983 resultados para Testes de espectrofotometria de UV-Vis


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La vectorisation des médicaments est une approche très prometteuse tant sur le plan médical qu’économique pour la livraison des substances actives ayant une faible biodisponibilité. Dans ce contexte, les polymères en étoile et les dendrimères, macromolécules symétriques et branchées, semblent être les solutions de vectorisation les plus attrayantes. En effet, ces structures peuvent combiner efficacement une stabilité élevée dans les milieux biologiques à une capacité d’encapsulation des principes actifs. Grâce à leur architecture bien définie, ils permettent d’atteindre un très haut niveau de reproductibilité de résultats, tout en évitant le problème de polydispersité. Bien que des nombreuses structures dendritiques aient été proposées ces dernières années, il est cependant à noter que la conception de nouveaux nanovecteurs dendritiques efficaces est toujours d’actualité. Ceci s’explique par des nombreuses raisons telles que celles liées à la biocompatibilité, l’efficacité d’encapsulation des agents thérapeutiques, ainsi que par des raisons économiques. Dans ce projet, de nouvelles macromolécules branchées biocompatibles ont été conçues, synthétisées et évaluées. Pour augmenter leur efficacité en tant qu’agents d’encapsulations des principes actifs hydrophobes, les structures de ces macromolécules incluent un coeur central hydrophobe à base de porphyrine, décanediol ou trioléine modifié et, également, une couche externe hydrophile à base d’acide succinique et de polyéthylène glycol. Le choix des éléments structuraux de futures dendrimères a été basé sur les données de biocompatibilité, les résultats de nos travaux de synthèse préliminaires, ainsi que les résultats de simulation in silico réalisée par une méthode de mécanique moléculaire. Ces travaux ont permis de choisir des composés les plus prometteurs pour former efficacement et d’une manière bien contrôlable des macromolécules polyesters. Ils ont aussi permis d’évaluer au préalable la capacité de futurs dendrimères de capter une molécule médicamenteuse (itraconazole). Durant cette étape, plusieurs nouveaux composés intermédiaires ont été obtenus. L’optimisation des conditions menant à des rendements réactionnels élevés a été réalisée. En se basant sur les travaux préliminaires, l’assemblage de nouveaux dendrimères de première et de deuxième génération a été effectué, en utilisant les approches de synthèse divergente et convergente. La structure de nouveaux composés a été prouvée par les techniques RMN du proton et du carbone 13C, spectroscopie FTIR, UV-Vis, analyse élémentaire, spectrométrie de masse et GPC. La biocompatibilité de produits a été évaluée par les tests de cytotoxicité avec le MTT sur les macrophages murins RAW-262.7. La capacité d’encapsuler les principes actifs hydrophobes a été étudiée par les tests avec l’itraconazole, un antifongique puissant mais peu biodisponible. La taille de nanoparticules formées dans les solutions aqueuses a été mesurée par la technique DLS. Ces mesures ont montré que toutes les structures dendritiques ont tendance à former des micelles, ce qui exclue leurs applications en tant que nanocapsules unimoléculaires. L’activité antifongique des formulations d’itraconazole encapsulé avec les dendrimères a été étudiée sur une espèce d’un champignon pathogène Candida albicans. Ces tests ont permis de conclure que pour assurer l’efficacité du traitement, un meilleur contrôle sur le relargage du principe actif était nécessaire.


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Le premier volet de ce travail portera sur l’expérience acquise lors d’un stage d’étude à Tokyo, au Japon, dans le groupe de recherche du Pr. Makoto Fujita, une sommité d’envergure internationale dans le domaine de l’auto-assemblage. En continuité avec les plus récents travaux du Pr. Fujita, des systèmes poreux auto-assemblés présentant des cavités fonctionnalisées ont été développés dans le but d’encapsuler des acides gras afin d’en déterminer la structure cristalline. Ces éponges ont été caractérisées par des techniques courantes telles que la spectroscopie à résonance magnétique nucléaire 1H, 13C{1H} et Cosy, la spectrométrie de masse, l’analyse élémentaire, la microscopie optique infrarouge ainsi que la diffraction des rayons X. Une autre approche employée pour obtenir de meilleures propriétés spectroscopiques fut la synthèse de dendrimères métalliques de génération 0. Un nouveau ligand de type 1,3,5-triazine a été synthétisé par une réaction typique de cyclisation de nitrile en présence catalytique d’hydrure de sodium. Des espèces mono-, bis- et trinucléaire de Ru(II) furent synthétisés ainsi que deux espèces hétérométalliques de Ru(II)/Pt(II) et de Ru(II)/Os(II). Tous les complexes obtenus furent caractérisés par spectroscopie à résonance magnétique nucléaire (1H, 13C{1H} et Cosy) à l’état liquide, par spectroscopie de masse à haute résolution et par analyse élémentaire. La génération de dihydrogène à partir de l’espèce hétérométallique a été étudiée. Les propriétés optiques et électroniques ont été analysées par spectroscopie UV-Vis, par analyse de la luminescence, du temps de vie de luminescence, par des analyses de rendement quantique ainsi que par des analyses de voltampérométrie cyclique à balayage. Finalement, dans le but d’améliorer les propriétés spectroscopiques d’absorption de complexes métalliques, nous avons synthétisé une série de polymères homo- et hétérométalliques, intégrant des ligands de type bis(2,2’:6,2’’-terpyridine). Les complexes générés furent caractérisés par diverses techniques tel que la spectroscopie à résonance magnétique nucléaire (1H, 13C{1H} et Cosy) à l’état liquide, par spectroscopie de masse à haute résolution ainsi que par analyse élémentaire. Les propriétés optiques et électroniques ont été analysées par spectroscopie UV-Vis, par analyse de la luminescence, du temps de vie de luminescence, par des analyses de rendement quantique ainsi que par des analyses de voltampérométrie cyclique à balayage.


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Les essais préliminaires pour préparer des alcoolates de fer à partir du bichlorure ou bibromure de fer (II), en les combinant avec des ligands de type diimino pyridine, ont engendré la formation de complexes homoleptiques et hétéroleptiques, dépendant des substituants sur les branches imines du ligand. Ces complexes homoleptiques octaédriques et paramagnétiques ont été étudiés par rapport à leurs propriétés spectroscopiques et cristallographiques. De plus, la synthèse des complexes de fer hétéroleptique a engendré de bons précurseurs penta-coordonnés pour les réactions de substitution de ligands avec des alcoolates de métaux alcalins, de manière à produire les dialcoolates de fer (II) désirés. Des techniques d’analyse telles que la spectroscopie UV-vis, l’analyse élémentaire, la spectrométrie de masse à haute résolution et la cristallographie aux rayons X ont été utilisées pour caractériser ces complexes de fer. L’activité catalytique de ces complexes de fer (II) a aussi été étudiée par rapport à la polymérisation du lactide; les dialcoolates convoités ont été générés in-situ en raison de la difficulté à produire et à isoler les dérivés alcoolates des complexes diimino pyridine de fer. Une étude approfondie a aussi été faite sur les réactions de polymérisation, surtout par rapport aux valeurs de conversion à l’échelle du temps, ainsi qu’à la tacticité des chaines de polymères obtenues. Ces analyses ont été effectuées par l’entremise de la spectroscopie de résonance magnétique nucléaire, de la chromatographie d’exclusion stérique, et de la spectrométrie de masse MALDI (désorption-ionisation laser assistée par matrice).


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Par une approche supramoléculaire, des architectures radiales hétéro-poly-métalliques ont été réalisées pour des applications en photosynthèse artificielle et en magnétisme moléculaire. Dans une première partie, la synthèse et la caractérisation (spectroscopie UV-vis, émission, électrochimique, DRX) de complexes de ruthénium(II), possédant une gamme de ligands polypyridines, ont été réalisées. Les calculs théoriques ont été effectués afin de soutenir l’interprétation des propriétés photophysiques. Ces complexes, présentant un certain nombre de pyridines externes, ont servi de cœur à des architectures à base de rhénium tris-carbonyles (pour les effets d’antenne), et de cobaloximes (pour les propriétés catalytiques). Les nucléarités obtenues varient de 2 à 7 selon le cœur utilisé. Ces systèmes ont été engagés dans des cycles de photo-production de dihydrogène, démontrant une meilleure efficacité que la référence du domaine, le [Ru(bpy)3]2+. La seconde partie concerne l’étude de couples de métaux de transition, construits à partir de briques polycyanométallates, ou de lanthanides pontés par des ligands oxamides. Ces approches « complexes comme ligand » puis « assemblages comme ligand » permettent d’obtenir des systèmes de haute nucléarité, présentant des propriétés de molécule-aimant ou des effets magnéto-caloriques (à base de CrNi, GdCu, DyCu). Des propriétés photomagnétiques ont été observées sur les couples RuCu et MoCu, pouvant servir de commutateurs moléculaires dans des systèmes complexes. Enfin, une structure hétéro-tétra-métallique trifonctionnelle a été obtenue contenant à la fois un commutateur MoCu, une entité molécule-aimant CuTb et un complexe de ruthénium.


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This proposed thesis is entitled “Plasma Polymerised Organic Thin Films: A study on the Structural, Electrical, and Nonlinear Optical Properties for Possible Applications. Polymers and polymer based materials find enormous applications in the realm of electronics and optoelectronics. They are employed as both active and passive components in making various devices. Enormous research activities are going on in this area for the last three decades or so, and many useful contributions are made quite accidentally. Conducting polymers is such a discovery, and eversince the discovery of conducting polyacetylene, a new branch of science itself has emerged in the form of synthetic metals. Conducting polymers are useful materials for many applications like polymer displays, high density data storage, polymer FETs, polymer LEDs, photo voltaic devices and electrochemical cells. With the emergence of molecular electronics and its potential in finding useful applications, organic thin films are receiving an unusual attention by scientists and engineers alike. This is evident from the vast literature pertaining to this field appearing in various journals. Recently, computer aided design of organic molecules have added further impetus to the ongoing research activities in this area. Polymers, especially, conducting polymers can be prepared both in the bulk and in the thinfilm form. However, many applications necessitate that they are grown in the thin film form either as free standing or on appropriate substrates. As far as their bulk counterparts are concerned, they can be prepared by various polymerisation techniques such as chemical routes and electrochemical means. A survey of the literature reveals that polymers like polyaniline, polypyrrole, polythiophene, have been investigated with a view to studying their structural electrical and optical properties. Among the various alternate techniques employed for the preparation of polymer thin films, the method of plasma polymerisation needs special attention in this context. The technique of plasma polymerisation is an inexpensive method and often requires very less infra structure. This method includes the employment of ac, rf, dc, microwave and pulsed sources. They produce pinhole free homogeneous films on appropriate substrates under controlled conditions. In conventional plasma polymerisation set up, the monomer is fed into an evacuated chamber and an ac/rf/dc/ w/pulsed discharge is created which enables the monomer species to dissociate, leading to the formation of polymer thin films. However, it has been found that the structure and hence the properties exhibited by plasma polymerized thin films are quite different from that of their counterparts produced by other thin film preparation techniques such as electrochemical deposition or spin coating. The properties of these thin films can be tuned only if the interrelationship between the structure and other properties are understood from a fundamental point of view. So very often, a through evaluation of the various properties is a pre-requisite for tailoring the properties of the thin films for applications. It has been found that conjugation is a necessary condition for enhancing the conductivity of polymer thin films. RF technique of plasma polymerisation is an excellent tool to induce conjugation and this modifies the electrical properties too. Both oxidative and reductive doping can be employed to modify the electrical properties of the polymer thin films for various applications. This is where organic thin films based on polymers scored over inorganic thin films, where in large area devices can be fabricated with organic semiconductors which is difficult to achieve by inorganic materials. For such applications, a variety of polymers have been synthesized such as polyaniline, polythiophene, polypyrrole etc. There are newer polymers added to this family every now and then. There are many virgin areas where plasma polymers are yet to make a foray namely low-k dielectrics or as potential nonlinear optical materials such as optical limiters. There are also many materials which are not been prepared by the method of plasma polymerisation. Some of the materials which are not been dealt with are phenyl hydrazine and tea tree oil. The advantage of employing organic extracts like tea tree oil monomers as precursors for making plasma polymers is that there can be value addition to the already existing uses and possibility exists in converting them to electronic grade materials, especially semiconductors and optically active materials for photonic applications. One of the major motivations of this study is to synthesize plasma polymer thin films based on aniline, phenyl hydrazine, pyrrole, tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil by employing both rf and ac plasma polymerisation techniques. This will be carried out with the objective of growing thin films on various substrates such as glass, quartz and indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass. There are various properties namely structural, electrical, dielectric permittivity, nonlinear optical properties which are to be evaluated to establish the relationship with the structure and the other properties. Special emphasis will be laid in evaluating the optical parameters like refractive index (n), extinction coefficient (k), the real and imaginary components of dielectric constant and the optical transition energies of the polymer thin films from the spectroscopic ellipsometric studies. Apart from evaluating these physical constants, it is also possible to predict whether a material exhibit nonlinear optical properties by ellipsometric investigations. So further studies using open aperture z-scan technique in order to evaluate the nonlinear optical properties of a few selected samples which are potential nonlinear optical materials is another objective of the present study. It will be another endeavour to offer an appropriate explanation for the nonlinear optical properties displayed by these films. Doping of plasma polymers is found to modify both the electrical conductivity and optical properties. Iodine is found to modify the properties of the polymer thin films. However insitu iodine doping is tricky and the film often looses its stability because of the escape of iodine. An appropriate insitu technique of doping will be developed to dope iodine in to the plasma polymerized thin films. Doping of polymer thin films with iodine results in improved and modified optical and electrical properties. However it requires tools like FTIR and UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy to elucidate the structural and optical modifications imparted to the polymer films. This will be attempted here to establish the role of iodine in the modification of the properties exhibited by the films


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There is an increasing demand for renewable energies due to the limited availability of fossil and nuclear fuels and due to growing environmental problems. Photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion has the potential to contribute significantly to the electrical energy generation in the future. Currently, the cost for photovoltaic systems is one of the main obstacles preventing production and application on a large scale. The photovoltaic research is now focused on the development of materials that will allow mass production without compromising on the conversion efficiencies. Among important selection criteria of PV material and in particular for thin films, are a suitable band gap, high absorption coefficient and reproducible deposition processes capable of large-volume and low cost production. The chalcopyrite semiconductor thin films such as Copper indium selenide and Copper indium sulphide are the materials that are being intensively investigated for lowering the cost of solar cells. Conversion efficiencies of 19 % have been reported for laboratory scale solar cell based on CuInSe2 and its alloys. The main objective of this thesis work is to optimise the growth conditions of materials suitable for the fabrication of solar cell, employing cost effective techniques. A typical heterojunction thin film solar cell consists of an absorber layer, buffer layer and transparent conducting contacts. The most appropriate techniques have been used for depositing these different layers, viz; chemical bath deposition for the window layer, flash evaporation and two-stage process for the absorber layer, and RF magnetron sputtering for the transparent conducting layer. Low cost experimental setups were fabricated for selenisation and sulphurisation experiments, and the magnetron gun for the RF sputtering was indigenously fabricated. The films thus grown were characterised using different tools. A powder X-ray diffractometer was used to analyse the crystalline nature of the films. The energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and scanning electron microscopy i (SEM) were used for evaluating the composition and morphology of the films. Optical properties were investigated using the UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer by recording the transmission/absorption spectra. The electrical properties were studied using the two probe and four probe electrical measurements. Nature of conductivity of the films was determined by thermoprobe and thermopower measurements. The deposition conditions and the process parameters were optimised based on these characterisations.


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The mononuclear cobalt(II) complex [CoL2] H2O (where HL is quinoxaline-2-carboxalidine- 2-amino-5-methylphenol) has been prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, conductivity measurement, IR, UV-Vis spectroscopy, TG-DTA, and X-ray structure determination. The crystallographic study shows that cobalt(II) is distorted octahedral with each tridentate NNO Schiff base in a cis arrangement. The crystal exhibits a 2-D polymeric structure parallel to [010] plane, formed by O-H...N and O-H... O intermolecular hydrogen bonds and pye stacking interactions, as a racemic mixture of optical enantiomers. The ligand is a Schiff base derived from quinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde


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Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes of dimethylglyoxime and N,N-ethylenebis(7-methylsalicylideneamine) have been synthesized in situ in Y zeolite by the reaction of ion-exchanged metal ions with the flexible ligand molecules that had diffused into the cavities. The hybrid materials obtained have been characterized by elemental analysis, SEM, XRD, surface area, pore volume, magnetic moment, FTIR, UV-Vis and EPR techniques. Analysis of data indicates the formation of complexes in the pores without affecting the zeolite framework structure, the absence of any extraneous species and the geometry of encapsulated complexes. The catalytic activities for hydrogen peroxide decomposition and oxidation of benzyl alcohol and ethylbenzene of zeolite complexes are reported. Zeolite Cu(II) complexes were found to be more active than the corresponding Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes for oxidation reactions. The catalytic properties of the complexes are influenced by their geometry and by the steric environment of the active sites. Zeolite complexes are stable enough to be reused and are suitable to be utilized as partial oxidation catalysts.


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Poly(6-tert-butyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-1,3-benzoxazine) was synthesized by thermally activated cationic ring opening polymerization. The structure of the polymer was confirmed by spectral and thermal studies. The highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) were estimated using cyclic voltammetry and optical absorption. Modulated photocurrent measurement technique was employed to study the spectral and field dependence of photocurrent. Photocurrent of the order of 1.5 micro A/m2 was obtained for polymer at a biasing electric field of 40 V/mico m.


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Instead of developing easily degradable, and low-priced insecticides, we are going after highly sophisticated chemicals. Here, an attempt is being made to develop safer formulations of insecticides of botanical origin. Different parts of the plants were chosen based on their use in countryside and villages The dried plant materials were extracted with petroleum ether, and were applied on Tribolium castaneum. The results were statistically analysed. The active principles from Croton tigilium and Leea sambucina, the most potential plants, were isolated using Column Chromatography, TLC, and Hydrolysis. The isolated principles were analysed spectroscopically ( UV-Vis., IR, NMR, and MS ) to identify their chemical nature. The active principles from Leea and Croton were identified as a cholisterate derivative and a phorbol derivative respectively. In order to ascertain the environmental combatibility of the principles, degradation by soil bacteria was studied. The isolated principles were made into three type of formulations using stabilizers .The formulations were applied on Snake gourd semilooper, Pulse beetle, and mosquito larvae. Also the biocidal activity of the formulations was studied. Both Leea derivative and Croton derivative could be formulated effectively and were effective against a variety of pests. They are eco-friendly, as there is no artificial chemicals involved.


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The incorporation of transition metal oxide pillars such as those of iron and chromium along with Al2O3, pillars within the interlayers of a montmorillonite clay is investigated. The surface acidity of these catalysts has been evaluated for the first time employing the equilibrium adsorption of an electron donor, perylene, and the results are compared with those obtained by temperature programmed desorption of ammonia. The principle is based on the ability of a catalyst surface site to accept a single electron from an electron donor like perylene to form charge transfer complexes and the amount of adsorbed species is measured quantitatively by UV-vis spectroscopy. Fina1ly, an attempt has been made to correlate the acidity determined by the two independcnt methods and the catalytic activity of present systems in the benzoylation of toluene with benzoyl chloride. Incorporation of Fe and Cr has changed the properties of AI pitlared montmorillonite. Fe pillared systems have been found to be vcry good catalysts for benzoylation reaction


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A series of rare-earth neodymia supported vanadium oxide catalysts with various V205 loadings ranging from 3 to 15 wt.% were prepared by the wet impregnation method using ammonium metavanadate as the vanadium precursor. The nature of vanadia species formed on the support surface is characterized hy a series of different physicochemical techniques like X-ray diffraction (XRD). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). BET surface area, diffuse reflectance UV-vis spectroscopy (DR UV-vis), thermal analysis (TG-DTG/DTA) and SEM. The acidity of the prepared systems were verified by the stepwise temperature programmed desorprion of ammonia (NH3-TPD) and found that the total acidity gets increased with the percentage of vanadia loading. XRD and FT1R results shows the presence of surface dispersed vanadyl species at lower loadings and the formation of higher vanadate species as the percentage composition of vanadia is increased above 9 wt.%. The low surface area of the support. calcination temperature and the percentage of vanadia loading are found to influence the formation of higher vanadia species. The catalytic activity of the V205-Nd203 catalysts was probed in the liquid phase hydroxylation of phenol and the result show that the present catalysts are active at lower vanadia concentrations.


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Material synthesizing and characterization has been one of the major areas of scientific research for the past few decades. Various techniques have been suggested for the preparation and characterization of thin films and bulk samples according to the industrial and scientific applications. Material characterization implies the determination of the electrical, magnetic, optical or thermal properties of the material under study. Though it is possible to study all these properties of a material, we concentrate on the thermal and optical properties of certain polymers. The thermal properties are detennined using photothermal beam deflection technique and the optical properties are obtained from various spectroscopic analyses. In addition, thermal properties of a class of semiconducting compounds, copper delafossites, arc determined by photoacoustic technique.Photothermal technique is one of the most powerful tools for non-destructive characterization of materials. This forms a broad class of technique, which includes laser calorimetry, pyroelectric technique, photoacollstics, photothermal radiometric technique, photothermal beam deflection technique etc. However, the choice of a suitable technique depends upon the nature of sample and its environment, purpose of measurement, nature of light source used etc. The polynler samples under the present investigation are thermally thin and optically transparent at the excitation (pump beam) wavelength. Photothermal beam deflection technique is advantageous in that it can be used for the detennination of thermal diffusivity of samples irrespective of them being thermally thick or thennally thin and optically opaque or optically transparent. Hence of all the abovementioned techniques, photothemlal beam deflection technique is employed for the successful determination of thermal diffusivity of these polymer samples. However, the semi conducting samples studied are themlally thick and optically opaque and therefore, a much simpler photoacoustic technique is used for the thermal characterization.The production of polymer thin film samples has gained considerable attention for the past few years. Different techniques like plasma polymerization, electron bombardment, ultra violet irradiation and thermal evaporation can be used for the preparation of polymer thin films from their respective monomers. Among these, plasma polymerization or glow discharge polymerization has been widely lIsed for polymer thin fi Im preparation. At the earlier stages of the discovery, the plasma polymerization technique was not treated as a standard method for preparation of polymers. This method gained importance only when they were used to make special coatings on metals and began to be recognized as a technique for synthesizing polymers. Thc well-recognized concept of conventional polymerization is based on molecular processcs by which thc size of the molecule increases and rearrangemcnt of atoms within a molecule seldom occurs. However, polymer formation in plasma is recognized as an atomic process in contrast to the above molecular process. These films are pinhole free, highly branched and cross linked, heat resistant, exceptionally dielectric etc. The optical properties like the direct and indirect bandgaps, refractive indices etc of certain plasma polymerized thin films prepared are determined from the UV -VIS-NIR absorption and transmission spectra. The possible linkage in the formation of the polymers is suggested by comparing the FTIR spectra of the monomer and the polymer. The thermal diffusivity has been measured using the photothermal beam deflection technique as stated earlier. This technique measures the refractive index gradient established in the sample surface and in the adjacent coupling medium, by passing another optical beam (probe beam) through this region and hence the name probe beam deflection. The deflection is detected using a position sensitive detector and its output is fed to a lock-in-amplifIer from which the amplitude and phase of the deflection can be directly obtained. The amplitude and phase of the deflection signal is suitably analyzed for determining the thermal diffusivity.Another class of compounds under the present investigation is copper delafossites. These samples in the form of pellets are thermally thick and optically opaque. Thermal diffusivity of such semiconductors is investigated using the photoacoustic technique, which measures the pressure change using an elcctret microphone. The output of the microphone is fed to a lock-in-amplificr to obtain the amplitude and phase from which the thermal properties are obtained. The variation in thermal diffusivity with composition is studied.


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Optical absorption and emission spectral studies of free and metal naphthalocyanine doped borate glass matrix are reported for the first time. Absorption spectra recorded in the UV- VIS-NIR region show the characteristic absorption bands, namely, the B-band and Q-band of the naphthalocyanine (Nc) molecule. Some of the important spectral parameters, namely, the optical absorption coefficient (α), molar extinction coefficient (ε) and absorption cross section (σa) of the principal absorption transitions are determined. Optical band gap (Eg) of the materials evaluated from the functional dependence of absorption coefficient on photon energy lies in the range 1.6 eV≤Eg≤2.1 eV. All fluorescence spectra except that of EuNc consist of an intense band in the 765 nm region corresponding to the excitation of Q-band. In EuNc the maximum fluorescence intensity band is observed at 824 nm. The intensity of the principal fluorescence band is maximum in ZnNc, whereas it is minimum in H2Nc. Radiative parameters of the principal fluorescence transitions corresponding to the Q-band excitation are also reported for the naphthalocyanine and phthalocyanine based matrices.


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Optical absorption studies of free base and rare earth incorporated phthalocyanine doped borate glass matrix are reported for the first lime. The absorption spectra recorded in the UV- VIS region show two well defined absorption bands of phthalocyanine (Pc) molecule, namely the Soret band (B) and the Q band. The Q band always shows its characteristic splitting in all the doped glass matrices and the intensities of these components are found to vary from one Pc to another. Some of the important optical parameters, namely optical absorption coefficient (a), molar extinction coefficient (ε), absorption cross section (σa), oscillator strength (f), electric dipole strength (q2), absorption half bandwidth (Δλ) of the principal optical transitions have also been evaluated. Moreover, the spectral dependence of refractive index (n) and thereby the optical dielectric constant (ε) on wavelength yielded values of carrier concentration to effective mass ratio (N/m*) of the phthalocyanine molecule in the present glassy systems. Optical band gap (Eg) and width of the band tail (Et) are computed and their variations among the prepared samples are also discussed.