854 resultados para Troy (Extinct city) in art.
The problem of using information available from one variable X to make inferenceabout another Y is classical in many physical and social sciences. In statistics this isoften done via regression analysis where mean response is used to model the data. Onestipulates the model Y = µ(X) +ɛ. Here µ(X) is the mean response at the predictor variable value X = x, and ɛ = Y - µ(X) is the error. In classical regression analysis, both (X; Y ) are observable and one then proceeds to make inference about the mean response function µ(X). In practice there are numerous examples where X is not available, but a variable Z is observed which provides an estimate of X. As an example, consider the herbicidestudy of Rudemo, et al. [3] in which a nominal measured amount Z of herbicide was applied to a plant but the actual amount absorbed by the plant X is unobservable. As another example, from Wang [5], an epidemiologist studies the severity of a lung disease, Y , among the residents in a city in relation to the amount of certain air pollutants. The amount of the air pollutants Z can be measured at certain observation stations in the city, but the actual exposure of the residents to the pollutants, X, is unobservable and may vary randomly from the Z-values. In both cases X = Z+error: This is the so called Berkson measurement error model.In more classical measurement error model one observes an unbiased estimator W of X and stipulates the relation W = X + error: An example of this model occurs when assessing effect of nutrition X on a disease. Measuring nutrition intake precisely within 24 hours is almost impossible. There are many similar examples in agricultural or medical studies, see e.g., Carroll, Ruppert and Stefanski [1] and Fuller [2], , among others. In this talk we shall address the question of fitting a parametric model to the re-gression function µ(X) in the Berkson measurement error model: Y = µ(X) + ɛ; X = Z + η; where η and ɛ are random errors with E(ɛ) = 0, X and η are d-dimensional, and Z is the observable d-dimensional r.v.
Aufgrund der breiten aktuellen Verwendung des Mythen-Begriffs in Kunst und Werbung, aber darüber hinaus auch in nahezu allen Bereichen gesellschaftlichen Lebens und vor allem in der Philosophie ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit, einen erweiterten Mythos-Begriff über das Historisch-Authentische hinaus zu verfolgen. Ausgehend von einer strukturalen Annäherung an den Mythos-Begriff im Sinne des von Roland Barthes vorgeschlagenen sekundären semiologischen Systems, d.h. einer semiologischen Sinnverschiebung zur Schaffung einer neuen – mythischen – Bedeutung, fordert diese neue Bedeutung eine Analyse, eine Mythenanalyse heraus. Dies ist deshalb so entscheidend, weil eben diese neue Bedeutung ihr mythisches Profil im Sinne von Hans Blumenberg durch forcierte Bedeutsamkeit für Individuen oder für bestimmte gesellschaftliche Gruppierungen unterlegt, z.B. durch bewusst intensive Wiederholung eines Themas oder durch unerwartete Koinzidenzen von Ereignissen oder durch Steigerung bzw. Depotenzierung von Fakten. Der erweiterte Mythen-Begriff verlangt nach einer Strukturierung und führt dabei zu unterschiedlichen Mythen-Ansätzen: zum Ursprungsstoff des authentischen Mythos und darauf basierender Geisteslage, zum Erkennen eines reflektierten Mythos, wenn es um das Verhältnis Mythos/Aufklärung geht, zum Zeitgeist-Mythos mit seinen umfangreichen Ausprägungen ideologischer, affirmativer und kritischer Art oder zu Alltagsmythen, die sich auf Persönlichkeitskulte und Sachverherrlichungen beziehen. Gerade der letztere Typus ist das Terrain der Werbung, die über den Gebrauchswert eines Produktes hinaus Wert steigernde Tauschwerte durch symbolische Zusatzattribute erarbeiten möchte. Hierbei können Markenmythen unterschiedlichster Prägung entstehen, denen wir täglich im Fernsehen oder im Supermarkt begegnen. Die Manifestation des Mythos in der Kunst ist einerseits eine unendliche Transformationsgeschichte mythischer Substanzen und andererseits ein überhöhender Bezug auf Zeitgeisterscheinungen, etwa bei dem Mythos des Künstlers selbst oder der durch ihn vorgenommenen „Verklärung des Gewöhnlichen“. Die Transformationsprozesse können u.a . prototypisch an zwei Beispielketten erläutert werden, die für den Kunst/Werbung-Komplex besonders interessant sind, weil ihr Charakter sich in einem Fall für die Werbung als äußerst Erfolg versprechend erwiesen hat und weil sich im zweiten Fall geradezu das Gegenteil abzeichnet: Zum einen ist es die Mythengestalt der Nymphe, jene jugendliche, erotisch-verführerische Frauengestalt, die über ihre antiken Wurzeln als Sinnbild der Lebensfreude und Fruchtbarkeit hinaus in und nach der Renaissance ihre Eignung als Verbildlichung der Wiederzulassung des Weiblichen in der Kunst beweist und schließlich der Instrumen-talisierung der Werbung dient. Im anderen Fall ist es die Geschichte der Medusa, die man idealtypisch als die andere Seite der Nympha bezeichnen kann. Hier hat Kunst Auf-klärungsarbeit geleistet, vor allem durch die Verschiebung des medusischen Schreckens von ihr weg zu einer allgemein-medusischen Realität, deren neue Träger nicht nur den Schrecken, sondern zugleich ihre Beteiligung an der Schaffung dieses Schreckens auf sich nehmen. Mythosanalyse ist erforderlich, um die Stellungnahmen der Künstler über alle Epochen hinweg und dabei vor allem diese Transformationsprozesse zu erkennen und im Sinne von Ent- oder Remythologisierung einzuordnen. Die hierarchische Zuordnung der dabei erkannten Bedeutungen kann zu einem Grundbestandteil einer praktischen Philosophie werden, wenn sie einen Diskurs durchläuft, der sich an Jürgen Habermas’ Aspekt der Richtigkeit für kommunikatives Handeln unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Toleranz orientiert. Dabei ist nicht nur zu beachten, dass eine verstärkte Mythenbildung in der Kunst zu einem erweiterten Mythen-begriff und damit zu dem erweiterten, heute dominierenden Kunstbegriff postmoderner Prägung geführt hat, sondern dass innerhalb des aktuellen Mythenpakets sich die Darstellungen von Zeitgeist- und Alltagsmythen zu Lasten des authentischen und des reflektierten Mythos entwickelt haben, wobei zusätzlich werbliche Markenmythen ihre Entstehung auf Verfahrensvorbildern der Kunst basieren. Die ökonomische Rationalität der aktuellen Gesellschaft hat die Mythenbildung keines-wegs abgebaut, sie hat sie im Gegenteil gefördert. Der neuerliche Mythenbedarf wurde stimuliert durch die Sinnentleerung der zweckrationalisierten Welt, die Ersatzbedarf anmeldete. Ihre Ordnungsprinzipien durchdringen nicht nur ihre Paradedisziplin, die Ökonomie, sondern Politik und Staat, Wissenschaft und Kunst. Das Umschlagen der Aufklärung wird nur zu vermeiden sein, wenn wir uns Schritt für Schritt durch Mythenanalyse unserer Unmündigkeit entledigen.
Practising Open Education : Developing the Potential of Open Educational Resources in Art, Design and Media. A collection of materials uploaded as part of the OER project.
In their second year, our undergraduate web scientists undertake a group project module (WEBS2002, led by Jonathon Hare & co-taught by Su White) in which they get to apply what they learnt in the first year to a practical web-science problem, and also learn about team-working. For the project this semester, the students were provided with a large dataset of geolocated images and associated metadata collected from the Flickr website. Using this data, they were tasked with exploring what this data could tell us about New York City. In this seminar the two groups will present the outcomes of their work. Team Alpha (Wil Muskett, Mark Cole & Jiwanjot Guron) will present their work on "An exploration of deprivation in NYC through Flickr". This work aims to explore whether social deprivation can be predicted geo-spatially through the analysis of social media by exploring correlations within the Flickr data against official statistics including poverty indices and crime rates. Team Bravo (Edward Baker, Callum Rooke & Rachel Whalley) will present their work on "Determining the Impact of the Flickr Relaunch on Usage and User Behaviour in New York City". This work explores the effect of the Flickr site relaunch in 2013 and looks at how user demographics and the types of content created by the users changed with the relaunch.
La Explotación Comercial sexual de los niños, niñas y adolescentes – ESCNNA ha ocasionado graves repercusiones en la sociedad, sometiendo a los menores a situaciones que atentan contra su integridad física y psicológica. Por ello, en el marco internacional y nacional se han adelantado diferentes iniciativas para erradicar dicho fenómeno. La Cooperación Internacional para el desarrollo- CI ha sido una valiosa herramienta en el tratamiento del flagelo dados los diferentes canales de ayuda los cuales han contribuido para su intervención. En este sentido, la CI por medio de la Agencia Canadiense para el desarrollo internacional- ACDI y la Fundación Renacer- ECPAT Internacional (End Child Prostitution, Pornography & Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) hicieron posible junto con otros actores el proyecto de CI en Cartagena llamado: “La Muralla soy yo”, el cual buscó la prevención y futura erradicación de la Explotación Sexual de niños y adolescentes en el turismo- ESNAT en la ciudad. En el presente estudio de caso se pretende identificar cómo la CI incide por medio de la ACDI y la red ECPAT Internacional en instituciones locales de Cartagena para la prevención y posible erradicación del problema de la Explotación comercial sexual infantil en niños, niñas y adolescentes, en el contexto del turismo.
L'objectiu central de la tesi és estudiar els processos que permeten aconseguir un desenvolupament local a llarg termini de les ciutats mitjanes a partir de la implantació d'una gran infrastructura com el Tren d'Alta Velocitat (TAV). Es parteix de la hipòtesi que el desenvolupament local urbà a partir del TAV depèn de factors objectius i de factors subjectius (dels subjectes), uns factors que prenen una forma particular en el desenvolupament de les ciutats mitjanes. La tesi es divideix en una primera part teòrica i segona de més aplicada. Diversos autors han arribat a la conclusió que la relació tradicional que s'ha donat entre les infrastructures de transport i territori parteix d'uns paradigmes deterministes, que s'exemplifiquen amb una relació de "causa-efecte". Per aquest motiu, s'han criticat els estudis sobre els efectes socioeconòmics de les infrastructures de transport, així com el mateix concepte d'"efecte". Aquesta crítica es repeteix els estudis sobre el TAV i les ciutats mitjanes, que arriben a la conclusió que el desenvolupament econòmic no és un fet automàtic i que no es poden predir les conseqüències a mig i llarg termini del TAV. El desenvolupament local a partir del TAV, doncs, estaria relacionat amb tres elements principals. En primer lloc, entendre que la ciutat -i el territori- és un fenomen complex i, com a tal, cal abordar-lo des de la teoria dels sistemes complexos. En segon lloc, la gran infrastructura ha de convertir-se en un recurs endogen (interconnexió amb la xarxa local d'actors i territorialització en el milieu de la ciutat) per a que pugui contribuir al desenvolupament. En tercer lloc, la dinàmica de governance dels actors és primordial, i es divideix en la gestió interna de la xarxa local (projecte local) i la gestió multinivell de les administracions. En base als referents teòrics, es construeix una metodologia per avaluar el grau de desenvolupament local que ha comportat el TAV en tres ciutats mitjanes de l'arc mediterrani europeu, Lleida, Avinyó i Novara, situades respectivament a Espanya, França i Itàlia. La metodologia preveu l'estudi d'aspectes tècnics de la ciutat com els de transport (Posició territorial de la ciutat a partir del TAV, Característiques de l'estació TAV), urbanístics (Model urbanístic a escala municipal/urbana, Model urbanístic a escala de l'estació) i econòmics (Diferents projectes econòmics de la ciutat relacionats amb el TAV). També preveu l'estudi d'aspectes organitzatius externs (Els agents supralocals i els seus projectes, Grau de conflictivitat i cooperació en les relacions dels agents locals i supralocals) i interns (Capacitat de creació d'un projecte de ciutat a partir del TAV, Agents que participen en el projecte local i la seva dinàmica, Àmbit territorial dels projectes). Finalment s'efectua una avaluació del procés i dels resultats del desenvolupament local. Com a conclusió es demostra que el procés de desenvolupament local a partir de les grans infrastructures de transport depèn, en bon part, de la capacitat de governance. Depèn, per un cantó, de la capacitat dels agents locals d'elaborar un projecte de desenvolupament i liderar unes estratègies d'aprofitament i, de l'altre, de la capacitat dels agents del territori (estatals, regionals, locals) de crear aliances i cooperació per planificar la infrastructura de transport. Finalment es presenten un seguit de recomanacions a les ciutats que volen planificar l'arribada del TAV per a que contribueixi a un desenvolupament amb les característiques d'eficàcia, sostenibilitat, productivitat i equitat.
Illegal occupation of urban land in Brazil is a widespread phenomenon. Slum dwellers are excluded from the attributes of urban citizenship although they provide the labor force required by low productivity urban services needed by cities. Illegal settlements generate multiple problems for the rest of the city . Its solution is of key relevance to the city in general but also provide an opportunity for the social and economic advancement of slum dwellers. The programs required to attain these results are complex and difficult to implement underscoring the challenges countries will face to attain the Millennium Development Goals of reducing the population living in slums.
The paper conceptualises and explores the links between cities, commerce, urbanism and cultural planning by drawing on Temple Bar in Dublin as an example of how, by linking these concepts to practice in real concrete situations urban life or urban culture can be created and/or revitalised. Temple Bar is Dublin's emerging cultural quarter, an experiment in urban revitalisation which is deliberately focused on culture and urbanism as ways of rediscovering the good city. It has attracted considerable interest from across Europe, and has secured EC funding to kick-start the process of renewal. The author was appointed by the Irish Government to prepare the area management and development strategy for Temple Bar in 1990. Wary of the dangers of property led regeneration, of the destructive impacts of sudden or cataclysmic change, the agencies in Temple Bar have deliberately adopted a strategic management approach to the area. This is referred to as 'urban stewardship', a process of looking after and respecting a place, and helping it to help itself. The paper explores whether there is a 'culture of cities' and whether it is possible to recreate an urban culture. Following Raymond Williams, an anthropological definition of culture is employed, "... a particular way of life, which expresses certain meaning and values not only in art and learning but also in institutional and ordinary behaviour". Rather than being simply an add-on to the serious concerns of economic development and the built environment, culture has both helped shape, and continues to develop in, the streets, spaces and buildings of the city.
Squirmish at the Oasis takes its name from Luigi Russolo's fourth noise network 'Skirmish at the Oasis' performed in Milan in 1913. 100 years on the Agency of Noise contemplate changes in technology and the culture industry that provoke new questions around the deliberate use of noise within music and art. Through live acts of enquiry and experimentation five artists unravel paradoxes associated with the use of noise in art, music and the gallery space. The works challenge tensions, contradictions and possible oxymorons that emerge through the use and acceptance of noise within an artistic framework. Featuring: DAISY DIXON / GRAHAM DUNNING / POLLYFIBRE / DANE SUTHERLAND / MARNIE WATTS
The authors examine partnerships as a policy strategy for climate change governance in cities in the Global South. Partnerships offer the opportunity to link the actions of diverse actors operating at different scales and, thus, they may be flexible enough to deal with uncertain futures and changing development demands. However, simultaneously, partnerships may lack effectiveness in delivering action at the local level, and may constitute a strategy for some actors to legitimate their objectives in spite of the interests of other partners. Engaging with the specific example of urban governance in Maputo, Mozambique, the authors present an analysis of potential partnerships in this context, in relation to the actors that are willing and able to intervene to deliver climate change action. What, they ask, are the challenges to achieving common objectives in partnerships from the perspective of local residents in informal settlements? The analysis describes a changing context of climate change governance in the city, in which the prospects of access to international finance for climate change adaptation are moving institutional actors towards engaging with participatory processes at the local level. However, the analysis suggests a question about the extent to which local communities are actually perceived as actors with legitimate interests who can intervene in partnerships, and whether their interests are recognised.
Objectives: To assess the role of the individual determinants on the inequalities of dental services utilization among low-income children living in the working area of Brazilian`s federal Primary Health Care program, which is called Family Health Program (FHP), in a big city in Southern Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional population-based study was performed. The sample included 350 children, ages 0 to 14 years, whose parents answered a questionnaire about their socioeconomic conditions, perceived needs, oral hygiene habits, and access to dental services. The data analysis was performed according to a conceptual framework based on Andersen`s behavioral model of health services use. Multivariate models of logistic regression analysis instructed the hypothesis on covariates for never having had a dental visit. Results: Thirty one percent of the surveyed children had never had a dental visit. In the bivariate analysis, higher proportion of children who had never had a dental visit was found among the very young, those with inadequate oral hygiene habits, those without perceived need of dental care, and those whose family homes were under absent ownership. The mechanisms of social support showed to be important enabling factors: children attending schools/kindergartens and being regularly monitored by the FHP teams had higher odds of having gone to the dentist, even after adjusting for socioeconomic, demographic, and need variables. Conclusions: The conceptual framework has confirmed the presence of social and psychosocial inequalities on the utilization pattern of dental services for low-income children. The individual determinants seem to be important predictors of access.
Purpose. To describe the occurrence of self-reported problems of accessibility to health services used by persons with disabilities in terms of social and health services variables. Methods. We performed a cross-sectional household survey designed to assess problems with accessibility to health services faced by persons with disabilities. We interviewed 333 persons in Sao Paulo city, in 2007. Variables related to the presence of accessibility problems, disabilities, gender, age, family head income, ethnicity, use of health services and others were analysed using frequencies, percentages, chi(2)-test, ANOVA and Poisson regression models. Results. 15.92% of the interviewed persons reported problems with accessibility to health services. Persons having multiple (prevalence ratios; PR = 2.91) or mobility disability (PR = 6.46) had more problems with accessibility than persons with hearing disability. Persons younger than 78 years old had more problems with accessibility; those who needed help to go to the health service (PR = 3.01) also. Conclusions. Persons with multiple or mobility disability, younger than 78 years, and those who needed help of others to go to the health service were more likely to have problems with accessibility to health services. This information could be one of the first steps to the management and/or planning of appropriate health services for persons with disabilities.
There is worldwide recognition that the burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and obesity-related health problems is rapidly increasing in low- and middle-income countries. Environmental determinants of obesity are likely to differ between countries, particularly in those undergoing rapid socioeconomic and nutrition transitions such as Brazil. This study aims to describe some built environment and local food environment variables and to explore their association with the overweight rate and diet and physical activity area-level aggregated indicators of adults living in the city of Sao Paulo, the largest city in Brazil. This formative study includes an ecological analysis of environmental factors associated with overweight across 31 submunicipalities of the city of Sao Paulo using statistical and spatial analyses. Average prevalence of overweight was 41.69% (95% confidence interval 38.74, 44.64), ranging from 27.14% to 60.75% across the submunicipalities. There was a wide geographical variation of both individual diet and physical activity, and indicators of food and built environments, favoring wealthier areas. After controlling for area socioeconomic status, there was a positive correlation between regular fruits and vegetables (FV) intake and density of FV specialized food markets (r = 0.497; p < 0.001), but no relationship between fast-food restaurant density and overweight prevalence was found. A negative association between overweight prevalence and density of parks and public sport facilities was seen (r = -0.527; p < 0.05). Understanding the relationship between local neighborhood environments and increasing rates of poor diet, physical activity, and obesity is essential in countries undergoing rapid economic and urban development, such as Brazil, in order to provide insights for policies to reduce increasing rates of NCDs and food access and health inequalities.