936 resultados para alaryngeal speech


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This study seeks to evaluate whether the DEAP, a new speech assessment that assesses vowels in addition to consonants, is as effective with children who are deaf and hard of hearing as an older, more established speech assessment, the GFTA-2.


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This descriptive study investigates the representation of Cued Speech in teacher of the deaf preparation programs as well as attitudes towards inclusion of Cued Speech in those programs in the context of the 2004 reauthorization of IDEA. The issue of Cued Speech is discussed as a communication modality and implications for deaf education are presented.


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Auditory-visual speech perception testing was completed using wordandconsonant-level stimuli in individuals with known degrees of dementia of theAlzheimer’s type. The correlations with the cognitive measures and the speechperception measures (A-only, V-only, AV, VE or AE) did not reveal significantrelationships.


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Difficulty understanding speech in the presence of background noise is a common report among cochlear implant recipients. The purpose of this research is to evaluate speech processing options currently available in the Cochlear Nucleus 5 sound processor to determine the best option for improving speech recognition in noise.


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Even though pediatric hearing aid (HA) users listen most often to female talkers, clinically-used speech tests primarily consist of adult male talkers' speech. Potential effects of age and/or gender of the talker on speech perception of pediatric HA users were examined using two speech tests, hVd-vowel identification and CNC word recognition, and using speech materials spoken by four talker types (adult males, adult females, 10-12 year old girls, and 5-7 year old girls). For the nine pediatric HA users tested, word scores for the male talker's speech were higher than those for the female talkers, indicating that talker type can affect word recognition scores and that clinical tests may over-estimate everyday speech communication abilities of pediatric HA users.


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This literature review examines the use of private speech among typically developing and hearing impaired children. This paper supports the view that private speech provides a self-regulatory function and guides behavior and problem-solving.


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Infants' responses in speech sound discrimination tasks can be nonmonotonic over time. Stager and Werker (1997) reported such data in a bimodal habituation task. In this task, 8-month-old infants were capable of discriminations that involved minimal contrast pairs, whereas 14-month-old infants were not. It was argued that the older infants' attenuated performance was linked to their processing of the stimuli for meaning. The authors suggested that these data are diagnostic of a qualitative shift in infant cognition. We describe an associative connectionist model showing a similar decrement in discrimination without any qualitative shift in processing. The model suggests that responses to phonemic contrasts may be a nonmonotonic function of experience with language. The implications of this idea are discussed. The model also provides a formal framework for studying habituation-dishabituation behaviors in infancy.


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The authors examined whether background noise can be habituated to in the laboratory by using memory for prose tasks in 3 experiments. Experiment 1 showed that background speech can be habituated to after 20 min exposure and that meaning and repetition had no effect on the degree of habituation seen. Experiment 2 showed that office noise without speech can also be habituated to. Finally, Experiment 3 showed that a 5-min period of quiet, but not a change in voice, was sufficient to partially restore the disruptive effects of the background noise previously habituated to. These results are interpreted in light of current theories regarding the effects of background noise and habituation; practical implications for office planning are discussed.


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It has been previously demonstrated that extensive activation in the dorsolateral temporal lobes associated with masking a speech target with a speech masker, consistent with the hypothesis that competition for central auditory processes is an important factor in informational masking. Here, masking from speech and two additional maskers derived from the original speech were investigated. One of these is spectrally rotated speech, which is unintelligible and has a similar (inverted) spectrotemporal profile to speech. The authors also controlled for the possibility of “glimpsing” of the target signal during modulated masking sounds by using speech-modulated noise as a masker in a baseline condition. Functional imaging results reveal that masking speech with speech leads to bilateral superior temporal gyrus (STG) activation relative to a speech-in-noise baseline, while masking speech with spectrally rotated speech leads solely to right STG activation relative to the baseline. This result is discussed in terms of hemispheric asymmetries for speech perception, and interpreted as showing that masking effects can arise through two parallel neural systems, in the left and right temporal lobes. This has implications for the competition for resources caused by speech and rotated speech maskers, and may illuminate some of the mechanisms involved in informational masking.


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