529 resultados para Student learning outcomes
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A dissertação investigou os processos educacionais e as estratégias de municipalização do ensino no Município de Breves no Arquipélago do Marajó. Assim, buscou-se identificar as dificuldades para a implementação desse processo, além de compreender as estratégias que as comunidades rurais usam para superarem os problemas político-pedagógicos das escolas. A pesquisa norteou-se pelo estudo de caso, onde se utilizou de entrevista semi-estruturada com professores, gestores, exgestores, lideranças comunitárias e sindicais; a análise documental de legislação educacional, planos, relatórios e projetos. O estudo aponta que a adesão a municipalização foi cheio de conflito entre o poder público municipal e os educadores por ter sido materializada sem nenhuma forma de diálogo com os educadores e a sociedade civil para esclarecimento sobre as condições políticas que se realizaria. Além do mais, constata-se que a municipalização foi o mecanismo utilizado pelo governo central para realizar a descentralização da gestão das políticas educacionais, no entanto, verifica-se que a estratégia de superar os problemas educacionais locais ainda não surtiu efeito, ao contrário, o município assumiu toda a responsabilidade em superar os seus baixos indicadores educacionais. Nesse sentido, é possível inferir que o gestor da época estava mais preocupado com os recursos que o município passaria a receber, através do FUNDEF hoje FUNDEB, que com a responsabilidade pela qualidade educacional. Isto se verifica ao se analisar os indicadores educacionais do município, principalmente das escolas do campo em que após a municipalização não se visualiza nenhuma estratégia dos governos locais, tendo em vista universalizar o atendimento educacional, ou políticas capazes de oferecer a qualidade educacional às populações do campo. Os prédios escolares a grande maioria funciona em locais inadequados o que tem prejudicado as condições de trabalho do professor e de estudo dos alunos. Aliado a este problema está a questão do acesso e permanência dos educandos, uma vez que o transporte escolar não atende todas as comunidades. Diante de todos esses desafios, as comunidades rurais, mesmo que de forma individual, tem buscado dialogar com o poder público municipal formas de garantir o atendimento educacional no próprio local. Isso tem levado a constituição de dezenas de escolas no campo mesmo que funcionando em situações precárias em casas de família, igrejas, barracões comunitários, salões de festas ou até mesmo construindo com seus próprios recursos. No entanto, esta é uma estratégia política e pedagógica que as comunidades visualizam para garantir a presença do Estado em seus territórios sociais, de forma silenciosa têm buscado legitimar a garantia do direito a educação no campo. Por fim, a pesquisa constitui-se em um momento de reflexão e análise a cerca das condições que a educação vem sendo ofertada aos sujeitos do campo de Breves. Foi um momento de reconhecer e problematizar as experiências educativas para fomentar elementos teóricos e práticos nas discussões de uma educação no e do campo na Amazônia Marajoara.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
O jogo de empresas Mercado Virtual foi desenvolvido para mediar o processo ensino-aprendizagem na área de tomada decisão e gestão de empresas e tem um banco de dados que armazena as decisões dos alunos. Os dados nele armazenados foram analisados em relação ao balanceamento de capacidade, objetivo de lucro e uso de recursos financeiros da empresa e foram encontradas incoerências entre os conteúdos pertinentes ao modelo e as decisões dos alunos. Elas foram classificadas como lacunas de aprendizado. Com o objetivo de analisar se as mesmas se repetem entre alunos do Programa de Mestrado Engenharia de Produção da UNESP de Bauru e Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Industrial e Gestão da Uminho de Guimarães, Portugal, foram realizados dois experimentos, um em cada grupo. Para realizá-los utilizou-se o jogo Mercado Virtual e uma planilha de dimensionamento da empresa nos dois locais. A Sala de Estudos, os indicadores e o questionário de pesquisa da opinião foram utilizados somente em Portugal. Os resultados mostraram que o jogo é capaz de evidenciar as diferenças de domínio de conteúdo nos dois grupos e, também, que estas diferenças estão associadas aos projetos dos cursos. Sendo uma pesquisa exploratória, os experimentos foram realizados considerando-se somente os controles do jogo. Por isso, propõe-se a realização de pesquisas adicionais combinando controle sobre algumas das variáveis relacionadas do uso do jogo e atuação sobre aprendizagem dos alunos na forma de entrevistas e pesquisas não estruturadas. Conforme previsto, a pesquisa mostrou que os jogos podem ser utilizados com objetivos de aprendizagem mais amplos, considerando-se a avaliação indireta e cruzada sobre as decisões tomadas pelos alunos, como é o caso dos indicadores. Outra contribuição importante da pesquisa refere-se ao uso de jogos de empresas sob condições pouco controladas, ou seja, não houve...
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
The Policy Pedagogical Project can be understand like a guide element of education actions, that links itself to a history social project, bringing an specific way to understand the school and its function in society. The actual brazilian legislation is based on inclusive educational policy defended since 1990 by Ministry of Education. Faced this situation the present research intends verify if the schools are organized to act into this new paradigm, using analisis of the Policy Pedagogical Projects. That's why were analized the projects of 6 public schools of basic study that attend impaired students in regular classes. Those projects were analized based on a inclusive school indicators purposed by the Ministry of Education, that is based on a specific theorical reference and on determined actions that favor the impaired student learning. The data pointed that the majority of schools shows in theorical camp assumptions vinculated to Inclusive Education Policy. However, the presented actions are still shy and limited, so there is no differentiated purpose that attend the educational needs of impaired students. It concludes that the speech about inclusive education have already been assimilated by the school, however the actions are still begginers. The Pedagogical Project colectively built, could constitute an effective instrument to think about an make a quality school, an emancipatory school for all.
Data presented here is the result of an extension project developed by UNESP which aims to support children who complain about learning disabilities. These students with reading and writing problems were part on intervention sessions, individually and/or in small groups, in which different games and non-usual activities were implemented. These intervention sessions seek an improvement in the non-learning situation and, above all, a change in the relationship that the children have established with these school subjects. So far, the main results indicate a development in the mentioned areas and a significant improvement in the entire student learning condition, which were verified during the intervention sessions and by the teachers’ and parents’ reports, as well. We also present here reflections on the process of assessment and intervention and about the way these subjects are dealt at school, and the meaning of not learning how to read and how to write for a child.
When I set out to attend degree in mathematics was because I believed that mathematics could be taught to students in a way closer to their daily lives, thereby making it a more attractive school discipline, gradually, eliminating its reputation of a difficult school subject. Then, during my observations in supervised, I realized that one of the greatest difficulties in mathematics was related with geometry, in which the concepts of area and perimeter were often confused. Using the methodological tool of problem solving, something to bring the concept to be developed and the cultural context in which the student is in, I developed some educational activities in which, using concrete materials, students were encouraged to construct their own knowledge about the concepts of area and perimeter. Moreover, such activities were designed to place the student as the center of attention in the classroom. The main objective of this work is to encourage and observe how this methodology, based on the solving problem process, can be used within the classroom, to better understand the concepts to be taught, always looking for improvement of the student learning
The objective of this research is to understand whether the mathematics lessons teachers use ICT and how they see their use. For this, we prepared a questionnaire with four questions for the subjects of our research, which are ex - students of Bachelor in Mathematics FEG / UNESP, in exercise of the profession. The questionnaire data were analyzed following the procedures of phenomenological research. This approach enabled us to draw up three open categories. The first Recourse to boost student learning and school, leads us to interpret that for the interviewees, ICT resources are leading students to do research making them responsible for their learning and providing them with conditions respond the issues raised by the teacher, which generates greater interactivity. The second, Possibility to use software related to mathematical content shows that the subject sees ICT as resources that allow the study of mathematical content, especially geometry and functions, so that student learning is leverage. The third, Obstacles to the use of technology in the classroom shows that even if the subjects recognize the importance of ICT use, they do not use it as often as they would like because of the difficulties that are related to infrastructure and didactic and pedagogical conditions
The mathematical problem solving is very important in the student's school career, leading him to develop his creativity and self-confidence. The way the teacher explains specific content may interfere in the student learning. Some researches show that the teacher trust and his problem solving rapport lead to a more satisfying job. This research focused on students of the course PARFOR at UNESP Bauru. This work was performed in order to investigate the affinity, trust and attitudes toward mathematical problem solving, the performance from who have positive and negative attitudes and the results that may be generated during class
This paper talks about the importance of the calculator as an aid to student learning, being a powerful educational tool when used properly by the teachers. It‟s also exposed some issues related to the calculator to better understand concepts that help the student learning. As a last activity there is an applied research with Math Teachers at Ana Fausta de Moraes school in Guaratinguetá town, SP, in order to expose the reality about the use of the calculator as a teaching resource
The culture is embedded in all social and especially those aimed at the formation of the citizen as a whole. So the school is a major means of training and is not neutral on the influence of culture on student learning. The social milieu in which it is inserted or not contributing to great learning and shapes the human being as the pre-existing norms in society. Link education with the culture of the student from considering it as a whole helps to understand how this builds your knowledge and see how the world around them. The production of new knowledge through what we see is also part of the cultural and social practices. In a society where looks are extremely exploited and relate it to the formation of knowledge through social helps in understanding the culture as a learning process and identify the individual as having a cultural identity with social significance. This research addresses how school culture has treated the various existing and possible means of study such as art, treatment of the curriculum and within the classroom, emphasizing its importance in the educational context