939 resultados para Superoxide Radical
Comentarios a Jaime Rodríguez, La revolución política durante la época de la Independencia. El Reino de Quito, 1808-1822, Quito, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (UASB-E)/Corporación Editora Nacional (CEN), 2006.
Comentarios de Jaime Rodríguez, sobre su libro La revolución política durante la época de la Independencia. El Reino de Quito, 1808-1822, Quito, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (UASB-E)/Corporación Editora Nacional (CEN), 2006 y los comentarios y reseñas publicadas en la Revista Procesos No. 27.
Con el presente trabajo pretendo revisar el concepto de liberalismo radical como movimiento político en su configuración estatal de Colombia y Ecuador. Ambos países comparten, para su fortuna, vidas políticas paralelas que pudieron confluir en su historia, formación y política. El primer capítulo se ocupa de la noción de radicalismo e función del liberalismo y el conservadurismo; en el capítulo segundo se desarrollan aquellas condiciones necesarias que vieron nacer al liberalismo radical y le propiciaron su oportunidad en el poder; finalmente, el capítulo tercero se concentra en ilustrar las acciones de los gobiernos radicales, sus protagonistas y su coherencia conforme obedecen a una doctrina liberal radical. Pongo de presente no solo las coincidencias políticas que permitieron el surgimiento de una fuerte corriente liberal radical sino que también destacó las consecuencias positivas y negativas que pudieron dejar sus gobiernos en la praxis y la memoria de sus pueblos. Sin duda, su momento histórico funda en cada nación una esperanza social importante y una revolución que marcaría un devenir muy favorable a los estados nacientes y su reformulación de la forma colonial de administración y la política en manos de una fuerte tradición criolla o militarista. Creo que el liberalismo radical, que con sus matices gobernó en Colombia y Ecuador, puso de presente al individuo como protagonista de la historia y a las sociedades que éstos conformaban. También lucha contra las instituciones coloniales que requieren de lo religioso para sobrevivir. Incuba, en la formación y la educación, el proyecto genuino de un hombre moderno, racional y autónomo que puede construir su futuro y autodeterminarse. Lamentablemente, fracasa en su férreo espíritu de combatir de manera compulsiva a la semilla de religión que había sido legada tres siglos antes pero sienta el Estado laico que permitirá la consolidación estatal con un definitivo quiebre de la política colonial y en la aplicación de un igualitarismo que pueda regular la sociedad naciente.
Este libro estudia la agenda educativa del liberalismo-radical que gobernó el Ecuador entre 1895 y 1912, luego de la Revolución liberal. Procura responder algunos interrogantes en torno a los temas de educación en la agenda pública de los dirigentes políticos de esa tendencia, al tiempo que busca desvelar lo que lograron ejecutar y aquello que quedó como asignatura pendiente. Su propósito también es revisar si dicha agenda constituyó una ruptura con lo que hasta ese momento se había realizado en cuanto a instrucción pública primaria, en general, y de las mujeres, en particular, o si continuó con la lógica de los gobiernos anteriores respecto al fortalecimiento del Estado y la ampliación de su control hacia periferias que aún se encontraban fuera de su poder en el período analizado. La autora, mediante el análisis de los documentos de la época, demuestra que el proyecto de instrucción pública laica y gratuita del liberalismo-radical tuvo demoras y dificultades para concretarse en el caso de los varones, y no llegó a ejecutarse en lo que se refiere a la formación de las niñas, pese a los esfuerzos que en ello empeñaron.
Germin is a hydrogen peroxide generating oxalate oxidase with extreme thermal stability; it is involved in the defense against biotic and abiotic stress in plants. The structure, determined at 1.6 A resolution, comprises beta-jellyroll monomers locked into a homohexamer (a trimer of dimers), with extensive surface burial accounting for its remarkable stability. The germin dimer is structurally equivalent to the monomer of the 7S seed storage proteins (vicilins), indicating evolution from a common ancestral protein. A single manganese ion is bound per germin monomer by ligands similar to those of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). Germin is also shown to have SOD activity and we propose that the defense against extracellular superoxide radicals is an important additional role for germin and related proteins.
Protein oxidation within cells exposed to oxidative free radicals has been reported to occur in an uninhibited manner with both hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals. In contrast, THP-1 cells exposed to peroxyl radicals (ROO center dot) generated by thermo decomposition of the azo compound AAPH showed a distinct lag phase of at least 6 h, during which time no protein oxidation or cell death was observed. Glutathione appears to be the source of the lag phase as cellular levels were observed to rapidly decrease during this period. Removal of glutathione with buthionine sulfoxamine eliminated the lag phase. At the end of the lag phase there was a rapid loss of cellular MTT reducing activity and the appearance of large numbers of propidium iodide/annexin-V staining necrotic cells with only 10% of the cells appearing apoptotic (annexin-V staining only). Cytochrome c was released into the cytoplasm after 12 h of incubation but no increase in caspase-3 activity was found at any time points. We propose that the rapid loss of glutathione caused by the AAPH peroxyl radicals resulted in the loss of caspase activity and the initiation of protein oxidation. The lack of caspase-3 activity appears to have caused the cells to undergo necrosis in response to protein oxidation and other cellular damage. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
beta-Lactones have, for the first time, been prepared by 4-exo-trig radical cyclization. Thus, alpha-ethenoyloxy radicals react in the presence of tributylstannane in a photothermal process to give beta-lactones. Highest yields were obtained when groups capable of stabilizing a carboncentered radical were present at the 3-position of the alkenoate acceptor.
DiGrignard reagents of the form XMg(CH2)(n)MgX, where X = Br or I and n = 6, 8, 10 or 12, were allowed to react with PhSnCl3 to produce highly cross-linked Ph-Sn polymeric networks. The Sn-H moiety was incorporated into these insoluble network polymers by treatment with Br-2 and NaBH4. Excellent accessibility of the Sn-H was displayed by these solvent penetrable but insoluble networks, giving them higher Sn-H loadings than all previously reported supported reagents. These reagents were totally regenerable in NaBH4 for radical assisted organic synthesis and no detectable leaching of the Sn into solution was observed during these reactions.
The three lowest (1(2)A('), 2(2)A('), and 1(2)A(')) potential-energy surfaces of the C2Cl radical, correlating at linear geometries with (2)Sigma(+) and (2)Pi states, have been studied ab initio using a large basis set and multireference configuration-interaction techniques. The electronic ground state is confirmed to be bent with a very low barrier to linearity, due to the strong nonadiabatic electronic interactions taking place in this system. The rovibronic energy levels of the (CCCl)-C-12-C-12-Cl-35 isotopomer and the absolute absorption intensities at a temperature of 5 K have been calculated, to an upper limit of 2000 cm(-1), using diabatic potential-energy and dipole moment surfaces and a recently developed variational method. The resulting vibronic states arise from a strong mixture of all the three electronic components and their assignments are intrinsically ambiguous. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.
The first three electronic states (1(2)A', 2(2)A', 1(2)A '') of the C2Br radical, correlating at linear geometries with (2)Sigma(+) and (2)Pi states, have been studied ab initio, using Multi Reference Configuration Interaction techniques. The electronic ground state is found to have a bent equilibrium geometry, R-CC = 1.2621 angstrom, R-CBr = 1.7967 angstrom, < CCBr 156.1 degrees, with a very low barrier to linearity. Similarly to the valence isoelectronic radicals C2F and C2Cl, this anomalous behaviour is attributed to a strong three-state non-adiabatic electronic interaction. The Sigma, Pi(1/2), Pi(3/2) vibronic energy levels and their absolute infrared absorption intensities at a temperature of 5K have been calculated for the (CCBr)-C-12-C-12-Br-79 isotopomer, to an upper limit of 2000 cm(-1), using ab initio diabatic potential energy and dipole moment surfaces and a recently developed variational method.
The ORAC(FL) assay was used in non-automated mode to evaluate the specific peroxyl radical scavenging properties of the aqueous soluble components of green and roasted Arabica and Robusta coffee samples. A relationship between ORAC(FL) and the concentration of CQAs (caffeoyl quinic acids) was found for the extracts from green coffee beans. Aqueous extracts from roasted coffee beans possessed equal or stronger scavenging power than that obtained for the green coffee beans extracts and the scavenging activity depended on the variety of coffee and the roasting conditions. Brews from Robusta coffee beans showed the highest ORAC(FL). The best scavenging properties for the brews from Arabica coffee beans were detected in samples prepared from coffee beans roasted under light conditions. The data indicate that, during roasting, a complex network of reactions takes place leading to the formation of a wide number of compounds possessing specific scavenging properties. Under mild roasting conditions, caffeoyl quinic acids appear to be the main components responsible for the free radical scavenging power of coffee brews. In contrast, Maillard reaction products may be the principal components with free radical scavenging activity in more severely (medium and dark) roasted coffees.
A discharge-flow system, coupled to cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy (CEAS) detection systems for NO3 at lambda = 662 nm and NO2 at lambda = 404 nm, was used to investigate the kinetics of the reactions of NO3 with eight peroxy radicals at P similar to 5 Torr and T similar to 295 K. Values of the rate constants obtained were (k/10(-12) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1)): CH3O2 (1.1 +/- 0.5), C2H5O2 (2.3 +/- 0.7), CH2FO2 (1.4 +/- 0.9), CH2ClO2 (3.8(-2.6)(+1.4)), c-C5H9O2 (1.2(-0.5)(+1.1)), c-C6H11O2 (1.9 +/- 0.7), CF3O2 (0.62 +/- 0.17) and CF3CFO2CF3 (0.24 +/- 0.13). We explore possible relationships between k and the orbital energies of the reactants. We also provide a brief discussion of the potential impact of the reactions of NO3 with RO2 on the chemistry of the night-time atmosphere.