d’intervento costituisce infatti una posizione strategica per l’arrivo e gli accessi alla città alta. Il progetto quindi affronta due scenari: uno a scala urbana e uno a scala architettonica. Fondamentale è stata la definizione delle strategie urbane: consapevoli dell’importanza di una gestione sostenibile del territorio, questa tesi ha cercato di affrontare le problematiche relative alla mobilità del luogo, caratterizzato da forti pendii, ponendosi come obiettivo l’eliminazione di flussi veicolari nel centro storico e nel contempo la completa accessibilità di quest’ultimo attraverso nuovi sistemi meccanizzati di risalita che incentivino la mobilità pedonale. Ciò ha portato ad un studio dei percorsi di Bertinoro e ad una ricerca sulle varie tipologie sia di parcheggio multipiano che di risalita finalizzata alla definizione della soluzione più efficiente e adeguata per il luogo. A scala architettonica la complessità del progetto è stata quella di dare uguale importanza a dati oggettivi e quantificabili, come orientamento, apporti solari, impianti, senza tralasciare i valori storico-paesaggistici, risorsa fondamentale per quest'area. La sfida è stata quindi quella di progettare un quartiere con dei requisiti energetici che vadano ben oltre i confini determinati dalla normativa e di riuscire ad integrare nel contesto, con il minor impatto ambientale e percettivo, l’intero insediamento, compreso il parcheggio multipiano e la risalita. Il titolo “declivi” sintetizza in questo senso la strategia adottata ovvero tutto il progetto nasce da un attento confronto con le caratteristiche topografiche del luogo cercando di ripristinarle dove sono venute a mancare in una logica non di aggiunta del costruito ma di “crescita” dal suolo. La chiave di lettura è stata in particolare l’idea del terrazzamento e degli affacci sul paesaggio. Durante tutto il processo progettuale si è dunque operato verificando contestualmente ogni scelta dal punto di vista architettonico, tecnologico ed energetico puntando ad un progetto che possa essere definito sostenibile a tutte le sue scale: urbanistica e architettonica.
La tesi si propone di definire una strategia di riqualificazione urbana per l'area del “Pilastro”, un esteso comparto residenziale sito nella zona più esterna del quartiere San Donato, a Bologna. Questa area periferica rispetto al nucleo urbano di Bologna presenta numerose criticità tipiche delle “periferie”, ma anche importanti potenzialità. Le analisi condotte hanno permesso di individuare meglio criticità e punti di forza, fissando i riferimenti per un progetto di riqualificazione. La tesi affronta il tema della riqualificazione del patrimonio italiano di edilizia sociale, occupandosi in particolare, all’interno dell’area del “Pilastro”, di alcuni edifici residenziali ancora prevalentemente di proprietà pubblica. Si è quindi analizzata l’evoluzione della domanda e dell’offerta di social housing e le caratteristiche della popolazione a cui, nel contesto di Bologna, si rivolge questa soluzione abitativa. Il progetto ha riguardato nel dettaglio due dei quattro edifici residenziali a torre presenti nella zona nord dell’area “Pilastro”, ma ha previsto anche alcuni interventi di riorganizzazione delle aree circostanti, della viabilità, del verde e delle altre due torri residenziali del comparto. Il progetto ipotizza 3 principali azioni dell’intervento di riqualificazione: 1 La ridefinizione del parcheggio (“la piastra”), trasformandolo da semplice superficie di servizio in un sistema su più livelli che incrementa la capienza attuale di posti auto e aggiunge aree verdi, piccoli servizi e attività commerciali. 2 L'ampliamento dell'offerta abitativa (“le nuove residenze”) collocando nelle zone meglio soleggiate del lato nord nuovi edifici in linea destinati ad introdurre il mix sociale residenza sociale. La riqualificazione delle residenze esistenti, puntando a correggerne le principali criticità registrate: l'elevato consumo energetico, il sovradimensionamento delle superfici degli alloggi, la struttura portante rigida, la mancanza di spazi di socializzazione. Gli alloggi sono stati ridimensionati in base alle caratteristiche della domanda abitativa e sono stati dotati di servizi comuni al piano terra e nei due piani interrati (sale sociali, lavanderie, spazi gioco per i bambini, depositi).L'introduzione di un impianto eolico, l’aggiunta di un involucro isolante ed un intervento sull’impianto di acqua calda sanitaria hanno migliorato il comportamento energetico dell’edificio, arricchendone anche l’aspetto e la fruibilità.
The optical resonances of metallic nanoparticles placed at nanometer distances from a metal plane were investigated. At certain wavelengths, these “sphere-on-plane” systems become resonant with the incident electromagnetic field and huge enhancements of the field are predicted localized in the small gaps created between the nanoparticle and the plane. An experimental architecture to fabricate sphere-on-plane systems was successfully achieved in which in addition to the commonly used alkanethiols, polyphenylene dendrimers were used as molecular spacers to separate the metallic nanoparticles from the metal planes. They allow for a defined nanoparticle-plane separation and some often are functionalized with a chromophore core which is therefore positioned exactly in the gap. The metal planes used in the system architecture consisted of evaporated thin films of gold or silver. Evaporated gold or silver films have a smooth interface with their substrate and a rougher top surface. To investigate the influence of surface roughness on the optical response of such a film, two gold films were prepared with a smooth and a rough side which were as similar as possible. Surface plasmons were excited in Kretschmann configuration both on the rough and on the smooth side. Their reflectivity could be well modeled by a single gold film for each individual measurement. The film has to be modeled as two layers with significantly different optical constants. The smooth side, although polycrystalline, had an optical response that was very similar to a monocrystalline surface while for the rough side the standard response of evaporated gold is retrieved. For investigations on thin non-absorbing dielectric films though, this heterogeneity introduces only a negligible error. To determine the resonant wavelength of the sphere-on-plane systems a strategy was developed which is based on multi-wavelength surface plasmon spectroscopy experiments in Kretschmann-configuration. The resonant behavior of the system lead to characteristic changes in the surface plasmon dispersion. A quantitative analysis was performed by calculating the polarisability per unit area /A treating the sphere-on-plane systems as an effective layer. This approach completely avoids the ambiguity in the determination of thickness and optical response of thin films in surface plasmon spectroscopy. Equal area densities of polarisable units yielded identical response irrespective of the thickness of the layer they are distributed in. The parameter range where the evaluation of surface plasmon data in terms of /A is applicable was determined for a typical experimental situation. It was shown that this analysis yields reasonable quantitative agreement with a simple theoretical model of the sphere-on-plane resonators and reproduces the results from standard extinction experiments having a higher information content and significantly increased signal-to-noise ratio. With the objective to acquire a better quantitative understanding of the dependence of the resonance wavelength on the geometry of the sphere-on-plane systems, different systems were fabricated in which the gold nanoparticle size, type of spacer and ambient medium were varied and the resonance wavelength of the system was determined. The gold nanoparticle radius was varied in the range from 10 nm to 80 nm. It could be shown that the polyphenylene dendrimers can be used as molecular spacers to fabricate systems which support gap resonances. The resonance wavelength of the systems could be tuned in the optical region between 550 nm and 800 nm. Based on a simple analytical model, a quantitative analysis was developed to relate the systems’ geometry with the resonant wavelength and surprisingly good agreement of this simple model with the experiment without any adjustable parameters was found. The key feature ascribed to sphere-on-plane systems is a very large electromagnetic field localized in volumes in the nanometer range. Experiments towards a quantitative understanding of the field enhancements taking place in the gap of the sphere-on-plane systems were done by monitoring the increase in fluorescence of a metal-supported monolayer of a dye-loaded dendrimer upon decoration of the surface with nanoparticles. The metal used (gold and silver), the colloid mean size and the surface roughness were varied. Large silver crystallites on evaporated silver surfaces lead to the most pronounced fluorescence enhancements in the order of 104. They constitute a very promising sample architecture for the study of field enhancements.
A first phase of the research activity has been related to the study of the state of art of the infrastructures for cycling, bicycle use and methods for evaluation. In this part, the candidate has studied the "bicycle system" in countries with high bicycle use and in particular in the Netherlands. Has been carried out an evaluation of the questionnaires of the survey conducted within the European project BICY on mobility in general in 13 cities of the participating countries. The questionnaire was designed, tested and implemented, and was later validated by a test in Bologna. The results were corrected with information on demographic situation and compared with official data. The cycling infrastructure analysis was conducted on the basis of information from the OpenStreetMap database. The activity consisted in programming algorithms in Python that allow to extract data from the database infrastructure for a region, to sort and filter cycling infrastructure calculating some attributes, such as the length of the arcs paths. The results obtained were compared with official data where available. The structure of the thesis is as follows: 1. Introduction: description of the state of cycling in several advanced countries, description of methods of analysis and their importance to implement appropriate policies for cycling. Supply and demand of bicycle infrastructures. 2. Survey on mobility: it gives details of the investigation developed and the method of evaluation. The results obtained are presented and compared with official data. 3. Analysis cycling infrastructure based on information from the database of OpenStreetMap: describes the methods and algorithms developed during the PhD. The results obtained by the algorithms are compared with official data. 4. Discussion: The above results are discussed and compared. In particular the cycle demand is compared with the length of cycle networks within a city. 5. Conclusions
Within this work, a particle-polymer surface system is studied with respect to the particle-surface interactions. The latter are governed by micromechanics and are an important aspect for a wide range of industrial applications. Here, a new methodology is developed for understanding the adhesion process and measure the relevant forces, based on the quartz crystal microbalance, QCM. rnThe potential of the QCM technique for studying particle-surface interactions and reflect the adhesion process is evaluated by carrying out experiments with a custom-made setup, consisting of the QCM with a 160 nm thick film of polystyrene (PS) spin-coated onto the quartz and of glass particles, of different diameters (5-20µm), deposited onto the polymer surface. Shifts in the QCM resonance frequency are monitored as a function of the oscillation amplitude. The induced frequency shifts of the 3rd overtone are found to decrease or increase, depending on the particle-surface coupling type and the applied oscillation (frequency and amplitude). For strong coupling the 3rd harmonic decreased, corresponding to an “added mass” on the quartz surface. However, positive frequency shifts are observed in some cases and are attributed to weak-coupling between particle and surface. Higher overtones, i.e. the 5th and 7th, were utilized in order to derive additional information about the interactions taking place. For small particles, the shift for specific overtones can increase after annealing, while for large particle diameters annealing causes a negative frequency shift. The lower overtones correspond to a generally strong-coupling regime with mainly negative frequency shifts observed, while the 7th appears to be sensitive to the contact break-down and the recorded shifts are positive.rnDuring oscillation, the motion of the particles and the induced frequency shift of the QCM are governed by a balance between inertial forces and contact forces. The adherence of the particles can be increased by annealing the PS film at 150°C, which led to the formation of a PS meniscus. For the interpretation, the Hertz, Johnson-Kendall-Roberts, Derjaguin-Müller-Toporov and the Mindlin theory of partial slip are considered. The Mindlin approach is utilized to describe partial slip. When partial slip takes place induced by an oscillating load, a part of the contact ruptures. This results in a decrease of the effective contact stiffness. Additionally, there are long-term memory effects due to the consolidation which along with the QCM vibrations induce a coupling increase. However, the latter can also break the contact, lead to detachment and even surface damage and deformation due to inertia. For strong coupling the particles appear to move with the vibrations and simply act as added effective mass leading to a decrease of the resonance frequency, in agreement with the Sauerbrey equation that is commonly used to calculate the added mass on a QCM). When the system enters the weak-coupling regime the particles are not able to follow the fast movement of the QCM surface. Hence, they effectively act as adding a “spring” with an additional coupling constant and increase the resonance frequency. The frequency shift, however, is not a unique function of the coupling constant. Furthermore, the critical oscillation amplitude is determined, above which particle detach. No movement is detected at much lower amplitudes, while for intermediate values, lateral particle displacement is observed. rnIn order to validate the QCM results and study the particle effects on the surface, atomic force microscopy, AFM, is additionally utilized, to image surfaces and measure surface forces. By studying the surface of the polymer film after excitation and particle removal, AFM imaging helped in detecting three different meniscus types for the contact area: the “full contact”, the “asymmetrical” and a third one including a “homocentric smaller meniscus”. The different meniscus forms result in varying bond intensity between particles and polymer film, which could explain the deviation between number of particles per surface area measured by imaging and the values provided by the QCM - frequency shift analysis. The asymmetric and the homocentric contact types are suggested to be responsible for the positive frequency shifts observed for all three measured overtones, i.e. for the weak-coupling regime, while the “full contact” type resulted in a negative frequency shift, by effectively contributing to the mass increase of the quartz..rnThe interplay between inertia and contact forces for the particle-surface system leads to strong- or weak-coupling, with the particle affecting in three mentioned ways the polymer surface. This is manifested in the frequency shifts of the QCM system harmonics which are used to differentiate between the two interaction types and reflect the overall state of adhesion for particles of different size.rn
Ziel dieser Arbeit war der Aufbau und Einsatz des Atmosphärischen chemischen Ionisations-Massenspektrometers AIMS für boden- und flugzeuggetragene Messungen von salpetriger Säure (HONO). Für das Massenspektrometer wurden eine mit Gleichspannung betriebene Gasentladungsionenquelle und ein spezielles Druckregelventil entwickelt. Während der Instrumentenvergleichskampagne FIONA (Formal Intercomparisons of Observations of Nitrous Acid) an einer Atmosphären-Simulationskammer in Valencia (Spanien) wurde AIMS für HONO kalibriert und erstmals eingesetzt. In verschiedenen Experimenten wurden HONO-Mischungsverhältnisse zwischen 100 pmol/mol und 25 nmol/mol erzeugt und mit AIMS interferenzfrei gemessen. Innerhalb der Messunsicherheit von ±20% stimmen die massenspektrometrischen Messungen gut mit den Methoden der Differenziellen Optischen Absorptions-Spektrometrie und der Long Path Absorption Photometrie überein. Die Massenspektrometrie kann somit zum schnellen und sensitiven Nachweis von HONO in verschmutzter Stadtluft und in Abgasfahnen genutzt werden.rnErste flugzeuggetragene Messungen von HONO mit AIMS wurden 2011 bei der Messkampagne CONCERT (Contrail and Cirrus Experiment) auf dem DLR Forschungsflugzeug Falcon durchgeführt. Hierbei konnte eine Nachweisgrenze von < 10 pmol/mol (3σ, 1s) erreicht werden. Bei Verfolgungsflügen wurden im jungen Abgasstrahl von Passagierflugzeugen molare HONO zu Stickoxid-Verhältnisse (HONO/NO) von 2.0 bis 2.5% gemessen. HONO wird im Triebwerk durch die Reaktion von NO mit OH gebildet. Ein gemessener abnehmender Trend der HONO/NO Verhältnisse mit zunehmendem Stickoxid-Emissionsindex wurde bestätigt und weist auf eine OH Limitierung im jungen Abgasstrahl hin.rnNeben den massenspektrometrischen Messungen wurden Flugzeugmessungen der Partikelsonde Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe FSSP-300 in jungen Kondensstreifen ausgewertet und analysiert. Aus den gemessenen Partikelgrößenverteilungen wurden Extinktions- und optische Tiefe-Verteilungen abgeleitet und für die Untersuchung verschiedener wissenschaftlicher Fragestellungen, z.B. bezüglich der Partikelform in jungen Kondensstreifen und ihrer Klimawirkung, zur Verfügung gestellt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss des Flugzeug- und Triebwerktyps auf mikrophysikalische und optische Eigenschaften von Kondensstreifen untersucht. Unter ähnlichen meteorologischen Bedingungen bezüglich Feuchte, Temperatur und stabiler thermischer Schichtung wurden 2 Minuten alte Kondensstreifen der Passagierflugzeuge vom Typ A319-111, A340-311 und A380-841 verglichen. Im Rahmen der Messunsicherheit wurde keine Änderung des Effektivdurchmessers der Partikelgrößenverteilungen gefunden. Hingegen nehmen mit zunehmendem Flugzeuggewicht die Partikelanzahldichte (162 bis 235 cm-3), die Extinktion (2.1 bis 3.2 km-1), die Absinktiefe des Kondensstreifens (120 bis 290 m) und somit die optische Tiefe der Kondensstreifen (0.25 bis 0.94) zu. Der gemessene Trend wurde durch Vergleich mit zwei unabhängigen Kondensstreifen-Modellen bestätigt. Mit den Messungen wurde eine lineare Abhängigkeit der totalen Extinktion (Extinktion mal Querschnittsfläche des Kondensstreifens) vom Treibstoffverbrauch pro Flugstrecke gefunden und bestätigt.
Questa tesi Magistrale è frutto di un'attività di ricerca, che consiste nella realizzazione di un'indagine geofisica di tipo geoelettrico (ERT Electrical Resistivity Tomography). Lo scopo è quello di caratterizzare l'idrogeologia di una porzione limitata dell'acquifero freatico costiero ravennate, situato nella Pineta Ramazzotti di Lido di Dante, cercando di apportare nuove conoscenze sulle dinamiche che favoriscono l'ingressione marina (problema di forte attualità)che potrebbero contribuire a migliorare la gestione e la tutela delle risorse idriche. In questo contesto la tesi si pone come obiettivo quello di valutare l'applicabilità del metodo geoelettrico verificando se questo è in grado d'individuare efficacemente l'interfaccia acqua dolce-salata e le strutture presenti nel sottosuolo, in due tipologie di ambiente, con e senza un sistema di dune. I risultati dimostrano che dal punto di vista scientifico, il metodo geoelettrico ha verificato il principio di Ghyben-Herzberg, il quale suppone che vi sia una relazione inversa tra quota topografica e limite superiore della zona satura con acqua salata, inoltre si è riscontrata una certa stagionalità tra i profili acquisiti in momenti diversi (influenzati dalla piovosità). Mentre dal punto di vista tecnologico, il metodo, è di difficile utilizzo negli ambienti di transizione tanto ché chi si occupa professionalmente di questi rilievi preferisce non eseguirli. Questo è dovuto alla mancanza di un protocollo per le operazioni di acquisizione e a causa dell'elevato rumore di fondo che si riscontra nelle misurazioni. Con questo studio è stato possibile calibrare e sviluppare un protocollo, utilizzabile con diverse spaziature tra gli elettrodi, che è valido per l'area di studio indagata. Si è riscontrato anche che l'utilizzo congiunto delle informazioni delle prospezioni e quelle dei rilievi classici (monitoraggio della superficie freatica, parametri chimico-fisici delle acque sotterranee, rilievo topografico e sondaggi geognostici), generino un prodotto finale di semplice interpretazione e di facile comprensione per le dinamiche in atto.
Visual results in treating neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) using intravitreal injected anti-VEGF (IVT) clearly depend on injection frequency. Regarding to the European approval Ranibizumab has to be used only in cases of recurrent visual loss after the loading phase. In contrast monthly treatment--as also provided in the ANCHOR and MARINA studies--is generally allowed in Switzerland. However, it is commonly tried to reduce the injection frequency because of the particular cost situation in all health systems and of cause also due to the necessary strict monitoring and reinjection regimes, which raise management problems with increasing patient numbers. In this article the special treatment regimes of our University Eye Hospital is presented, in which a reduced injection frequency basically leads to the same increased and stable visual results as in ANCHOR and MARINA; however, needing significantly more injections as generally provided in other countries of Europe. The main focus for achieving this in a large number of patients is placed on re-structuring our outpatient flow for IVT patients with particular emphasis on patient separation and standardisation of treatment steps leading to significantly reduced time consumption per patient. Measurements of timing and patient satisfaction before and after restructuring underline its importance in order to be able to treat more patients at a high quality even in the future. The exceptional importance of spectral domain OCT measurements as the most important criterium for indicating re-treatment is illustrated.
The etiology of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) remains obscure in many cases and women are affected more often than men. A recent prospective study, performed in women >50 years of age suffering from recurrent BPPV, showed associated osteopenia or osteoporosis in a large percentage of these patients. These results suggested the possible relationship between recurrent BPPV and a decreased fixation of calcium in bone in women >50 years. To test this hypothesis, an experimental study was performed in adult female rats. Utricular otoconia of female rats in which osteopenia/osteoporosis was induced by bilateral ovariectomy (OVX) were compared to those of sham-operated adult females rats (SHAM), as control group. FIRST STUDY: The morphology of theutricles of OVX and SHAM rats was analyzed with scanning electron microscopy. In osteopenic/osteoporotic rats, the density of otoconia (i.e. the number of otoconia per unit area) was decreased (p = 0.036)and their size was increased (p = 0.036) compared to the control group. SECOND STUDY: To test the role of calcium turnover in such morphological changes, utricular otoconia of 2 other groups of OVX and SHAM rats, previously injected with calcein subcutaneously, were examined by conventional and epifluorescence microscopy. In epifluorescence microscopy, labeling with calcein showed no significant fluorescence in either group. This finding was interpreted as a lack of external calcium turnover into otoconia of adult female rats. The ultrastructural modifications of otoconia in osteopenic/osteoporotic female adult rats as well as the role of estrogenic receptors in the inner ear are discussed. The possible pathophysiological mechanisms which support the relationship between recurrent BPPV in women and the disturbance of the calcium metabolism of osteopenia/osteoporosis are debated.