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Panoramic Sea Happening (After Kantor) is a 7 minute durational film that reimagines part of Tadeusz Kantor's original sea happenings from 1967 in a landscape in which the sea has retreated. The conductor of Kantor’s original performance is replaced with a sound object cast adrift on a beach in Dungeness (UK). The object plays back the sound of the sea into the landscape, which was performed live and then filmed from three distinct angles. The first angle mimics the position of the conductor in Kantor’s original happening, facing outwards into the horizon of the beach and recalls the image in Kantor’s work of a human figure undertaking the absurd task of orchestrating the sound of a gigantic expanse of water. The second angle exposes the machine itself and the large cone that amplifies the sound, reinforcing the isolation of the object. The third angle reveals a decommissioned nuclear power station and sound objects used as a warning system for the power plant. Dungeness is a location where the sea has been retreating from the land, leaving traces of human activity through the disused boat winches, abandoned cabins and the decommissioned nuclear buildings. It is a place in which the footprint of the anthropocene is keenly felt. The sound object is intended to act as an anthropomorphic figure, ghosting the original conductor and offering the sound of the sea back into the landscape through a wide mouthpiece, echoing Kantor’s own load hailer in the original sequence of sea happenings. It speculates on Kantor's theory of the bio-object, which proposed a symbiotic relationship between the human and the nonhuman object in performance, as a possible instrument to access a form of geologic imagination. In this configuration, the human itself is absent, but is evoked through the objects left behind. The sound object, helpless in a red dingy, might be thought of as a co-conspirator with the viewer, enabling a looking back to the past in a landscape of an inevitable future. The work was originally commissioned by the University of Kent in collaboration with the Polish Cultural Institute for the Symposium Kantorbury Kantorbury in Canterbury (UK) to mark the 100 years since Tadeusz Kantor’s birth (15 - 19 September 2015). It should be projected and requires stereo speakers.


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This chapter explores geographies of gentrification and resistance in relation to the monstrous through the lens of street-art in post-Olympic London. It takes as a geographic case study Hackney Wick, which has for a long time been a bastion of alternative and creative living due to cheap rents in large, ex-industrial warehouse spaces. The artistic sociality of the area is imbued within its landscape, as prolific street artists have adorned ex-industrial warehouses and canal-side walls with graffiti and murals. Since the announcement of the 2012 Olympic Games, the area has been a site of intense political and aesthetic contestation. The post-Olympic legacy means that the area has been earmarked for redevelopment, with current residents facing the possibility of joining thousands already displaced by the games. The anxiety of dispossession is reflected by monstrous characters and sinister disembodied teeth, eyes and fingers embedded within the landscape, painted by local artists. Using geographically sensitive mobile and visual methodology to document the landscape and artwork, the chapter analyses and interprets the monstrous themes using a range of theorists including Mikhail Bakhtin, Georges Bataille and Nick Land. I argue that monstrous street-art lays visible claim to public territory for aesthetic purposes at odds with the visions of redevelopers and the needs of capital. Whilst street-art and graffiti do not fit easily within frameworks of organized political resistance or collective social movements, they operate as a kind of epistemological transgression that triggers transformative affects in the viewer. This creates conditions for pedagogies of resistance to gentrification by expressing and mobilizing political affects such as anger and anxiety, raising awareness of geographical politics, and encouraging the viewer to question the status quo of the built environment.


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In November 2015-March 2016, I assigned my Graduate Assistant, David Durden, a project to compile usage statistics and trends for digitized collections between 2013-2015 from UMD Digital Collections and our contributions to the Internet Archive between 2008-2015. The original intent of the project was to provide usage metrics to assist the Digitization Initiatives Committee in prioritizing projects or content areas. The project also uncovered trends that should impact how we think about making digital collections discoverable and accessible. For example, if 50-60% of traffic into UMD Digital Collections comes from outside the University or College Park, MD, how will this impact the potential usage of content when access is restricted to campus due to licensing, copyright, or ownership restrictions? With a growing population using mobile browsers, how will a flash-based viewer restrict users’ access to content? How might we develop content or its discoverability for a growing social media user base? In this talk, I will briefly discuss the usage trends for the represented collections, how we may use these in prioritizing future projects, and issues I will discuss with collection managers as we develop project plans and the Manager of Digital Programs and Initiatives as we develop the digital collections repository.


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Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, norteada pela teoria social e crítica da comunicação de massas. Foi objetivo geral da pesquisa analisar a representação da pessoa idosa na telenovela brasileira. Os objetivos específicos foram: identificar o perfil do idoso representado na telenovela; analisar o conteúdo da mensagem veiculada na telenovela por meio do personagem idoso; perceber as implicações da mensagem veiculada na telenovela para a enfermagem. Como fontes documentais foram adotadas duas telenovelas exibidas pela Rede Globo: Passione (2010-2011) e Insensato coração (2011), pois ambas trouxeram no universo de personagens das suas tramas um número de idosos superior ao percentual nacional desse grupo de pessoas. As fontes documentais foram submetidas à técnica da análise de conteúdo. Após assistir as telenovelas obteve-se oito categorias de análise: 1) Relacionamento amoroso; 2) Idoso e trabalho, 3) Saúde fragilizada; 4) Conflitos geracionais; 5) Alvo fácil; 6) exclusão familiar; 7) Conduta duvidosa e 8) Bom relacionamento familiar. Os dados foram analisados em consonância com os pressupostos teoria social e crítica da comunicação de massas e refletidos a partir da práxis da enfermagem. São apresentados dois artigos científicos, onde são enfocadas duas condições distintas de representação do idoso: 1) A imagem dos idosos ativos veiculada na mídia televisiva: implicações para enfermagem; 2) O idoso em situação de fragilidade no contexto da telenovela: um olhar da enfermagem; Conclui-se que a telenovela aborda temas polêmicos presentes no cotidiano do telespectador. Deste modo, a mensagem veiculada na trama pode influenciar tanto o telespectador idoso quanto o seu cuidador nas questões referentes ao cuidado e auto cuidado em saúde, em razão da identificação destes com os personagens da trama. Assim, é importante a enfermagem compreender como as informações contidas na telenovela são apreendidas pela comunidade, a fim de implementar estratégias que venham a atender as necessidades da população.


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Document representations can rapidly become unwieldy if they try to encapsulate all possible document properties, ranging from abstract structure to detailed rendering and layout. We present a composite document approach wherein an XMLbased document representation is linked via a shadow tree of bi-directional pointers to a PDF representation of the same document. Using a two-window viewer any material selected in the PDF can be related back to the corresponding material in the XML, and vice versa. In this way the treatment of specialist material such as mathematics, music or chemistry (e.g. via read aloud or play aloud ) can be activated via standard tools working within the XML representation, rather than requiring that application-specific structures be embedded in the PDF itself. The problems of textual recognition and tree pattern matching between the two representations are discussed in detail. Comparisons are drawn between our use of a shadow tree of pointers to map between document representations and the use of a code-replacement shadow tree in technologies such as XBL.


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W artykule dowodzi się tezy, że współczesne debaty publiczne, emitowane w telewizji (takie jak emitowany od 2004 roku w TVP2 program Jana Pospieszalskiego „Warto rozmawiać”), są zdarzeniami komunikacyjnymi zasadzonymi na konflikcie destruktywnym, a więc takim, który wg L. Kriesberga, nastawiony jest nie na problem wywołujący frustrację, ale jest manifestacją agresji, a celem sporu staje się nie pokonanie różnic dzielących strony, ale pokonanie oponenta. Wynika to z sytuacji komunikacyjnej debaty telewizyjnej i nastawienia w pierwszej kolejności na zdobycie uwagi, a potem zaspokajanie potrzeb odbiorcy sekundarnego – widza. Podporządkowane są temu takie elementy, jak wybór tematu debaty, jej scenariusz, dobór uczestników, a w dalszej kolejności ich zachowania werbalne i niewerbalne. W rezultacie, w debacie telewizyjnej złamane zostają typowe dla debaty konstruktywnej reguły i strategie, i zastąpione zostają zachowaniami typowymi dla konfliktu destruktywnego, takimi jak: brak otwartości na argumenty drugiej strony, nastawienie na pokonanie antagonisty, niechęć do szukania innych rozwiązań, jak tylko moja wygrana - twoja przegrana, działania nastawione na prowokację i podważanie wiarygodności partnera, przenoszenie ciężaru debaty ze sprawy na osobę, posługiwanie się argumentacją niemerytoryczną, niezgoda na konstruowanie wspólnego stanowiska. Taki wzorzec debaty telewizyjnej, która stała się pośpieszną, bezproduktywną prezentacją rozbieżnych stanowisk, nie prowadzącą do żadnych konkluzji, nastawioną najwyżej na obrażenie rozmówcy i dostarczenie widzowi krótkotrwałych emocji, buduje powszechne przekonania o niemożności dialogu i porozumienia w dyskursie publicznym i dominującym w nim antagonizmie.


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Notre étude porte le western crépusculaire et cherche plus précisément à extraire le « crépusculaire » du genre. L'épithète « crépusculaire », héritée du vocabulaire critique des années 1960 et 1970, définit généralement un nombre relativement restreint d'œuvres dont le récit met en scène des cowboys vieillissants dans un style qui privilégie un réalisme esthétique et psychologique, fréquemment associé à un révisionnisme historique, voire au « western pro-indien », mais qui se démarque par sa propension à filmer des protagonistes fatigués et dépassés par la marche de l'Histoire. Par un détour sur les formes littéraires ayant comme contexte diégétique l’Ouest américain (dime-novel et romans de la frontière), nous effectuons des allers et retours entre les formes épique et romanesque, entre l’Histoire et son mythe, entre le littéraire et le filmique pour mieux saisir la relation dyadique qu’entretient le western avec l’écriture, d’une part monumentale et d’autre part critique, de l’Histoire. Moins intéressée à l’esthétique des images qu’aux aspects narratologiques du film pris comme texte, notre approche tire profit des analyses littéraires pour remettre en cause les classifications étanches qui ont marqué l’évolution du western cinématographique. Nous étudions, à partir des intuitions d’André Bazin au sujet du sur-western, les modulations narratives du western ainsi que l’émergence d’une conscience critique à partir de ses héros mythologiques (notamment le cow-boy). Notre approche est à la fois épistémologique et transhistorique en ce qu’elle cherche à dégager du western crépusculaire un genre au-delà des genres, fondé sur une incitation à la narrativisation crépusculaire de la part du spectateur. Cette dernière, concentrée par une approche deleuzienne de l’image-cristal, renvoie non plus seulement à une conception existentialiste du personnage dans l’Histoire, mais aussi à une mise en relief pointue du hors-cadre du cinéma, moment de clairvoyance à la fois pragmatique et historicisant que nous définissons comme une image-fin, une image chronogénétique relevant de la contemporanéité de ses figures et de leurs auteurs.


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As final markers of identity and memory, the tombs of Roman women carried ritual, ideological, and emotional significance. By surveying the funerary monuments of four distinct Roman women, it is possible to reconstruct, at least in part, the exhibited identities of Eumachia, Naevoleia Tyche, Faustina the Elder, Claudia, Amymone, and Postumia Matronilla. Drawing in the viewer to participate in the creation of identity through narrative and contextual relationships, each of the sepulchers solidifies the memories of the deceased women, thereby granting them an immortality of sorts. Engaging with issues of gender, status, the politics of self, propaganda, and regional variation, this paper seeks to explore the nuances of life, death, and identity in the Roman world, with an emphasis on understanding the monuments in their original contexts.


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Replication of eukaryotic chromosomes initiates at multiple sites called replication origins. Replication origins are best understood in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where several complementary studies have mapped their locations genome-wide. We have collated these datasets, taking account of the resolution of each study, to generate a single list of distinct origin sites. OriDB provides a web-based catalogue of these confirmed and predicted S.cerevisiae DNA replication origin sites. Each proposed or confirmed origin site appears as a record in OriDB, with each record comprising seven pages. These pages provide, in text and graphical formats, the following information: genomic location and chromosome context of the origin site; time of origin replication; DNA sequence of proposed or experimentally confirmed origin elements; free energy required to open the DNA duplex (stress-induced DNA duplex destabilization or SIDD); and phylogenetic conservation of sequence elements. In addition, OriDB encourages community submission of additional information for each origin site through a User Notes facility. Origin sites are linked to several external resources, including the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) and relevant publications at PubMed. Finally, a Chromosome Viewer utility allows users to interactively generate graphical representations of DNA replication data genome-wide. OriDB is available at www.oridb.org.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Produto, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura com Especialização em Arquitectura de Interiores, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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La Reabsorción radicular externa apical es un proceso inflamatorio común asociado con el tratamiento de ortodoncia. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la magnitud de la RREA de los incisivos y caninos superiores e inferiores en pacientes sometidos a la fase inicial del tratamiento de ortodoncia con tres diferentes tipos de brackets. La muestra consistió en 23 casos de pacientes con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 27 años, fueron divididos aleatoriamente en 3 grupos. Grupo I (n=9; 5 mujeres y 4 varones), utilizando brackets pasivos de autoligado Damon Q Grupo II (n= 8; 4 mujeres y 4 varones) utilizando brackets convencionales prescripción Roth y MBT. Grupo III (n=6; 4 mujeres y 2 varones) utilizando brackets Biofuncional QR. Se analizaron 264 dientes (caninos e incisivos superiores e inferiores) mediante el uso de tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (NewTom VGi Cone Beam 3D Imaging), con el escáner NNT Viewer (versión 4.6 NewTom). Los resultados obtenidos indican que la media de reabsorción se mostró distinta para los diferentes protocolos de tratamiento, así como diferente de acuerdo a la pieza analizada, sin embargo, la prueba de ANOVA no encontró diferencias estadísticamente significativas al comparar la media de reabsorción de cada pieza por tipo de brackets empleados o tratamiento realizado (p >0,05). Se concluye que la RREA se ha producido en todos los dientes evaluados, durante los 6 primeros meses de tratamiento y el diseño del bracket (autoligado pasivo, convencional o QR) no influye en el grado de reabsorción radicular.


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Esta tesis tiene como objetivo analizar la relación del diseño de sonido cinematográfico con la creación del subtexto en las películas. Se ha procedido a deconstruir el diseño sonoro de una serie de secuencias de películas, para identificar sus diversos elementos –especialmente los efectos y ambientes- y comprender el aporte de estos a la creación del subtexto. Esta tesis realiza una indagación en la construcción sonora de las obras cinematográficas, especialmente de dos elementos: sonidos ambientales o ambientes y efectos de sonido. Estos dos elementos son utilizados comúnmente en la creación de las bandas sonoras, pero aquí se explora su capacidad de crear una relación particular con el espectador, para ayudarle a percibir el subtexto de la obra. La hipótesis que se propone demostrar o negar es que los efectos y ambientes, tienen la capacidad para crear sensaciones en el espectador al ser trabajadas al margen del plano consciente de la percepción sonora. Para hacer esta investigación se partió de una decodificación de varias secuencias de películas que han obtenido reconocimiento internacional por la calidad de su factura; posteriormente se contrastó este análisis con la lectura colectiva de los efectos y ambientes, mediante la realización de un grupo focal.


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Ce mémoire de recherche-création est accompagné du court métrage «Tala». Pour visionner en ligne : vimeo.com/ondemand/talapierphilippechevigny


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Peu satisfaite des concepts généralement mentionnés lorsqu’il s’agit d’écrire sur les films réalisés en stop-motion, je propose d’analyser un corpus de quatre films réalisés par un duo estonien peu connu, les réalisatrices Jelena Girlin et Mari-Liis Bassovskaja, en ancrant mon discours dans une recherche plus large sur l’intimité et la sensorialité en art. J’effleure, par l’entremise d’une revue de littérature, le paradoxe d’animer l’inanimé et l’idée du umheimlich freudien, prégnants dans les écrits substantiels autour du cinéma d’animation en volume. Après avoir démontré que l’œuvre de Girlin Bassovskaja s’incrit dans le domaine de l’intime, j’approfondis l’analyse en m’appuyant sur les théories de la visualité haptique appliquée aux films. Je découvre le corpus à la lumière de ces théories, et évoque l’idée du regard caressant du spectateur vers le film, mais aussi de sa réversibilité. De plus, en tant que réalisatrice-animatrice de court-métrages d’animation, les théories susmentionnées outillent ma pensée afin de décrire ma volonté quasi obsessionnelle de rendre l’intimité tangible par une animation sensuelle en pâte à modeler sur verre.