983 resultados para Specialized didactics


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Resumen: El resultado de la comprensión de textos depende tanto de las propiedades lingüísticas del discurso como de las características del lector. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la influencia del conocimiento previo en la comprensión de textos expositivos generales y específicos. Para ello se administraron dos textos: expositivo divulgativo y expositivo especializado a lectores novatos y expertos, comparando la realización de un resumen y las respuestas a preguntas como medidas de comprensión lectora. En ambas medidas no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos en la comprensión del texto general, pero sí hubo un mejor desempeño del grupo de expertos en el texto disciplinar. Considerando la variable de agrupación de los sujetos, estos resultados apoyarían la hipótesis según la cual el conocimiento previo sería el principal factor explicativo de la diferencia de rendimiento entre ambos grupos.


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Resumen: Este trabajo pretende brindar un marco para el análisis del fenómeno de la corrupción en Argentina. Para ello, se concentra el estudio de la situación actual desde una perspectiva cuantitativa y cualitativa, analizando los datos de corrupción recopilados por agencias especializadas, analizando el desempeño de las instituciones en la lucha contra la corrupción y calculando su costo en términos macroeconómicos. El trabajo concluye con algunas lecciones de política para la Argentina derivadas de la evidencia aportada.


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[Es]Desde este artículo se revisan diversos estudios de investigación relativos a la sublínea de formación del profesorado de educación física y deportiva, así como a la intervención docente en esta área de conocimientos. Esta sublínea se enmarca en la línea de Actividad Física y Deportes en el área de Didáctica de la Expresión Corporal. En este caso, se incluyen estudios de carácter naturalista e interpretativo, con la intención de que las personas que investigan y sus protagonistas formen parte activa en el propio proceso investigador (Bodgan y Biklen, 1982; Colás y Buendía, 1992; Goetz y Lecompte, 1988; Vázquez y Angulo, 2003). La formación del profesorado de educación física y la actividad didáctica de dicha materia, se convierten en los contenidos que concretan el proceso de la investigación. Para ello, es preciso revisar las temáticas relacionadas con: la formación inicial y permanente, planes y programas de estudio, contenidos que se enseñan y aprenden en la actividad física escolar (dentro y fuera del horario lectivo), la presencia de los valores, los diferentes elementos que constituyen los diseños curriculares, así como todo, aquello que convierte a esta disciplina en una destacada propuesta formativa y de socialización.


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[Es] Esta aportación sintetiza el estudio que están desarrollando profesores del Área de Didáctica y Organización escolar de la UPV y de la UAB (2005-06). Su contenido aborda las relaciones entre los estadios de desarrollo organizativo y curricular y los resultados escolares. Los primeros datos sugieren que hay una mayor cohesión y coherencia en los centros pequeños, de titularidad pública y de un solo modelo lingüístico. Curiosamente, esta aparente identidad común se apoya más en la estructura participativa y en los sistemas de aprendizaje organizacional y no tanto en la cultura institucional y la cultura colaborativa. Estas últimas dependen más del tamaño del centro y del modelo lingüístico que de la titularidad. Llama la atención que el liderazgo transformacional se vincula más a la titularidad pública y a los centros de secundaria, no relacionándose significativamente con el tamaño del centro, el modelo lingüístico o los años vinculados al ejercicio de cargos.


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[Es] La teoría creacionista, universalmente en vigor antes de Darwin (y aún hoy sostenida por más de uno) sostenía que había habido una mente (divina), encargada de diseñar al hombre; que le puso ojos para que viera, oídos, mente para que pensara...Desde Darwin, por el contrario, se opina que la necesidad de enfrentarse a problemas diversos hizo que la mente fuera diversificándose, a través de sucesivas selecciones de las mentes más adaptativas. Según esto: 1.-¿Existen maquinarias biológicas “especializadas” en nuestro cerebro?. Y si existieran, 2.-¿Se desarrollan de forma espontánea?; es decir, sin esfuerzo ni instrucción formal? 3.-¿Se despliegan de forma inconsciente, autónoma y similar en todos los seres humanos? En definitiva: ¿Existe algo (facultad psicológica, órgano mental, sistema neurológico, módulo computacional…) que permita decir que las personas saben esto… o aquello… en el mismo sentido que las arañas saben tejer o los pájaros construir sus nidos?


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[ES] La influencia que las características individuales del personal de una empresa ejercen sobre su nivel de satisfacción laboral ha sido ampliamente analizada en la literatura al respecto, dedicando una especial atención a la variable edad pero también al género como un elemento determinante de los niveles de satisfacción de los recursos humanos. En numerosas investigaciones se constata que las mujeres presentan un nivel superior de satisfacción al de los varones.


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Analisa elementos da arquitetura da informação, princípios de organização da informação, organização do conhecimento e gestão da informação, bem como estabelece diretrizes para a elaboração de uma metodologia para modelagem da informação na Câmara dos Deputados, produto previsto no projeto de Arquitetura de Informação em andamento na instituição.


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Common salvinia (Salvinia minima Baker) is an exotic floating fern that has been in the U.S. from at least 1928(Small 1931). Its pest status in Florida is less clear perhaps due to the presence of the specialized herbivore Cyrtobagous salviniae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Our objective was to sample populations of adult C. salviniae in south Florida in order to assess temporal abundance and estimate density on common salvinia. (PDF has 4 pages.)


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Presentado en el XIII Coloquio Internacional ARYS "Alimentos divinos banquetes humanos. Sacrificios, comidas rituales y tabúes alimentarios en el Mundo Antiguo", celebrado en Jarandilla de la Vera, 16-18 de diciembre de 2010.


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This technical memorandum documents the design, implementation, data preparation, and descriptive results for the 2006 Annual Economic Survey of Federal Gulf Shrimp Permit Holders. The data collection was designed by the NOAA Fisheries Southeast Fisheries Science Center Social Science Research Group to track the financial and economic status and performance by vessels holding a federal moratorium permit for harvesting shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico. A two page, self-administered mail survey collected total annual costs broken out into seven categories and auxiliary economic data. In May 2007, 580 vessels were randomly selected, stratified by state, from a preliminary population of 1,709 vessels with federal permits to shrimp in offshore waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The survey was implemented during the rest of 2007. After many reminder and verification phone calls, 509 surveys were deemed complete, for an ineligibility-adjusted response rate of 90.7%. The linking of each individual vessel’s cost data to its revenue data from a different data collection was imperfect, and hence the final number of observations used in the analyses is 484. Based on various measures and tests of validity throughout the technical memorandum, the quality of the data is high. The results are presented in a standardized table format, linking vessel characteristics and operations to simple balance sheet, cash flow, and income statements. In the text, results are discussed for the total fleet, the Gulf shrimp fleet, the active Gulf shrimp fleet, and the inactive Gulf shrimp fleet. Additional results for shrimp vessels grouped by state, by vessel characteristics, by landings volume, and by ownership structure are available in the appendices. The general conclusion of this report is that the financial and economic situation is bleak for the average vessels in most of the categories that were evaluated. With few exceptions, cash flow for the average vessel is positive while the net revenue from operations and the “profit” are negative. With negative net revenue from operations, the economic return for average shrimp vessels is less than zero. Only with the help of government payments does the average owner just about break even. In the short-term, this will discourage any new investments in the industry. The financial situation in 2006, especially if it endures over multiple years, also is economically unsustainable for the average established business. Vessels in the active and inactive Gulf shrimp fleet are, on average, 69 feet long, weigh 105 gross tons, are powered by 505 hp motor(s), and are 23 years old. Three-quarters of the vessels have steel hulls and 59% use a freezer for refrigeration. The average market value of these vessels was $175,149 in 2006, about a hundred-thousand dollars less than the average original purchase price. The outstanding loans averaged $91,955, leading to an average owner equity of $83,194. Based on the sample, 85% of the federally permitted Gulf shrimp fleet was actively shrimping in 2006. Of these 386 active Gulf shrimp vessels, just under half (46%) were owner-operated. On average, these vessels burned 52,931 gallons of fuel, landed 101,268 pounds of shrimp, and received $2.47 per pound of shrimp. Non-shrimp landings added less than 1% to cash flow, indicating that the federal Gulf shrimp fishery is very specialized. The average total cash outflow was $243,415 of which $108,775 was due to fuel expenses alone. The expenses for hired crew and captains were on average $54,866 which indicates the importance of the industry as a source of wage income. The resulting average net cash flow is $16,225 but has a large standard deviation. For the population of active Gulf shrimp vessels we can state with 95% certainty that the average net cash flow was between $9,500 and $23,000 in 2006. The median net cash flow was $11,843. Based on the income statement for active Gulf shrimp vessels, the average fixed costs accounted for just under a quarter of operating expenses (23.1%), labor costs for just over a quarter (25.3%), and the non-labor variable costs for just over half (51.6%). The fuel costs alone accounted for 42.9% of total operating expenses in 2006. It should be noted that the labor cost category in the income statement includes both the actual cash payments to hired labor and an estimate of the opportunity cost of owner-operators’ time spent as captain. The average labor contribution (as captain) of an owner-operator is estimated at about $19,800. The average net revenue from operations is negative $7,429, and is statistically different and less than zero in spite of a large standard deviation. The economic return to Gulf shrimping is negative 4%. Including non-operating activities, foremost an average government payment of $13,662, leads to an average loss before taxes of $907 for the vessel owners. The confidence interval of this value straddles zero, so we cannot reject, with 95% certainty, that the population average is zero. The average inactive Gulf shrimp vessel is generally of a smaller scale than the average active vessel. Inactive vessels are physically smaller, are valued much lower, and are less dependent on loans. Fixed costs account for nearly three quarters of the total operating expenses of $11,926, and only 6% of these vessels have hull insurance. With an average net cash flow of negative $7,537, the inactive Gulf shrimp fleet has a major liquidity problem. On average, net revenue from operations is negative $11,396, which amounts to a negative 15% economic return, and owners lose $9,381 on their vessels before taxes. To sustain such losses and especially to survive the negative cash flow, many of the owners must be subsidizing their shrimp vessels with the help of other income or wealth sources or are drawing down their equity. Active Gulf shrimp vessels in all states but Texas exhibited negative returns. The Alabama and Mississippi fleets have the highest assets (vessel values), on average, yet they generate zero cash flow and negative $32,224 net revenue from operations. Due to their high (loan) leverage ratio the negative 11% economic return is amplified into a negative 21% return on equity. In contrast, for Texas vessels, which actually have the highest leverage ratio among the states, a 1% economic return is amplified into a 13% return on equity. From a financial perspective, the average Florida and Louisiana vessels conform roughly to the overall average of the active Gulf shrimp fleet. It should be noted that these results are averages and hence hide the variation that clearly exists within all fleets and all categories. Although the financial situation for the average vessel is bleak, some vessels are profitable. (PDF contains 101 pages)


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Background Protein inference from peptide identifications in shotgun proteomics must deal with ambiguities that arise due to the presence of peptides shared between different proteins, which is common in higher eukaryotes. Recently data independent acquisition (DIA) approaches have emerged as an alternative to the traditional data dependent acquisition (DDA) in shotgun proteomics experiments. MSE is the term used to name one of the DIA approaches used in QTOF instruments. MSE data require specialized software to process acquired spectra and to perform peptide and protein identifications. However the software available at the moment does not group the identified proteins in a transparent way by taking into account peptide evidence categories. Furthermore the inspection, comparison and report of the obtained results require tedious manual intervention. Here we report a software tool to address these limitations for MSE data. Results In this paper we present PAnalyzer, a software tool focused on the protein inference process of shotgun proteomics. Our approach considers all the identified proteins and groups them when necessary indicating their confidence using different evidence categories. PAnalyzer can read protein identification files in the XML output format of the ProteinLynx Global Server (PLGS) software provided by Waters Corporation for their MSE data, and also in the mzIdentML format recently standardized by HUPO-PSI. Multiple files can also be read simultaneously and are considered as technical replicates. Results are saved to CSV, HTML and mzIdentML (in the case of a single mzIdentML input file) files. An MSE analysis of a real sample is presented to compare the results of PAnalyzer and ProteinLynx Global Server. Conclusions We present a software tool to deal with the ambiguities that arise in the protein inference process. Key contributions are support for MSE data analysis by ProteinLynx Global Server and technical replicates integration. PAnalyzer is an easy to use multiplatform and free software tool.


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Coral reefs exist in warm, clear, and relatively shallow marine waters worldwide. These complex assemblages of marine organisms are unique, in that they support highly diverse, luxuriant, and essentially self-sustaining ecosystems in otherwise nutrient-poor and unproductive waters. Coral reefs are highly valued for their great beauty and for their contribution to marine productivity. Coral reefs are favorite destinations for recreational diving and snorkeling, as well as commercial and recreational fishing activities. The Florida Keys reef tract draws an estimated 2 million tourists each year, contributing nearly $800 million to the economy. However, these reef systems represent a very delicate ecological balance, and can be easily damaged and degraded by direct or indirect human contact. Indirect impacts from human activity occurs in a number of different forms, including runoff of sediments, nutrients, and other pollutants associated with forest harvesting, agricultural practices, urbanization, coastal construction, and industrial activities. Direct impacts occur through overfishing and other destructive fishing practices, mining of corals, and overuse of many reef areas, including damage from souvenir collection, boat anchoring, and diver contact. In order to protect and manage coral reefs within U.S. territorial waters, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce has been directed to establish and maintain a system of national marine sanctuaries and reserves, and to monitor the condition of corals and other marine organisms within these areas. To help carry out this mandate the NOAA Coastal Services Center convened a workshop in September, 1996, to identify current and emerging sensor technologies, including satellite, airborne, and underwater systems with potential application for detecting and monitoring corals. For reef systems occurring within depths of 10 meters or less (Figure 1), mapping location and monitoring the condition of corals can be accomplished through use of aerial photography combined with diver surveys. However, corals can exist in depths greater than 90 meters (Figure 2), well below the limits of traditional optical imaging systems such as aerial or surface photography or videography. Although specialized scuba systems can allow diving to these depths, the thousands of square kilometers included within these management areas make diver surveys for deeper coral monitoring impractical. For these reasons, NOAA is investigating satellite and airborne sensor systems, as well as technologies which can facilitate the location, mapping, and monitoring of corals in deeper waters. The following systems were discussed as having potential application for detecting, mapping, and assessing the condition of corals. However, no single system is capable of accomplishing all three of these objectives under all depths and conditions within which corals exist. Systems were evaluated for their capabilities, including advantages and disadvantages, relative to their ability to detect and discriminate corals under a variety of conditions. (PDF contains 55 pages)


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The health and continued existence of coral reef ecosystems are threatened by an increasing array of environmental and anthropogenic impacts. Coral disease is one of the prominent causes of increased mortality among reefs globally, particularly in the Caribbean. Although over 40 different coral diseases and syndromes have been reported worldwide, only a few etiological agents have been confirmed; most pathogens remain unknown and the dynamics of disease transmission, pathogenicity and mortality are not understood. Causal relationships have been documented for only a few of the coral diseases, while new syndromes continue to emerge. Extensive field observations by coral biologists have provided substantial documentation of a plethora of new pathologies, but our understanding, however, has been limited to descriptions of gross lesions with names reflecting these observations (e.g., black band, white band, dark spot). To determine etiology, we must equip coral diseases scientists with basic biomedical knowledge and specialized training in areas such as histology, cell biology and pathology. Only through combining descriptive science with mechanistic science and employing the synthesis epizootiology provides will we be able to gain insight into causation and become equipped to handle the pending crisis. One of the critical challenges faced by coral disease researchers is to establish a framework to systematically study coral pathologies drawing from the field of diagnostic medicine and pathology and using generally accepted nomenclature. This process began in April 2004, with a workshop titled Coral Disease and Health Workshop: Developing Diagnostic Criteria co-convened by the Coral Disease and Health Consortium (CDHC), a working group organized under the auspices of the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force, and the International Registry for Coral Pathology (IRCP). The workshop was hosted by the U.S. Geological Survey, National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC) in Madison, Wisconsin and was focused on gross morphology and disease signs observed in the field. A resounding recommendation from the histopathologists participating in the workshop was the urgent need to develop diagnostic criteria that are suitable to move from gross observations to morphological diagnoses based on evaluation of microscopic anatomy. (PDF contains 92 pages)


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[Es]Actualmente ninguna área científica es ajena a la revolución de la nanociencia; las nanopartículas atraen el interés de muchos investigadores desde el punto de vista de la ciencia fundamental y para sus aplicaciones tecnológicas. Las nanopartículas ofrecen la posibilidad de fabricar sensores que sean capaces de detectar desde un virus hasta concentraciones de substancias patógenas que no pueden ser detectadas por los métodos convencionales. Hoy en día existes 82 tratamientos contra el cáncer basadas en la utilización de nanopartículas y los materiales composite con nanopartículas se utilizan como medio de protección frente la radiación del rango de microondas. En la rama de ciencias ambientales, las nanopartículas metálicas sirven como materiales anticontaminantes. En este trabajo se ha estudiado la estructura y las propiedades magnéticas de las nanopartículas de FeNi preparadas mediante el método de explosión eléctrica de hilo. Con la técnica de Rayos–X(DRX) se ha determinado que las nanopartículas se cristalizan en un sistema cúbico FCC con un parámetro de celda de 3.596 Å, también, se ha obtenido el tamaño de dominio coherente que es de 35 nm. La muestra se ha sometido a un programa de temperatura controlada para seguir la evolución de la estructura cristalina y del tamaño del cristal, tanto en atmósfera oxidante como en vacío. Para el aprendizaje de los microscopios utilizados en este trabajo, se ha asistido al curso “Fundamentos de microscopia electrónica de barrido y microanálisis” impartido por SGIker de la UPV/EHU. Se han empleado los microscopios electrónicos SEM y TEM para obtener imágenes de gran resolución de la muestra y analizar su contenido elemental. Partiendo de las imágenes sacadas por el SEM se ha calculado el valor medio del tamaño de las partículas de la muestra, 58 nm. Mediante el Mastersizer 2000 se ha medido el tamaño de las partículas y/o agregados por método de difracción láser, disgregando la muestra todo lo posible hasta conseguir el tamaño medio que se aproxime al de una sola partícula, 100nm. Por último, para la caracterización magnética se ha servido del VSM que mide el momento magnético de una muestra cuando ésta vibra en presencia de un campo magnético estático, consiguiendo una imanación de saturación de 125 emu/g. Hemos fabricado y caracterizado las nanopartículas magnéticas de hierro-níquel y los resultados obtenidos han sido enviados a un congreso especializado de ciencia de materiales (ISMANAM - 2013, Italia).


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[EN]Traditionally writing skills have been given priority in language teaching and so, oral skills have been put aside. However, during the last years many voices have asserted the importance of oral skills. Therefore, they claim that oral language teaching must be emphasized at school. Also, the necessity of strengthening oral language is shown in the new curriculum. Nevertheless, those intentions are reflected in very different ways in textbooks. In this work we have looked into the treatment that oral language is given in teaching materials because, in our opinion, textbooks are one of the most important tools for teachers. The facts show that the importance given to oral language and the exercises and tools needed to work that skill are very different from one publishing house to another. Besides, we have confirmed that all the textbooks don’t satisfy the requirements proposed in the Basque official curriculum (e.g. didactic sequences) or that the approach to the text or the way to work with it are not always what they should be. Therefore, it is obvious that we have still a long way in the field of oral language and specially in the way of teaching oral skills