916 resultados para current controlled voltage-source inverter
The present thesis work proposes a new physical equivalent circuit model for a recently proposed semiconductor transistor, a 2-drain MSET (Multiple State Electrostatically Formed Nanowire Transistor). It presents a new software-based experimental setup that has been developed for carrying out numerical simulations on the device and on equivalent circuits. As of 2015, we have already approached the scaling limits of the ubiquitous CMOS technology that has been in the forefront of mainstream technological advancement, so many researchers are exploring different ideas in the realm of electrical devices for logical applications, among them MSET transistors. The idea that underlies MSETs is that a single multiple-terminal device could replace many traditional transistors. In particular a 2-drain MSET is akin to a silicon multiplexer, consisting in a Junction FET with independent gates, but with a split drain, so that a voltage-controlled conductive path can connect either of the drains to the source. The first chapter of this work presents the theory of classical JFETs and its common equivalent circuit models. The physical model and its derivation are presented, the current state of equivalent circuits for the JFET is discussed. A physical model of a JFET with two independent gates has been developed, deriving it from previous results, and is presented at the end of the chapter. A review of the characteristics of MSET device is shown in chapter 2. In this chapter, the proposed physical model and its formulation are presented. A listing for the SPICE model was attached as an appendix at the end of this document. Chapter 3 concerns the results of the numerical simulations on the device. At first the research for a suitable geometry is discussed and then comparisons between results from finite-elements simulations and equivalent circuit runs are made. Where points of challenging divergence were found between the two numerical results, the relevant physical processes are discussed. In the fourth chapter the experimental setup is discussed. The GUI-based environments that allow to explore the four-dimensional solution space and to analyze the physical variables inside the device are described. It is shown how this software project has been structured to overcome technical challenges in structuring multiple simulations in sequence, and to provide for a flexible platform for future research in the field.
To intraindividually compare a low-tube-voltage (80 kVp), high-tube-current (675 mA) computed tomographic (CT) technique with a high-tube-voltage (140 kVp) CT protocol for the detection of pancreatic tumors, image quality, and radiation dose during the pancreatic parenchymal phase.
To investigate whether an adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR) algorithm improves the image quality at low-tube-voltage (80-kVp), high-tube-current (675-mA) multidetector abdominal computed tomography (CT) during the late hepatic arterial phase.
The purpose of this investigation was to study the source characteristics of a clinical kilo-voltage cone beam CT unit and to develop and validate a virtual source model that could be used for treatment planning purposes.
PURPOSE: To prospectively evaluate, for the depiction of simulated hypervascular liver lesions in a phantom, the effect of a low tube voltage, high tube current computed tomographic (CT) technique on image noise, contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), lesion conspicuity, and radiation dose. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A custom liver phantom containing 16 cylindric cavities (four cavities each of 3, 5, 8, and 15 mm in diameter) filled with various iodinated solutions to simulate hypervascular liver lesions was scanned with a 64-section multi-detector row CT scanner at 140, 120, 100, and 80 kVp, with corresponding tube current-time product settings at 225, 275, 420, and 675 mAs, respectively. The CNRs for six simulated lesions filled with different iodinated solutions were calculated. A figure of merit (FOM) for each lesion was computed as the ratio of CNR2 to effective dose (ED). Three radiologists independently graded the conspicuity of 16 simulated lesions. An anthropomorphic phantom was scanned to evaluate the ED. Statistical analysis included one-way analysis of variance. RESULTS: Image noise increased by 45% with the 80-kVp protocol compared with the 140-kVp protocol (P < .001). However, the lowest ED and the highest CNR were achieved with the 80-kVp protocol. The FOM results indicated that at a constant ED, a reduction of tube voltage from 140 to 120, 100, and 80 kVp increased the CNR by factors of at least 1.6, 2.4, and 3.6, respectively (P < .001). At a constant CNR, corresponding reductions in ED were by a factor of 2.5, 5.5, and 12.7, respectively (P < .001). The highest lesion conspicuity was achieved with the 80-kVp protocol. CONCLUSION: The CNR of simulated hypervascular liver lesions can be substantially increased and the radiation dose reduced by using an 80-kVp, high tube current CT technique.
Development of alternative propellants for Hall thruster operation is an active area of research. Xenon is the current propellant of choice for Hall thrusters, but can be costly in large thrusters and for extended test periods. Condensible propellants may offer an alternative to xenon, as they will not require costly active pumping to remove from a test facility, and may be less expensive to purchase. A method has been developed which uses segmented electrodes in the discharge channel of a Hall thruster to divert discharge current to and from the main anode and thus control the anode temperature. By placing a propellant reservoir in the anode, the evaporation rate, and hence, mass flow of propellant can be controlled. Segmented electrodes for thermal control of a Hall thruster represent a unique strategy of thruster design, and thus the performance of the thruster must be measured to determine the effect the electrodes have on the thruster. Furthermore, the source of any changes in thruster performance due to the adjustment of discharge current between the shims and the main anode must be characterized. A Hall thruster was designed and constructed with segmented electrodes. It was then tested at anode voltages between 300 and 400 V and mass flows between 4 and 6 mg/s, as well as 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, and <5% of the discharge current on the shim electrodes. The level of current on the shims was adjusted by changing the shim voltage. At each operating point, the thruster performance, plume divergence, ion energy, and multiply charged ion fraction were measured performance exhibited a small change with the level of discharge current on the shim electrodes. Thrust and specific impulse increased by as much as 6% and 7.7%, respectively, as discharge current was shifted from the main anode to the shims at constant anode voltage. Thruster efficiency did not change. Plume divergence was reduced by approximately 4 degrees of half-angle at high levels of current on the shims and at all combinations of mass flow and anode voltage. The fraction of singly charged xenon in the thruster plume varied between approximately 80% and 95% as the anode voltage and mass flow were changed, but did not show a significant change with shim current. Doubly and triply charged xenon made up the remainder of the ions detected. Ion energy exhibited a mixed behavior. The highest voltage present in the thruster largely dictated the most probable energy; either shim or anode voltage, depending on which was higher. The overall change in most probable ion energy was 20-30 eV, the majority of which took place while the shim voltage was higher than the anode voltage. The thrust, specific impulse, plume divergence, and ion energy all indicate that the thruster is capable of a higher performance output at high levels of discharge current on the shims. The lack of a change in efficiency and fraction of multiply charged ions indicate that the thruster can be operated at any level of current on the shims without detrimental effect, and thus a condensible propellant thruster can control the anode temperature without a decrease in efficiency or a change in the multiply charged ion fraction.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of automatic tube current modulation on radiation dose and image quality for low tube voltage computed tomography (CT) angiography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An anthropomorphic phantom was scanned with a 64-section CT scanner using following tube voltages: 140 kVp (Protocol A), 120 kVp (Protocol B), 100 kVp (Protocol C), and 80 kVp (Protocol D). To achieve similar noise, combined z-axis and xy-axes automatic tube current modulation was applied. Effective dose (ED) for the four tube voltages was assessed. Three plastic vials filled with different concentrations of iodinated solution were placed on the phantom's abdomen to obtain attenuation measurements. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was calculated and a figure of merit (FOM) for each iodinated solution was computed as SNR(2)/ED. RESULTS: The ED was kept similar for the four different tube voltages: (A) 5.4 mSv +/- 0.3, (B) 4.1 mSv +/- 0.6, (C) 3.9 mSv +/- 0.5, and (D) 4.2 mSv +/- 0.3 (P > .05). As the tube voltage decreased from 140 to 80 kVp, image noise was maintained (range, 13.8-14.9 HU) (P > .05). SNR increased as the tube voltage decreased, with an overall gain of 119% for the 80-kVp compared to the 140-kVp protocol (P < .05). The FOM results indicated that with a reduction of the tube voltage from 140 to 120, 100, and 80 kVp, at constant SNR, ED was reduced by a factor of 2.1, 3.3, and 5.1, respectively, (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: As tube voltage decreases, automatic tube current modulation for CT angiography yields either a significant increase in image quality at constant radiation dose or a significant decrease in radiation dose at a constant image quality.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of isoflurane in Shetland ponies using a sequence of three different supramaximal noxious stimulations at each tested concentration of isoflurane rather than a single stimulation. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, experimental trial. ANIMALS: Seven 4-year-old, gelding Shetland ponies. METHODS: The MAC of isoflurane was determined for each pony. Three different modes of electrical stimulation were applied consecutively (2 minute intervals): two using constant voltage (90 V) on the gingiva via needle- (CVneedle) or surface-electrodes (CVsurface) and one using constant current (CC; 40 mA) via surface electrodes applied to the skin over the digital nerve. The ability to clearly interpret the responses as positive, the latency of the evoked responses and the inter-electrode resistance were recorded for each stimulus. RESULTS: Individual isoflurane MAC (%) values ranged from 0.60 to 1.17 with a mean (+/-SD) of 0.97 (+/-0.17). The responses were more clearly interpreted with CC, but did not reach statistical significance. The CVsurface mode produced responses with a longer delay. The CVneedle mode was accompanied by variable inter-electrode resistances resulting in uncontrolled stimulus intensity. At 0.9 MAC, the third stimulation induced more positive responses than the first stimulation, independent of the mode of stimulation used. CONCLUSIONS: The MAC of isoflurane in the Shetland ponies was lower than expected with considerable variability among individuals. Constant current surface electrode stimulations were the most repeatable. A summation over the sequence of three supramaximal stimulations was observed around 0.9 MAC. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The possibility that Shetland ponies require less isoflurane than horses needs further investigation. Constant current surface-electrode stimulations were the most repeatable. Repetitive supramaximal stimuli may have evoked movements at isoflurane concentrations that provide immobility when single supramaximal stimulation was applied.
From its invention in the 1970s, the patch clamp technique is the gold standard in electrophysiology research and drug screening because it is the only tool enabling accurate investigation of voltage-gated ion channels, which are responsible for action potentials. Because of its key role in drug screening, innovation efforts are being made to reduce its complexity toward more automated systems. While some of these new approaches are being adopted in pharmaceutical companies, conventional patch-clamp remains unmatched in fundamental research due to its versatility. Here, we merged the patch clamp and atomic force microscope (AFM) techniques, thus equipping the patch-clamp with the sensitive AFM force control. This was possible using the FluidFM, a force-controlled nanopipette based on microchanneled AFM cantilevers. First, the compatibility of the system with patch-clamp electronics and its ability to record the activity of voltage-gated ion channels in whole-cell configuration was demonstrated with sodium (NaV1.5) channels. Second, we showed the feasibility of simultaneous recording of membrane current and force development during contraction of isolated cardiomyocytes. Force feedback allowed for a gentle and stable contact between AFM tip and cell membrane enabling serial patch clamping and injection without apparent cell damage.
High switching frequencies (several MHz) allow the integration of low power DC/DC converters. Although, in theory, a high switching frequency would make possible to implement a conventional Voltage Mode control (VMC) or Peak Current Mode control (PCMC) with very high bandwidth, in practice, parasitic effects and robustness limits the applicability of these control techniques. This paper compares VMC and CMC techniques with the V2IC control. This control is based on two loops. The fast internal loop has information of the output capacitor current and the error voltage, providing fast dynamic response under load and voltage reference steps, while the slow external voltage loop provides accurate steady state regulation. This paper shows the fast dynamic response of the V2IC control under load and output voltage reference steps and its robustness operating with additional output capacitors added by the customer.
El origen del proyecto se encuentra en la mejora de un inversor trifásico sinusoidal comercial sobre la base del estudio de las técnicas de excitación óptimas para los IGBTs que lo componen en su etapa de potencia. En las primeras fases de planteamiento del proyecto se propone una idea mucho más ambiciosa, la realización de un nuevo convertidor de emergencia, destinado al sector ferroviario, para dar servicio de climatización. Este convertidor está formado por la asociación en cascada de un bloque DC/DC elevador y un bloque inversor DC/AC trifásico controlado mediante PWM con modulación sinusoidal. Se pretendía así dar solución a las siguientes problemáticas detectadas en los convertidores comercializados hasta el momento: un bloque elevador excesivamente sobredimensionado, subsistemas de control independientes para los dos bloques que configuran el convertidor, adicionalmente, la tarjeta driver se rediseña con cada cambio de especificaciones por parte de un nuevo cliente y finalmente, las comunicaciones tanto de diagnosis como de mantenimiento necesitaban una importante actualización. Inicialmente, se ha realizado un estudio teórico de los bloques elevador e inversor para poder realizar el diseño y dimensionamiento de sus componentes tanto semiconductores como electromagnéticos. Una vez completada la parte de potencia, se estudia el control que se realiza mediante medidas directas y simulación tanto de la estrategia de control del elevador como del inversor. Así se obtiene una información completa de la funcionalidad de las tarjetas existentes. Se desea realizar el diseño de una única tarjeta controladora y una única tarjeta de drivers para ambos bloques. Por problemas ajenos, en el transcurso de este proyecto se cancela su realización comercial, con lo que se decide al menos crear la placa de control y poder gobernar un convertidor ya existente, sustituyendo la tarjeta de control del bloque elevador. Para poder fabricar la placa de control se divide en dos tarjetas que irán conectadas en modo sándwich. En una tarjeta está el microcontrolador y en otra está todo el interface necesario para operar con el sistema: entradas y salidas digitales, entradas y salidas analógicas, comunicación CAN, y un pequeño DC/DC comercial que proporciona alimentación al prototipo. Se realiza un pequeño programa funcional para poder manejar el convertidor, el cual con una tensión de 110V DC, proporciona a la salida una tensión de 380V AC. Como ya se ha expuesto, debido a la cancelación del proyecto industrial no se profundiza más en su mejora y se decide proponerlo para su evaluación en su fase actual. ABSTRACT. The beginning of the project is found in the improvement of a commercial sine wave three phase inverter which is based in a study about optimal excitation techniques to IGBTs which compose in the power stage. In the early phases of project it is proposed a much more ambitious idea, the fact of a new emergency converter, proposed for the rail sector to work in an air condition unit. This converter is formed by an association of a block cascaded DC/DC booster and a block DC/AC inverter three-phase controlled by a sine wave modulation PWM. The purposed was to give a solution to following problems detected in commercial converters nowadays: an excessively oversized block boost, independent control subsystems for two blocks that configure the converter. In addition, driver board is redesigned with each specifications change demand it a new customer, and finally, the communications, diagnostic and maintenance that needed a important upgrade. Initially, it has been performed a theoretical study of boost and the inverter blocks to be able to perform the component’s design and the size (semiconductor and electromagnetic fields). Once finished power study, it is analysed the control performed using direct measures and simulation of boost control strategy and inverter. With this it is obtained complete information about existing cards functionality. The project is looking for the design of just one controller card and one drivers´ card for both blocks. By unrelated problems, during the course of this project a commercial realization. So at least its decided to create control board to be able to existing converter, replacing boost block’s control board. To be able to manufacture control board it is divided in two cards connected in sandwiching mode. In a card is microcontroller and in another is all needed interface to operate with the system: digital inputs and outputs, analogical inputs and outputs, CAN communication, and a small DC / DC business that provide power supply to the prototype. It is performed a small functional program to handle the converter, which with an input voltage 110V DC provides an output voltage 380V AC. As already has been exposed, due to industrial project cancellation it is decided no to continue with all improvements and directly to evaluate it in the current phase.
A theoretical model for a contactor, collecting electrons from an ambient, unmagnetized plasma and emitting a current Iiis discussed. The relation between Ii and the potential bias of the contactor is found to be crucial for the formation of a quasineutral core around the anode and, consequently, for the current colleted. Approximate analytical laws and charts for the current-voltage response are provided.
In recent years, interest in light-emitting diode (LED) lighting has been growing because of its high efficacy, lifetime and ruggedness. This paper proposes a better adaptation of LED lamps to the technical requirements of photovoltaic lighting domestic systems, whose main quality criteria are reliability and that behave as voltage power supplies. As the key element of reliability in LED lamps is temperature, a solution is proposed for driving LED lamps using voltage sources, such as photovoltaic system batteries, with a control architecture based on pulse width modulation signal that regulates the current applied according to the LED lamp temperature. A prototype of the LED lamp has been implemented and tested to show its good performance at different temperatures and at different battery voltages.
Among all the different types of electric wind generators, those that are based on doubly fed induction generators, or DFIG technology, are the most vulnerable to grid faults such as voltage sags. This paper proposes a new control strategy for this type of wind generator, that allows these devices to withstand the effects of a voltage sag while following the new requirements imposed by grid operators. This new control strategy makes the use of complementary devices such as crowbars unnecessary, as it greatly reduces the value of currents originated by the fault. This ensures less costly designs for the rotor systems as well as a more economic sizing of the necessary power electronics. The strategy described here uses an electric generator model based on space-phasor theory that provides a direct control over the position of the rotor magnetic flux. Controlling the rotor magnetic flux has a direct influence on the rest of the electrical variables enabling the machine to evolve to a desired work point during the transient imposed by the grid disturbance. Simulation studies have been carried out, as well as test bench trials, in order to prove the viability and functionality of the proposed control strategy.
This paper presents a primary-parallel secondary-series multicore forward micro-inverter for photovoltaic AC-module application. The proposed solution changes the number of active phases depending on the grid voltage, thus enabling the usage of low-profile unitary turns ratio transformers. Therefore, the transformers are well coupled and the overall performance of the inverter is improved. Due to the multiphase solution the number of devices increases but, the current stress and losses per device are reduced contributing to an easier thermal management. Furthermore, the decoupling capacitor is split between the phases, contributing to a low-profile solution without electrolytic capacitors suitable to be mounted in the frame of a PV module.