955 resultados para TAC, Radon, ricostruzione, tomografia


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In April 2017, CMEMS plans to launch the WAVES NRT products. This document is focused in the automatic RTQC of the collected wave data. The validation procedure includes the delayed mode quality control of the data and will be specified in another guideline. To perform any kind of quality control to wave data, first it’s necessary to know the nature of the measurements and the analysis performed to those measurements to obtain the wave parameters. For that reason next chapter is dedicated to show the usual wave analysis and the different parameters and estimators obtained.


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The research and development of nanostructured materials have been growing significantly in the last years. These materials have properties that were significantly modified as compared to conventional materials due to the extremely small dimensions of the crystallites. The tantalum carbide (TaC) is an extremely hard material that has high hardness, high melting point, high chemical stability, good resistance to chemical attack and thermal shock and excellent resistance to oxidation and corrosion. The Compounds of Tantalum impregnated with copper also have excellent dielectric and magnetic properties. Therefore, this study aimed to obtain TaC and mixed tantalum oxide and nanostructured copper from the precursor of tris (oxalate) hydrate ammonium oxitantalato, through gas-solid reaction and solid-solid respectively at low temperature (1000 ° C) and short reaction time. The materials obtained were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinement, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Spectroscopy X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), infrared spectroscopy (IR), thermogravimetric (TG), thermal analysis (DTA) and BET. Through the XRD analyses and the Reitiveld refinement of the TaC with S = 1.1584, we observed the formation of pure tantalum carbide and cubic structure with average crystallite size on the order of 12.5 nanometers. From the synthesis made of mixed oxide of tantalum and copper were formed two distinct phases: CuTa10O26 and Ta2O5, although the latter has been formed in lesser amounts


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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Natural radioactive tracer-based assessments of basin-scale submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) are well developed. However, SGD takes place in different modes and the flow and discharge mechanisms involved occur over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Quantifying SGD while discriminating its source functions therefore remains a major challenge. However, correctly identifying both the fluid source and composition is critical. When multiple sources of the tracer of interest are present, failure to adequately discriminate between them leads to inaccurate attribution and the resulting uncertainties will affect the reliability of SGD solute loading estimates. This lack of reliability then extends to the closure of local biogeochemical budgets, confusing measures aiming to mitigate pollution. Here, we report a multi-tracer study to identify the sources of SGD, distinguish its component parts and elucidate the mechanisms of their dispersion throughout the Ria Formosa – a seasonally hypersaline lagoon in Portugal. We combine radon budgets that determine the total SGD (meteoric + recirculated seawater) in the system with stable isotopes in water (δ2H, δ18O), to specifically identify SGD source functions and characterize active hydrological pathways in the catchment. Using this approach, SGD in the Ria Formosa could be separated into two modes, a net meteoric water input and another involving no net water transfer, i.e., originating in lagoon water re-circulated through permeable sediments. The former SGD mode is present occasionally on a multi-annual timescale, while the latter is a dominant feature of the system. In the absence of meteoric SGD inputs, seawater recirculation through beach sediments occurs at a rate of  ∼  1.4  ×  106 m3 day−1. This implies that the entire tidal-averaged volume of the lagoon is filtered through local sandy sediments within 100 days ( ∼  3.5 times a year), driving an estimated nitrogen (N) load of  ∼  350 Ton N yr−1 into the system as NO3−. Land-borne SGD could add a further  ∼  61 Ton N yr−1 to the lagoon. The former source is autochthonous, continuous and responsible for a large fraction (59 %) of the estimated total N inputs into the system via non-point sources, while the latter is an occasional allochthonous source capable of driving new production in the system.


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Steel is an alloy EUROFER promising for use in nuclear reactors, or in applications where the material is subjected to temperatures up to 550 ° C due to their lower creep resistance under. One way to increase this property, so that the steel work at higher temperatures it is necessary to prevent sliding of its grain boundaries. Factors that influence this slip contours are the morphology of the grains, the angle and speed of the grain boundaries. This speed can be decreased in the presence of a dispersed phase in the material, provided it is fine and homogeneously distributed. In this context, this paper presents the development of a new material metal matrix composite (MMC) which has as starting materials as stainless steel EUROFER 97, and two different kinds of tantalum carbide - TaC, one with average crystallite sizes 13.78 nm synthesized in UFRN and another with 40.66 nm supplied by Aldrich. In order to improve the mechanical properties of metal matrix was added by powder metallurgy, nano-sized particles of the two types of TaC. This paper discusses the effect of dispersion of carbides in the microstructure of sintered parts. Pure steel powders with the addition of 3% TaC UFRN and 3% TaC commercial respectively, were ground in grinding times following: a) 5 hours in the planetary mill for all post b) 8 hours of grinding in the mill Planetary only for steel TaC powders of commercial and c) 24 hours in the conventional ball mill mixing the pure steel milled for 5 hours in the planetary mill with 3% TaC commercial. Each of the resulting particulate samples were cold compacted under a uniaxial pressure of 600MPa, on a cylindrical matrix of 5 mm diameter. Subsequently, the compressed were sintered in a vacuum furnace at temperatures of 1150 to 1250 ° C with an increment of 20 ° C and 10 ° C per minute and maintained at these isotherms for 30, 60 and 120 minutes and cooled to room temperature. The distribution, size and dispersion of steel and composite particles were determined by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy followed by chemical analysis (EDS). The structures of the sintered bodies were observed by optical microscopy and scanning electron accompanied by EDS beyond the x-ray diffraction. Initial studies sintering the obtained steel EUROFER 97 a positive reply in relation to improvement of the mechanical properties independent of the processing, because it is obtained with sintered microhardness values close to and even greater than 100% of the value obtained for the HV 333.2 pure steel as received in the form of a bar


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Carbide reinforced metallic alloys potentially improve some important mechanical properties required for the overall use of important engineering materials such as steel and nickel. Nevertheless, improved performance is achieved not only by composition enhancement but also by adequate processing techniques, such as novel sintering methods in the case of powder metallurgy. The method minimizes energy losses in addition to providing uniform heating during sintering. Thus, the general objective of this study was to evaluate the density, hardness, flexural strength, dilatometric behavior and to analyze the microstructure of metal matrix composites based nickel with addition of carbides of tantalum and / or niobium when sintered in a conventional furnace and Plasma assisted debinding and sintering (PADS). Initially, were defineds best parameters of granulation, screening and mixing procedure. After, mixtures of carbonyl Ni and 5%, 10% and 15 wt.% NbC and TaC were prepared in a Y-type mixer under wet conditions during 60 minutes. The mixtures were then dried and granulated using 1.5 wt. % paraffin diluted in hexane. Granulates were cold pressed under 600 MPa. Paraffin was then removed from the pressed pellets during a pre-sintering process carried out in a tubular furnace at 500 °C during 30 min. The heating rate was 3 ºC/min. The pellets were then sintered using either a plasma assisted reactor or a conventional resistive tubular furnace. For both methods, the heating rate was set to 8 ºC/min up to 1150 °C. The holding time was 60 minutes. The microstructure of the sintered samples was evaluated by SEM. Brinell hardness tests were also carried out. The results revealed that higher density and higher hardness values were observed in the plasma-assisted sintered samples. Hardness increased with the concentration of carbides in the Ni-matrix. The flexural strength also increased by adding the carbides. The decline was larger for the sample with addition of 5% 5% TaC and NbC. In general, compositions containing added carbide 10% showed less porous and more uniform distribution of carbides in the nickel matrix microstructural appearance. Thus, both added carbide and plasma sintering improved density, hardness, flexural strength and microstructural appearance of the composites


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Questa tesi si è focalizzata sulla topologia robotica. In particolare, in questo elaborato si è voluto sottolineare l’importanza della topografia dei pezzi nella visione robotica. Siamo partiti dalle definizioni di politopo e di mappa gaussiana estesa, per poi passare ad alcuni punti chiave della robotica, quali la definizione di posa di un oggetto, di “peg in the hole”e di forma da X. Questi punti ci hanno permesso di enunciare i teoremi di Minkowski ed Alexandrov che sono stati poi utilizzati nella costruzione del metodo EGI. Questo metodo è stato quindi utilizzato per determinare l’assetto di un oggetto nello spazio e permettere quindi al braccio del robot di afferrarlo.


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Il tempio di Baalshamin si trovava nell’antica città di Palmira, in Siria. Risalente al II secolo d.C. era l’edificio meglio conservato dell’intero sito archeologico. Il 23 agosto 2015 i miliziani dell’Isis, dopo averlo dichiarato profano, lo hanno fatto esplodere. Questa tesi tratta di geomatica e anastilosi applicate al caso del tempio di Baalshamin. L’obiettivo è ricostruire fotogrammetricamente il tempio di Baalshamin utilizzando foto turistiche trovate sul web. Si partirà da un inquadramento storico della città di Palmira, per poi passare ai nostri giorni e toccare argomenti di attualità. Dopodiché saranno illustrate brevemente le nozioni fondamentali della geomatica e si parlerà di anastilosi. Nella parte sperimentale della tesi verranno analizzati i prodotti ottenuti dal raddrizzamento fotografico e dalla ricostruzione fotogrammetrica. Si vuole dimostrare che anche da foto di bassa qualità è possibile ottenere risultati apprezzabili dal punto di vista geometrico. Si vuole inoltre sottolineare l’importanza del turismo e del mondo del web, senza i quali questa tesi non sarebbe stata realizzata.


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Il Modello Standard delle particelle elementari prevede l’universalità del sapore leptonico, cioè l’uguaglianza della probabilità di accoppiamento dei bosoni di gauge carichi dell’interazione debole con tutti i leptoni. Recentemente, le Collaborazioni LHCb, BaBar e Belle, misurando il rapporto tra i branching ratio dei decadimenti $B^0\to D^{∗− }\tau^+\nu_{\tau} e $B^0 →D^{∗−}\mu^+\nu_{\mu}, hanno osservato una deviazione dai valori previsti dal Modello Standard di 3.9 deviazioni standard. Questo interessante risultato, se confermato, indicherebbe l’esistenza di nuove particelle, come per esempio il bosone di Higgs carico. Analogamente ai decadimenti del mesone $B^0$ , è possibile cercare effetti analoghi anche nel rapporto di branching ratio dei decadimenti $D^0\to K^ −\mu^+\nu_{\mu}$ e $D^0\to K^−e^+\nu_e$ . In questo lavoro di tesi è stato realizzato uno studio preliminare di questa misura. In particolare, è stato studiata, tramite simulazioni Monte Carlo, la ricostruzione del processo $D^{*\pm}\to D^0 (\to K^− \mu+\nu_{\mu})\pi_s^{\pm}$ nell’esperimento LHCb. Questo canale ha la particolarità di avere una particella invisibile, il neutrino, al rivelatore LHCb. Tuttavia, mediante vincoli cinematici e topologici, è possibile ricavare le componenti dell’impulso del neutrino, con risoluzioni non paragonabili a quelle di una particella visibile, ma comunque accettabili. In questa tesi sono riportati i calcoli che permettono di ottenere queste informazioni ed è stata studiata la risoluzione sulla massa invariante del $D^{∗\pm}$ . La tesi è organizzata nel seguente modo: il primo capitolo riporta le motivazioni della misura dei rapporti dei branching ratio e l’attuale stato sperimentale; il secondo capitolo contiene una breve descrizione del rivelatore LHCb; il terzo capitolo, infine, descrive lo studio di fattibilità della ricostruzione del decadimento $D^0\to K^-\mu^+\nu_{\mu}.


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This brochure discusses these topics concerning radon: What Is Radon?, Health Effects Of Radon, Radon Action Level, How Much Radon In A Home Is Safe?, What Do I Do If I Have A Radon Problem?, Major Radon Entry Routes, How Do I Know If I Have A Radon Problem?, Where Should I Test?, Retesting For Radon and Radon in Water.


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This chart gives the long term effects of radon on smokers and non-smokers.


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This is a list of some basic installation requirements and recommendations that your contractor should meet when installing a radon reduction system in your home.


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O trabalho tem como objetivo discutir através da dança o resgate da identidade cultural da comunidade quilombola Estrela, localizada no nordeste do Brasil, analisada nos seus respectivos contextos sócio históricos, abordados a partir da dança: Samba de Coco Parelha Trocada como elemento da trajetória histórica dessa comunidade afro descendente, marco nas lutas em defesa da identidade dessa comunidade. Para discutir a temática, necessário se faz entender criticamente o significado dos conceitos: aprender a conhecer aprender a fazer, aprender a ser e aprender a conviver, superando o individualismo e dando ênfase ao coletivo como entendimento principal às questões culturais. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho se faz necessário uma abordagem metodológica ancorada na perspectiva dialógica, etnográfica, com o aporte do referencial teórico histórico materialista, na perspectiva de investigar e mediar um processo de construção de conhecimentos que ressalte e permita o estabelecimento de relações entre a teoria e a realidade social em que vive essa comunidade. Como achados iniciais destacamos a compreensão da comunidade a partir da identidade cultural advinda do samba de coco de parelha trocada.


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This thesis is a study of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) activity concentration, gamma dose rate and radon (222Rn) exhalation from the waste streams of large-scale onshore petroleum operations. Types of activities covered included; sludge recovery from separation tanks, sludge farming, NORM storage, scaling in oil tubulars, scaling in gas production and sedimentation in produced water evaporation ponds. Field work was conducted in the arid desert terrain of an operational oil exploration and production region in the Sultanate of Oman. The main radionuclides found were 226Ra and 210Pb (238U - series), 228Ra and 228Th (232Th - series), and 227Ac (235U - series), along with 40K. All activity concentrations were higher than the ambient soil level and varied over several orders of magnitude. The range of gamma dose rates at a 1 m height above ground for the farm treated sludge had a range of 0.06 0.43 µSv h 1, and an average close to the ambient soil mean of 0.086 ± 0.014 µSv h 1, whereas the untreated sludge gamma dose rates had a range of 0.07 1.78 µSv h 1, and a mean of 0.456 ± 0.303 µSv h 1. The geometric mean of ambient soil 222Rn exhalation rate for area surrounding the sludge was mBq m 2 s 1. Radon exhalation rates reported in oil waste products were all higher than the ambient soil value and varied over three orders of magnitude. This study resulted in some unique findings including: (i) detection of radiotoxic 227Ac in the oil scales and sludge, (ii) need of a new empirical relation between petroleum sludge activity concentrations and gamma dose rates, and (iii) assessment of exhalation of 222Rn from oil sludge. Additionally the study investigated a method to determine oil scale and sludge age by the use of inherent behaviour of radionuclides as 228Ra:226Ra and 228Th:228Ra activity ratios.