999 resultados para Terapia ocupacional para idosos


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RESUMO Objetivo Investigar o estresse emocional, o coping e burnout da equipe de enfermagem e a associação com fatores biossociais e do trabalho em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Método Estudo transversal, realizado em oito UTI de hospital-escola, do município de São Paulo, em 2012. Coletaram-se dados biossociais e de trabalho dos profissionais, juntamente com Escalas de Estresse no Trabalho, Coping Ocupacional, Lista de Sinais e Sintomas e Inventário Maslach de Burnout. Resultados Participaram da pesquisa 287 sujeitos, predominantemente mulheres, com companheiro e filhos. O nível médio de estresse e coping controle foram prevalentes (74,47% e 79,93%, respectivamente) e a presença de burnout em 12,54%. Fatores associados ao estresse referiram-se às condições de trabalho. Ter companheiro, atuar em UTI Clínica e gostar do trabalho foram fatores de proteção para coping prevalente, enquanto que horas de sono adequadas foi fator de proteção para burnout. Conclusão O controle do ambiente de trabalho e o sono adequado são fatores decisivos e protetores para enfrentamento das situações de estresse ocupacional.


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a exposição ocupacional de auxiliares de enfermagem encarregados da assistência aos pacientes internados para terapia com 131I, num período de 11 anos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: As situações de exposição foram classificadas de acordo com as respostas de três atendentes a um questionário que relaciona os procedimentos realizados às atividades administradas, às distâncias e aos tempos de permanência na enfermaria. Os registros das doses recebidas em dois tipos de dosímetros, em dois períodos subseqüentes, foram analisados. Em ambos os períodos os atendentes receberam instruções de proteção radiológica. RESULTADOS: Nas situações comuns o tempo de permanência na enfermaria está dentro do tempo de referência utilizado. Nas situações não-comuns, quando o paciente necessita de auxílio na locomoção, o tempo de exposição está acima do tempo de referência, no entanto, essa exposição ocorre somente uma ou duas vezes por ano. No período de 1993 a 1999 (filme dosimétrico) houve dez registros de doses, sendo todas ao nível de registro. No período de 2000 a 2003 (dosímetro termoluminescente) houve dez registros de doses, sendo uma delas situada no nível de investigação. Nesse período a atividade média utilizada duplicou. CONCLUSÃO: Não foi observado aumento significante nas doses dos atendentes.


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O metal mercúrio é conhecido pela sua grande toxidade apesar de seu emprego difundido. Desde a Antigüidade, se reconhece sua ação tóxica na exposição ocupacional. Em alguns ambientes laborais, os riscos são maiores, como é o caso de hospitais, que utilizam o mercúrio elementar em vários equipamentos, especialmente em termômetros de verificação da temperatura corporal, largamente empregados. Como na instituição objeto deste estudo foram quebrados 148 termômetros em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva no período de um ano, esta pesquisa objetivou a realização de uma avaliação de alguns indicadores ambientais neste espaço de trabalho e de alguns indicadores biológicos e psicológicos em uma amostra de trabalhadores desta unidade, que se dispuseram a participar da pesquisa. A avaliação de tais indicadores são recomendados como pertinentes pela literatura (ATSDR, 1989). Não se detectou em nenhuma das avaliações realizadas, índices acima das normas estabelecidas. Interpreta-se que a temperatura da unidade (20ºC) reduz a possibilidade do mercúrio se volatizar e intoxicar os trabalhadores. As regras de higiene, típicas do contexto hospitalar, e a rotina de rápido recolhimento dos resíduos dos termômetros quebrados e seu acondicionamento em recipientes com tampa são os principais fatores explicativos para os índices encontrados.


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The economic transformations in the world, the end of World War II, listing significant changes in production structures and labor market in the world. Initially developed countries realize these changes and subsequently developing countries. The changes in production patterns, especially with the crisis of Fordism, peripheral countries further accentuated the problems in the workplace. Flexible accumulation, in turn, was responsible for significant changes in the labor market at the periphery of global capitalism. This restructuring process, in Brazil, begun from the end of the 1980s and early 1990s, being more accentuated the impacts on the labor market in the poorest regions of the country, particularly the Northeast. In that sense, this thesis aims to evaluate the job market in the metropolitan areas of Fortaleza, Recife and Salvador in light of the transformation process in the production structures and labor market and its influences in the 2000s. The time frame are the years 2001-2008. Data are from the National Household Sample Survey - PNAD and were drawn from the study proposal developed by the Centre of the Metropolis. The study shows that the labor market of the three metropolitan areas continues to be affected by the restructuring process of the late twentieth century. It found high rates of unprotected busy at work is more precarious conditions of employment for non-whites, women, adolescents / young and old. We also highlight the high percentage of employed persons earning income up 1.00 minimum wage, and a large number of persons employed in the tertiary and tertiary non-specialist. With the picture observed in the three metropolitan areas you can see the major problems in the labor market that proliferate, especially in the metropolitan context of the Northeast, with characteristics similar to those observed in the literature that investigated the labor market in 1990


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The problem facing the incidence of pressure ulcers (UP) in the hospital environment especially in the intensive care unit (ICU), although it is an old and frequent event in our professional practice, it is not notified in the researches as much as it should be. We observed a tendency to invest in therapeutical and in studies about the production of sophisticated new bandages. Few, however, are the investments in research on preventive measures in order to prevent or at least slow down the development of lesions. In this sense, the study aimed to analyze the correlation between nursing care and the risk of developing UP measured by the Braden scale in ICU patients. This is a descriptive study of longitudinal quantitative approach. The project obtained a favourable opinion from the Ethics Committee of HUOL (no 486/10). Data collection was carried out in the Hospital of Unimed in Natal during six months in 2011. The sample was of 32 patients hospitalized in ICU for over four days. The results were processed in SPSS 15.0 for descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. We identified that, only 9.4% of our sample developed UP, being predominantly male, elderly people aged above 60 years, Caucasian, with diagnostic hypothesis at the time of hospitalization of sepsis, were clinical patients, who presented hemodynamic instability, using orotracheal tube (TOT), enteral probe (SNE), vesical probe delay (SVD) and had values of albumin and hemoglobin levels below normal. In addition, these patients had a longer hospital stay, longer usage of TOT, SNE, SVD, increased use of sedation and drain than those who did not develop UP and were all at risk for developing these injuries second Braden scores. 66.7% of the lesions developed were located in the sacral region, limiting the degree I and all patients that developed were considered serious, 100.0% of them have evolved since the death. Small were the differences between the averages of Braden scores between patients with and without UP, 11,9+2,4 against 12,4+2,6 with p = 0.627. The clinical aspects of the patients in the study were instrumental in the development of UP, once, these findings were statistically significant through the Mann-Whitney test, and appropriateness of nursing conduct was decisive for the prevention of pressure ulcers in critical patients, since many were those classified as at risk (28) and few who have developed lesions (03)


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During the aging process, increase the postural asymmetries that can affect the control mechanism of balance leading to falls. To evaluate the static posture of elderly; measure the balance and correlate the results of the posture with balance. The study involved 28 elderly patients, 13 males and 15 females (71.8 ± 5.7 years). The volunteers were photographed, the images transferred to a computer for evaluation of static posture and calculating the projection of the center of gravity in the frontal and sagittal planes using the Postural Assessment Software. The balance was assessed by the Berg Balance Scale (BBS). Correlations were performed by Spearman test (p ≤ 0.05). Data were presented as mean ± standart deviation (SD). BBS scores = 50.5 ± 3.3; the sagittal plane (anterior asymmetry) = 45.5 ± 11.1%; frontal plane (right or left asymmetry) = 9.8 ± 7.9. We found a correlation between BBS and asymmetry of the sagittal plane (r = -0.46, p = 0.01) and between BBS and asymmetry of the frontal plane (r = -0.41, p = 0.03). The data suggest that the higher the previous projection (asymmetry of the sagittal plane) and lateral projection (asymmetry of the frontal plane), scores of the BBs will be lower, indicating an increase of unbalance in elderly.


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Introduction: Among others things, ageing results in neuromuscular decrease. The physical activity practice may to influence positively the ageing process. Objective: To evaluate the flexibility and the level of pain on the sedentary and physically active elderly. Method: Forty-two elderly participated of this study, both male and female, (twenty-two physically active and twenty sedentary), over sixty years old and functionally capable to perform the evaluations suggested. They were submitted to tests of decrease in anterior flexion of the trunk, Stibor and Shoeber to evaluate the flexibility and then they signalized the level of pain on the analogic visual scale. The data obtained on the valuations has been analyzed utilizing the non-parametric statistic test Mann-Whitney, considering the level of significance of 5% (p<0,05), in order to compare the performance among the groups. Results: It has not been observed significant di- fferences among the groups referring to the tests Stibor and analogic visual scale. On Shoeber and FAT tests has been observed significant differences (p<0,05) among the groups, with a better performance to the active group. Conclusion: The physical activity practicing interfere on the mobility and on the flexibility of the elderly body segment.


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Introduction: The growth of the aged population in developing countries is fast. Cognitive, motion, metabolic and social injuries are associated to aging, which are potentially able to impair the quality of life of the elder population. A physical activity that provides a mental and physical welfare besides its importance to the good aging, therefore, the Tai Chi Chuan is considered an effi cient and cheap way to improve the quality of life and to reduce the physical alterations unchained by aging. Objective: To verify the effect of the Tai Chi Chuan of the quality of life, fl exibility and balance in elderly. Methods: Nine volunteers, three men (66.33 ± 13.32 years) and six women (68.67 ± 11.34 years) participated in the study. They performed the training of Tai Chi Chuan during 12 weeks, two times per week, with duration of one hour each session. The volunteers were evaluated at the beginning of the study and after the 12 weeks of training by means of the application of the questionnaire of quality of life SF-36, a scale of balance and the test to seat and to reach was applied to evaluate the fl exibility. Results: It was observed in the Tai Chi Chuan training improvement of the balance and fl exibility; however, the quality of life did not present signifi cant difference. Conclusion: These fi ndings allow us to conclude that the Tai Chi Chuan was effi cient in the improvement of the equilibrium and the fl exibility of elder people; however, it did not modify the Quality of Life of the studied population.


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Examine the effects Global Postural Reeducation, (GPR) in hyperkyphosis and respiratory variables in the elderly was the objective in the research. For this, two elderly participated, one is 62 years old (voluntary 1) and another is 66 years old (voluntary 2), without lung, heart, kidney and/or skeletal-muscle diseases diagnosed. The volunteer have been assessed for Quality of Life (QOL) through the questionnaire SF-36, the degree of toracic kyphosis, the muscular respiratory strength and the thoracic-abdominal mobility. The GRP treatment consisted in eight sessions applied, once one hour each session. After the eight sessions the volunteer were reevaluated. The data concerning assessments before and after treatment were analysed describly. According to the results there was an improvement in the degree of kyphosis in both volunteers, highlighting voluntary 2. Respiratory variables also improvements after treatment. In relation to the Quality of life in most areas there has been an increase in scores indicating improved QOL. These data showed that the GPR has been effective to decrease the level of kyphosis, improves respiratory variables and the quality of life in the elderly treated. However, further work with a greater number of subjects must be carried out to analyze the effectiveness of therapy in the elderly.


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Introduction: the improvements on the health area increased the brazilians life expectative. Because of it, more people becomes elder, passing through various common processes of aging, as the balance decrease. Resulting form this the risk of fall increase, and this has a negative impact on the quality of life. As more people become elder the institutionalization tax increase. Objectives: compare the balance and quality of life between institutionalized and non-institutionalized elders; correlate the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) with the Timed Up and Go test (TUG) and with the questionnaire “The Medical Outcome Study 36 – Item Short-Form Health Survey” (SF-36). Methods: were evaluated 20 elders, ten institutionalized (GI) and ten non-institutionalized (GNI). To the balance assessment were used the BBS and the TUG, the quality of life was evaluated using the SF-36. The signifi cance level was set to 5% (p<0,05). The GraphPad Prism 5# was used to analyze the data. To identify the distribution of the data was applied the Shapiro-Wilk test. In the comparison between groups, the normal distributed data were analyzed with the Unpaired Student t test. The non-normal distributed data were analyzed with the Mann-Whitney non-parametric test. The correlations were analyzed with the Pearson (normal data) and Spearman’s (non-normal data) tests. Results: the age average for each group was 72,8±8,36 years (GI) e 67,4±3,53 years (GNI). The GNI had a better performance than the GI in the BBS (*p=0,0017) as in the TUG (*p<0,0002). There wasn’t difference between the quality of life. There was correlation between EEB and TUG (-0,8907 for the GI and -0,7180 for the GNI) and between EEB and the functional capacity domain from the SF-36 (0,7657). Conclusion: the non-institutionalized elders presented best balance. It was found good correlation between TUG and BBS. In the studied sample, to be institutionalized didn’t infl uenced the quality of life.


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Introduction:The regular practice of physical activity is being used as a therapeutic resource to the elderly population, with the objective of reduction of the losses provoked by the growing old process. The home place (urban or rural) is still little explored in literature about your infl uence in the physical capacity of the elderly people. Objective: The aim of this study was to value and compare the quality of life, motion and functional capacity between physically active and sedentary elderly people, residents in the urban and rural area. Methods: Sixty people with age above 60 years old were valued, 20 physically active residents in the urban area (66,5 ± 4,32 years), 20 sedentary residents in the urban area (68,8± 7,24 years), 10 physically active residents in the rural area (64,4±2,46 years) and 10 sedentary residents in the rural area (68±5,78 years). It was realized the evaluation of the fl exibility (previous fl exon of the trunk), mobility (timed up and go test), a six-minute walk test and answered a quality of life’s questionnaire SF-36. To compare the results obtained by the two groups was used the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the signifi cant presence of the test was performed post hoc Newman-Keuls. The level of signifi cance used in statistical analysis was 5% (p<0,05).Results: It was observed that the physically active elderly people obtaine better performance on the six-minutes walk test. It wasn’t found difference in the mobility among the groups. In relation to the quality of life, the elderly residents in the rural area, were better in the component Vitally. In relation to the fl exibility the elderly residents in the urban area obtained the best results. So, we can conclude that the practice of physical activity realized by the volunteers contributed to a better functional capacity, observed by the biggest distance gone through on the walk test. The rural home place positively infl uenced the vitality control, while the fl exibility was worse presented in these elderly people.


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With the growing aging population will be an increase of chronic degenerative diseases such as dementia. Among the various forms of dementia Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most prevalent. In individuals with AD, there is a loss in the processing of sensory information, which may aggravate the imbalance and falls. As the disease progresses, the individual lose the ability to function independently, becoming dependent on a caregiver. This study aimed to analyze the balance of the mental state and quality of life of individuals with AD, to determine whether a correlation exists between these variables and analyze the influence on quality of life of caregivers. This study was conducted with thirty individuals (82.86 ± 9.07 years) with AD, both sexes, and their caregivers. The evaluation of the balance was accomplished by the Scale of Functional Balance of Berg (EEFB), the cognitive function for the Mini-exam of the Mental State (MEEM), and the quality of life (QV) for the scale “life Quality - Disease of Alzheimer “ (QdV - DA) that is composed for three versions: patient, caregiver and family The data were analyzed by coefficient of correlation of Spearman. The balance analyses (EEFB=32,17 ± 13,26 points) shows increased in the risk of falls in the elderly and negative correlation (R = - 0,55, p <0,01) with age and good correlation with MEEM (R=0,63 p <0,01). Already in relation of the MEEM and QV, can observed correlation between the familiar version and the MEEM ((R=0,40 p=0,02). In Relation the versions of the QV questionnaire, found significant correlation among: QdV-DA patient X caregiver (R=0,41 p=0,02), QdV-DA patient X family (R=0,40 p=0,03). In this way we can conclude that the individuals with DA, appraised in this study, present a deficit in the balance, so much related with the age as with to the cognitive decline, and the greater the cognitive decline worse the impression of caring about the QOL of their family, and still, that the worsening in the quality of the patient’s life contemplates in a worsening in the quality of your caregiver’s life.


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Introduction : The aging is characterized by a reduction in the effectiveness of skills, among them the loss of the flexibility. The hamstring muscles may be affected by the decreased flexibility occurs when elderly can present limitation of gait, low back problems and osteomuscular. Among the techniques used to evaluate the flexibility of the hamstring muscles are the Sit and Reach Test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle . However, the scientific literature doesn’t provide consistent data on the correlation of these forms of evaluation. Objective: To analyze the correlation between the sit and reach test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle used to assess the flexibility of the hamstring muscles in elderly women. Method: This was a cross-sectional, observational study, consisting of 39 elderly, healthy. The evaluation was composed by forms with personal details and physical examination (body weight, height and body mass index), and the evaluation of tests to measure the flexibility of the hamstring muscles (Sit and reach test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle). The correlation of the data was done by using the Spearmam’s rank correlation coefficient, with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05). Results: The data showed a positive correlation between Sit and Reach Test Computerized Photogrammetry and the popliteal angle of the right leg (r=0.4690, p=0.0026) and the left leg (r=0.3604, p=0.0241). Conclusion: The data from this study allow conclude that the tests for assessing hamstring flexibility in elderly women, the Sit and Reach Test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle are complementary because it doesn’t correlate strongly.


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Disorders in gait are identified in Parkinson’s disease patients. As a result, the capacity of walking independently and the interaction with the environment can be impairment. So, the auditory cues have been utilized as a non-pharmacological treatment to improve the locomotor impairment of the PD patients. However, these effects were observed in the regular lands and it’s not known the effects of auditory cues in gait during avoidance obstacles that could be more threaten for these patients. Yet, few studies in the literature compare the Parkinson’s disease patients with the older adults during the locomotor tasks and obstacle avoidance in association with the effects of auditory cues. The aim of the study is to compare the effects of the auditory cues in the gait and during obstacle avoidance in PD patients and older adults. 30 subjects distributed in two groups (Group 1 - 15, Parkinson’s disease patients; Group 2 - 15, healthy older adults) are going to participate of this study. After the participation approval, the assessment of clinical condition will be done by a physician. So, to investigate the locomotor pattern, it will be done a kinematic analysis. The experimental task is to walk on 8 m pathway and 18 trials will be done (6 for the free gait and 12 for adaptive gait). For the adaptive gait, two different obstacle heights will be manipulated: high obstacle (HO) and low obstacle (LO). In order to verify possible differences between the groups and the experimental condition, multivariance tests will be used with a significance level of 0.05. MANOVA revealed effect of condition and task. Thus, with DA, we observed an increase in cadence and reduced single support and stride length. When the tasks were compared, it was observed that the LO task, subjects had lower velocity and stride length... 9Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The aim of this study was to investigate whether aerobic capacity (VO2max) would be modified by antihypertensive therapy in elderly and middle-age women after 12 weeks of exercise training. The volunteers were divided in two groups: normotensive (n=14) and hypertensive (n=14). Aerobic exercise was performed for 3 days/week, during 60 minutes, for 12 weeks with an intensity of 50-70% rest heart hate. Anthropometric parameters (weight and height), body fat index, % of fat mass, cardiopulmonary evaluation to calculated VO2max and a cardiovascular evaluation with blood pressure and rest heart hate were evaluated at baseline and after training program. At the end of study abdominal circumference and Borg scale were also evaluated. Our findings showed the aerobic program of 12 weeks was effective to reduce diastolic blood pressure in both groups. Systolic blood pressure was reduced only hypertensive group. No evidences were found the aerobic capacity was affected by hypertensive therapies. In conclusion, the aerobic program for 12 weeks was effective to reduce blood pressure and there was no influence of antihypertensive therapy on the aerobic capacity in this particular population.