961 resultados para Zuccotti, Susan: Under his very windows
A temática aqui proposta tem por objetivo analisar até que ponto a implementação de um plano de carreira pode vir a ser um fator de crescimento do indivíduo e de maior eficácia no Instituto Batista de Educação de Vitória (ffiEV). Assim, no presente Estudo de Caso foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas e pesquisa de campo mediante aplicação de questionário (entrevistas focalizadas, semi-estruturadas) de forma a embasar conceitualmente a temática e com informações relevantes caracterizar a Instituição, para estabelecer a relação entre plano de carreira, plano de vida e a utilização do capital humano como um fator de crescimento do indivíduo e de maior eficácia organizacional. Os elementos que compõem o quadro de recursos humanos do ffiEV serão apresentados e interpretados sob um enfoque dialético compatível com as proposições de plano de carreira e plano de vida, dos autores elencados na bibliografia No transcorrer dessa dissertação serão contracenados os conceitos de plano de carreira e plano de vida que por um longo período de tempo e talvez ainda hoje, são pensados como não correlacionados. Isto acontece porque, para conseguirmos correlacionar estes conceitos e sistemas, necessitamos aprender a analisá-los de uma perspectiva macro. Neste ponto, pode-se juntar estes conceitos e entender as suas correlações. É claro que estes relacionamentos são complexos, o que é uma das razões pelas quais eles não são enxergados. Olhando para este quadro geral através do conceito plano de carreira/plano de vida, é fácil concluir que o ffiEV é um sistema complexo com subsistemas ativos (humano e técnico) e uma estrutura geral (estrutura). Esta estrutura irá prover meios com os quais os subsistemas irão interagir, e conseqüentemente prover diferentes possibilidades de interação. As interações entre os atores do sistema terão conseqüências que poderão ser medidas através de investigações quantitativas e qualitativas. Estas conseqüências são, por exemplo, qualidade, eficiência organizacional, lucro, satisfação com o trabalho, comprometimento com a organização, ou pode-se dizer de maneira mais geral que estas conseqüências são referentes à saúde do indivíduo e à saúde da organização. Este sistema complexo chamado ffiEV existe e interage em um sistema maior, chamado mercado, que por sua vez é parte de outro sistema, que é a sociedade. O ser humano é também um componente destes dois outros sistemas. Este, então, age e interage em ambientes distintos e correlacionados, que são a instituição (como funcionário), o mercado (como consumidor) e a sociedade (como membro). Por se constatar que o sistema humano em questão interage uma certa quantidade de horas exclusivamente ou quase exclusivamente com a instituição, e uma mesma ou maior quantidade de horas com a sociedade, então não podem ser excluídas realidades da vida de alguém, do seu trabalho na organização ou do seu convívio com família e amigos.
Este trabalho estã centrado no estudo do caso -- Sistema Comercial da Companhia de Saneamento do Paranã - SANEPAR e consequentemente na apresentação de alternativas organizacionais voltadas para o estabelecimento de coerência entre objetivos, recursos e ambiência que envolvem esse sistema. Foi dese~volvido tendo como base teórica o modelo de anãlise organizacional sustentado por Jay R. Galbraith em ORGANIZATION DESIGN, 1977. Calcado num diagnóstico participativo, foi buscado o alcance de objetivos voltados para o conhecimento de aspectos do sistema, como transação ambiental, a natureza das tarefas, a estrutura e o processo de tomada de decisão. Para tanto, foi recomendado a aplicação de um IIMix Organizacional composto de 6 estrategias basicas, provenientes tanto da administração classica quanto da contingencial/orgânica. Pela situação organizacional encontrada, se concluiu que o Sistema Comercial da SANEPAR apresenta uma administração difusa e, bastante descaracterizada estruturalmente, o que compromete a eficiência de seu desempenho. Sua ãrea de competência/autoridade funcional, estã subordinada a um orgao de planejamento que, alem das suas atividades peculiares, tambem se encarrega da direção do Sistema Comercial. Essa situação incide na qualidade dos resultados finais necessarios, i. e, na eficacia e efetividade dos dois sistemas dentro do contexto em que atuam, visto estarem seus principais recursos, humanos, gerando decisões sem uma base informacional consistente e relevante e, dentro de um desenho estrutural que dificulta a consecução dos resultados. O mix recomendado visa dotar o sistema de maior capacidade de transaçao com o ambiente em geral, via uma administração estrategica calcada num desenho estrutural concebido para propiciar informação precisa, decisao relevante e alcance de resultados necessãrios. r proposto visando subordinar o sistema diretamente a uma Diretoria, emancipando-o da subordinação ao Planejamento e, elevando sua autoridade, ao mesmo nivel de importância dos principais sistemas da Empresa. Dessa forma, foi planejada uma atuação gerencial mais dinâmica e profissional ao sistema via processo de tomada de decisão lógico, releva~ te e conhecido. Assim, objetiva-se reduzir a niveis insignificantes a incerteza constatada, principal causadora dos atrasos e distorções ocorrentes no processo e alcance dos resultados desejados. Esses instrumentos, certamente, facilitarão as relações no interior do sistema e, deste, com o ambiente em geral, garantindo assim, a abertura do caminho rumo ao atinamento da eficácia e efetividade gerencial.
The 90s have witnessed a resumption in capital flows to Latin America. due to the conjugation of low interest rates in the US and economic reforms in most LA countries. In Brazil. however. substantial capital flows have becn induced by the extremely high domestic interest rates practiced by the Central Bank as a measure of last reson given the absence of successful stabilization policies. These very high interest rates were needed to prevent capital flight in a context of a surprisingly stable inflation rate above 20% a month. and keep interest bearing govemment securities preferable to foreign assets as money substitutes. We carefully describe how this domestic currency substitution regime (interest bearing govemment securities are substituted for MIas cash holdings) requires the Central Bank to renounce aoy control over monerary aggregates. In this domestic currency substitution regime. hyperinflation is the most likely outcome of an isolated (i.e.. without fiscal adjusanents) attempt by the Brazilian Central Bank to control money.
This document represents a doctoral thesis held under the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of Getulio Vargas Foundation (EBAPE/FGV), developed through the elaboration of three articles. The research that resulted in the articles is within the scope of the project entitled “Windows of opportunities and knowledge networks: implications for catch-up in developing countries”, funded by Support Programme for Research and Academic Production of Faculty (ProPesquisa) of Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE) of Getulio Vargas Foundation.
This Masters Degree dissertation seeks to make a comparative study of internal air temperature data, simulated through the thermal computer application DesignBuilder 1.2, and data registered in loco through HOBO® Temp Data Logger, in a Social Housing Prototype (HIS), located at the Central Campus of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN. The prototype was designed and built seeking strategies of thermal comfort recommended for the local climate where the study was carried out, and built with panels of cellular concrete by Construtora DoisA, a collaborator of research project REPESC Rede de Pesquisa em Eficiência Energética de Sistemas Construtivos (Research Network on Energy Efficiency of Construction Systems), an integral part of Habitare program. The methodology employed carefully examined the problem, reviewed the bibliography, analyzing the major aspects related to computer simulations for thermal performance of buildings, such as climate characterization of the region under study and users thermal comfort demands. The DesignBuilder 1.2 computer application was used as a simulation tool, and theoretical alterations were carried out in the prototype, then they were compared with the parameters of thermal comfort adopted, based on the area s current technical literature. Analyses of the comparative studies were performed through graphical outputs for a better understanding of air temperature amplitudes and thermal comfort conditions. The data used for the characterization of external air temperature were obtained from the Test Reference Year (TRY), defined for the study area (Natal-RN). Thus the author also performed comparative studies for TRY data registered in the years 2006, 2007 and 2008, at weather station Davis Precision Station, located at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais INPE-CRN (National Institute of Space Research), in a neighboring area of UFRN s Central Campus. The conclusions observed from the comparative studies performed among computer simulations, and the local records obtained from the studied prototype, point out that the simulations performed in naturally ventilated buildings is quite a complex task, due to the applications limitations, mainly owed to the complexity of air flow phenomena, the influence of comfort conditions in the surrounding areas and climate records. Lastly, regarding the use of the application DesignBuilder 1.2 in the present study, one may conclude that it is a good tool for computer simulations. However, it needs some adjustments to improve reliability in its use. There is a need for continued research, considering the dedication of users to the prototype, as well as the thermal charges of the equipment, in order to check sensitivity
This work has a study object the main thinking work of Johan Kaspar Schmidt well known as Max Stirner (1806-1856) - originally titled (in German), Der Einzige und sein Eigentun, and translated into Portuguese by the Portuguese publisher Antígona in 2004, under the title The Unique and its Ownership. This book was known in 1844 although its publication dated 1845 seen that the censor of that time rejected the publication request in that year - saying that ( ) in concrete passages of that work, not only God, Christ, the church and the religion are usually object of proposal blasphemy, but also because all social order, the state and the government are defined as something that should not exist simultaneously as one justifies the lie, perjury, the murder and suicide and denies the ownership right. After this first attack and rejection by its bearing the unique come to be others target, due practically to all the philosophical political thinkers its time including thinkers like Ludwig Feuerbach and Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels in spite of, on the other hand, having inspired formulations and reformulations of many of those thinkers that were against then in their times, as well as those thinkers that came after then such as Nietzsche himself. Even though this work was be victim of powerful attempts of erasing it of history, it has shown a great repercussion power and that is the main reason that led us to ask the following questions what is its big originality? , how could his author arrive at a so impactant perspective? What is its most legitimate political place? We endeavored in elaborate answers to those questions trough the exegesis of its text, taking in account both the scholarship environment where the author produced his intellectual life set - and the detailed reading of texts linked to discussion in focus, where this reading is always based upon the meaning and senses traced by the texts and its contexts as a precaution against the limits and the traps of the readings which shed light markedly on strict letter of the phrases constructs. Ours conclusions point at to the idea that a work like this , that subverts the characteristic ways of thought of the modernity, completely, continues being a utter odds, without rank in the history of thought and the moderns political practices, finding parallel possibility only, in a very special way, with a certain autharchic perspective of Ancient Greece
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Synbranchus marmoratus is a facultative air-breathing fish, which uses its buccal cavity as well as its gills for air-breathing. S. marmoratus shows a very pronounced tachycardia when it surfaces to air-breathe. An elevation of heart rate decreases cardiac filling time and therefore may cause a decline in stroke volume (VS), but this can be compensated for by an increase in venous tone to maintain stroke volume. Thus, the study on S. marmoratus was undertaken to investigate how stroke volume and venous function are affected during air-breathing. To this end we measured cardiac output (Q), heart rate (fH), central venous blood pressure (PCV), mean circulatory filling pressure (MCFP), and dorsal aortic blood pressures (PDA) in S. marmoratus. Measurements were performed in aerated water (P-O2 > 130 mmHg), when the fish alternated between gill ventilation and prolonged periods of apnoeas, as well as during hypoxia (P-O2 <= 50 mmHg), when the fish changed from gill ventilation to air-breathing. Q increased significantly during gill ventilation compared to apnoea in aerated water through a significant increase in both fH and VS. PCV and MCFP also increased significantly. During hypoxia, when the animals surface to ventilate air, we found a marked rise in fH, PCV, MCFP, Q and VS, whereas PDA decreased significantly. Simultaneous increases in PCV and MCFP in aerated, as well as in hypoxic water, suggests that the venous system plays an important regulatory role for cardiac filling and VS in this species. In addition, we investigated adrenergic regulation of the venous system through bolus infusions of adrenergic agonists (adrenaline, phenylephrine and isoproterenol; 2 mu g kg(-1)). Adrenaline and phenylephrine caused a marked rise in PCV and MCFP, whereas isoproterenol led to a marked decrease in PCV, and tended to decrease MCFP. Thus, it is evident that stimulation of both alpha- and beta-adrenoreceptors affects venous tone in S. marmoratus.
HIV infection is associated with disturbances in lipid metabolism due to a host's response mechanism and the current antiretroviral therapy. The pathological appearance and progression of atherosclerosis is dependent on the presence of injurious agents in the vascular endothelium and variations in different subsets of candidate genes. Therefore, the Hha I polymorphism in the apolipoprotein E gene was evaluated in addition to triglycerides, total cholesterol, very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), LDL, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and apolipoprotein (apo) Al, B and E levels in 86 Brazilian HIV-infected patients and 29 healthy controls. The allele frequency for apoE in the HIV-infected group and controls was in agreement with data on the Brazilian population. Dyslipidemia was observed in the HIV group and verified by increased levels of triglycerides, VLDL and apoE, and decreased levels of HDL and apoAl. The greatest abnormalities in these biochemical variables were shown in the HIV-infected individuals whose immune function was more compromised. The effect of the genetic variation at the APOE gene on biochemical variables was more pronounced in the HIV-infected individuals who carried the apoE2/3 genotype. The highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)-receiving group presented increased levels of total cholesterol and apoE. Dyslipidemia was a predictable consequence of HIV infection and the protease inhibitors intensified the increase in apoE values.
This work is an example of the improvement on quantitative fractography by means of digital image processing and light microscopy. Two techniques are presented to investigate the quantitative fracture behavior of Ti-4Al-4V heat-treated alloy specimens, under Charpy impact testing. The first technique is the Minkowski method for fractal dimension measurement from surface profiles, revealing the multifractal character of Ti-4Al-4V fracture. It was not observed a clear positive correlation of fractal values against Charpy energies for Ti-4Al-4V alloy specimens, due to their ductility, microstructural heterogeneities and the dynamic loading characteristics at region near the V-notch. The second technique provides an entire elevation map of fracture surface by extracting in-focus regions for each picture from a stack of images acquired at successive focus positions, then computing the surface roughness. Extended-focus reconstruction has been used to explain the behavior along fracture surface. Since these techniques are based on light microscopy, their inherent low cost is very interesting for failure investigations.
This study aims to understand the experience of people suffering from mental disorder. The patients are enrolled in a mental health ambulatory clinic in the city of Natal (RN). Mental disorders are growing rapidly in the contemporary world and are a source of intense mental suffering. Besides patients being strongly marked by a history of isolation and prejudice, they have been the target of real atrocities committed in the name of preservation of a supposed normality. The understanding and treatment of this disorder is influenced by cultural and historical inferences, depending on the period in which it is experienced. Semi-directed Interviews were conducted with a group of users, with the emphasis on giving voice to their uniqueness and individuality, highlighting how each one perceives his or her own experience. These were recorded and later transcribed by identifying the core of meanings. The results were analyzed under the gaze of the Humanist Phenomenology Existential perspective, which aims to unravel the phenomenon, without truths from volatility, highlighting the existence of the mental disorder as a way of living, being permeated by suffering mental and influenced by social problems, assuming contours very particular to each individual. Some progress has been perceived, even by users, with respect to the change of paradigm in the way of care, but still there is a consistent emphasis on medical and drug use. The changes point to the need for offering services to replace the asylum hospital model, and in addition to accept the bearer of mental disorder as a citizen, a bearer of rights who should be accepted and respected by society. Despite the pain expressed and its close liaison with suicide, their reports are full of perspectives and attitudes of confrontation facing life, pointing to new possibilities to be, recreating itself
A Doença do Refluxo Gastroesofágico (DRGE) é uma afecção comum na infância, aumentando as evidências de que o refluxo gastroesofágico seja um cofator importante que contribui para as desordens de vias aéreas, principalmente na população pediátrica. É muito comum serem observadas manifestações em vias aéreas superiores e inferiores. Nosso objetivo é avaliar a presença de sintomas otorrinolaringológicos em crianças com idade de um a 12 anos e suspeita de doença do refluxo gastroesofágico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados dados de prontuários de pacientes de até 12 anos submetidos à pHmetria de 24 horas de um ou dois canais, locados a 2 e 5 cm do EEI para confirmação de diagnóstico de Doença do Refluxo Gastroesofágico. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 143 prontuários de crianças que realizaram pHmetria de 24 horas para investigação de DRGE; porém 65 foram incluídas. Os sintomas mais prevalentes nas crianças eram os broncopulmonares, encontrados em 89,2%, de sintomas nasossinusais (72,3%) , otológicos (46,1%) e de infecções de VAS de repetição (44,6%). Quando comparada a presença de cada grupo de sintomas com o resultado da pHmetria, não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre os sintomas e o resultado da pHmetria. CONCLUSÃO: DRGE pode se manifestar de diversas maneiras e os sintomas otorrinolaringológicos são frequentes em crianças.
Background: Quantitative data from gene expression experiments are often normalized by transcription levels of reference or housekeeping genes. An inherent assumption for their use is that the expression of these genes is highly uniform in living organisms during various phases of development, in different cell types and under diverse environmental conditions. To date, the validation of reference genes in plants has received very little attention and suitable reference genes have not been defined for a great number of crop species including Coffea arabica. The aim of the research reported herein was to compare the relative expression of a set of potential reference genes across different types of tissue/organ samples of coffee. We also validated the expression profiles of the selected reference genes at various stages of development and under a specific biotic stress.Results: The expression levels of five frequently used housekeeping genes (reference genes), namely alcohol dehydrogenase (adh), 14-3-3, polyubiquitin (poly), beta-actin (actin) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh) was assessed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR over a set of five tissue/organ samples (root, stem, leaf, flower, and fruits) of Coffea arabica plants. In addition to these commonly used internal controls, three other genes encoding a cysteine proteinase (cys), a caffeine synthase (ccs) and the 60S ribosomal protein L7 (rpl7) were also tested. Their stability and suitability as reference genes were validated by geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper programs. The obtained results revealed significantly variable expression levels of all reference genes analyzed, with the exception of gapdh, which showed no significant changes in expression among the investigated experimental conditions.Conclusion: Our data suggests that the expression of housekeeping genes is not completely stable in coffee. Based on our results, gapdh, followed by 14-3-3 and rpl7 were found to be homogeneously expressed and are therefore adequate for normalization purposes, showing equivalent transcript levels in different tissue/ organ samples. Gapdh is therefore the recommended reference gene for measuring gene expression in Coffea arabica. Its use will enable more accurate and reliable normalization of tissue/organ-specific gene expression studies in this important cherry crop plant.